Why do we pretend to hate pic related?
>no muh gays
>no muh sjw bullshit
>no muh trumpf
>no muh minorities
>rick is pretty redpilled
Why do we pretend to hate pic related?
>no muh gays
>no muh sjw bullshit
>no muh trumpf
>no muh minorities
>rick is pretty redpilled
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s such a good show. I wish I was Rick, he always has the sharpest lines and like me hates people.
It's on netflix. Should I watch it? I want to laugh, not think. Note that in your mind before you answer.
The fans
It's reddit incarnate.
None of those points are true, and none of them are why it's garbage.
Reddit basedcucks also watch Game of Thrones and Chernobyl, should we also hate those shows??
Season 1 was okay, season 2 hit or miss, season 3 90% bad (due to wahmen writers).
>no muh gays
False, sleepy Gary.
>no muh sjw bullshit
Rick is an SJW cuck, lots of feminism, etc.
>no muh trumpf
Didn't exist at the time of writing the episodes.
>no muh minorities
False, black president, black superhero guy, Asian therapist, etc.
>rick is pretty redpilled
He's not, but the Israel comment was kino.
>Game of Thrones
Terribly written show.
SJW revisionism.
>some autist actually spend time making this
Them you faggots wonder why you are still virgins.
the president literally was black when they wrote it, what the fuck do you want?
This show was the Stewie and Brian spin off we never got there I said it
I don't hate Rick and Morty. I hate Rick and Morty fans.
The jokes are hit or miss, and the ratio of hits to misses vary by episode.
Unironically incredibly based. Fuck R*ddit.
Sure, first season's pretty fun
It was cool when it was just episodic shitpost adventures then they introduced the evil Morty shit and I stopped watching
Shitposters gonna shitpost. The fanbase is a billion times worse than the show.
Alcoholism as a crutch to be deep is like saying Tarantino is a genius
How do you know it went to shit if you stopped watching right away?
how new are you? You can't link to shit outside this site like that.
Yea Forums is filled with teenagers that are utterly intellectually insecure. Anything with a slightest wee hint of cynicism, existentialism and what they (wrongly) perceive as nihilism makes them assblasted like nothing else.
They can't watch something with a hint of those and just laugh for what it is, they immediately perceive it as an attack on their ego and have a gutural primitive response of offense and anger.
And I'm not saying R&M is actually intellectual, it isn't, but they think it is.
Those and the first season were the worst because it's "let's parody our favorite sci fi stories". Now they ran out and have to be slightly more original. It's less about the story and more about the characters.
i can go my whole life without ever seeing a "we gotta shrink and go into a human body!" plot, fucking tired as shit
Knowledge gained from esoteric rituals
it sucks and is full of the things you mentioned
Futurama and South Park made all of these jokes before
The fanbase are cancerous bit the show is a laugh and not at all 'deep' or 'intellectual' so i enjoy having it on if i have nothing to do or am cooking and want an easy show to watch. It's a simple and easy to digest show. I enjoy it. But the pretentious fanbase who think its some 16th interdimensional chess game of a show are just retarded.
Yes. Minimal to no effort required to watch and pretty good most episodes for laughs
Character shit in these shows are always the same
>damn bro, that's like deep! Rick is like depressed and shit wow
Why does every goddamn show have to turn into a shitty "character study" now? (AKA shit plots and forced drama)
based and you even pissed off this seething redditor:
>oh no some user exposed me so he MUST be redditor
absolute STATE
yet here you are
because they run out of actual plots. it's cheaper and easier to have characters talk.
You know what-
Allow me to cut through this web of SHIT here.
Rick and Morty has what I call Superjail syndrome. Too popular. Too fast. Becomes overhyped then the wad is blown and then it collapses into mediocrity.
That AND the fans ruined that show. Enjoy a show or don't. But acting like a tremendous faggot in public because you like an "adult cartoon" is pathetic.
Yes, and?
People on Yea Forums take memes so seriously that it actually effects their views in real life.
I'm a utterly intellectually insecure teenager.
well, to me memes are real
I don't even leave the house
>no muh sjw bullshit
>no muh minorities
>rick is pretty redpilled
The only episode I've seen had Morty's grandparents come to visit with the grandma's black boyfriend who the grandpa likes to watch as they fuck. And no one finds any issue with this except Morty's Dad who is made fun of, and this shit isn't resolved at the end of the episode. It's literally cuck propaganda. I don't see how any self respecting man can watch this without feeling disgusted. And also it's not funny at all.
Okay? Doesn't mean he's not a minority. OP said no minorities, which is false. He's also only based on the president and doesn't have to be black. The president was white in BvS despite being Obama at the time.
I forgot to mention the artstyle is fucking hideous, perhaps intentionally so, but still it hurts to look at.
manages to be worse than family guy
It's just lazy
>he doesn't understand that the writers of the show were IRONICALLY making fun of this whole cuckolding thing
This is your brain on virginity
I really like the first season and most of the second. The second was still good but the last episode was glaringly bad in tone, and sure enough the third season just sucked. I mean it wasn't funny. Season 1 is great though.
I remember when this was first made. I almost made a decent post about why Rick and Morty is reddit, but this captured most of the points fairly well.
no they weren't and you know that
There doesn’t exist a single show with production value that requires you to “think”
The "you need a high IQ to enjoy Rick and Morty" copypasta was clearly from a parody and completely insincere. People copy and pasted only the first part and left the second half which made it very obvious.
You fucking idiot, YOU'RE SUPPOSED to find it absurd along with Jerry.
>ironically making fun if it by unironically portraying it in a positive light
Holy shit Rick & Morty was 8th-dimensional checkers the whole time praise kek
Superjail had such a great first season
drops the ball like a lead stone in season 2
thats pretty based should've went Tim Heidecker's level and made a song called the cuck song now thats ironic
muh minorities implies forced minorities, not that there can only be whites and nothing else
It has all that stuff you mentioned.
seriously, just go to reddit
you will be happier there
Imagine I shit on everyone in this thread and my ASSHOLE was spouting a shit fondue and you had to eat it all but the joke is on you because I ate week old Chinese and the river that is my ANUS will never stop flowing, you could fucking row row row your boat gently up my ASS
fagGOTs, chernobyl, alita and rick and morty are all cringe
Dan Harmon is into cuckolding that’s why it was there
You can barely type. How old are you, you faggy cunt?
Corporate complicity. Let me tell you about corporate complicity, balllicker. McDonalds completely stole the Szechuan sauce thing and ran a probably illegal and certainly unauthorized campaign to boost sales of their unrelated limited time promotion, and completely flubbed it. The ad guy responsible got a fat bonus check and left all the franchises on the hook for not being able to actually follow-up on their illegal promotion and somehow morons on this site got mad at fans of Rick and Morty and not the corporate shills who were responsible. That's what corporate complicity looks like you stupid fuck.
Why do you fags always assume that anyone that disagrees with you is automatically a redditor?? Seriously you fags must have deep psychological issues to blame r*ddit for everything. Did a redditor fuck your oneitis or something??
This poster is on the spectrum
It's newfags being newfags.
>It only seems like they're pushing cuck shit as a positive but they're actually subtlety making fun of it
Or I could just not watch a show where this disgusting amerikike fetish shit doesn't enter into it. Besides it wasn't funny even a little bit, boring as fuck and it's dragged out over the whole episode.
what the fuck is this, chink or something?
>Dude Rick and Morty is so smart
>Did you see the one where Rick farted?
>Did you see the one that spent half its runtime on a dick joke?
>Did you see the one that was just 50 ten second clips?
He's right.
>Being this much of an incel.
based and redpilled
dubs confirm
based and blackpilled
>if something is presented to me then it must mean it is morally good and endorsed by everyone
Why can't zoomers understand basic concepts of art?
You retards really get ass blasted about what consenting adults do in the bedroom?
Why do people even say it's smart? My friends showed me the inception episode because "omg this show is so good" and Rick basically looked into the camera and said "inception was dumb, pay attention viewer because we're going to do the concept right and in a much more clever way."
And then the inception dreams within dreams stuff was fucking retarded, basically worse than inception, all they changed is they added a lot more levels to the dreams. WOW so smart! Seriously how easily impressed are these retards. Futurama had more intelligent writing 14 years earlier, and it was actually funny, and it actually had a decent artstyle.
Why would I be mad at McDonald’s for using the completely free publicity Rick and Morty provided them? The funniest part about it was when Dan bitched about not getting paid for it
I do when kikes push it in my face advertising their gross perversions to me.
I can't even tell what's real anymore
I spend too much time here
Thanks guys
>food analogy
Wow with an argument like that he must be right
Americans think characters being self aware is funny. But you can only break the fourth wall so many times before there's no wall left to break. Meta humor isn't funny when you're expecting it.
Dan is perfectly fine with whoring his creation. The worst ones are the claymations that end with a Burger King ad.
People generally don't say it's smart, but that's it's funny and often clever. Which it was for two great seasons.
There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>people honest to god think this is a real post by a fan of rick and morty
Do you just watch the Christian network all day you little snowflake?
True detective?
So you’re mad that McDonald’s made the sauce label look kinda like the show? Yeah it’s hilarious once again that they were able to convince thousands of idiots to make fools of themselves because of a cartoon show. Dan was only mad because he didn’t make any money that’s it. If we’ve seen anything about him it’s the moment you put your faith in him is the moment he lets you down
Don’t forget the Carl’s Hardee’s and old spice commercials they did
>Don’t forget the Carl’s Hardee’s and old spice commercials they did
At least the Carl's Hardee's commercials had voiced lines from Roiland. The Burger King one is just unbelievably lazy.
If I were American and the only refuge I had from in-your-face pro-interracial cuckold propaganda was the religious channel I would immediately bomb a synagogue and then blow my own head off.
Show's been getting worse and worse, but it's alright. Fills the void other cancelled AS shows have left
If you want to laugh it's okay. A little heavy on random/improv humor at times but it's fun.
If it makes you "think," you aren't really thinking
>haha im gonna bomb a synagogue and then kill myself haha
alright we get it you are "unique" and edgy kid
Have you even watched it?
You've gotta wonder why the blame for that debacle fell squarely on a small cartoon and its fanbase and not the corporate offices of a billillion dollar multi-national. Nobody is talking about Dan but you. If you are fine with McDonalds corporate screwing their franchises, works and customers while protecting themselves with a phalanx of high-payed lawyers and PR firms then you have no right to complain about "corporate complicity" from R&M, you are just as bad or worse.
>Stop resisting our cuck brainwashing, Goy!
We get it, you're a faggot.
No one's forcing you to watch Rick and Morty, snowflake, you can stick to your re runs of fifties tv shows where no one mentions sex, it's clear you never have it anyway
Imagine how insecure you must be to think watching a cartoon is "cuck brainwashing" lmao
>Why do people even say it's smart?
Because most things on television are deeply retarded. It's funny what slips through the cracks though. I've given some episodes of Gumball and Teen Titans Go a watch and they can actually have some pretty savage social commentary in them from time to time.
>Hating Chernobyl
Reddit faggots, get off my board
holy shit there was a black president forgot about that lol. what was up with that? lol.
>SJW revisionism.
Nigger it's ONE fucking character just get over it. Christ.
>why do you hate it
>just don't list all the things bad about it
>rick is redpilled while loving niggers just because he's le whacky depressed loser
I don't think there's another fan base that's worth hating more than Rick and Morty freaks.
>watching children's cartoons
>they have savage social commentary
Holy fuck the soi is just oozing off you isn't it?
That doesn't work for the same reason calling Christfags "fedoras" doesn't work, or putting a red cap on anything that's aimed at you doesn't work.
You gave yourself away at the end though so I'll give you 2/10. You need to learn from this guy he knows how to get all the (you)s. If he doesn't and he isn't memeing, then it should probably gas itself.
>Muh Reddit boogeymen
Have you ever considered thinking and having a worldview that isn't based on hamfisted media terminology?
Just a suggestion.
You actually need a really high IQ to enjoy the show
>cries about people not liking reddit
>posts with reddit spacing
It's almost like you don't belong here and just love punishment.
Nigger I grew up when the only kind of soi people talked about was Soibean Futures. Watch the damn things yourself. You can tell the people who make them would rather be making -anything- else.
You're so triggered lmao
>Imagine how pathetic you must be to watch and adamantly defend a cartoon show that shows cuckoldry in a positive light.
Yes reddit's favourite cartoon for adults is very edgy and grown up, it can easily offend and so doesn't attract incels. Of course if you want to get laid like a grown up everyone knows you need to watch Game Of Thrones and Rick And Morty because they're very raunchy.
Shit really? I’m checking now, you better not be lying nigger
I don't hate the show, just the other people that watch it.
I’ve never seen it but it’s fans are so insufferable they have driven me away from the show preemptively
>s1 > s2 > s3
Seasons 1-2 are pretty good, Season 3 has a good first episode but then it really goes into the shitter and gets good again near the end
only GOT and Rick and Morty are cringe
Name a single scene that requires more than average intelligence to understand
By that I mean ironic R&M fans. Everyone knows Season 3 wasn't great and 1 and 2 are definitely worth it.
Did you just learn that people have fetishes or something? How much of an incel are you?
Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general hate everything that is popular
>Watch the damn things yourself
>You can tell the people who make them would rather be making -anything- else
You need to work on your selling skills
What the fuck is "Reddit spacing"? And how do I know that that it's not a real thing?
So here we come to the root of the Rick And Morty fan mentality.
>Dude so what if I like to imagine niggers fucking my non existent girlfriend, what's it to you it's a free country. You need a very high IQ to understand cucking just let us have our fetish.
Your parents would be disgusted if they knew.
I'll take that as an "I refuse" and assume you just like talking about shit you don't actually know anything about.
you're the one obsessed with cuckoldry lol
"I'm pickle Rick"
What about the article that said that cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish?
lurk moar faggot
>The spacing someone uses in their posts means they are a Reddit boogeymen!
I bet you love Alex Jones.
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
Alex Jones is one of the most trustworthy news sources. He actually does research.
If you aren't around 15 years old, this is really really sad
why is Yea Forums so obsessed with cuckolding?
The Elite are all about transcendence, and living forever, and the secrets of the Universe [...] We are on this planet, and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it: there's at least 12 dimensions, and all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out, saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial; the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected, and gravity is bleeding into this universe - that's what they call dark matter - so we are like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind or whatever. [...]
There is this "Sub-transmission Zone" below the third dimension which is turned over to the most horrible things - that's what it resonates to - and it's trying to get up into the third dimension (that's just a basic level consciousness, to launch into the next levels.)
How deep do you have to have your head buried in the sand to not understand TV and film are the main propaganda outlets lmao
Mate I'm taking this time to shitpost with you at least think up some good comebacks, that couldn't be more lackluster.
>gods I just hate everything Yea Forums and 4channel
>that's why i post here 24/7
So are you a masochist that just enjoys being called an idiot all the time or do you feel like you're fighting the good fight against the racist sexist evil peoples?
you're an incel obsessed with cuckolding, got it
Have sex
you don't belong here
This may shock you, but it is possible to be a Yea Forums poster that isn't obsessed with Reddit.
How do you not get that?
>how do you do fellow kids
Why not just go back to facebook where you feel at home?
>Doesn't understand that the Szechuan sauce thing is a parody of corporate tie ins for TV shows and the whole point of the joke is that it's such a stupid and pointless thing for Rick to become obsessed with
To be fair, the fans didn't understand the joke either.
They are incels. This means "involuntary celibates", or in other words people well beyond the age of typical persons first sexual experience who have never had sex despite wanting to.
>it's another off topic Yea Forums thread full of schizo samefagotry
What a fucking shock!
If this same conversation were taking place last year you'd be calling everybody nazis.
>taking the time to make an infographic about a show you don't even like
>nihilism is inherently "juvenile" because it hurts my fee fees
this is why the only thing more insufferable than Rick & Morty fans are Rick & Morty haters
>thinks everyone that reposts an image made it
Nigger that pic is old at this point.
>lol guys aren't the people that complain about the problem just as bad as the problem
That would be weird if there were a bunch of people irrationally obsessed with corporate tie-ins and advertising. Well, anyway I'm going to drop my daughter off at her friends Captain Marvel themed birthday and pick up a few Gilette razors on the way home.
>In leiu of
But yes, this is all true.
it’s fine.. season 1 was enjoyable, season 2 was watchable, but season 3 was pure rèddit incarnate
Many of them are nazis as well, who hate to see mixed race couples promoted on television. But their sexual manias are distinct from that.
yeah it's not fair to call someone a nazi simply because they despise jews, believe in white supremacy and think the holocaust was made up. Let's not jump to such rash conclusions.
>rick and morty fans defend this
I swear they're all just like this guy. They all want somebody to just shit on them all the time. Maybe that's why they come here? They know they will receive nothing but hate and insults, they're masochists and they love it.
>Gilette razors
That shit happened months ago and you're still triggered. Guess they really are for sensitive skin
>no muh sjw bullshit
remember the whole Mad Max episode?
remember everyone always shitting on Jerry?
remember when grandma and grandpa had a black bull in the Christmas episode?
remember how Morty's desire to have sex is always vilified?
remember the Pickle Rick episode where the SJW writers made the smartest character in the show a female doctor, who perfectly analyzes Rick in 30 seconds and becomes the only character Rick has ever opened up to?
complaining about a problem doesn't accomplish anything so yes, you are.
I'd buy a beer for the based autist who made this. Cheers lad!
>rick and morty thread
>suddenly theres trannies calling everybody they don't like nazis
Like pottery it ryhmes.
it's just blatantly disingenuous to claim that Jerry gets shit because he has conservative beliefs. He doesn't. He's a wishy washy liberal who doesn't practice what he preaches.
>d-don't make threads about things that are bad it's m-mean
Try to act more like a man next time.
there are people on this board who self-identify as nazis so it's not some Godwin's law nonsense and if you say it is you're full of shit, besides you see trannies in your breakfast cereal so you have no room to criticize
/pol/cucks are just sad at this point. I remember when they used to own up to being nazis. Now they just whine about cartoons and jannies while /their guy/ craps in his depends. Sad. Sad sad sad.
Right, I should bitch and moan to a bunch of disinterested strangers about a cartoon I don't like, just like a real man does. Wait.
Because its popular and Yea Forums has always been about counterculture
His autism will not allow it.
I'm not saying Jerry is a conservative. He's the father of the house and no one respects him, rightfully so because he's a terrible father. He's an even worse father than Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin, who are awful because they're stupid but always do what's right for their family. Jerry is awful because he's selfish and never does what's right for his family. This destruction of the family unit and gender norms is common among SJW fiction. Hurr, you don't need a father. Single mothers rock! Hire Murray Schwartz for your divorce today!
I bet in season 4 Morty and Summer get a brown step-dad who emasculates Jerry.
Then watch family guy
>i hate Yea Forums
>that's why i post here all the time
What's this mental illness called?
Simple. It has an insufferable fanbase. Since Yea Forums tends to be fairly contrarian to begin with, anything with an insufferable fanbase is denounced, even if said fanbase routinely misinterprets the show and tends to get on the nerves of its creators.
>This destruction of the family unit and gender norms
when did this happen? When did twenty to thirty something edgelords who post on Yea Forums start acting as if they are 80 years old? This place used to be a cesspool but at least it was entertaining, now it's just an embarrassing haven for bitter virgins who have become puritanical as a justification for not being able to get sex. You lot are arguably even more touchy and reactionary than the SJWs and that is really saying something.
Why so many posts ITT saying things like "Yea Forums does this" or "Yea Forums doesn't like that because" why is it the Rick and Morty thread seems to bring in so many tourists?
you're right, it must be a reddit conspiracy! you need medication.
>Your post
Deal with it. Your shitty show is written by SJWs who like to shit on white men. I'm so sorry you weren't able to see how fucking blatant it was. It must be difficult relying on youtube to explain the endings to all your favorite movies and shows.
It’s that they don’t get to do it too, user. Ever notice how BLACKED threads are guaranteed to amass hundreds of replies even though the logical conclusion would be to ignore them?
>Reddiquel meme
>this show that has fantastic cinematography, direction, period accurate set design, remarkable attention to detail and great special effects is shit because muh politics
neck yourself
You're not a man. You're a joke.
Sincerely, a man who is not triggered by cartoons.
>It must be difficult relying on youtube to explain the endings to all your favorite movies and shows.
That's awfully specific user.
Finna go back
I'm not "triggered." I'm explaining to a brainlet that this show is loaded with SJW motifs.
If I were "triggered" I'd be making petitions to rewrite episodes like the Game of Throne and Star Wars retards. Now go enjoy your cartoon where little girls call their dads beta males and pat yourself on the back for being so redpilled.
This whole thread proves that Rick & Morty is a bad TV show.
> [tv] show
>fantastic cinematography
how I know you've never worked on a professional set before. TV is shit tier photography.
Except Chenobyl's photography is excellent you tasteless pleb
What lenses and camera did they use? What kind of lighting?
What's so bad about the family unit anyway? It's not puritanical insanity to want to start a family, to have kids. To see your kids make kids. It is not a sin to want kids, nor is it edgy. It is not evil to want to have a loyal and loving wife.
>you're just as bad as ____
Christ, that bullshit logic is one of the reasons why the West is going the way of the dodo. It only applies to the most superficial analysis of either side. I suppose it's fitting for a subhuman rick and morty mark to only see things as basic oversimplifications instead of actually delving deeper.
Third season fell off hard and I find Dan Harmon insufferable.
not sure but its a great show. season 3 was kinda bad tho desu
>Actually seething
>lots of feminism, etc
>Someone made a well formed critique of something I like, therefore they are autistic
neck yourself redditor
>rick sanchez
so isn't he technically a beaner?
Could be Spanish
Nothing screams "I'm a castrated soi boy bitch," more then a rick and morty fan.
No one got this post
The point was that idiots resort to calling people they disagree with whatever the flavor-of-the-month (or year) insult is, which just oozes into their subconscious from the media they consume, instead of thinking for themselves
What could have been expected from a Yea Forums thread about Richard and Mortimer though
the animation is shit and the show stopped being funny after the first episode
Yes and we do, expect when characters turn into hitler
It's an okay show nothing more
Not worthy of getting it's dick sucked as much as reddit likes to do and not worthy of being shit on as much as Yea Forums wants to
>discussing Rick and Morty
>Rick and Morty has cuckoldry
Why are Redditors so retarded that they can't see logical connections like this? No wonder they like blacks.
Almost everyone here likes it, but it's popular so we aren't allowed to talk about it.
The only good part about this show is that they keep teasing that Rick is going to name the jew and that 9/11 was an inside job.
I like the implication that it wouldn't be realistic for the smartest man in the universe to think anything else.
Nope, Chernobyl's popular and people here fucking love that shit
>nihilism is inherently "juvenile" because it hurts my fee fees
>he doesn't realize that nihilism is retarded and for children
It's the MCU of philosphies
Incels can't be Nazis. Females love Nazis, so they'd have no trouble getting laid.
It's because he's a white male.
kek I forgot about this
All the cool kids moved to reddit. You should go there too, since clearly you're so much better than everyone here.
>this is suppoused to trigger cuck's
>cuck is triggered and doesnt even realise it
Just say "the holocaust didn't happen" and see how many replies you get. It's quite an experience, I tell you.
Rick and Morty, if just taken as a show and not a fanbase, is fucking based. Even S3 which is weaker is still really good. Fucking hilarious show.
The first episode is one of the worst in the series.
>Rick unironically believes in the wage gap
Let me tell you about corporate complicity!
>in the bedroom
What is this, the 90's? This method of shilling is outdated.
Chuck and Sneedy
>it's okay because it's just one
Beta cuck.
I love reddit!
They aren’t in the bedroom anymore faggot. They are LITERALLY invading the wrong restrooms and are being marketed to children.
this is the post we needed
It's not loaded with anything unless you're easily triggered. You are exactly the kind of person who petitions to have a show rewritten.
Sounds like I should stick around so that I offset all of the autistic children like yourself
You believe in a man who lives in the clouds and dispenses presents so you're not really in the position to criticize anyone else for being delusional or mentally ill
>SEETHING r*dditurd
Literally has everything you listed you absolute tard. And the show isn't "redpilled". It's literally just Roiland and Harmon flaunting their opinions on shit in cartoon form.
The writing is literally just Justin and Dan talking. The characters become so fucking soulless the moment you realize this.
The shills don't like Rick because he isn't afraid of killing government goons and toppling governments and literally calls state enforcers robots to dehumanize them
It's okay, but the fandom is dumb as fuck, so there's no point in discussing it online
It's a good show, but publicly being seen as a fan of it is sort of like being publicly being seen as a /pol/shit. The behavior of some very loud autists have made it socially unacceptable.
Still a pretty solid show.
Remember how you're reading into every episode harder than a fucking Christian who hates Pokemon?
Please end yourself, you insipid newfag.
Retards actually think the show is trying to glorify nihilism through Rick when it does the opposite.
Really they hate it because it's popular.
>white male father of the family is a sissy loser
yeah, zero propaganda.
why doesn't he kill netanyahu
You know why? Because its the prevailing culture, its what every mainstream outlet oozes 24/7.
Yeah, people who dont buy into it are sick and tired of it.
Dude, you are so unique; can I get an autograph?
>like, if you turn your brain off there's like no propaganda?
Ehh this shit applies to the Yea Forums demographic just the same. You're naive if you can't see that.
The fact you give such a shit about this garbage show is even more reddit.
Nihilism is the 9th grade philosophy
2001... I think...
It's the opposite actually.
Turn your brain on and there is no propaganda.
now THAT made me think
Rick and Morty is Yea Forums core, all these newfags trying to be edgy
Are you ok buddy?
Why does the internet hate machine hate?
the PRESIDENT w-was WHAT???
I thought that niggers were oppressed n sheiiiit???
>Creating an atmosphere where rayguns and worholes are used casually makes something reddit
>everything about irreverent violence
I'm not expert but I'm pretty sure reddit in general doesn't really like shows like Happy Tree Friends so the fuck?
>rick and morty assume the passive attitude
By going on adventures every other day to alternate dimensions and shit? Rick does talk big about not giving a shit but his obviously lying through his teeth as he does go out of his way to help morty when his self proclaimed attitude means he should have dumpted him ages ago.
>Portal is a bad game because "the cake is a lie" became a meme
All in all this is a nice list of surface level complaints to try and discredit a thing you don't like, by saying that the thing you don't like has too many surface level complaints, it's like someone read the plot synopsis of a book and then decided to make an essay on why the book is bad where every other sentence begins with "it's too short"
Yup, this subchan is dead at this point
That was the joke. Jerry was supposed to be the normal guy who isn't up to date with progressive standards and has no clue wtf is happening. Rick just didn't give a shit and was humoring them so he could work on his project.
That's the season 4 premiere.
More like 3rd grade. You get triggered when Suzie doesn't invite you to her birthday party and become an edgy nihilist, but then realize that it's retarded a week later.
The shechuan sauce deal is a perfect example, all the people lining up to give McDonalds money would've make Rick sick. All those sheeple who don't understand that Rick would hate corporations trying to cash in on the latest meme are pure cancer and anyone who can't see that should be shunned.
>drinking beer
sóycuck redditor with mantits
It's a joke.
It is a comedy cartoon on adult swim. Black guy fucking old couple is ridiculous and Jerry is the straight man. How fucking dumb can you be to not grasp a show made for 13 year olds?
>>no muh sjw bullshit
There was one episode last season where the daughter started screaming that the dad should admit he's a racist, for no real reason
Reminder that the people who freak out the most about reddit are the ones who know the most about it and using paragraphs somehow makes you redddit. Zoomers get out and don't pretend like youre not.
t. 30yr old who grew up with this Chinese pottery forum
Why is him so scared about the jews? Even in a planet far away from the earth he doesn't dare to name them
I like it.
I wish there were more episodes. And it sounds like there will be, kicking production into high gear.
Because he breaks the 4th wall on multiple occasions.
Unironically this.
All the seasons are pretty good, even season 3. A lot of people say 3 sucks but it was fine.
I have heard Chernobyl is pretty damn skippy. Looks like something I'll have to pay for tho, so eh
good shit man
>you recognize a picture from reddit
>think your not as bad as the person posting reddit memes
Rent free famalamadingdong
there are so many fucking liberals ITT. Jesus Christ this show really is Reddit. Lmao at you faggots
> h-hey guys I talked shit about reddit, D-do i fit in now?
yes but not because of the redditors
I like it but it's just stupid, random entertainment. Anyone who tries to act like Rick and Morty is intelligent or is somehow about science because a character in it is a scientist is a certified fucking retard.
Watch these episodes from season 1
>Ep 1 - Pilot (obviously)
>Ep 4 - M.Night.Shaym-Aliens!
>Ep 5 - Meeseeks & Destroy
>Ep 6 - Rick Potion 9
>Ep 10 - Close Rickcounters of the Rick Kind
That's less than two hours so it's not a huge time investment.
If you like them go back and watch the rest and continue to season 2 & 3.
If you don't like them, there's no point continuing.
Writing a fucking essay on a cartoon show you don't like is absolutely 100% more reddit than rick & morty ever has been.
holy shit polfags blown out
>whining about how everyone you see everywhere doesn't subscribe to the same tabloid trash ideology you do
Back to your echo chamber on /pol then, your safe space there, snowflake.
Science/Philosophy > Religion/Politics. You'd think that in a thread full of Rick & Morty fans this would go without saying.
Imagine posting this...
I don't like the show but that is pretty cool.
If you like Rick and Morty you are a complete faggot.
Source: this thread.
Wasn't that just a thing though where the the guy who's in charge of the show wanted more female writers or some shit
Maybe give it a shot.
This is 100% r*ddit post
I have watched it, Don't like it. I think it is cool of the artist though.
>I'm not expert but I'm pretty sure reddit in general doesn't really like shows like Happy Tree Friends so the fuck?
Stay on leddit
Only faggot wanna be edgy kids with no life hate this show. It is legitimately hilarious.
Damn nigga I actually had forgotten about superjail
just play with my balls, Marty.
reading comprehension
try it
Im pickle riiiiick
Reddit - The Show.
The show you get from a fat drop out Californian art major who thinks pedophilia and nihilism are the very edge of comedy. Created by bugmen for bugmen.
>liking ricky martin
Found the virgin
is it me
its the hipster not trying too hard, bs.