Who is the biggest loser on Yea Forums?

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anyone with a trip desu
also for reference this guys first post was only a month ago


Warwick Davis

That Anonymous guy is a huge faggot

Seems like a winner to me.

The absolute state of tripfags

He’s based when he calls out the feminist agenda in Chernobyl
Shame he’s a tripfag

That faggot for sure.
Imagine using a username on an ANONYMOUS imageboard

he's such a piece of shit. literally no arguments

Actually I'm the biggest loser on Yea Forums ask me anything.


That one tripfag who downloaded infected kiddy porn from us then we called the cops on him and hes still arrested to this day.

Unironically, Valley Forge. SupaHot is a faggot but at least he never killed a 24/7 general that had been going for years.

You got it

have never once heard of that, story?
which general?

Have you ever fell in love? how did it went? did it happened again? how often and what then?

Fuck tripfags, fuck tripfags pushing themselves via metathreads.


I know you're still here asshole

Me. Ask me anything.

He’s talking about /trek/

The Star Trek general /trek/

Our parents and loved ones. Imagine their disappointment.

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Deus Volt by a fucking mile

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The "david lunch lol" poster

has tripfaggotry been purged? i ask because its such a rare sight nowadays

what happened?

/trek/ is pretty rad

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we realized how autistic it was an grew out of it
still a lot on Yea Forums sadly

For me, it’s me.

any /pol/ posters


/pol/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trips


This is why we can't have nice things, literally.

>hates /peel/

Yo look at these dudes


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i hope these tripfaggots get doxed


user, what are you trying to say?

>makes 3.5k posts in a month

It's a joke you retard.

Yeah I'm pretty based like that. I wasn't even trying either.

how do you do, newfag

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heaven. that guy was such a fag


Kaijufags since they used their wagie money on king of the incels instead of Endgame to break Avashit's box office record.

>op makes thread about tripfags
>tripfags, like the flies to shit they are, come into thread to attention-seek
>mod bans them
i am liking where this thread is going

Wow that takes me back

>>mod bans them
Oh you sweet summer child

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>Who is the biggest loser on Yea Forums?
Is there a prize or something?

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new trip. what do you think?