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im goy
Based jews dabbin on their slaves
You seem to have posted using a tripcode
Yeah I remember when I still thought the user club was cool. Then I grew up.
>grew up
>continues to post epic antisemitism on Yea Forums
Praise kek, pede!
>it's antisemitic to say jews are dabbing on their slaves
Yes goy, very. Don't do it!
Yes, as I said, epic antisemitism bro. How's 4th grade treating you?
Don’t hurt me Jew lord. I am but a simple goyim slave
Did he go too far?
the 2016 election was so campy
Just look between your legs to know who you can't criticize
Why didn't you watch my movie?
N-not me.
Why are you crying about something he never said l?
Lots of cunts
Is there anything more incel than crying over a fake quote?
I miss Stewart
He made the right choice to leave and live on a farm and have a good life, but all his proteges suck ass
That's right boys.
The government ain't done nothin' for you. Just keep voting to lower my taxes.
I like how Trump getting elected made this cunt lose his mind. Also best friends with pedo Anthony Weiner. Kikes have no shame.
What? No it didn't. He was one of the few level headed ones. The people after him lost their damned minds.
get a job welfare leech
Lower income taxes benefit everyone.
Capitalism isn't a zero sum game.
Why are neckbeards still butthurt over an imaginary quote from 3 years ago?
Imagine being this asshole when you're 75 and looking back on your non-career doing infotainment and schilling one political party over another for your own benefit.
>let jews keep their money
>I deserve your earnings because I exist
Get a real job nigger
Do you creatures ever get bored of crying about Jews all day?
That's the spirit.
Jon Stewart is the enemy. We're the good guys.
I do but then I see their newest propaganda and it's riles me up again.
Hannity is way more based than Kike Stewart.
No because I’m a virgin at 31 and it’s their fault
its when the facade dropped and the real jew came out
This but unironically.
Jon Stewart betrayed Occupy Wall Street.
Idc about Jon Stewart but if you bought into the lefty Trickle Down meme you should really take a course on basic economics.
Maybe have sex, you won’t be as angsty and obsessive
You’re right. It’s the guy who took over his show that lost it. He’s still pals with Weiner though.
I do have sex. I just feel for my fellow white man, and fear for my white children.
For what? He never said what you claim he said
I don’t think an imaginary event proves anything
what do you believe we think he said? he was lashing out at the right because lefties are all unpatriotic commies. didn't make a lick of sense
You’re neither white nor do you have kids nor are you not a virgin stop LARPing
why should I pay more taxes to support spics, nogs, and bureaucrats who despise me, sure thing tranny
You just wish you were white and you hate yourself for it
I think “we” believe that we’re still virgins and it’s the Jews fault
>ywn have jon's daily show lead right into the colbert report and then vote for obama, ever again
t. Obese Mexican pol goblin
Dime a dozen
>da jooz
stop the anti-semitism user
Thank god I won't ever have to live through another 8 years of that worthless nigger again
Obama's lasting legacy is slavery in Libya because Trump gutted literally every other policy including the Iran nuclear deal (which was a good deal but Trump killed it out of pure spite)
What are you incels complaining about today?
Lol whatever helps your inferiority complex
>Lower income taxes benefit everyone.
No it fucking doesn't. How fucking stupid are you?
Taxes fund public works projects, roads, public schools, libraries, public transportation, etc. Poor people rely on these public services. EVERYONE makes use of these services. If you lower everyone's income taxes, these public services have less money, and cannot help poor people.
I learned this shit in elementary school. Get your head out of your ass.
If you want to see what a state without taxes looks like, go to Delaware. That state has no sales taxes and very low income tax and it fucking shows. The infrastructure is falling apart and the public school system is terrible. Delaware is basically just a tax haven for corporations, old retired boomers, and a hicks that are too dumb to leave.
>and cannot help poor people.
Lots of projection there Paco. Go back to the fryer arriba arriba
>I was indoctrinated with this shit in elementary school.
Sean Hannity needs to be raped and tortured
Overtaxation has historically lead to less tax revenue subsidized primarily by the lower and middle class. Read a book
Right at the end of that era I had changed my political views from a lefty to the very stuff he and Colbert were making fun of, but I still watched their shows. There were some funny skits and the stuff where they were making fun of my views directly, I took in stride and just let it go, since not too long before that I was the very person who would laugh at that.
Anyway, I know this thread is a disguised political debate thread, I'm not going to take sides, just saying I liked those two shows back to back even when they made fun of what I thought. Point being it was still comfy and I miss watching them over my lunch hour the day after their aired.
Apparently I live in close proximity to a sneed poster because when I tried phone posting from work today it said I was banned for telling people to have sneed. I knew I was pretty drunk last night, but not so drunk that I wouldn't remember posting that. Now I'm home and boom, no ban.
You should be thrown from a helicopter
>have sneed
>funds pork barrel nonsense where little goes into anything relevant and funds people who hate me
Why should I support it?
Counterpoint : california. High taxes, shittier infrastructure, cities rife with mental illness ( hobo, faggot, trans) corruption and 90 average IQ
California has the highest taxes, how does it rate against Delaware in the standard of living index exactly..?
I mean with all that tax revenue it should be a liberal paradise , right?
the taxes trickle down back to you. trust us you dumb fuck
Rocky Mountain master race.
>whitest states also have the best quality of life
You are next to go. Californians LOVE to move away from their shithole and mass vote for the same retarded shit that ruined california. Colorado will be unhabitable in 10-15 years
It's too bad your state is turning to shit thanks to all the commiefornia refugees moving in and voting for the very same shit that ruined their state.
that is unfortunate but I am enjoying it while it lasts, hopefully the collapse comes before that.
Makes me happy to know that Trump completely destroyed Obama's 'legacy'
>I'm losing the argument, better bring up da joooos heh that'll show em
>texas is a top shithole too
nice map retard
Thanks California and Mexico
This jew was funny, but was Colbert ever funny? I watched one of his videos and it can be boiled down to: pop culture reference, lazy pun and drumpf voice. All of this constantly interrupted by an audience whooping and cheering every three seconds.
I found Colbert's facade funny, even liked him more than Jon Liebowtiz after a bit, but once he got that late night show and dropped his persona, he became unfunny as fuck.
>Yes, stop noticing. Distract yourself with carnal pleasures while we destroy your country got hehehe
Literally the point of why sex is promoted so much; you're a good little slave, aren't you?
based flyover states, no wonder coasties are always seething.
>All of this constantly interrupted by an audience whooping and cheering every three seconds.
No! Stop whooping and cheering!
Coasties are so jealous. They're flying coast to coast getting molested by jewish producers and we're just here in Iowa detasslin' corn and having a grand ol' time.
Maybe you cunts should stop spending all the tax money on gay sex felching lessons for 5th graders
don't have gay sex
How do I filter tripfags
>he doesn't use 4chanx
Based thinly veiled culture warrior thread
go to your user profile settings and block user
I will have sex by the end of the year
i made it 5 mins until the cringe was to much
i don't recall those shows being so hamfisted in the past
Made election night all that much sweeter when Hillary lost.
triggered MIGA fag
Jon Stewart was pretty cool for a jew, I still remember when he was the only lefty who gave Obama shit for bombing children while everyone else pretended it didn't happen. And on top of that he didn't actually lose his mind about Trump - I wonder if that's the real reason he doesn't have his show anymore
Colbert was pretty funny too on his original show, but then when he got to Late Night either the power got to his head or he finally showed his true retard colors
He was good in Big Daddy
Honestly, I don't care much for a lot of Trump's policies. But the story from Obama shitting on Trump at that Correspondents' Dinner, to Trump taking his job and undoing everything he did in 8 years, has been Count of Mont Cristo-tier kino.
Colbert was funny when he was on Comedy Central but he's been a faggot ever since Trump won
reminds me how tasty the snl opening scene following the 2016 election was. so overly dramatic, it was damned perfect
You got a link for me, my man? I need some salt in my life.
they opened with it, and they were serious
my sides
finally a bit that conservatives enjoy
the big question is was she in character for this
That absolute shanty town of SNL. What happened to that fucking show?
literally everyone involved with snl was mourning that night
jesus christ, I can't believe people still use tripcodes, why didn't they get rid of it when they got rid of sage?
He's not wrong though. wasps don't own anything. not even their religion.
>Mississippi that high up
Why are private infrastructure far more effective and cost effective than government infrastructure?
My sides were lost to Dave Chappelle mocking the salty libs, even if he cries about Drumpf in his special
>implying it is used only for beneficial services
> Moves to North Dakota for the "quality of life."
> Bored out of your mind. What the hell is there to do in North Dakota?
>faggots getting triggered because I reminded them their boyfriend Jon (((Leibowitz))) is friends with pedo Anthony Weiner
i LOVE the nyc yuppies and normies who talk about all the culture and things to do in big cities every second and shit on other states (and i live in nyc). And what do they do with their free time? Get drunk and sit around on their phones doing nothing. Their brains are rotting.
Shut up kike
No king ever lost his head because taxes were too low.
Jesus Christ user
is he really? that's not really surprising
>If you want to see what a state without taxes looks like, go to Delaware. That state has no sales taxes and very low income tax and it fucking shows. The infrastructure is falling apart and the public school system is terrible.
Delware's infrastructure is vastly superior to PA. I don't need a sign to tell me when I switched states because the roads tell me.
> conveniently forgetting the part where he dropped Weiner like a rock after he kept fucking up
Yes. They were also roommates back in college.
The government has literally never done anything for me. They can hardly keep the potholes filled.
Painful watch. So fucking dumb.
You have a road don't you
But dude, SKYSCRAPERS!!!
>they literally think tall buildings are unique to their shit hole cities
How much of my taxes go to roads? Here’s a hint: Not much you dipshit
I pay enough in gas taxes alone, don't I?
>Hurr durr, I don't need to pay for new highways, new roads, or repaving old roads
The gas tax was initially implemented specifically to be spent on road care. These leftists implement tax after tax after tax to the point they don't even remember why they implemented these taxes to begin with. Then magically, most of that taxed money gets funneled into institutions that promote a pro-federal agenda.
Damn didn’t know that. Lebowitz has some skeles in that closet I’m guessing
go back to facebook grandpa
Taxes don’t need to be high to pay for roads
His brother owned the NYSE at one time too. They're all nepotistic jews.
>>Hurr durr, I don't need to pay for new highways, new roads, or repaving old roads
What does my income tax have to do with this? You've already been informed that the gas tax is supposed to be spent on that. How much more of my money does the government need to not spend on me?
Let's look at the budget.
How much of it is spent on roads?
Wonder why it took him so long to make it big. He was just a dick sucker on mtv for much of his career before he took over the daily show
if its anything above zero you're still a hypocrite
>Let Jews take your money
You're less fucked with lower taxes
tax and spend niggers BTFO
Okay. Let's make a compromise.
We have funding for roads by taxation, and cut everything else.
I can believe that taxes are theft and compromise to this degree. Sound good?
no because society needs other things besides roads. You probably know this deep down and are intentionally trying to deny reality just to be edgy.
society needs to get a job and pay it's own way.
>ching chong wing wong
Like what? Food stamps?
Why is 2/3rds of the federal budget redistributionary policies, which rob Peter to pay Paul?
Why can't people just pay their own bills? The founders had a country without food stamps and it worked pretty well.
Name the other things then fat boy
Looking at this chart, the obvious solution is to kill all boomers and downsize the military.
Okay. Look. We NEED more money for them programs.
I know you never met shaniqua, never had sex with her, but she is a babby momma so you need to pay for her rent and for her food because it's 2019 and not paying her bills is racist
The military is essentially the largest jobs program in the country. And healthcare expenses are only going to increase after Boomers die off and the next two generations vote for universal healthcare.
Because niggers are too accustomed to getting paid to do nuffin and shit kids out. Look what happened when the Dallas welfare office closed temporarily and people’s checks were late. They’re entitled to the gibs according to them.
nothing says "real american values" like shitting on poor people and blacks. clearly you have a much smarter and more productive vision for the country than people who want social welfare. yep, sounds like you're super well-adjusted and a fan of the enlightenment humanist ideals that founded the country.
Social welfare isn’t in the constitution tranny.
>Why can't people just pay their own bills? The founders had a country without food stamps and it worked pretty well.
t. economic illiterate
This country was very, very different back then economically. Labor shortages, tons of available land, tariffs protecting local manufacturing, most of the population working in agriculture, etc
>niggers are too accustomed to getting paid to do nuffin and shit kids out
Black birth rates are only marginally higher than the US average.
Cry more faggot. I don’t want to pay more because fucking animals are too lazy to work or pull out. Fuck off cunt, I’m well adjusted enough to have a job and not shit kids out en masse
t.currently economically illiterate
We have a labor shortage in this country today
And yet they’re how many blacks compared to whites? Hmmm
...I don't think this map has anything to do with the discussion at hand (also putting Mississippi in th Top 10 is god tier bait so congrats)
They kill each other off quite well
>Cry more faggot.
ah a true intellectual. Lets get rid of all the college professors and economists, you sound way more reasonable. yes you, you're so smart and important, everyone cares what you think, you should be in charge not them!
They're a fraction of the population. 12-14%.
How will this social welfare be paid?
And do you trust the govt. with more money? That giving it more money will suddenly turn it into an efficient state?
What do professors and economists produce?
Nah dat be da evil police
Thanks user. I knew you’d pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize incentivizing these animals isn’t going to help shit.
Obamacare is still alive
gays can marry
osama is still dead
trumps dick is still tiny as fuck
next Democrat that wins will undo all Trump's stuff and pull up the ladder
yeesh not sounding "destroyed" there bucko. Maybe have sex?
This country was built on shitting on poor people and niggers. It's what makes us great.
Weeping fags like him?
Unemployment isn't high but underemployment is an issue. Back in the day, there was a higher demand for labor on farms but a population that was insufficient to fill that need even with immigrants coming in. Workers back then had a lot of opportunity relative to their contemporaries in Europe.
despite being only 13% of the population blacks commit over 50% of the murders.
Go outside you fucking retard.
Every country has some dark histories. Those aren't what make us great.
3rd world ass country ass dorks, you guys have nothing on us superior scandinavian countries
Are you genuinely retarded or just a Khmer Rouge reenactor?
people who can state an argument without swearing and calling everyone gay.
with...taxes I assume? How dumb are you that you've never heard of the idea of welfare before. Go do some research its not my job to give you basic facts about an idea when you claim to already know doesn't work
And yet the poorest people today in this country live better than the moderately rich back then.
The post racial utopia was completely shit on with Trump.
Is letting people pay their own bills shitting on them?
I thought that was called "Responsibility"
Do you have an answer? Guess not
So nothing of value that you can think of. Got it
the idea of it? wasn't it a farce to begin with?
>people who can state an argument
Even a child can do that
There's plenty of available land now too
People in Soviet times generally lived much better than they did in the 1910s. That doesn't mean there weren't serious issues.
Asian people need to step their murder game up
>Do you have an answer? Guess not
Go jerk off to Pol Pot.
We have a shortage of employable people. We're probably saying the same thing.
Ah yes Nevada. High quality useful land. Just like fertile plains in an agricultural country.
So what do the economists say?
Increasing economic freedom, and lowering taxes increases prosperity.
What do nobel prize winning economists say?
"I am in favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's possible. "
Their are serious issues everywhere. So what’s your point?
The government investing money badly should be criminalized. Every one dollar badly spent should be punished with one dead bureaucrat or politician.
The only government investment that ever has positive returns is infrastructure. There is no reason any money should go anywhere else unless it has a positive return.
I literally dont see what society gets from shaquanshanitakiatuna airwrecka or a military welfare queen getting a government check.
to an extent, but people really believed it. What age were you when Obama got elected? Things just before that were probably as good as race relations will ever get in this country.
Obamacare's funding mechanism is dead
Trump is the first sitting president to run on support for gay marriage
He also put us at war in over 12 countries
Dems will never win again
incels btfo
yeah if the billionaire-funded heritage foundation said it, then it must be an objective and neutral opinion lol
Perhaps. I think that the other half of the problem is over consumption. People have higher and higher living standards. Lottery winners teach us that no matter how much money you give someone, they can burn through it.
Money that is earned is far different. It's an hour you spent toiling that you're exchanging for that good or service.
>Heritage Foundation
They're known for being dishonest. They literally include corruption and lack of transparency as signs of a less capitalist economy. That's probably one of the most blatant lies I've seen.
yeah texas is full of braindead retards and spics.
Instead of attacking the source why don’t you try arguing against the point? Unless you’re lacking in an argument. It’s ok if you are
jfc reddit
does lying on the internet make you feel less pathetic? jesus how delusional
Yeah fewer people eat at home with family anymore, and when they no longer use something they often throw it out rather than repurpose or reuse it.
heritage foundation is controlled opposition retard.
speaking of retards
I'm not a communist so no
So’s fox. Doesn’t mean everything they produce is a falsehood
Look at the richest people and tell me where you object to this process
>Jeff Bezos creates company, starts by selling books out of his garage, he's raised by a single Mom, puts out a service people use and allows hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to have jobs that wouldn't otherwise exist
>People like it, it becomes popular
>Goes public, groups like Pensions, banks, private citizens, all want a piece of Amazon, there's a limited supply of stocks so they drive up the price and let all kinds of people get a little piece of something they consider to have a big future.
>Since Bezos owned the company he created, his shares are valuable and he is the richest man on Earth
The previous richest man, Bill Gates, only reached that point by making billions more in value. Through standardizing operating systems globally, he allowed Japanese developers to sell software to Americans, for Germans to collaborate with Italy and South Korea, and this standardization allowed many businesses to become more productive, and survive where they otherwise would have died.
So there's a spillover effect, people are buying Microsoft because they can get more done with it than without, so for bill gates to make a billion, that's only because his product made tens of billions of value for other people.
What right do you have to their money? Why isn't it theirs?
>the country needs roads to move their goods
>so taxes should be 80% income
I miss when Yea Forums wasn't 50% people roleplaying as unironic boomers.
All of those things are true
I was in college when Obama was elected. People hated muslims and spics thanks to the W years and the wars and shit.
>Things just before that were probably as good as race relations will ever get in this country.
That's... bleak. Sorry you think that. Once white people stop worrying about being "outbred" and shit like that it'll probably get better. I'll say about a decade out at this point
boomer/pol/ is so fucking cringey
why would I when the source is dishonest? It's like being asked "did you just find out you were gay or have you always known?"
It's a manipulative loaded question and im not under any obligation to respond to dishonesty with honesty and assumptions of good faith. It would be unfair to me and unfair to you as a missed learning opportunity
>your tax money is used responsibly
How's your first year of college?
>muh roads
the first two are false, the second one is lowballing and the final one is basically false hope given midterm results
go outside
>They literally include corruption and lack of transparency as signs of a less capitalist economy. That's probably one of the most blatant lies I've seen.
Well they are, obviously. If your government is corrupt, there's not property rights, as you have to pay off officials to use your land, meaning it's not respecting your property rights.
Why does having low taxes mean I have to encourage corruption and lack of transparency?
>ancaps are boomers
"sPeAkInG oF ReTaRdS"
go back to Facebook and stay there, faggot
Compulsory enrollment was repealed last year
Trump is the first sitting president to run on pro gay marriage
Third is true retard, no dem is beating trump.
>Trump is the first sitting president to run on pro gay marriage
>pro gay marriage
Indifferent to a decided issue doesn't mean he's pro gay marriage, especially considering his VP. If he was pro gay marriage his administration wouldn't be making adoption more difficult for gay couples.
the part where Bezos and Gates both had ivy league education from well-off families and millions of dollars in angel investment because of the optimistic and de-regulated climate towards tech at the time. Those would be my first objections, of many.
The majority of whites aren't even racist or worried about being outbred, they are just naturally drawn to other whites. Even if hypothetically whites disappeared from the planet every race would still be at eachothers throats
hi josh
Okay then, let's use World Bank data on countries directly
Even just looking at the charts, you can start to map the association between economic freedom and per capita income, using measures of economic freedom
They are though. Either that or 2016 election tourists.
Obama was pro-gay marriage in the lead up to 2012. Do you not remember the shitfit about that? He ran on it for the 2012 election and won, making "Trump is the first sitting president to run on pro gay marriage" not only s false statement, but a stupid ass thing to say. Eat shit
Boomers hate ancaps, dude.
Boomers love nothing more than bloated government taxes to fund their pensions and social security
>Once white people stop worrying about being "outbred"
Why would we stop doing that exactly? No doubt when our numbers decrease further and we have no nation states in the entire world we will just get over it and forget we ever had a civilization right? Why should we "get over" it? I dont know what flavor of brown you are but you are a cunt and I hope you eat shit a die in a car wreck tomorrow.
Then why are there so many boomers who suck off Q-user?
Bezos was born to a single mom and sold books out of garage online.
>millions of dollars in angel investment because of the optimistic and de-regulated climate towards tech at the time.
Okay, so
1. Are you implying that others wouldn't get that same investment, with the same business pitch and skills? If so, do you have any evidence?
2. Isn't the optimistic climate, and the fact that the government wasn't putting massive amounts of regulation on selling books on the internet possibly related, and a sign that the rules aren't actually beneficial?
>let's use World Bank data on countries directly
I'm white lol and I'm not saying you/we should but it's an eventuality unless you plan on rounding up all the non-whites and killing them and then establishing an ethostate for whites only or something. You think that's gonna happen?
Obama made his stance on gay marriage pretty clear when entering office.
Trump is the first president to run on being pro gay marriage
Okay. So your complaint was that I was using an image provided by heritage, so it must have been propaganda. When I post the data directly, so we can track the correlation ourselves, you don't care?
So then why were you attacking the source in the first place?
Do you just not want to acknowledge the link between economic freedom and prosperity?
haha WOW poor fella. Red-faced Boomers out here eating by themselves. Sad as fuck
Your correlation is flimsy as best is all I'm saying.
>let's use data from another right-wing cutout run by rich people and whose data is used to re-structure debt liens against 3rd world countries
lol yes much better
I am bitter and angry at the fact that I am being strong armed by society as a whole to live in a dis-utopian shithole and it is essentially being codified into law that I have have to associate with a variety of minorities or be put in jail or socially ruined. The entire system is bullshit and I am not going to "get over it" and the faggotry from people like you thinking this way is a great reason we are in this wretched state.
thanks for posting a video from 2008 dumbfuck. Why do you Google when Obama flipped hard on the case and said he'd support gay marriage in May 2012? Becasue that's what he did. And then he won. So Obama won in 2012 running on being pro gay marriage. Again, Eat shit.
World bank is a strong data set.
your weakness is your own fault. Find success in the current system or don't. Blame me all you want, it'll never matter and I'll continue being a better person than you in all respects
>Are you implying that others wouldn't get that same investment
I have no way of proving an alternate version of reality, but yes I believe the tech market is more monopolized today and the world of venture capital no longer produces the same type of companies it did 25 years ago.
>a sign that the rules aren't actually beneficial?
not really, since both lefties and conservatives spend all day bitching about Bezos, its pretty clear his success has not been good for society.
Yes, but he became president being against gay marriage. He entered office against gay marriage
Trump entered office supporting gay marriage
>Lets get rid of all the college professors and economists,
not a bad idea desu senpai. clean out the Augean stables and start over from scratch.
How does boeing fuck me again?
If I didn't want to pay for war in Iraq and Afghanistan, who could I have voted for in 2008? In 2016?
If I didn't want to pay for child labor making shoes in China, who's forcing me to buy from Nike?
Capitalism allows for me to vote with my dollar. More than the government allows me to do when both parties agree on 90% of issues.
The same shit there is to do in an urban environment, but without the endless hordes of brown people.
were does the world bank talk about economic freedom.
average IQ of the population is correlated with economic prosperity as well
Your middle management office job is no doubt the pinnacle of human civilization bud. Your a wretched middle class faggot and an all around mediocre loser who cant even be bother to find outrage when he is getting fucked in the ass. No matter what happens I will always be better then you not because my degree or my job or my wife. But because you are a bitch with a submissive attitude towards life.
Obama ran on supporting gay marriage in 2012 and won, 4 years before Trump.
>Trump is the first sitting president to run on support for gay marriage
>Trump is the first sitting president to run on pro gay marriage
That was your statement. I have proven it false. Understand?
you fucking dolt companies like Boeing are the reason there are no anti-war candidates. And if there are, they never get coverage in the msm
It's easy to complain about Bezos. If you look at how they've positively effected the economy
They've managed to consistently keep prices down, and allow keep to have higher standards of living. People are producers 40 hours a week, and consumers the other 148 hours. So it is intuitively better
>How does boeing fuck me again?
*Dies in a fiery crash*
>Capitalism allows for me to vote with my dollar.
It allows you to vote in the exact same way that the govenment does; Corporations agree on 90% of issues. Government and corporate power walk hand in hand and scratch each others backs when there's money to be made. This is why both leftists and conservatives are retarded for trying to make everything into a state vs corporate dichotomy.
im going to put you in a convection oven myself you fucking bootlicker drone
I don't fly, and it has nothing to do with Boeing
I'm actually a photographer and mostly do weddings. Clients are late 20's and early 30's and thanks to some good luck I've gotten in a pretty lucrative and selective circle of... spoiled rich kids basically.
Opened up my own office in the city last summer, hired two assisstants and I think I'll bring in a good salary this year ($80k?). I really enjoy what I do and am pretty proud of it. I'd show you some of my work but to be honest you seem unhinged so it's probably not a good idea.
Seethe harder though, lmao
>I don't fly
t. not your average American
Underrated and with digits also
>spongebob meme
go back to twitter zoomer
t. based boomer in flyover country harvesting sweet breading for my tendies
>I don't fly
kek, hello cletus
Perhaps. But, governments are different than corporations, as it is far easier to start a new company as opposed to starting a new governments. You can be a jew in America, be under 2% of the population, and still get kosher food regularly. You wouldn't be able to get a Jewish government though.
Ron Paul ran in 2008 zoomer
YIKES die of old age already you senile fuck
what does that do for society though? You're a functionary to the bourgeoisie, a subservient to a class that is itself subservient .
Boy do I have news for you
Private companies make my life better. Government doesn't
Both parties are made better off through the process of private exchange. That's the foundation of capitalism. When I get a cup of coffee, the cafe isn't being exploited, nor am I. That's why I say thank you, and the Barista says thank you. I want the coffee more than the change in my pocket, and the business would rather have the change in my pocket than the coffee in their pot. Voluntary transactions only happen when both parties are made better off.
The government is acting as a bandit, and not providing any additional value to that transaction. It is stepping in the centre, and saying unless you give us our cut, this transaction will not happen. And if you refuse to give us our cut, we will send men with guns to your home to take you away. What you pay has nothing to do with what you receive, and in fact there is an inverse correlation, the more you pay, the less you receive, especially if you look at what programs the government funds.
Go to bed Ellen
Dad... why do you have all of these images saved on your computer? Did you take your blood pressure meds this morning?
>being this reddit
Is that worse than being a wageslave in a cage in Amazon or not? lmao SEETHE bitchboi have fun not fucking your fatass wife
What the fuck does shitposting on Yea Forums about your freshman understanding of Marxism do you retard lol
I'm imagining how redfaced you are right now and it's making my cock hard
Just dump what you got man don't hold back please daddy im so close
>Taxes fund public works projects, roads, public schools, libraries, public transportation, etc.
Also infinity wars for Israel
Why is letting people keeping the money they earn autistic?
America was founded on saying fuck you to taxes.
If you look then, they were taxed %4-5 of their income. 10% Was considered to be highly unreasonable by Jefferson
“I. It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their time, to be employed in its service; but idleness taxes many of us much more; sloth, by bringing on diseases, absolutely shortens life."
How much do americans pay now?
i'm an ancap and you're autistic, and that's okay.
Here's the source
Their measure for inflation is rather intuitive. They take the median wage, and then divide the cost of the good by that amount. So if the median wage in 1960 was 3$ an hour, and a toaster cost 300$, it was a labour cost of 100 hours. If the median wage in 2012 was 20$, and the toaster cost $2000, it is a labour cost of 100 hours.
>True, adjusted for inflation, average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees in the private sector (closest approximation for the quintessential blue-collar worker that I could find) have barely changed between 1979 and 2015. In October 1979, average hourly earnings stood at $6.51 or $21.20 in 2015 dollars. In October 2015, average hourly earnings stood at $21.18 – slightly below the inflation adjusted 1979 level.
>Looking at the average hourly earnings, however, ignores at least three very important factors: expansion of non-wage benefits, fall in the price of consumer goods and rise in price of services, such as education and healthcare.
>We have divided the 1979 nominal prices by 1979 average nominal hourly wages and 2015 nominal prices by 2015 average nominal hourly wages, to calculate the “time cost” of common household items in each year (i.e., the number of hours the average American would have to work to earn enough money to purchase various household items at the nominal prices). Thus, the “time cost” of a 13 Cu. Ft. refrigerator fell by 52 percent in terms of the hours of work required at the average hourly nominal wage, etc.
It’s my constitutional right to scream the n word
>i'm an ancap and you're autistic
It is though
Shoo Ahmed and have sex the whining is sad
desu i think he knew enough about the beast he helped created and saw that progressive entertainment became or was about to become a shit flinging festival of strawman hyperbole and identity politics. the fringe he used to exist on went way further than he saw it going and he had to leave before he says the wrong thing and they dip into the mid-2000s archives and #cancel him for a gay joke
that's pretty disturbing
Maybe if you're a virgin
2 cheeseburgers have been deposited into your account
it doesn't matter. under capitalism there is no way to amass that kind of money without taking advantage of your fellow human to do it. the rich and wealthy are unironically evil people and will find a way around whatever the law says. the only thing we can do to stop them is to literally kill them. and if any user reading this disagrees with me, you are a pathetic bootlicker. right or left they both want to cuck your whole life.
What a bizarre fucking fanboy you are.
They give more to charity then any of us.
See you in six months thread
Corruption may be inevitable, but that doesn't mean it is good.
So long as people understand the text of the founders, and their idea for the country, we can start to shrink the size of government. Revolution isn't necessary even if it is inevitable.
yes for tax write offs
What you are saying is literally the opposite of reality.
Both parties are made better off through the process of private exchange. That's the foundation of capitalism. When I get a cup of coffee, the cafe isn't being exploited, nor am I. That's why I say thank you, and the Barista says thank you. I want the coffee more than the change in my pocket, and the business would rather have the change in my pocket than the coffee in their pot. Voluntary transactions only happen when both parties are made better off.
The government is acting as a bandit, and not providing any additional value to that transaction. It is stepping in the centre, and saying unless you give us our cut, this transaction will not happen. And if you refuse to give us our cut, we will send men with guns to your home to take you away.
But I thought they were evil? They still do more good than you.
maybe dilate, it’s healing up and you still have to dig out your hairball
Imagine wasting your time debating economics with a commie on a nippon image board
Imagine being a commie. Holy shit
To continue
There's no explicit goal of bettering society, but it is an implicit result. So long as it's a valid transaction, not subject to duress, undue influence, misrepresentation, all the stuff that invalidates a contract, you are only getting money by serving the needs of others. That can be a cheaper cup of coffee (McDonald's), or a better service/environment (local cafe or Starbucks), or an entirely new service that wasn't being provided by the market (like that video doorbell company Ring).
Capitalism funnels the natural tendencies of human behaviour in such a way we serve the needs of others by serving ourselves. It doesn't require a country of angels, and the failures of communism in the 20th century shows the capability of capitalism over other systems of government
I've literally never seen a communist or socialist win an economic debate
It’s a more coherent and principled ideology than conservatism desu
It's flawed idealism in a pragmatic world.
there are other enemies of the human race like the reptilians, they are demonic species of reptile/human relation and you need to avoid these things.