>be adam
>ruin everything
Be adam
>be sneed
>ruin every simpsons thread
How can a straight man act more gay? Or is she just a stache?
>be Yea Forums
>ruin The Dark Knight Rises
Maybe he was raised by a single mother like Tupac.
>implying tdkr was ever more than a passable movie
For you.
>Be Bane
>Ruin CIA's flight plan
>be Apu
>ruin my undies
I wish I could push him into an industrial meat grinder
Idgaf who he’s dating or married to you will never be able to convince me this cunt is straight.
>be adam
>get ruined by joe rogan
>people actually watch tv to get opinions fed to them by biased fucks
i can't tell if this is worse than fags who get their opinions from youtube or not but it's like comparing two forms of terminal cancer
>be me
I’m not an expert but some of my friends have spina bifida and they definitely should be allowed to compete outside the Special Olympics.
>be Dunston
>check in
now i'm not an expert but i know this person who's friends with this person who saw a girl knock a guy out with one punch. it's really just cultural that we think girls aren't as physically strong as men.
>be nigger
>be Yea Forums
>ruin all film cinema discussion