Endgame has to make 100MILL in how many weeks? When is the deadline for the record?
Marvel will make three bil when the X-Men have their own Endgame with the Avengers
Its going to make that easily now that the critics are intentionally bombing Godzilla to get those sweet chink bucks
Disney will keep in theaters for as long as it takes
There is none. Jurassic Park was released again a couple years ago to make it to the 1 billion club.
Disney will want to parade around "The Biggest Blockbuster in Film History" when promoting Avatar 2 so no.
There's no "deadline." It's not leaving theaters until it passes.
8 week. End of July. Endgame is still in 3,500+ theaters in the US.
>Spendgame shills
>cameronfags shills
I don't know whose worse
what is the point of these threads.
youre not getting any money out of the studio making $.
you're literally the saddest kind of person.
But Endgame closed in China.
t. seething jimmylicker
>what is the point of these threads
seething people giving op all the (you)s
Just 1 million more people need to see it, it can't be that hard to get it over the line.
Hong Kong still showing it
20,000 Redditors can also buy 10 tickets each for #spendgame.
That's $2M off the total.
Why support a sports team?
>after more than a decade of build-up with 21 movies
>after social media organized plannings to bump up the record, only pre-inflation numbers used so far
>Avatar had significantly less theaters back then too
All this and Endgame still fails.
at least they compete with each other directly
We'll see once it's like 9 months in theatres like Avatar.
James Chadmeron will never lose to childrens movies capeshit
Imagine actually caring about the movie shekel champion
Why is this shit a big deal?
Didn't the population of the Earth increase by 5% in the past 10 years?
Obviously Avatar is going to lose the top spot no matter what.
Avaturds on suicide watch
>10 years and 22 capeshits to MAYBE overtake Avatar
Don't worry capecucks. Based Jim is just putting together the final peices to end capeahit forever. Tick tock.
you're fucking retarded if you think it's going to beat it
It was down to fucking 32 million for the worldwide weekend and will tumble down even more next
who cares?
fuck off shill
based, these really are the saddest threads on Yea Forums.
worthless bragging about money that isn’t even theirs. what a bunch of cucks.
and before I get called a Cameron shill;
Shouldn't the true metric be ticket sales?
I thought cameronfags said it wasn't possible
>doesn’t know the difference between seething and being made fun of
typical low IQ hollywood shill
>Obviously Avatar is going to lose the top spot no matter what.
Some day
But not now
Because it isn't. Endgame has already been dropped by most Asian markets and this week it will do like 15-20 million worldwide
Even if it's stayed for 5 more months, nobody wants to see it anymore and it will have reduced screens.
it's not
the estimatives predicted it would need less than 100m by now, and it will still fall short
it will be in theaters until the end of june probably, Endgame will get a boost when Far From Home comes out, and since Disney doesn't get any profit from FFH box office they'll most likely want to keep Endgame in there
>yfw batman solo movie makes 3.5 billion
That would go even harder in Avatars favor, like by a landslide harder. Tickets were cheaper back then, and IMAX was barely even a glimmer in an exec's eye.
>still dropping more than Infinity War on monday and tuesday
never gonna make it without cheating
>chinks literally propped up avatar
lmao @ cameronfags. go throw some pots and pans down some stairs and have a wank ya fucking pleb shites.
>Endgame has already been dropped by most Asian markets
Tickets were cheaper because dollar has more value.
It's true man, neither China nor Japan (two biggest moviegoing Asian markets) have it in cinemas anymore
Not getting there. It will only make 30-40m worldwide this week. Each week it will drop 50%, so at best it will make another 80m tops and end 10-20m short of Avatar, but I doubt it will do even that much. It has to compete against new blockbuster and a bunch of smaller release films every SINGLE week. Logistically speaking, there's just not enough screens to show them all in a single theater so older movies will have to be taken off to make room for new movies, and Endgame has already exhausted demanded virtually everywhere except few marveldrone countries like US, Brazil and Mexico.
South Korea is a much bigger movie market than Japan you dumb retard
>some butthurt Avatar cuck took the time to do this
It will easily get there on the labor day weekend relaunch and its first run will beat avatar's first run
>biggest moviegoing asian markets
>I care deeply about the avengers
It's already practically dropped in South Korea too tho
Avatar is so generic.
How did it not bomb? Was it the meme cgi?
It has another 4-6 out of there coming
>this thread again
Again, this is all trivia partially fueled by folks who inexplicably hateAvatarand/or treat franchise moviegoing like sports where you root for your favorite team to win the big game and dethrone your rivals. Never mind thatAvataris now a Disney property alongside the MCU andStar Wars, or that it’s still somewhat inspiring that a full-blown original sci-fi mega-budget fantasy flick is possibly going to remain the biggest-grossing movie of all time globally. Still, inflation and marketplace expansion notwithstanding,Avengers: EndgamedethroningAvatarwill probably make James Cameron double-down to make sureAvatar 2blows our minds in two years’ time.
Avengers is so generic. How did it not bomb? Was it the meme CGI?
Damn I didn’t think it was going to get to beat force awakens domestic total but that’s actually possible here, when’s lion king coming out? Cause it’s make sense for them to want to push endgame just a bit more before that a spider man come out to bump it out of theatres
it was "easily" going to beat Avatar by sunday or next week and now it needs 3 months for "easily" beating it?
Doesn't sound so easy after all
It has literally zero chance of Force Awakens DOM. It's got 855 DOM max in it.
As much as I can't wait to BTFO you, I respect you more than I ever respected DCucks
no it's not retard
it has a bigger chance of beating Avatar worldwide than TFA domestic
Right after the recession too.
Labor Day weekend relaunch with a credits scene added will instantly shit out another 30+ million for this movie from marveltards. The only question is whether Disney cares enough to push it over the line.
Are you retarded? The Avatar BO came from inflated 3D ticket prices
Based. Literally all you dumbfucks are bragging about being a literal piggy bank for the same people anyways. The only way you can seem to prove your self worth is by throwing money towards a product that you didnt create. It's like bragging about being a literal cuck
At this rate of -50% a week it won't even make 40 millions more.
I guess you just don't understand how box office works.
These posts sum it up well. Do explain how the math here is wrong and how and, more importantly, WHERE is it supposed to make another 100m at this point? It's only got another 40-50m left in NA at best, and it makes more money domestically now than overseas.
Endgame has millions more tickets sold than Avatar you fucking retard.
>people are stupid enough to believe theaters will keep this 3 hour snoozefest on their screens against new, under 2 hour big blockbusters coming out EVERY WEEK
>theaters will fuck their own profits to push the capeshit agenda just because Yea Forums losers want them to
this fucking cope. lose AGAIN.
China, Japan and SK are the biggest asian markets, in that order.
You're coping pretty hard. When this movie re-launches on 4,000 screens for Labor Day weekend with a simple 30 second credits scene slapped on, how angry will you be?
Superheroes are popular
Blue african aliens, plain scifi setting, Pocahontas, the meme cgi Cameron promised for 3D viewing, not much else
It reminds me of Percy Jackson or The Sorcerers Apprentice or Ghostrider or something. There isn't really anything making it especially good and worth watching. But somehow it did really well, was it carried by the meme cgi 3d gimmick?
Both things are completely stupid and retarded.
>durrr Sportsball!!
Sports are the biggest waste of time unless you are playing them yourself. The fact that there are riots over sports shit shows the major audience for sports are all low IQ apes
I dunno y’all niggas kept saying that Captain Marvel wouldn’t do well or that any of the last few weekends of releases would topple endgame but kept being wrong, what makes you so sure here?
Based Bluechads dabbing on Marvirgins
The assertion that it can even approach Force Awakens DOM is so retarded that it's not even worth explaining. It's $140m away DOM. You're a clueless brainlet.
Avatar specifically did really well I mean, not those other examples.
I was just comparing how forgettble they all are.
I can't tell whether that was made ironically or not.
>t. increasingly nervous man
Look at Endgame's chart. It's dead.
>Endgame has already been dropped by most Asian markets
The biggest cinema chain in my country is down to one showing a day. And now that it's performing worse than Infinity War daily domestic, 100mil may as well be a billion
To be fair I just checked tomorrow's screenings at my local cinema and there is one showing on one screen all day.
It's all booked out though.
Why would it re-release few months after ending its run?
ITT literal manchildren
funny how you copy from "t. increasingly nervous mousecuck" considering that was originally used to dab on you losers making the same claims about IW lmao. lose AGAIN bitch.
I just want to point out that Avatar will be re released prior to Avatar 2.
>h-how many more weeks??
Jesus this whole thread is retarded (especially the MCU retards in denial), none of you understand how box office works and have no clue what 100 million dollars is
Endgame is never passing Avatar and it won't come close
it's dead internationally, meaning all the countries in the world right now aren't even making as much daily as what Endgame is making in the US
and Endgame is starting to drop faster than Infinity War (compare Today's numbers to IW and you'll see)
and it's going to get worse, Endgame is facing more competition in the coming weeks than IW
pic related is Infinity War in July, Endgame is going to be worst
so the "how many weeks" argument is a completely irrelevant factor when the movie just isn't making anymore money
Get it? You better start coping now
The marketing they can do for the "highest grossing movie of all time" is worth too much for them not to leave it running
Because Marvel can and will want the record. Why did Avatar relaunch globally? To add another easy $30 million to the total.
This isn't me making shit up. This will happen and Marveltards will flood theaters en masse.
I'll buy 2 tickets and give them to some little kids to go see it. I wanna see all the avatar fagmos Hari Kari
Based James Cameron shits on capeshitters again.
Not him but both are just from increasingly nervous man.
I dunno it just needs five more good weekends domestically and it’ll pass avatar
Think we Avatar and Marvel fags can agree Godzilla will bomb, and the critics were right to shit on it.
LD40 that ugly thing
t. increasingly nervous mousecuck
It won't.
It probably won't even surpass Avatar pre-re-release at this point.
Based common sense poster
Based avatarfag.
What a cute pibble, it's smiling!
Because there was demand for Avatar, retard. I saw Avatar 10 months after its premiere and my screening was almost packed. It will end its run sometime in Summer, so re-releasing it so soon doesn't make any sense when there's no demand anymore.
It wont. It's just under Infinity War levels and that only made another 49mil domestic from now. It's dead internationally as well. It's over.
Laugh because that Labor Day re-release goes to Toy Story 4 just like past Disney animated films
If you really think there won't be demand from Marveltards for a credits scene or even a bullshit extended battle sequence, you're a retard too.
*adjusts for inflation*
>muh inflation muhfugga
Avaturdposters are predictable. And if you want to use that then nothing will beat GWTW why bother even debating?
>nothing will beat GWTW
And how does that change the fact that Endgame failed to beat Avatar? Stay coping, copeman.
X-Men: Endgame will do at least $4bn by then due to inflation.
Avengers vs X-Men (2029) will probably do $9bn, if civilization hasn't collapsed by then.
Avatar 2 will bomb.
They still cost less than an IMAX ticket, even ignoring inflation.
but there are so many of these threads about endgame beating avatar, so why does the same logic not apply?
Marvel is already airing tv spots spoiling Captain America wielding the hammer and all the resurrected heroes coming through the portals to make people wanna see this shit
If you don't adjust for inflation then the newer movie will always win and in 15 years some average blockbuster will smash every Avengers
endgame is lower than avatar either way tho lmao
First comes denial, then anger, then bargaining, then depression and finally acceptance.
You people are fucking pathetic. Grow up and dislodge Mickey's cock from your mouths, then watch quality films instead of this mass consumption, appeal to the lowest common denominator kids shit.
Why are you so upset over it
>mousecuck trying to play off his seethe at Godzilla cucking EG at the box office
this hundo p
numerically its decreasingly nervous though?
Infinity War only made 5m with Labor Day re-release.
who also love to suck jewish cock
Robert pattison Batman won't break 2b, if it does I will literally eat on my own shit, screenshot this.
In 1 month avengers has practically beaten what avatar has earned over decades
>Rocket Man over Endgame
It's over capeshit, just accept it
Infinity War didn't get a Labor Day weekend re release Incredibles 2 did.
it made 15k actually
labor day in the US is september, not may 1st
>Endgame had 10 years of advertisement
>Avatar 0
says the faggot who loves sucking jewish cock and bragging about money that he will never see a dime of because his life is so worthless he has to brag about other people’s accomplishments
Nope. Not even close.
If Endgame actually matched Rocketman this weekend it would confirm the record lol, that would be huge
it’s funny because it will also have the record of the fastest to overtake the highest grossing
incredibles 2 was released only 1 month earlier than labor day, that's not a re-release
That's a lot of projection, but you didn't answer the question.
brainlet, relaunch is not a rerelease you fucking brainlet
*2 months
smile for the screencap
Yeah, I confused it with the original Avengers movie.
if you fags kept up you would have realized endgame has been stuck there for weeks
NEVER fucking happing hahahahaha
Eat shit Disney. You don't have a single character that's as compelling as Jake Sully or Neytiri.
is it me or is inflation getting faster
it's literally been only one week, it got to 2.680 this past weekend, next weekend it'll get to 2.700
Not how it works, cinemas pull movies when they stop making them money and take up valuable screens.
>haha people actually care about marvel movies. owned!
I know youre all virgins and were like 4yrs old when avatar came out but nobody gave a shit about avatar we all just wanted to see a movie in 3D. There is no draw about the movies themselves it was a tech demo gimmick and stayed in theaters forever its over Endgame won
It's ok fren
>Jake Sully
Who the fuck are they?? My grandma knows Tony Stark
>people actually care about marvel movies
Apparently not as much as people did for Avatar
>Implying it'll ever see one more $20 mil weekend let alone five
china is gonna be godzilla's savior, they love that shit
What's stopping Disney from running a big marketing campaign just to pass the last hurdle
They could even include a deleted scene or something or add an after credits scene
who the fuck is your grandma?
>What's stopping Disney from running a big marketing campaign just to pass the last hurdle
Keeping Avatar as the number 1 so they can market Avatar 2 with that is a wise strategy
yfw they rerelease Avatar to rebuild hype for the sequels?
Avatar released during december when there was no competition, 3D was a novelty back then and Avatar managed to make the best out of the new technology, it was like an exclusive experience
Endgame released during a time where every week there's a blockbuster being released, and it still managed to get to 2.6+ billion
I say Endgame's run is more impressive, since you can ask anyone who Tony Stark is and they'll instantly tell you who he is, but if you ask who Jake Sully is they won't know who the fuck you're talking about
ask anyone irl if they can name 5 avatar characters. then ask if they can name 5 avengers characters
ask anyone irl if they can name Tony Stark's daughter
Well Rocket Man sure isn't the next Bohemian Rhapsody
are you implying Jake Sully is a minor character like Tony Stark's daughter?
based Keanu
the movie is only a month old bro, shouldn't be too hard
>avatar can be rereleased but not vengers cause it breaks my argument!!!!!
>22 movies based on over 50yo comic book characters to cement their names (and people might forget their real names)
>vs. a movie from 10 years ago with original characters with generic names/complicated native names
>Avatar had no competition, 3D was a novelty
And Endgame has the advantage of MORE theaters existing + bigger population compared to when Avatar came out. Not to mention Endgame features some of the most popular characters in fiction history, and more than a decade's worth of buildup. And also social media superfans organizing repeated viewings while Avatar's was more organic.
Character name recognition means nothing when it comes to highest grossing numbers. More people know who Spongebob is than Scarlett O Hara, doesn't mean the spongebob movie grossed more.
Because every time I come on here there's twenty fucking Marvel threads and 20 threads about good movies that had to die to make way for them. The same shit happened over at Yea Forums, invaded by a bunch of teenage faggots who won't stop gushing about Harry Potter/pop culture trash instead of discussing real literature.
Either just ignore them or filter. If you're on a televisions & film board, people are naturally going to talk about the most popular ones. This is common sense, stop being a crybaby.
>And Endgame has the advantage of MORE theaters existing + bigger population compared to when Avatar came out.
And China's rapid growth over the last 10 years
>Endgame has the advantage
Bullshit. Wanna know what advantage Avatar had?
This is opening weekend. Look at the movies it was competing against.
>The Princess and the Frog
>The Blind Side
>Up In The Air
Meanwhile Endgame is going up against
>John Wick 3
Avatar didn't get knocked off the #1 spot until in February when Dear John beat it.
>Cameron rereleases avatar in theaters before avatar 2 comes out
you mean Disney?
>Because every time I come on here there's twenty fucking Marvel thread
lol, no. A week or two after release there are no Marvel threads except for ones like this we're it's just box office talk. Endgame is the going to be the 2nd biggest film of all time and there's nothing to talk about
>IMAX was barely even a glimmer in an exec's eye.
Underage zoomer retard detected
>This is opening weekend.
in which it made only 77 million (still undefeated for original IPs)
but by the 5th weekend it was doing 3x more than Endgame
it was legit, manchildren are the worst.
we’ll see when avatar 2 comes out if you still think that recognisability doesn’t matter for what will be a sequel
The blockbusters being released around Endgame were ALL MCU FILMS THAT WERE JUST HYPE FOR ENDGAME. Even will a limitless advertising budget and multiple movies to support and fuel the hype train it cannot beat Avatar. Do you know why? Because Avatar was full of original ideas while Endgame was void of them.
IMAX wasn't a thing overseas and was much smaller in the US
>>John Wick 3
Holy shit you are a retard. Fucking Brightburn? Has that even made over 20mil WW yet? The Blind Side made 255mil domestic, way more than what John Wick will do
>not adjusted for inflation
Closer to $350mil to go, capies.
gone with the wind says hi
Compare how many theaters there were when Avatar came out to when Endgame came out. Compare how much "appeal" Avatar and Endgame had to entice audiences with. Endgame being the culmination of over a decade long buildup with the some of the most famous characters ever, while Avatar is just le blue people. Endgame fans are literally organizing repeated viewings, while Avatar stayed consistent organically because it was in demand.
Hell, Endgame can't even get close to Avatar PRE-inflation with everything going for it. Even with the fanbase aware of box office records and actively trying to get it to #1. Avatar fans never had to force themselves to increase the grossings. Just the difference in theater numbers and therefore movie goers along means Endgame had the bigger advantage.
>Gone with the Wind exists
>So this means Endgame isn't losing to Avatar
The mental gymnastics to cope here is amazing
>Kaijufag thinks Godzilla will break more than 300 million at the box office worldwide
Oh nonononononono
Cant wait for the july 4th commercials
“See it again and again! Now back in theaters!” Disney so desperate to get in the top list by buying every property up instead of making their own
reminder that good legs is the real parameter for knowing if audiences like a movie or not
This is a ridiculous question that could only be born from a complete shithole like Twitter or Reddit because it automatically should be rebutted if you thought about it for half a second rather than tried to move on to the next hot take that gets you more interactions and thumbs up from advertising bots. Nobody remembers the names of characters from great movies. Avatar wasn't a vacuous IP vehicle spread over every form of media and designed to sell toys. It was a film.
It's already fucking embarassing
I can understand shitting on Capeshit, but who would defend a generic sci-fi movie with Ayy designs even most xenofuckers don't like?
James Chadmeron >>> The Jewso Brothers
because it's still the better movie
"Relive the moments!" The culture has already given up on having anything that carries any real significance. All we have are quips, looping reactions gifs, and moments.
Fuck your inflation bullshit. Avatar is on top probably because it cost twice as much to see. Compare the price of an 3D IMAX ticket to that of a regular showing. Most people who saw Endgame saw it in 2D because they know 3D is garbage. All the weekend openings for me were sold out in 2D while 3D was still open. Avatar was the opposite. That's probably why it made so much money.
It's just two guys clashing shields
Why does it have to look so fake?
>That's probably why it made so much money.
No, this is why:
Avatar is Fallen Kingdom-tier though. Nobody ever fucking talks about it. Even TLJ, which is worse than both, still still be remembered more than Avatar because that's at least god awful and not just borderline mediocre.
Doing that just to beat Avatar would be extremely pathetic and petty. If it can't beat it by normal means then Disney needs to throw the towel and accept defeat.
Endgame is the culmination of 20 movies and billions in marketing by the biggest media corporation in the world. Not only is the world population bigger today, there are far more theaters in the world now than what there used to be 10 years ago. China alone went from 5k theaters in 2009 to 60k in 2019. Same with all the other 3rd world shitholes, which is where MCU is huge. There's also inflation.
Endgame is extremely impressive and its 1st and 2nd week box office records will not be beaten for a long time, but it's no Avatar or Titanic. Jim is just one man with his own independent studio and he made two original movies that both grossed over 2b (3b with inflation) while being ridiculed and mocked by media who were spelling doom and killing hype for both of these movies. It's just not comparable. Furthermore, MCU's brand power is wildly overblown by shills, fanboys and media. It's only HUGE in few countries and does average blockbuster money everywhere else. Even the Avengers movies get outgrossed by other blockbusters and popular local films in the year they are released, non-Avengers movies are often not even in top 10.
Marketing is all about shilling now. You've seen what Disney did with Captain Marvel - buy out their own tickets to artificially create hype to a movie no one wanted to see in the first place. If there's any shred of negativity towards Avatar 2 (and believe me, there will be), the shills are gonna be out in full force shitting up the forums for months. It's much more effective for marketing to brainwash people on the internet by constantly reminding them about the movie then it is for them to simply advertise it on a billboard somewhere.
just a reminder for cameroncucks that you're rooting for a Disney property
not when your opening is so massive, and the movie isn't a December release. the audience is finite after all. by the 4th weekend endgame had already surpassed the entire domestic gross of avatar.
This is how skewed perspectives are these days. If a movie doesn't immediately set out to turn their main characters into icons and try to spin out a 20 year toy franchise and inject their Intellectual Property into your kids breakfast cereal and show up in superbowl commercials it's bad because "nobody ever talks about it"
Lord of the Rings didn't count as Warner Bros' box office record even though they bought New Line afterwards
>Fuck inflation
Ignoring it doesn't mean it's not important. If we don't take into account inflation then there's no such thing as a fair comparison and therefore records will be bullshit because numbers are all random. For example, Avatar made 2.788 10 years ago, if it did the same thing today that number would be 3.263. Also you're ignoring the fact that Endgame is the sequel to probably the most critically acclaimed and most memed superhero movie (other than Dark Knight). And has insanely popular characters. That gives Endgame a fuckton of advantages besides the fact that more theaters exist compared to 2009. More people want to see those characters and want to see what happens after I.W. Avatar didn't have anything to piggyback off of. It stayed consistent because it was in demand. It didn't need a campaign of "Shillgame" on twitter and youtube.
Also, 3rd world shitholes are wealthier now and everyone can afford a movie ticket. BO outside of 1st world countries and even in some 1st world countries has skyrocketed in the last ten years.
No, it's it's story is extremely overdone and it's characters are wood. Literally all Avatar has going for it is maybe it's creature design (not it's humanoid aliens).
I'm not defending Endgame, but trying to hide behind such a bland movie is pathetic as fuck.
Avatar 2 needs to make 4 billion worldwide otherwise it would be a failure
>hide behind
this doesn't even make sense
>he's still trying to take the heat off EG being a total box office failure
>all the MCUfags ITT who still haven't heard
Even in the best case scenario EG is projected to fall AT LEAST 20m short of Avatar. It's over. Cope.
of course not but Disney would benefit greatly in Avatar being at the top so they can market Avatar 2 as the biggest movie ever
the cinema memers declined an extension by disney I thought
I like watching reaction videos to Marvel movies
>then there's no such thing as a fair comparison
Oh you want fair comparison?
2D is $14
3D is $17
IMAX 3D is $20
$2.1 million for Avengers Endgame in 13 days, theater open full day since premiere, sold mostly in 2D
$2.7 million for Avatars in 20+ weeks or something, theather open regular hour, sold mostly in 3D.
Now do the math, which one sold the most tickets? You are trying to argue, but you only make Endgame look better.
Based OG Avatarposter. We robust. We based. Capeshit is at an end. Bury it.
>Chinese director bux
Aquacuck flopped. Eat the bluray.
You lost.
Sit down.
Be humble.
Endgame will make more than 2.749 billion (Avaturd’s first run).
Avaturd has lost.
Endchad has won.
Sit down.
Be humble.
>mousecuck who has been making the same claim every year & getting BTFO tells someone else to sit down & be humble
>Oh you want a fair comparison
I already told you what constitutes a fair comparison, the inflation numbers calculated. And looking at Avatar's 3.27, Endgame is nowhere near close to it.
>in 13 days
It doesn't matter how strong the opening week is if it has no consistency. Other movies did better opening than Avatar before, this is nothing special. The reason Avatar remains #1 is consistency, not blowing your load too early and literally having to organize repeated viewings by begging people on twitter.
>now do the math
see You're just making me explain the obvious which in turn makes Avatar look better.
someone post the image of pepe thanos crying over Avatar's 2.78b, it makes me laugh everytime
This is Infinity War all over again. Actually, every movie that tried to take on Avatar, all over again. It's funny every time.
>capecuck throws nigger quotes
Colorme surprised.
at least with Infinity War marvelfags knew it was over well in advance
Baby mutts being born every day
ask anybody if they can name who is the main character on avatar
>muh names
Character name recognition means nothing when it comes to highest grossing numbers. More people know who Spongebob is than Scarlett O Hara, doesn't mean the spongebob movie grossed more.
Mother Nature
Me too but only if it's a pajit theater
Memorial day weekend was it's last boost & it got it to 2,688 million, memorial day was suppose to get it comfortably past Avatar
It's gone man, Avatar wins again
Do people actually think Avatar will lose its spot? How many times are you going to be taught this lesson you retards
I find that Hollywood has declined so precipitously that virtually no Hollywood film of the last 5 years deserves to be watched…why in heaven would anyone waste 2 hours to watch “Spiderman Chapter 623” or “Star Wars Episode #welostcount – The Return of the Return of the Return” when there are so many good films made in the previous 100 years that people haven’t seen yet? The last sequel that was worth watching was Godfather 2, 42 years ago, or the Road Warrior, 35 years ago. If we thought more highly of ourselves, we would not watch bad films and listened to bad music just because they are publicized.
Wow, this is so woke! Yea Forums just got BTFO by this never before seen opinion. Wake up sheeple!
>2,688 million
nope, that's already counting tuesday
RIP Endgame
the shill critics weren't enough
Do capeshitters ever get tired of losing?
4 of the 5 highest grossing movies of 2018 were capeshit
look at all that loss
also this
>for the first time this summer since Avengers: Endgame opened, counter-programming will finally work at the box office with Paramount/Marv Film’s Elton John biopic Rocketman fresh from its Cannes premiere hitting $25M in U.S. Canada at an estimated 3,600, $45M+ worldwide, and Universal/Blumhouse’s $5M Octavia Spencer thriller Ma eyeing $20M domestic or far more at 2,700 theaters. Thursday previews start at 7PM for both films.
getting BTFO by Godzilla overseas and counter-programming in the US
fuck disney and fuck capeshit
James Cameron BTFO this board again.
>doesn't take into account inflation
the marvelcuck's IQ ladies and gentlemen
Disney could just buy $101 million dollars in empty theathers, to claim the #1 movie in history
They won't, however, cause RDJ and others have some exorbitant bonus clauses in case that happens
>Avatar now 3.27
kek, I can see you shills raising the bar when Endgame eventually surpasses 2.7 billion.
Adjusted for inflation, Avatar isn't even top 10 so I don't see why inflation even matters.
>The reason Avatar remains #1 is consistency,
No it's not. It's IMAX 3d ticket prices. Less people saw Avatar then Endgame AND Endgame had more competition. I'm 100% certain on this. Give it time, Endgame will top Avatar.
lamest part is, it will be on October on Disney+, which is 1 month free
Avatar isn't in theaters, nor does it need to be shilled. Your buzzwords don't even make sense.
>when Endgame surpasses 2.7 billion
It's taking a pretty long time, and that's even before inflation. Again, you're just making Avatar look good.
>Avatar isn't even top 10
And how does this change the fact that Endgame is losing to Avatar? Cope.
>No it's not
Yes it is. Many films opening weekends crush Avatar but they all fail to reach the #1 spot. Because they lack consistency. Avatar was kept in theaters because it was in demand, it made a shit ton of money without people doing a #SpendonAvatar hashtag movement. Imax 3D prices aren't even as significant as the fact that Endgame has more moviegoers due to more theaters compared to 2009 + bigger population. Not to mention the name recognition and brand recognition Endgame had, while Avatar was just James Cameron's blue people movie.
its not gonna happen
>My Disney owned franchise makes more money than your Disney owned franchise!
absolute retard
Seeing the capeshitters meltdown and panic about not beating Avatar is hilarious
>Avatar made 3,2$B
>AE is 2,6$B
>That's a 600$M difference
When do you learn to do math?
>Adjusted for inflation, Avatar isn't even top 10
It's #2 worldwide
this. who cares? ain't even proper console wars
t. increasingly nervous mousecuck
If these schizophrenic retards don't fixate on things like this the crushing realization about their wasted lives starts to creep in again.
>who cares
The people posting in the threads aka you.
You don't win anything from a mediocre movie beating out another mediocre movie user.
>The cope
Every time
this plus the chinks weren’t as strong back then in going to the movies
Cope harder.
Avatar stayed in theaters for 9 months because people kept watching it, retard.
yes, the cope of marvelcucks as Endgame loses to a movie about blue people
>Whatever it takes
>we must defeat Avatar
Avatar didn't need this millenial zoomer shit to get as big as it is.
avengers is the gayest zoomer trash i've ever seen. your generation truly is a lost cause.
Plus Avatar is 10 years old, money was worth more back then, accounting for inflation Endgame isn't really competing.
>Avatar...no competition
Utter horse's shit, marvelfag
Avatar had the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie and the Sherlock Holmes movie on its SECOND week. Both hit around half a billion.
Your shitty 22 movie culmination fanboy shit had NO major competition on its second week. Week 3, it had Pikachu, which will barely make 400 mill. On Wk 4, it had John Wick, which will make 300 mil. WAY weaker competition than Avatar's "no competition"
They just pretend they didn't. Muh 3d, muh competition, etc
t. SEETHING avatarcuck
you still lost for the 5th time and you're gonna have to deal with it mousefaggot
top FIF, watch them do it too
Utterly based. House of Mouse BTFO and left coping
But ain't that stupid? In 2009 chink market was not that much big of a thing and also we have what, 9 billion people? Against 2009 8 billion is kind of unfair
I just dabbed
They already did re-release it.
>a movie isn't shilled in the media therefore it is bad
jimmy finna boutta slaw iykwiy