Any kino about reluctant heroes who accept their role as hero for the good of the people even if he's met with scorn...

Any kino about reluctant heroes who accept their role as hero for the good of the people even if he's met with scorn and hatred?

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>goal is to help others check whether their girlfriends ever acted in those
I find that very hard to believe

God bless those insectoid chinks

Based Chong.

This triggers the whore.

how is he a hero if he won't release it for public use?

I'm conflicted about the Eternal Bugman. Sometimes he does the worst shit and sometimes he is redpilled.

the fire rises

I think at their very core the humanity overrides the drone genes but put them in a colony and the insectoid instincts pull through. For example, this happened in Germany and not the Hive

Holy FUCK please be real please don’t let the Germans cuck him.

Germans also have collective autism

This will get deleted just like the makeup remover or race changer.

True but an ant in a beehive don’t act like a bee

I believe, the man is simply driven by a strong sense of justice.

"The anti-roast system" is going to save many men from marrying whores.

it's probably also to help with the Chinese government's mass surveillance


He must be a really good programmer, imagine how hard it would be to get a computer to tell two chinks apart.

chinks invented computers. they can do it

roasties on suicide watch

>pornsick men are funding and supporting the porn industry
>but men don't want to see their girlfriends to ever act in porn, despite the fact that every porn acress was at some point someone's girlfriend, and is someone's daughter, sister, mother etc.
The hypocrisy


Russia had this exact thing. There was a website that would look for VK accounts, that's how they would often find girls who did cp. It literally just went down a couple of months ago.

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There is nothing wrong with the existence of whores. They just are not wife material, that's all.

That's kinda fucking sad, but wouldn't it root out a LOT of pedophiles?

Also, isn't this some police state shit?

just because you watch pron doesn't mean you 'd want to see your own girlfriend be in porn, everyone know it's an industry for damaged thots but those damaged thots will exist with or without the porn industry


>unlike me, a very well adjusted young man, and independent who definitely doesn't latch on to a hivemind on the internet

>facial recognition
How is this supposed to help Asians?

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just read the bible if you want a good story about martyrdom

Initially it was tech used by the government which was facial recognition software. There was a site that was up for a couple of months that was quickly taken down. Someone grabbed the tech and put up a new site but the facial recognit would only work with VK which is the Russian version of Facebook. That one lasted for several years until very recently it was taken down. It was extremely accurate.

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that explains everything


Yup. This is why ex slav models/cp stars have so many candids out there, catgodess, candydoll girls, Siberian mouse, etc... But American ones are so much rarer.

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He changed it already to "help women find out if there pictures are posted anywhere so they can have them taken down."

>use this to look for girlfriend
>find out she's in a bunch of amateur porn videos with her ex black boyfriends
>they're all bigger
>they all talk and laugh about white guys with small penises
now this is a future I can look forward too

>every porn actress has siblings
>every porn actress is a mother

As long as he doesn't take the names and the links to timestamped and archived social media pages down this is pretty based.

uhhhhhh nevermind

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kek you think we care if some trap thinks we're hypocrites?

The greatest story never told

I knew a girl who did porn once on those casting couch sites. She moved away soon after and got a job as an airline stewardess so she can travel the world. I see her pics on instagram with her new cop bf sometimes and I wonder if he knows...

This only happens if you're retarded enough to make a long-term commitment to a whore. Fuck and chuck, pump and dump, ram and scram, hit and quit, or keep to yourself if you're disgusted by it all. But if you stick both your feet in a bear trap and bleed out, should you really be surprised when you can't run a marathon anymore?

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I dont have an gf or a sister. I dont pay for porn.

You should send him an anonymous email from a public PC in a library or something if you're ever in one and see if it affects her insta. She isn't a human being with a soul anyways so why not.

literally nothing hypocritical about that

Unironically based as fuck

>her new cop bf
irl janny btfo

Facial recognition shit is hit or miss, though. I can see a lot of false positives from this.

stupid fifty cents

my body my choice

This stuff has become very very accurate in the last couple of years.

Honestly I've considered it. I have to resist so hard from commenting on one of their pics together and saying something like "so does he know?" She would just delete it and block me tho before he saw. It's weird how they do that shit and just move away and pretend it never happened

Hope you're using a dynamic ip for posting these.

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>It's weird how they do that shit and just move away and pretend it never happened
It's not weird when you realize 90% of women are like this, because women have no souls and aren't human beings

what did you mean by this, retard?

I've never known anyone who did porn, but I knew plenty of girls in college who were absolute whores who then rebranded themselves and got some sucker to settle down with them.

>I have to resist so hard from commenting on one of their pics together and saying something like "so does he know?"
If that's what you're thinking you're a pretty giant brainlet. I literally told you exactly what to do. Your choice now is to either be a faggot and ignore it or not be a faggot and potentially have some fun. It'll take maybe an hour or two out of your day and unless you're a CEO, I'm pretty sure you can spare that time.

Dude it's crazy. She seemed like a pretty normal person. Cute, bubbly, a little dumb. Had the same bf for yeeears when I met her. She had gone through a fight and broke up with him shortly after we met and we made out at a party once. I honestly thought of asking her out before she vanished. Then I saw her pop up on xvideos a few weeks later lol. I was like NO.FUCKING.WAY. Couldn't even fap it was so surreal. She deleted her social media for a few months then popped back up on instagram with all these pictures from her travels. Now she's probably getting engaged soon.

What was the site?

This is why I wish I could be Chad enough to lock down a 20 year old by the time I turn 30

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lol I wasn't actually gonna do it that way. It's just tempting every time I see them posing together. Like hey, I literally saw this chick naked and creampied by some 40 yo stubby guy on a leather couch, I wonder if he'd care to know that?

>She seemed like a pretty normal person
Remember, even the quiet girl in the back of the class is most definitely a whore.

This guy is doing God’s work. When I used to date girls back then I would ask “do you have a good relationship with your parents?”, “did you go crazy in college?”, and “do you date a lot” to weed out all the crazies and whores. Now all I have to ask is “do you or did you ever have a premium Snapchat?”. We need to bring back slut-shaming

I have no idea how anyone even meets younger women when they get in their thirties.

Look up marital success rates, wherein a successful marriage is defined as an unbroken marriage lasting longer than 5 years, as a function of how many sexual partners the woman has had in her lifetime in the CDC's census reports (they come out pretty regularly, every few years) and you'll realize they're all pretty much guaranteed to end up divorced. The man will still suffer the brunt of that divorce thanks to divorce laws, alimony, and, if she didn't kill her kids, the child support. But 9 times out of 10 it'll still be a broken home and nothing to write home about. Unless someone you know is about to make a mistake like that there's no cause to be concerned about it. Beyond that small personal realm, it's largely out of your hands. But marriages are on a decline for what it's worth.

Just use pornwikileaks

Dude I never would have imagined. It was a pretty sizable blackpill.

Basically "be Chad". That's pretty much the answer to any question you can think of when it comes to succeeding with w*men.

Not only is this not illegal but they've been reposted a million times all over the web.

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Post a pic of her

this chink probably just stole everything off pornwikileaks and said he made this

So you're either a faggot or a LARPer, in which case you're still a faggot. Good job, you made a blogpost on Yea Forums
This is truly the board for reddit rejects

Who says you can’t?

>make bold claim
>provide no evidence

Or get a bj loke a real man a s fade the fuck out instead of being scrub

do germans even do porn? It's hard to find any european shit besides eastern european

>Who says you can’t?
I'm blue collar working class, severely unattractive, unconfident, and it seems like only wealthy attractive confident Chads are able to settle down long-term with desirable/younger women

All German porn is people getting pissed and shat on.

Just found out my GF did porn when she was 22, she is 27 now, I am 26.

Should I break up with my whore gf?

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Maybe some of us want kids someday cunt.

I've come across a decent amount of German softcore porn but it's all pretty old, which brings its own benefits and drawbacks.

Yay: huge bushes

Boo: really shitty VHS quality

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Was it at least good?

Absolutely and shame her while you do it. Show her the video and say “this is why I’m breaking up with you”. Ask her first if she ever was in a video to see if she’ll lie (she will) and then drop the bomb on her.

Most Yea Forums posters should not reproduce for the good of mankind

why wouldn't you want your gf to do porn? Might as well get some practice in.

lul fukin conformists am i rite mate be rebel lmao xD

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just become a cuck and post the link

Confidence is one of the best ways to get women regardless if you’re ugly or fat. Working out also helps with self esteem as well as making yourself look better. It’s better to be butt ugly with a good body and confidence than the opposite.


kill her but blame it on reddit

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send the link to all her email contacts, work/uni/family/friends etc

link or GTFO
>inb4 link to webm thread with grainy compressed file of generic blonde bitch #9999 with blurry face with a reply "omg source I think I know this girl"

Speak for yourself. You should actually never breed.

Absolutely this.

your ability to deflect is strong, but anyone reading the reply chain will know you're another dumb teenager who thinks they know everything. it's ok we were all there once

Sadly despite having no desire to raise children I know the best thing is to pass on my superior genetics

fuck are you on about you pompous retard

how does he mass collect the social media pictures to cross referencr against? they mostly dont come up on reverse search

This kills the roastie

I’m as cool as a cucumber senpai, and what superior genetics lmfao

pig benis

No I won't but she is getting a anal punishment
Well she just agreed to anal guess you can say she have some practice
She agreed to let me punish her ass thanks for the threat

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nigger I literally told you what to look up, how lazy are you? are you a spic? Here, and don't ask me to transcribe the links at the bottom because the report with all the raw data in it is the top result from the CDC when you search this on google. These charts compile it all in the best and clearest way.

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If they built the tool correctly, they would distribute the model as a native application where you log in to your own facebook and it goes through your friends and lets you know if it thinks any of them are in porn.

Since they are definitely shitty people its probably a webapp that you login into that then proceeds to scrape all your friends profile pictures and any pictures you have of them tagged to add to their database. Only after it has done that does it tell you who it think is a porn star.

Yes. If you don't you should unironically kill yourself. You should seriously kill yourself any way you can if you don't break up with her within the next few months. Do NOT under any circumstances let her get pregnant with your kid.

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Americans are so prudish and hypocritical about sex, that this would be used to shame any woman that at some point in her life worked at porn, obv
The hypocrite part being that they still will blame the chinese for making the information available

beta af my dude. You're her boyfriend and you haven't already fucked her in the ass? Now that you found out she was a pornstar, she'll "let you" put your dick her in ass? Fuck is wrong with you, son. Dump her now or wait until she inevitably dumps you for being a spineless pussy. Chicks don't respect a guy who puts up with shit like this.

Do americans really do this? I'm not from USA and things here are very different, not like you pick a random girl and theres 90% chance she was a porn actress. Also if you don't live in a big city you can meet 1000+ and none will ever be involved in porn or be a escort an so on.

If girls just camwhore I can't get mad about that. It's free fucking money.

If they're getting paid to fuck that's a totally different hill. You're essentially a prostitute no matter how you try to spin it.
Girls that fuck men or engage in homosexual behavior for money are sluts, whores, and should be called such.

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>If girls just camwhore I can't get mad about that

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Tell me right now you wouldn't do the same shit if you had a vagina and a bunch f beta virgins were throwing around thousands to see you use a dildo and dressed up like some gay anime character Jojo fag


honestly though sex is so low effort to them it's free money in the same way camwhoring is

>he would camwhore if he was a woman

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You're gay

Ok whore

ugh this is just just fucking gross
>starts sweating
seriously? what the fuck is wrong with fucking incels
>looks around nervously
fucking losers have no right to know your partners past
>stats searching porn websites
and I doubt you fucking incels
>starts hyperventilating
are even privileged enough to have a sex worker as partner anyway!
>sends frantic takedown emails to pornhub
and uh just wow gross pathetic wow fuck losers stupid little fuckers

Sex is only a bad thing when you are spreading disease or having unwanted kids.

>this is what whores unironically believe

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Imagen finding your sister

Why would you say that about your sister that gross
>Start sweating
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you trying to blackmail your sister!?
>Looks around nervously
no I don't have that dildo any more
>Starts searching porn websites
Noo It was just a one time show
>Starts hyperventilating
you should feel privileged that you get to see me naked
>Send frantic taledown emails to xvideo
Uh oh pathetic I won't blow to keep this a secret


I haven't payed for porn in my entire fucking life.

Der Untertag

Link it, I wanna watch

are you retarded?


Imagine even giving a shit. It should be pretty obvious if your girl is a porn Star. It's the amateur girls that go and suck 60 dicks at a glory hole you need to worry about. The app they're creating helps no one

Every once in a blue moon one of them is born with a soul.

Link or didn't happen.


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how hard is it to not act in porn. it literally costs 0 dollars to not do it.

No you don't understand I have to have casual sex or else I'll literally die

Is this why everytime she would create a VK account it would get ban immediately?