>that movie that you watched without knowing anything about it, and it turned out to be mindblowing
What’s her name Yea Forums?
That movie that you watched without knowing anything about it, and it turned out to be mindblowing
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That movie was depressing as fuck
God tier soundtrack
Speed Racer
Eat Pray Love
the butterfly effect
Rubber. Dont look it up, just watch it.
great film
no, your cringe. that movie blew my mind back on 4/20 2002.
I thought Yea Forums didn’t like tattoos.
Unironically Napoleon Dynamite, I had never heard of it or seen a preview and my friends took me when it was still in theaters and having no idea what to expect i was enraptured from the first scene where he's just standing there waiting for the bus
Ignore this guy, don't do it
>hanging around mall trawling for underaged chicks
>see poster
The director got me. The police also got me eventually. I'm now banned from that theater.
Checked. Kek'd. And what??
Roy Moore?
>>that movie that you watched without knowing anything about it, and it turned out to be mindblowing
>What’s her name Yea Forums?
Let the right one in...
My gf wanted to watch it and I thought it was your run of the mill vampire drama, this was quite recently. I was god damn impressed.
It was the dumbest fucking thing. Some asshole alerted a clerk while I was filming upskirt vids with this kid. Worst part is they took all of my equipment. I managed to bullshit my way out, luckily the mall's manager wasn't in that day or they'd know filming in their private property was illegal. Motherfuckers leaked the story and the security cam footage on our local news channel though so now whenever I google my name the fucking story pops up. Police eventually got involved but since the mall owner doesn't want to file charges and they couldn't find the kid (guess they didn't get her name), I just got banned. It's a fucking hassle though. Tell ya, shit was easier way back when these cunnies hang out in goth clubs.
wtf mate
Unbreakable. It was incredible realizing what kind of movie it was midway through
Also Split was mediocre but Glass was good again
>goth clubs
was this like 20 years ago user?
Based irl cunny poster
Where else are you banned from?
yeap...*sips* now goth clubs were the REAL hangout spot!