ITT: only people that dont watch cape shit

ITT: only people that dont watch cape shit

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This is my thread.

we outchea. bonus points if you don't watch GoT either

I havent watched anything since last year but come here for cunny or trannie bashing threads

i watch capekino

Reminder that garbage like star wars, mad max 4, blade runner 2049, john wick, etc are also capeshit
so don't post in here if you watch that pleb shit too

This, exactly this

No thread is your thread faggot

>namefag thinks he belongs in any thread

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Protip: don't reply to tripfags, all he wants is (You)'s and you're giving them to him.
The best way to make him go away is by completely ignoring him/filter him.

Yo... so when is the next Wes Anderson film coming out?

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Nice try tripfag

wtf, where'd you get this gif of my fiance?

Not only do I NOT watch cape shit, old sport, but I also do not watch any Television or Film whatsoever. I come here exclusively to shitpost, frogpost, and Banepost.

Oh, yes, and I also bully jannies. btw, jannie, get off your lazy ass and sticky my post. Do it now, and do it for free, you seething simp

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Sorry mate I didn't see any ring at her finger... you should talk to her.

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>not sneedpost
Cringe but redpilled


That'd be me.

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>m-mom do you think will they like me now?

Have sex

I do not like capeshit either

>I come here exclusively to shitpost,
I don't want to bother, but bonbiposting also produces nice results.

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Don‘t worry—I‘m on the list

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