Best Naomi Watts role?

Best Naomi Watts role?

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That's a sin against humanity.

>that annoyed little cunny
top kek

Also, Mulholland Drive.

is this shopped? she used to looks so fresh and sexy

What a pretty little girl

This. I'd also say 21 grams, but it breaks my heart seeing Naomi downward spiraling so many times.

That's anything but a cunny, m8

I hope that based kid from the Ring didn't get turned into a tranny by her


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Imagine having kids who look like this

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Cursed Yea Forums images thread

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Based Naomi and her future psychological issues and druggie mess

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wtf is this kike doing to dem keeds

how come all girl actors who work with lynch get lynched or end up dead?

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>good looking
>good genes

those little cunts have life on super easy mode and they don't even fully realize it yet

sallicanthinkbout mang

eh at least he's cute enough to pass as a girl
unlike charlize's niglets

It's definitely an achievement. Not gonna lie.I hope they don't become trannies.

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Being white today is belonging to the most persecuted minority in the world

Bet you didn't know... Both her parents are on the dark side of the moon album as ambient voices. The "cruisin' for a bruisin'" line was her ma.

if you're a fucking white male, but they're oppressed female

I'm confused. They look fine

I didn't know that

Kys pedo

Well memed

>tfw no protective mommy Naomi gf to take on the mob for me while I'm retarded

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I want her to ride my face

I briefly met her six years ago in Manhattan. Without makeup, freaked me the fuck out. Her terrier thought it was a guard dog.

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So like, what is exactly The Club? What’s their end goal?

wtf i love traps now
