Is it autism?

Is it autism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

his wife is ugly. he's adapted well to his autism though.

In related news, I watch an interview with Trebek where he said he drinks diet soda, never works out, and drinks dairy. No wonder he got cancer.

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Dont guys who work out get cancer all the time as well? Or is it the soda and milk?

How can someone know this much random information? It has to be autism

you could win jeopardy just by memorizing the world map, england's royalty, and knowing the basic plots and authors of the 100 most famous novels

you should check out Only Connect

you have to do quick pattern recognition with obscure trivia as your only clue

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Unironcially this. Also a topical knowledge of all high school sciences.

They have to be briefed on the categories beforehand. Nobody offhand knows "17th century failed finger painting artists."

Then why dont you do it user

And having a basic knowledge of geographic features, states and towns based on what makes them unique.

Why isn’t anyone talking about how this guy is obviously a closet faggot? Just look at his mannerisms and how he smiles and shit. Then he does really faggy shit like blow kisses into the camera

This guy is a full on fucking QUEER and no one else seems to notice

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take that back

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because it's a lot more than knowing the answers. Most people at his level know most of the answers

Jesus fucking christ he’s not even trying to hide it, I guess he thinks having a “wife” is enough

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He is married

Smart people tend to be eccentric

looks more like autism than gay to me

He's going to make more money than Trebek this year

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>Smart people tend to be eccentric
I learned this by watching house

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Cope, he’s a fag and so are you

Wheel of Fortune before Jeopardy is disgusting

You plebian, Wheel is a perfect warm-up to Jeopardy

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takes one to know one

Absolutely horrible taste

absolutely wrong
Jeopardy should lead into prime time

People who work out a lot drink a lot of milk

Probably, but it seems high functioning. Still, name one person who's good at Jeopardy who's not a little bit of a weirdo.
People act like James is the first Jeopardy contestant with strange mannerisms - I suspect because normie plebs don't watch Jeopardy until someone goes on a newsworthy run.

can you imagine actually watching tv, let alone a game show? lmao are you guys literally 50-year-old midwestern farmers or something?

the only person i know IRL that watches jeopardy is my buddies dad and he's like 65 and retired

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he's just autistic
he couldn't get on the show so he asked online poker players how they'd do it and they all told him to fake a smile and act super excited

^This is your average capeshit viewer

i don't watch capeshit either faggot

or GoT

>are you guys literally 50-year-old midwestern farmers or something

some of us are

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Cant find last nights jeopardy, all of the ones I find are fakes from last week

t. grew up without a father

tell me you wouldn't.

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torrent it d00d

>game of thrones capshit master race

hes very clearly autistic

I was just baiting for (You)'s desu I genuinely feel bad now for trashing it. I really didn't mean anything by it. Sorry. I don't know what gets out of pretending to be me.

Diet is def a crucial part of putting on muscle. You have the comparatively easy task of just eating a ton of calories - milk and rice are the cheapest way to do so, but anything works. Dominos has a $7.99 large three topping if money’s not quite so tight
Wide grip will work your pecs more and your triceps less compared to standard grip, so if that’s what you’re focused on it could be a good move. I would recommend getting a pull-up bar and also doing raised leg push-ups at home on a daily basis. Set a goal for yourself and keep yourself accountable, make it so you have to check some boxes off on a whiteboard or notebook or w/e every day. I try to do them every time food is in the microwave bc it’s natural downtime. If you get into the habit of supplementing your gym workouts with home exercises to exhaustion 3x a day, you’ll see quicker gains. If you stick with it, you’ll def notice big improvements in your bench lifts by the end of the summer, try to add at least one more push-up to your sets every couple days. Make sure you have a song that gets you pumped up and just try to crank out as many as you can 3x a day. After the first week, you’ll start to like it and get that endorphin rush when you get an extra rep in

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He has the worst facial expressions. Very unnatural.


the second she talked I knew she was crazy

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I have a great gaydar and I don't sense any gayness. I sense autism though, which is what you think is gayness.

crazy hot, absolutely

thanks fren

Why haven't any audience members leaked future outcomes? This shit is taped months in advance

I watch Jeopardy with my Grandmother when I visit her for dinner.

>Watching Wheel at all

and risk the wrath of the Jeopardy assassins?
What are you crazy?

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I say the opposite.

It's a combination of FBI agents talking in his ear and a bit of homo sexuality.

i would. she have dfc

Her speech patterns indicate partial deafness. She was cute though, and her perceived weakness made me root for her slightly more.

You spergs would all spasm out on live TV.

A few guys did that before. They all got sued and at least two went into personal bankruptcy and I know that at least one "killed themselves".

They're told the categories ahead of time because it's boring to watch a show where 90% of the questions go unanswered.

I wouldalot

What the actual fuck? There are places where Jeopardy is first?

jesus christ those questions were retard-tier.

I knew she was a theatre kid. They have that same spergy aura. Of course she cleans house in the Shakespeare category.

you're insane, the average person probably gets 25-50% right at home. and if you aren't retarded you'd study before getting on the show and get that up to at least 2/3s

He only started doing spazzy things in the intro shot the last week or so


study... what? the categories are ostensibly not told to the contestants beforehand, so you have about a 99.9% chance of studying something that won't be on the list

the gray areas air both simultaneously


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This is his wife
Starts at 13:28

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He might be on the spectrum, but it's mostly he's just jacked on amphetamines

>literally picks a female version of himself
what de fug :DDDD

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>Cedric the Entertainer
Literally what the fuck was Millionaire thinking

Better than the sperg they have right now desu

What the fuck is her voice

Oh fuck James is even there

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At least Harrisfag is white

>Watch yo wallet!

That haircut really brings out the nip in him


>making fun of queers on a website for gay people

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It's alright user!

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They ask the same categories a lot. Geography, US/20th century history, authors, science, mythology, bible, opera, at least 2 or 3 of those show up every game.

she cute i really want a gf

what part of "hes fucking autistic" dont you understand

Kill yourself you fucking mentally I'll abomination

Bro you can literally watch it online nearly a full day before it airs. Stop being such a clueless boomer.

No need for unpleasantries.


I like watching it while I'm eating dinner

>James is an ass man
she's pretty cute despite the widely spaced tiny tits on her fridge frame

She isnt ugly. Why were anons saying she is ugly

a lot of it is just educated guessing, if its a question about an obscure subject just think of the only person or place you've ever heard of related to it 75% of the time that's the answer

Kek. Peak boomer

what about a tranny

this, Johnny is ruthless

No, that's commie propaganda pushing söy and trying to sabotage breastfeeding. If you're white milk is fine.

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Shut the fuck up incel

bro spend $2 more and get a 5 meat from little Caesars

>5min in
>break time
What the fuck is wrong with american TV?

DM me.

Are you 12 years old? You sound like you are a very unsophisticated 12 year old

That's true for most contestants (even the really good ones) but with james he's got a 97% accuracy, he's knows when he doesn't know very well

>ingest metric tons of saccharin over your lifetime
>get pancreatic cancer
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's nearly calorie free and little glycemic load so it's better for me than sugar right guys!?!?!??!


why are the jeopardy categories so weird of late

It's the producers throwing whatever they can at James to get him to lose.

>This level of trivial information


How is Jeopardy not television? you stupid fucking cock sucker

So you are saying he isn't smart or he doesn't have weird quirks? Both are clearly there.

So is this guy actually intelligent or?

No one crosses Trebek.

No one.

He's obviously intelligent.

commercials. us burgers need to know exactly what type of fast food to buy every 5 minutes.

based james, King of the hapas, btfos the retards once again

you’re just mad that you don’t have two million bucks and a qt wife (and you never will)

James a cute CUTE!!

lmao that stay at home mom is getting fucking rekt

I would NOT.

Emma on the other hand I would marry.

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wheel of fortune is for retards and fat women

Thank God his hapa autism is limited to weird behavior instead of public shooting sprees

>not having a comfy dinner watching jeopardy and getting 60% of the questions right
lmaoing at your life, capeshitter

You guys are just jealous they are the smartest breed alive and even scare jews with their high IQs.

If you drink milk as an adult you're doing it wrong

do not even utter their name
are you crazy man??

she seemed like the type who would stab you because she had a dream where you wanted to break up with her

why are you even in this thread if you don’t watch the show?

the worst of all teen jeopardy contestants

would, no doubt

>mentally I'll
ducking phoneposter

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No, he's a hapa. The master race proves tis superiority again.

he said GIRLfriend

>guy in the episode today kept trying to push his button but couldnt before james

buzzlets cannot compete

Oh look, subhuman who can't take dairy as a human.

Where can I get this hat?

someone put OBEY on the hat

Thought he was gonna have some competition early on tonight.

This. Jeopardy should come on earliest, because its top fans go to sleep by 10 p.m. est. Wheel is like a shitty dessert that only plebes order.

>implying they want him to lose

> li3

$2.3 million closet boi

I'd holz her hauer.

Does anyone unironically believe James possibly had a secret role in the Las Vegas shooting blamed on Stephen Paddock? I do. There's no way CIA wasn't aware of James since college. They profile geniuses at his level.

Some of us are smart enough to get at least 1 question right.


>wife cooks me dinner
>watch jeopardy while eating
>after dinners done I throw the old ladys slop out back to the dog i hardly interact with
Am i peak boomer?

Who do women get fat?

Bob was a nice guy

Pretty much senpai if you have a wife, a dog, and a job wtf are you doing on Yea Forums?

Jim Bob? That guy was based. I wish he were my dad.

Tfw still miss FBI waifu contestant from last year

he's married to some khazar milkers

haha this!
i come home at 5 and watch fox news until 11 when i go to bed. can you imagine being such a manchild youd watch game shows? yikes!

zoomers will never understand the comfiness of watching a game show

that one guy a week ago should have won, he knew just as much as james and even bet as much as him

What is schizophrenia?

I'll take Anons Displaying Symptoms of Mental Illness for 600.

I felt so bad for him when he came in last. Reminded me of an old vet that used to come in to the pizza place I worked at.

I wonder how this bitch got on the show:

She is very clearly the best of ALL contestants, not just the teens.

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nice try schlomo


lmfao. poor user probably does have schizophrenia topkek

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

I'll take Anons Displaying Symptoms of Mental Illness for 400.

Didn't he mention having some kind of improv comedy troupe? I'm gonna look that up because he's great

...your "dad", huh

Idk. Tbh been posting here for about a fucking decade why stop now

actually fucking disgusting

looks like a complete cunt

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who won this episode? claire?

She looks like id actually face fuck her

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

How the fuck is a jeopardy show getting this many posts on modern Yea Forums? I fucking forget this show even exists except for the rare occasions i see it while flipping through channels

I'm not spoon feeding you.

What is pedophilia?

I'll take Anons Displaying Symptoms of Mental Illness for 200.

oh yes i would

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kek based Alex

So what the fuck do you do while on a run like this in jeopardy? Like is he just posted up in a hotel? What do you do in your off time between filming of episodes? Study?

Start watching from the April 4th episode.

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How many hapas have solved the Millennium Problems?
How many Jews have?

What is faggot?
I'll take this guy for 100

17 hapas and 5 jews have solved them.

>tfw they're all deleted from dailymotion

Alex: Why the fuck do I smell fish?

Hapas: John Kowazaki, Chi Smith, Wong Franklin, Kevin Dang, Hideo Johnson, Kim Franklin, Ling Dao, Chin Moskalinsky, Jason Chab, Ben Li, Chris Wong, Henry Mao, Lisa Wang, Nick Kobe, Alex Li, Chang Davidson, Jimmy Wu.

Jews: Ari Davidson, Kevin James, Benjamin Rothbard, Murray Abramson, Galiel Jefferson

How many anglos?


He's so good on the buzzer they probably couldn't beat him if the answers flashed up on their screens

I'd hate to be on jeopardy with him, because even if they rigged it and gave me all the answers, i'd still get cucked out of all my points

Do you think his wife cheats on him?

Absolutely. But to be fair. Whose wife/gf doesnt?

my wife doesn't

Lmao sure user. At best you just havent found out

Oh shit everyone is playing like him now. It's the only way to take him down. Did he change Jeopardy forever?

>/tv has been overrun by 40 to 50+ MAGApedes who think their game show habits are "acceptable"

This board has truly fallen

Because the current champ is on a 30 day winning streak and is breaking all of the records. I didn't start watching til a week ago, and probably won't again once he loses.

If the nigger knew how to use the clicker he probably would have had a chance.

is this really the way that angry loser/incels view the world?

Its the fucking truth. Most women have hoardes of dicks throwing themselves at her daily. Its only natural for her to actually test a few out

When that one guy was like $14 away from tying him you know he was shitting his pants. If the guy went true daily double he would’ve met/beat him.

My entire family (even my high school sister), usually make time to watch wheel of fortune and have done so for at least half a decade. Having a cup of tea and guessing what the phrase is before the contestants most of the time with your family is top comfy.

Why does Yea Forums think having autism is like a super power?

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do it yourself you worthless shitbag

he doesn’t need to study anymore, he already knows EVERYTHING MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


>brainlets hate jeopardy so much because it makes them feel dumb
it’s okay to feel that way user, you are dumb

She cheats but she doesn't win. James is too good.

Yes, he's "posted" in a hotel. When you compete on Jeopardy! only your hotel and cab is paid for. Contestants cover their own airfare and wardrobe. Which many admit sucks but it's yolo. However, when you hit ~10+ games, your hotel is upgraded, you're paid a per diem plus nice meals plus clothing per diem, and you can opt to have your spouse join you on the show's dime.

As wins stack up, so do amenities. A plush limo and chaffeur is provided and concierge service. Now, since James lives in Las Vegas he may be staying with family in California, but he's no stranger to the amenities afforded high rollers so I bet he's taking advantage of reservations at Spago, private cocktails with celebrities, and publishing houses are probably circling and treating him.

By 70+ games, you are being treated like a pop singer with a Vegas residency, almost. Jeopardy! has deep deep pockets. If costs roughly $2m to film an episode, but it's a 30-year ratings golden choose.

I bet that James is doing bets via online while in his hotel. He jokes that bookies are avoiding him now, but in truth, they are calling him. He's a high roller now, basically Matt Damon in Rounders irl.

Piss off capeshitter brainlet

Jeopardy is ridiculously easy. They give you too many hints in the answer. A few decades ago you actually had to know shit.

What if these were Alex's daughters.

what is the game of life.

I see what you're doing with that fucking hand, Trebek.

Would you ever go on this show Yea Forums?

how do you think you would do?

Why is she so wide?

I wouldn't

die in a bus fire, kike

gas yourself, tranny

I think people really discount what the pressure of being on stage in front of cameras and an audience does to you.

god damn you're a clueless beta virgin, aren't you? almost everyone here is.

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Torrents faggot

>he tell them

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I didn't have any of those when I found this shithole

Wait,lol, are there unironically "people" who can't drink milk? Wtf lol