When did you realize Renly was the best candidate for king?
When did you realize Renly was the best candidate for king?
When he had buttsex with that other fag
For a gay guy he was ugly. I wouldnt fuck him.
Just drop the act and tell us you want to throat his cock.
Renly was going to be a puppet of Littlefinger.
>looks like a faggot
>actor is an actual faggot
rly makes u think
Go away, KFS.
>Robert: Those were the days
>Renly: Which days exactly? The ones where half of Westeros fought the other half and millions died? Or before that, when the Mad King slaughtered women and babies because the voices in his head told him they deserved it? Or way before that, when dragons burned whole cities to the ground!
>Robert: Easy boy. You might be my brother, but you're speaking to the king.
>Renly: I suppose it was all rather heroic, if you were drunk enough and had some poor Riverlands whore to shove your prick inside and "make the eight".
Renly actually gave a shit, and even though he might have been a bit of a pushover when it came to the Tyrells, that's still miles better than a perpetually drunken Robert bankrupting the realm and letting the Lannisters run the show unchecked.
he was definitely the CUTEST, no contest.
post a picture, you fucking bitch.
*Also it almost goes without saying that Margaery would have been a much better mother than Cersei, meaning that any kids she and Renly had (of course he was gay, but gay nobles and monarchs in history still managed to impregnate their wives) would be much better than the spoiled/terrified little shits that Cersei popped out.
>gay man
>denying sex
His claim to the throne was based on the illegitimacy of Cersei’s kids - in which case STANNIS was the rightful king. Why would anyone support someone with such a weak claim (who is also a known fag)?
He had Olenna to guide him and he was the only one out of the all the factions that openly hated Littlefinger and didn't trust him in any way.
He has the Stormlands and the Reach firmly in his corner. That gives him
>the biggest army
>the biggest navy
>control of most of the food supply when winter is right around the corner
Also Dorne isn't going to lift a finger to help the Lannisters, the Vale isn't going to do anything at all, the North/Riverlands are at war with the Westerlands...realistically, Renly's only opposition is in King's Landing and on Dragonstone. From a stability standpoint he's the best candidate.
Because Stannis was canonically an abusive spiteful asshole to everyone and a complete self-righteous prick that remembered every little time he thinks someone wronged him.
He's the equivalent of a incel school shooter and would have been a complete disaster as king, who had alienated all his potential allies and was more interested in getting back at people he thinks snubbed once a decade ago than building alliances.
because Lord of Storm's End, because people love him and because he CUTE.
My aunt named her dog after him.
Fuck off Dabid, this is a Stannis board, and your fanfiction to build up that incompetent faggot is fooling nobody
Meant to reply to this
I think you're replying to the wrong post. But for what it's worth Stannis was capable of forgiveness and mercy when it suited him. By all rights he should have had every Stormlands lord who supported Renly either beheaded or sent to the wall, but that wouldn't have helped his odds of winning the war.
You think a few bolts of cloth will make you king?
tfw he ruined everything.
Oh I see it's a bait post in a bait thread
Because Stannis was the worst and even murdered his own daughter.
Not really. If Renly doesn't ally with the Tyrells, then they just go over to the Lannister side. Marrying Margaery to Joffrey was a no-brainer and the only thing preventing it was Renly being fuckbuddies with Loras. If Renly obeyed the law and sided with Stannis, the real Baratheons still would have gotten fucked up.
>Idiot who fell for the Stannis meme and doesn't even know his actual backstory
Your idol is just a spiteful prick. His sense of (((justice))) is just him rationalizing his own bullshit. He has repeatedly shown that his (((morality))) goes out the window as soon as something doesn't go the way he thinks it should.
Renly enjoyed being pretty and kind not ruling. The tyrells pulling the strings behind the scenes would have been for the best.
3/10, when you want to shitpost do so without copypastaing roasties on Twitter. Now get back to discord, tranny
>By all rights he should have had every Stormlands lord who supported Renly either beheaded or sent to the wall
By what rights? Joffrey is the legitimate king, Ned even admitted it before he was beheaded. The throne was up for grabs and Renly and the Tyrells had the best chance to win by conquest.
>By what rights? Joffrey is the legitimate king
Stannis knows about the incest. He helped Jon Arryn with the investigation. That's why by the time Ned arrives in King's Landing, Stannis has already fucked off to Dragonstone.
>Ned even admitted it before he was beheaded
While they had his daughter as a hostage right in front of him. Not even the people of King's Landing bought that confession, they were calling Joffrey an abomination and calling Cersei as brotherfucker well after Ned's execution.
You're trying to debate logic and morals with a renlyfag, the two subjects on which they are guaranteed to be as mentally deficient as their approach to governance
Sure he has the largest army, but he has literally zero claim to the throne and didn't have a fraction of the military prowess of his brothers. The realm would have shattered had he won, with the iron islands and the north probably remaining independent, the remaining Lannisters hostile to the crown, and a legitimate Targaryen heir with a claim to the throne making her way to Westeros his reign would inevitably fail.
There’s a reason that Stannis loved Renly once, but not Robert.
>logic morals
He had his daughter burnt at the stake to appease a nigger flame god.
Based fag stag
>writing by Jew and Jew is ok so long as they like fags lmao
>sacrifice to save the realm is only ok if you're renly
Fuck off back to basedddit
Renly read Littlefinger like a book and he knew how to play the game well enough, even if you can argue he was giving the Tyrell's too much power. He only lost because everyone was playing chess and Stannis, like the incel he is, decided to take a gun and shoot him.
About the same time a bullet entered my skull and I became braindead. AKA
When will Renlyfags ever learn? Your faggot traitorous "King" was nothing more than a degenerate popularist. Absolutely disgusting. The throne is Stannis' by rights. Wants do not enter into it. Get fucked Renlyfags.
Based and redpilled
>Muh birthright
When will Stannisfags learn?
>implying GRRM didn't make it obvious that the Baratheon-Tyrell-Stark-Tully alliance would steamroll King's Landing
>implying killing renly wasn't a mistake that led to the downfall of House Baratheon
Stannisfags are retarded fanatics
GRRM has confirmed it will be in the book and all of the big shock moments will be in the book including danys death
Had stannis won and Robb not died he would have marched on the north to kill Robb for taking the title king because he has assburgers.
>Kinslays his own brother (the literal most heinous crime you can commit that in Andal society)
>Kinslays his own daughter
>Kinslays his in-laws for not worshipping his fucked up kike religion
>Tries to kinslay his brother's children
>Would probably kinslay his own newborns as well
I’m quite already with benevolent tyrants like the tyrells ruling
Renly is a traitor
Robb Stark is a traitor
The moments in the books will look nothing like they did in the show
>lol rhllor is like
Despite being able to resurrect people. Meanwhile the actual kikes who write the show used it as an excuse to mistreat Stannis despite GRRM saying he's a just and righteous man
Get fucked renlyfags
>but he has literally zero claim to the throne
Doesn't matter that much. Robert didn't have much of a claim either.
>didn't have a fraction of the military prowess of his brothers
Which is why he has Randyll Tarly commanding his armies for him.
>The realm would have shattered had he won, with the iron islands and the north probably remaining independent, the remaining Lannisters hostile to the crown
The realm shattered because he lost. If he had won there wouldn't be any Lannister opposition worth mentioning, they were barely holding their own against the Starks/Tullys alone, add the Baratheons/Tyrells to the equation and they would have no chance. The Iron Islands could be dealt with in a similar fashion, they can't handle a combined Reach/Stormlands fleet as the Greyjoy Rebellion proved. As for the North, Robb can't hold the Riverlands. He would have to retreat past the Neck, with winter setting in and the North unprepared because they were fighting when they should have been harvesting and because the Ironborn have been doing damage left and right. Robb would have been forced to
>let his people starve to death
>kneel to King Robert's brother, who he never had a problem with in the first place
Not a hard choice
>mistreat Stannis
Are you listening to yourself? Have sex you pathetic incel.
fucking based and checked
says the 2/10
on rewatch had he become king alot of stupid shit would have been avoided
Stannis burnt his in laws at the stake for not converting to his insane religion.
There's no doubt that D&D fucked up Stannis' character, but isn't Stannis also a traitor? He rebelled against his king.
>inb4 the king was mad and needed to be removed
Just declare for Rhaegar then, he's the rightful heir.
>he's a just and righteous man
that's not the point, he made a YUGE mistake by ruining an OP alliance just for a false sense of duty. He even acknowledges later
>"I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne."
This is exactly what his mistake was and what led to Renly's death.
fucking heretic
Does anyone have the House Codd edit of this?
This so much. If Stannis hadn’t assassinated Renly, then Renly would have broken his siege of Storm’s End with his horse. He then would have marched north and taken King’s Landing. Tywin’s host would have been caught between Renly’s host and Robb’s host and he would have been smashed.
Robb would have had to kneel or lose the Riverlands. I dunno what he would have done.
>Robb would have had to kneel or lose the Riverlands. I dunno what he would have done.
I might be remembering this wrong, but I think Renly says that Robb can call himself King in the North if he wants as long as he stays loyal to the Iron Throne. Kind of like how the rulers of Dorne get to call themselves Princes/Princesses without having anything to do with the royal family. Robb would be a fool not to take that deal.
But then again Robb would have to be a fool to agree to merry Walder Frey's daughter just so he could cross a river, and then to break that pack for a random Westerlands girl.
he's weak
and gay
I wonder if Shireen was the reason. There was a decent chance the Tyrells would have just had her assassinated once they were running the show.
shut up faggot
the usurper weiss.
the usurper benioff.
>he was ugly
Not at all. Post body.
Fucking liar
That crown is kino, along with his armor
It's kind of sad that Renly was offering Stannis what he really always wanted-to rule Storm's End and be his brother's loyal second in command-but Stannis couldn't accept it for reasons we might never know for sure unless we get a Stannis PoV chapter. Maybe if Robert wasn't such an absolute cunt and set up a real marriage alliance for Stannis instead of marrying him off to a fucking Florent, none of this would have ever happened. Could have married him off to that Hightower girl or Arianne Martell, would have solved a lot of problems.
Has anyone else seen that indie movie where he fucks the 13/14yo
>gay bottom is a puppet
what? no way!
Robert fucked Stannis over so many times
stannis has a better claim than renly. also renly is a jabroni since he was beaten by a shadow baby
More like best candidate for Queen
Considering how capable and absurdly loyal Stannis was, I think the only way it makes any sense is if you attribute it all to Robert simply not giving a shit and being too drunk to make rational decisions. I mean you have basically Medieval Robo-Caesar at your disposal and you decide to send him off to a rainy little island and marry him to an utterly useless house that barely even cracks the top 5 in its own region of Westeros. There can really be no other explanation other than "Robert just didn't like Stannis" or "Robert was fucking stupid".
zero claim? zero claim? you srs mate? he is 2nd in line to the throne and history is littered with first claimants who had shit armies or shit generals and either didn't become King or stopped being King because of it.
he blamed Stannis on not capturing Viserys and Daenerys
Dragonstone has a pretty important strategic position and it's not really worthless but still it was a major fuck you to give Renly the Stormlands
Renly himself isn't bad but he'd have potentially set a very bad precedent
With Dragonstone went the royal navy. It's not a bad lordship at all and at the time Stannis was heir to the throne. It wasn't an insult.
>Stannis couldn't accept it for reasons we might never know for sure
Because he is a stubborn servant of the law and he is the rightful heir, not his faggot brother
It was a title normally reserved for the heir of the throne, which he was
>bad commander
>overly concerned with ceremony
>doesn't actually fight
>no problems intensifying an already massive war, despite putting on airs of caring for peasants
>fucked his squire
>disregards laws and tradition
>basically a tyrell puppet
>jobs to a fucking infant
>"""friends""" with littlefinger
literally would've been even worse than Robert