>be comedian
>start taking antidepressants
>career immediately turns to shit
Be comedian
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally name one comedian who isn't depressed
More like
>move from NY to LA
>instead of being surrounded by NY's cold detachment you're now surrounded by LA bleeding hearts
>start being a moral crusader yourself
>no longer funny
Stephen Crowder
My diary
men lose all creativity when their dicks stop working, and antidepressants make your dick stop working
Everyone knows that anti-depressants do more harm than good to a male
Norm Macdonald
My creativity gets stunted because my dick is working too much.
Norm is a mental mess
>Be rich
>Have professional success , acknowledgement
>Friends, contacts
>A loving family and wife
>Comfort, hobbies, safe place to stay, holidays
>Have it all
Fucking americans drama crybabies menchildren
his ratings are a nightmare... dude barely cracks the top 50 on most nights
Die you fucking spamming paki
lies, his career is truly a beautiful career. the greatest its ever been!
He literally was on suicide watch
You mother fucker, how dare you make me laugh.
adam carolla confirmed norm is a piss bottler a couple years ago
>antidepressants make your dick stop working
False. It only makes me take much longer to cum than usual but I didn't lose my libido
Hey don’t be rude. They prefer to be called anglos.
he said comedian
>be """comedian"""
>career tanks
>blame it on anti-depressants
Jerry Seinfeld
not a comedian, he's a comic actor.
What is this supposed to even mean?
He was a well established comic before he got his show.
He’s a stand up comedian
there (You) go
He's the best though
Warwick Davis
how the fuck does BRAVO have two shows in the top 5?
Brian Regan
But doctor I am pagliati
>cater to people who don't even watch your show while taunting the rest
>your ratings tank
>get depressed
his podcast is great, late night tv is a shitty format and he should give it up
He talked shit about videogames. Who is laughing now, uh?
I guess Bill Maher, he is angry a lot, but I don't think depressed.
Seinfeld is not depressed. But he also isnt that funny anymore. Hes more just bored and irritated.
i don't get it
robin williams
John Mulaney seems like a pretty well adjusted guy
He made that unforgivable Seinfeld ripoff that lasted like 3 episodes
Literally every comedian woman
Joe Rogan, dude has the most popular podcast in the world and seems pretty happy
Drumpf and current year really did a number on late night didnt they?
Brendan Schaub
Doesn't Rogan take that seizure drug that makes you super focused mentally?
It's another Jimmy cries episode
Having to face real problems and not a russian psyop really did a number on them.
leno really did a number on him
Thank God Sean Hannity’s audience will be dead in 15 years
>15 years
He'll probably stick around longer than that if things stay the way they are.
you're kidding right.
LA is filled with scumbag people who are detached from grounded reality or having sympathy for average residents.
the issue is that he used to have a niche show by the mid-late 2000s he tried to not be so niche (probably lost those writers) and it's been downhill ever since
as opposed to being niche he's simply unpopular
very different perspective
The west coast elite's cognitive dissonance doesn't really matter. They're all crusaders in their minds.
LA has plenty of both and everything in between
based forged in fire
Depression is a natural reaction to your environment, physical health, and diet.
what was he thinking?
Sam Hyde
Speaking of things that are depressed: Conan's ratings.
I remember him saying he is a former alcoholic on one of his specials.
>5 Dr. Pimple Popper
Is this a reality show about popping pimples? I'm afraid to google it
Jim Gaffigan
My dad watches this faggot. Making song parodies like it's 2012 what a fucking loser.
More or less. It's about a doctor that treats acne.
Robin Williams
Notice that all the comedians who never got (publicly) depressed at some point were never funny?
>Jerry Seinfeld
Literally never funny. His show was good only because it was carried entirely by Kramer, George, Newman, and George’s dad. Jerry was less funny than Elaine which is really saying something.
>Joe Rohan
Literally one of the least funny people on Earth, not even trolling.
he wasn't really his brain was dissolving
this..Jerry is just too fuckin autistic to be depressed. He's really indifferent to a lot of human suffering
Song parodies can be funny if done right
I don't know if Crowder does, don't watch him
where to get full interview?
Howard Stern is a redhead?
You want access to Howard? Pay that redhaired cunt who owns him.
Howard Stern's thoughts and actions are controlled by a small red-haired woman now. She decides who's shadowbanned from the show and which agendas Howard becomes fanatical for. Makes lists of words better than Tom's. He wanted to make lists about buttocks and penises. She makes lists about retard and faggot and makes Howard great. If you want to experience the greatness, the Serious Interviews, you must pay her for access to Howard.
And who's that?
I don't know, Gilbert / Artie / Jackie don't do her the honor of saying her name. She's that red haired cunt. Some sort of (((efficiency expert))) who has Howard dancing with Ellen and advancing SJW agendas.
Verne Troyer
kek, and here i thought that's some kinda inside joke of the show
This guy.
The show had Gilbert on it, and Jackie, and Artie. They are the show. Howard sells subscriptions to housewives with retarded children and gives them a mouthpiece to take down the righteous.
>sympathy for average residents
Why would anyone have sympathy for niggers, illegals, and bums? Hollywood is the only industry that brings white people and success to LA.
I used to post libraries on the alt.bimaries.howardstern. I even had contact with Sirius and Richard back shen they were desperate for old nbc recordings. I faded away when Artie went junkie, and when I started hearing how Gary is being treated now (he answers to her) it makes me sick. I’m embarrassed for my old obsession now, dumped all my drives of that fuck. Thanks for reading my blog.
That guy who had that netflix Nanette comedy special and directed guardians of the galaxy
His opinions on marijuana are pretty funny...reeeal funny
>Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci
This is is pretty old. Greg Gutfeld’s how (The Five) is ahead of some of the late night show hosts on there.
ouch lmao
His career went to shit because he got bought out by the media elites. He put up a fight, I think?
She’ll do more than just pop you pimples user....She’ll pop your cherry
So he's milked the degenerates for all they're worth and now he's trying to cash in on the SJW media frenzy. Typical kike.
Did you ever post on opa-ages?
Her hands look gigantic.
Pity as he's the best host IMO, and the least cucked by the mass media (worst offender Jimmy Kimmel)
Brainlet and Bluepilled logic-
>he's funny
>but he's sad
>he should take antidepressants
>it'll make him happier and funnier
Based and redpilled logic-
>he's funny
>it's because things have put him in a dark and sad place
>if he takes antidepressants to feel sane it'll ruin his drive to find the humor in dark situations in order to stay sane
I hate that neurotic jew, stern so much.
He's a probing, insecure, projecting cunt
I thought most people just watch his segments with Bill Burr on Youtube and that's it
norm is legitimately howard hughes tier crazy
Really? He talk about it on Stern or anywhere? Really interested
Honestly this. Dude is devout Catholic, has like 4 kids, happily married. I'm sure he has some problems but I don't think he's depressed. And he's pretty funny
>when you realize that Mulaney making a shitty Seinfeld ripoff that lasted 3 episodes was, itself, the joke
he's a master
>expedition unknown
Based. This guy's a fucking Chad.
he's really not that funny and his comedy store crew all kinda suck.
Post proofs.
He seems so well-read and normal compared to everyone in Hollywood
This guy knows.
He works in Hollywood dipshit. If you do that, you're either a demonic baby-eating faggot or you're depressed.
Excuse me what the fuck.
Is the 09.11.2001 recording that was broadcast from the 50,000w tower on the Prudential Center, WBCN, available in trading circles? It doesn't cut off when the "official" WCBS that's on YouTube does, it keeps going. I was there. Howard calls for every loyal listener to rise up and murder as many Palestinians as we can find. Then it went dead.
Is that Ronnie from the shield?
Jerry is the straight man in the show. The humor works because he's the voice of reason most of the time. The straight man is rarely funnier than the characters that play off him, which is everyone else in Seinfeld
Lift. Eat better. Stop drink.
Get your t up naturally. It doesn't cure depression but it strikes at the root cause and helps you manage the effects. Conan has probably never worked hard in his life.
I think all comedians know they are ugly and only fame and money buys them access. If they get those things they hit a ceiling and can't control their own life because people just want their money.
Most of them work dogshit jobs and quit to do depressing shit.
Me, Lorenzo. Yeah... I'm a real fucking comedian
I've lived here five years, LA had the worst people I've ever met on this entire earth, including third world shitholes.
Why doesn’t he just make a full-time traveling show?
Sean Lock - Possibly miserable but seems decent enough
Jon Richardson - OCD but don't know if depressed
Jimmy Carr - I doubt he's miserable IRL.
David Mitchell
Lee Mack
I'm just going to keep listing British panelists
Why are you calling me a dipshit, faggot? What did I do to you?
Agree with this user.
tell me more about this...
>Conan has probably never worked hard in his life.
He works his ass off. I remember seeing some behind the scenes of his days on NBC and he was at work 16 hours a day some days. He also keeps fit and works out and probably eats well because he's rich. You don't know what you're talking about
Who are you calling dipshit, shitdick?
This is kino.
This is why flyovers actually think
Are you a spic?
Why do they think?
It’s all to do with exercise. Depression, anxiety and sleeping disorders don’t exist. What exists are lazy out of shape people who eat like shit and sit on the couch all day, never pushing their bodies or stimulating their minds. If you’re not working all day, lifting weights, running and eat healthy every single day of the week and you still have the nerve to claim you’re “depressed” or “have anxiety” or “have trouble sleeping” then you’re a worthless fucking loser and no one cares about your pity party
Fags and their hags
El Guapo...I know we don't have yer supeeereor eentellect and ejukehshun...but could it be that you are angry because you are turning forty today?
Late night is dead I mean who really makes a point to watch those shows
This and only this
this is true but I can't get my lazy ass off the chair
at least I don't claim to be depressed tho, that's embarrassing
But anonymous I live in California and if I stand on my roof I can see the ocean. Suck my not flyover dick.
You know how the game gets boring when you play in God mode? Same fucking thing. When you've got nowhere left to go, life becomes meaningless. If I could hit a button and have Conan money tomorrow, you bet your ass I'd do it, but it's no surprise to me that the rich and famous are miserable.
>Start taking Zoloft for Anexity
>Give up on everything and just eat all day, get fat
>Go off it, feel better and lose weight
>Mom gets MS, get super depressed, eventually take Cymbalta
>Can't stop eating shit food it's like a compulsion
>Been weening off it slowly cause it is hard as fuck to stop
>Vow to die before every taking one again
Meds should be your last resort. I think I am more fucked up mentally from them than not. At least I had the will to take care of myself before them
how much weight did you gain?
Everybody is depressed by today's definition.
>I feel sad and unfulfilled sometimes
Here, take these Jewish chemicals every day for the rest of your life
50 lbs over two years. I am so ashamed of it
I like the guy but he aint funny.
Joe Rogan.... comedian? lmao
Isn't the point of meds to give you the actual mental resilience to get out of bed and start living life so that you can then fix yourself? The whole "exercise, fix sleep, eat better, go out more" advice is true but depressed people have mental barriers that prevent them from even getting up in the morning. So you take the drug, it removes the barriers, and you start getting your life in order. It isn't supposed to be a long term solution. If you just medicated without doing all those other things then that was your problem
(((brain chemistry))) amirite?
Yeah, doesn't help my Dr is a quack. I am glad I learned the lesson at least before my brain completely burned up
But he was never funny.
Spotted the brainlet. JS was one of the main writers. Him being the least funny on the show was the literal point you dumbass
Im someone with long documented chronic depression, its not a meme, its a flat out real chemical imbalance and my meds truly help, but theres MAJOR issues with this shit.
>Doctors prescribing it in any capacity when I know they shouldnt be able to but legally they can.
>People refuse therapy and psychitrists, the latter specialize in this
>People and retarded doctors thinking its a quick fix.
It took 5 years for me to finally find an anti-depressant that worked truly with a psychiatrist out of pocket. He never BS me and told me its around a 40% chance of success WITH one that will work, all others are essentially 0% when they dont. He also drilled into my head all they will do is make it so you can function above your shitty depression levels but getting over it and control of it is something no pill can do. When this shit is done right and people invest the time into it, it can change and save lives. He not once said "You should be on this the rest of your life" even with it being chronic(over 20 years of medical documentation mind you on my end) he said "This will help you find a way to control yourself so you dont need it in the future"
I would have killed myself without them. Its not a meme, its just a lot of ignorance from Doctors(who shouldnt prescribe anything over baby tier xanax) and people themselves refusing to put in the time and effort. Any Psychitrist worth their salt wont say "Take these the rest of your life goy! its the only way!" but more so, "Take these and control yourself, and hopefully 5-10 years from now you wont ever need them ever again"
Psychologists are memes. Avoid them like the plague.
>how to kill late night TV
Just add soi.
I lost some family members in an accident during college and took some time off from running stuff at my frat to deal with things and the sheer amount of friends pushing me to go see a shrink and get on pills with recommendations for all sorts of drugs, all because I took a couple weeks off from planning parties and getting meals with them so I could help my folks plan funerals and estate apportioning was fucking surreal. Felt like I was on an episode of the Twilight Zone.
Made me wonder what the fuck is wrong with people that they don't feel a moment's worth of hesitation before pumping themselves full of weird drugs that cause more suicide-related side-effects than a lifetime of solitary confinement in a dark cell and going to ten different faggots with notepads who spent 3 years learning about how a dream about going on a picnic means you want to get assfucked even though they'll never tell you anything useful and you'll just waste hundreds of dollars for each hour you waste talking at them before moving to another one when you decide they're not really working out for you after talking to your catlady toxoplasmosis-infested wine-swilling whore friend over 3-dollar-margeritas on a Monday morning brunch.
He should come home to Ireland
>literally what if Seinfeld was modern day
this is very meta
>friends pushing me to go see a shrink and get on pills
It's more of a liability thing. If you were to go and off yourself, at least they could be all "i told him to get some help"
I don't know what it is. But I do know that it can feel impossible to do anything when you're truly depressed. I've had stretches where I couldn't even take a shower. Then someone tells me to just start exercising and I know they have no idea what they're talking about. It's almost like a physical barrier. Then you take the meds and over a few weeks and months you start to feel like you can actually do and enjoy things again. That's the turning point. If you then don't start doing things you're just a lazy piece of shit. I did start working out and fixing my diet, got into drawing and music again, fixed my friendships and im cruising now. The doc gradually lowered my dose since January. I'll be off it soon. Worked for me
>literally goes out of his way to get a subreddit banned 3 times because they made fun of how tall he is or that he lies
yeah no
should do therapy, its non-intrusive and they cant give medical advice. At least in my state. It helped a lot and most people should see a therapist a few times. Its good to have the Yea Forums equivalent of a punching bag that you can sue if they leak any info, as long as you arent threating to kill/hurt someone or yourself.
He becomes more depressed the longer drumpf is in office
I didn't need anything. I didn't cry or show any signs of mental fatigue or anything that I could imagine prompting a reasonable person to get in my face with incessant diatribes about how I should get help. It's like those old aunts in Victorian stories who keep trying to get younger girls hooked up because they have nothing better to do than to play matchmaker except instead of trying to make a marriage happen these zombies were pushing me to become a drug-addled wreck like themselves.
The amount of pills some of them would take...
Also, two girls told me they wanted to give me an intervention when I started spending my time at the gym and making my own food instead of going out to eat with them every week until I told them to lay off and fuck off because they weren't my sisters or moms. Actually got offended that I was taking time to just work out by myself instead of organizing two parties every week.
>Only a week old
This man should devote himself exclusively to remote segments. He’s at his best improv-ing off ordinary folk on the street.
Yeah pills are an absolute last resort, took me around 6-7 years to finally realize I did need help from them. Its why I suggest therapy, even anyone should take some therapy sessions, its cathartic as fuck and not very expensive, its like a Spa day for your brain, thats only why I suggest it. Meds are always the final resort and you can tell anyone is full of shit if they push them on you quickly. My own psychitrist didnt push a single med on me aside from the smallest MG of Xanax(taken always by my own distrection mind you) after 6 months of seeing him.
These people are scum and have no place in helping others.
Norm macdonald
I believe that once you start working you'll enter a flow state and discontinue lazy habits, I wouldn't know though I haven't exercised in two years
Get woke, get depressed, kill yourself.
mfw when I've suffering with depression and is considering now medication
Jesus Christ, why do people still pay for cable? Aside from Tuck, that Top 20 is putrid retarded low energy cheaply produced horse shit for double digit IQ retards and old people.
Man... depressing.
Some cunt con-woman who is fucking everyone in the office named Marci Turk. She's there to protect Howard from the PC police. Howard even gave this cunt Gary's office.
My penis
Venus Lux?
Have sex
as long as its not with some gross tranny worse off than me.
the dead ones
This is honestly true.
Big mistake. Wean yourself off them slowly.
i thought that show was old as fuck
Anthony was on chantix
Yo. I appreciate you doing all that. I'm trying to put together a channel of "old glorious shit." We'd be honored to showcase your old obsessions.
You need to be funny, not just funny looking.
You know those people might've done worse sooner without medication?
Yeah right. If that happened someone would have that. Yes, I've been baited, but fuck I wish this was real.
I agree with you a lot here but you stupid fuck Elaine is second best character. Based George for the win.
>Chris Farley had a heart attack on Prozac
Yeah, but he was also taking copious amounts of cocaine, heroin, and was grossly overweight. Not saying prozac is good but that chart is fucking retarded.
>do worse than shoot up a school
That is not likely. It's worth understanding that Drugs will make your thought processes changeable, erratic, and at times desperate.
Owen Benjamin
Can't he just think his way into happiness? He went to Harvard
>all these late night host who accuse you of wrong think are mentally unstable fuckheads.
>Joe Rogan
This is depressing, just smoke pot or drink like johnny carson, antidepressants are garbage and they turn people into humorless zombies.
This century's late night white guy talkshows is for #Resistance grandmas
Soon as teenagers used Jon Stewart as their main news source all current and future talkshow hosts became straight up c/ucks
Let's be honest here, Yea Forums isn't full of the most mentally stable people either
Depends on the type and the individual
From what I've read it's actually a beautiful country in the countryside, though it's miserably poor.
This wouldn't surprise me if it was 50-80% true, though sometimes it's actually just brain chemistry.
Humanity is doomed
I dont understand why all these famous people are all depressed.
>unlimited sex
I think the problem is they marry american women. If i was rich id go to like south america or some pacific island and marry a woman there.
Looks like janny doesn't like people talking about mental health.
>From what I've read it's actually a beautiful country in the countryside,
That's called The Dominican Republic
Late night shows as we know them won't exist in twenty years. I don't see any possible way
Chad AF
American women are fucking trash
Scratch that, 3dpig are fucking trash
t. never used Google Earth
>Bill Maher
Most punchable face in the whole world. Wtf do people find funny about that guy?
he's deadass lost millions due to his gambling addiction. I love Norm but he's definitely a nutcase
Lovely mountains of trash and not one single tree. This is what always kills me about photos from shitholes - streets paved with Doritos wrappers, mountains of coke bottles, three year old wandering naked sucking down a Pepsi while an entire neighborhood sits around outside and does... Nothing. No one picks up trash, wipes mud off a hut, they don't even acknowledge the existence of their children wandering in mud and candy wrappers while adults fight over the status they've ascribed to donated name brand clothing, livestock left to wander aimlessly and feed off of garbage and whatever has died in the streets and never a plant in sight.
God damnit, no one is too poor to build a pig pen, pick up trash, have at least one book or old newspaper or something to read that the parents haven't used to wipe their asses. They're just fucking sitting around. Always.
They just want a better life for their kids but even when all their basic needs are given to them freely and they have nothing but time they don't lift a finger on their own.
I think that's why the super rich and the super poor are both so into heavy drugs. Nowhere to go.
He stopped being funny in like the mid-2000s
Welcome to the internet age, babe
People were saying this about Fox News 15 years ago.
>Jerry was less funny than Elaine
It's hard for me to think of an opinion about that show that's more shit than this. Elaine couldn't even manage to get pity laughs for the first 3 or so seasons.
>he was at work 16 hours a day some days
goofing off and making caustic remarks about your staff backstage isn't really "work" tho
>You know how the game gets boring when you play in God mode?
not really, no
>life is literally a permanent vacation
>is still a depressed sack of shit
glad he killed himself
Crowder's Dr. Trump recent parody was fantastic.
it's like people don't realize that there is always a new crop of boomers coming up.
Is that covered by insurance? The cherry popping I mean.
I cannot think of anything more cucked than paying for cable. Think about it logically.
Depression feels so fucking good, I can't even with these people. Why do you think weebs get bullied? It's because Winners are totally jealous of the importance a depressed weeb assigns to himself while the winner must compete at ever more difficult and dangerous tasks for an ever decreasing shot of dopamine and a constantly at threat group approval rating.
You're depressed when you think you matter. When you don't think you matter who is depressed?
I doubt a lot of them can read, but yeah, surely they could do something with their hands.
Based and bearpilled.
Then find a new purpose. Make the world a better place. Help those in need. If you have it all, give back to the world. It's only their greed and narcissism that makes them depressed.
he never learned how to drive and hates fucking. he's a neurotic mess
True. I don't think self-medicating of any kind is good tho, just exercise and have sex. It's easy if you have money
Why is Conan so unpopular? Everytime he's somewhere, awards, other talk shows, events, etc, people seem to love him. so why is his ratings so fucking shit?
He's trapped on fucking primetime cable on a shitty channel.
>So addicted that gambling that he unironically threw a bag of money into the ocean, because he'd rather do that than piss it away in a casino
Norm is probably the most miserable comedian in the fucking world, which explains why he's also the funniest.
I'd say Ron White but I don't think you can be depressed when you aren't capable of shame.
>be alcoholic
>stop drinking
>friends all ditch you because you're not fun to hang out with anymore
Based and clownpilled
They're the only ones still dopey enough to pay for cable at this point.
Yeah, those poor Palestinian kids look like they're really living hard over there.
He was the shit on his original late night show with the weird as shit humor, and really popular with the Adult Swim crowd (pothead college kids), but he had to chase his real dream of hosting the Tonight Show for grandmas, but it was a case of trying to force a square peg into a round hole.
Conan's podcast is unfunny shit. Even someone funny part of the time like Bill Burr can't make it funny. Also, when he gets his unfunny fucking SJW friends on its like pulling cats teeth with long unfunny stories about behind the scenes shit that happened in the 80s/90s. At least make the story fucking funny. I don't care the Chuck Fuckstien in 1992 at the NYC comedy club kicked you out one time. Do you remember that? No, Conan, nobody remembers or cares about some comedy mishap you suffered 2 or 3 decades ago.
I get more laughs out of Dan Carlin's history podcasts ffs.
Jerry Seinfeld.
Jonathan Pie
>Dan Carlin
SSRI's are literally poison.
Which causes suicidal behavior
He fried his brain with DMT and protein shakes. Too stupid to be depressed.
his girlfriend/wife was an international slut/pedo fucking random dudes and he would pay them off to stay silent. Can't even be as cucked as Bourdain.
Boomers need commercials to tell them what to buy lol
pretty sure it was all those knocks to the head during his mma days.
I really liked him. Especially his segments with kevin hart or other guests.
But after that "haiti"-thing he became for me like the other generic nightshow hosts.
It felt like he just wanted to jump on the bash trump train for views.
But really who still watches these late night shows? I dont like trump but its just the same thing every night "muh drumpf bad"
conan should just retire. i'm sure he's made decent scratch
Seinfeld's show was a ripoff of The Jack Benny Radio Program, almost a hundred years old now.
Jerry = Jack Benny
George = Rochester / Don Wilson
Elaine = Mary Livingston
Kramer = Dennis Day / Phil Harris / Mel Blanc
Newman = Fred Allen
Dumb boomer
Robin Williams.
>tfw 19 and no license
I don't even want to drive
jim carrey
annon its just niggers you cant fix them
Sorry I told them where you stole your jokes from, Jerry.
Jesus christ look at that fucking list
What kind of depraved beasts have we become
Just look
Oh God
I hate Howard Stern so fucking much. Is there a more disgusting degenerate example of a zionist Jew in public media who so openly hates Christians and Christian values? How does he get so much fame?
>was burning out
>feel like shit
>tell myself I'm fine
>both mentally and aloud
>i'm "fine"
>for a couple of weeks
>almost 2 years
>realize i haven't felt anything more than momentary happiness (literally a couple seconds at a time every couple days) for years
>brain chemicals now think feeling like shit is "fine"
>oh fuck
>do therapy for about a year
>shits not helping
>start taking antidepressant
>nothing first couple weeks
>then start to feel better
>then feeling starts to go away
>all feeling
>not sad
>or happy
>or anything
>don't even give a fuck enough to take pill on day
>moment of lucidity
>oh fuck im turning into a zombie
>scary as fuck
>quit pills
>shitty withdrawals
>then extremely emotional for a little over a week
>like i forgot what emotions felt like
>still depressed
>but at least not mindless
I can totally see how antidepressants can increase suicidal tendencies/thoughts with some people. They don't feel better, but they don't feel bad, they feel nothing. Probably a lot easier to feel nothing dead than alive.
Conan isn't a comedian, he's a writer if anything.
>he never learned how to drive
I love American standards for "crazy"
I look forward to his suicide
87 years is not "almost 100" grandpa
I love this show! My grandfather and I would listen to old serials all the time. What a kick! Thanks man. I'm gonna call my Granddad tomorrow and tell him I love him.
Sorry you were unhappy about the dates of the show you stole your jokes from, Jerry.
Anyone watch the old Johnny Carsons on MeTV? They are pretty good.
Where did The Daily Show used to sit roughly when based Stewart was still around
It's unfunny garbage though, like most comedy from before the 70s. People had lower IQs back then and it shows. Very cringy.
the list of what he doesn't take is pretty short
Good stuff, user.
No I hate these delusions of grandeur these comedians get with their phony Woody Allen syndrome, it’s just a cliche at this point. The actual funny people these days are mirthful and christpilled anons on the internet
how do I get full of mirth
RIP Cactus Chef Playing "We didn't Start the Fire" on the flute
pissing in bottles isn't a mental illness you idiot
Conan’s been at the subversion game for decades. He’s depressed because it was all going so nicely, then we had Gamergate and now everybody knows what’s going on. His media of choice is dying, and any humor he had he sold away long ago.
He should be sent away somewhere where there is no TV. It’s a shame because he’s clearly an intelligent and well read fellow. But acting all ass hurt for the past, what, four years has taken a massive toll on him.
The only good comedians that I know of are Louis CK and Nick from Cumtown/Cumtown in general to some extent. Nick Mullen is at another level rn. Sam Hyde has had some moments of genius, where he's sort of crossing from comedy into other realms. For example, the live version of Dr Manslave and An Inconvenient Anime. Pure cringe.
Possibly not unrelated. If he needs comedy to cheer himself up, he might be better at it.
What has he been acting ass hurt about? Also, how is going to five star resorts in Haiti to prove it isn't a shithole while performatively hating oneself for being white particularly intelligent? I might seriously misunderstand Americans, but to me that looked like pure cringe. Perhaps he was forced into it by whoever pays him.
>is unfamiliar with Conan’s desperately unfunny Drumpf spiral
OK, why are you here?
25-54 year olds will be dead in 15 years?
nathan fielder
Isn't he a sociopath, though?
I don't watch Conan, but I appreciate the info.
Maximiliano Papis
yes, he's jewish.
Kill yourself namefag trying to disguise as tripfag, get aids and die already
Joe Rogan
Nick is on Lithium for Bipolar disorder.
He's definitely depressed.
Conan works out. Repeating this shit doesn't help anyone. Depression is terrifying and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Suck a dick, user.
You say that, but if Nathan Fielder the character is based on Nathan Fielder the person then he probably hates himself.
I actually enjoyed this as both a deconstruction and a light hearted comedic sitcom.
People are talking shit because they don't like his style, but he is still successful as a comedian, so you are correct.
Dave “basedgod” Chappelle
>those forearms
Popping pimples must be quite a workout.
ahahaha how the fuck is depression real? like nigga just be happy
Anthony was a real chef, and from someone in the biz, depression, overwork, and drug use are much more prevalent than anyone would believe. No one sees they years of 16 hour days it took Anthony to become a high-level celebrity chef. I'm talking YEARS of double shifts, no vacation. That's real shit.
unironically who cares, kitchens are like a new family, it's hardly work when you're doing decent uppers and female staff are giving you handjobs and flirting with you every other day.
Most chef's are hedonistic pieces of shit who think the hangovers they get from taking drugs is depression.
Being a good chef =/= being a famous chef who works a lot
Your family gave you handjobs every other day?
This guy 100%
this but unironically
Nothing wrong about not learning to drive and about the sex thing - do you seriously believe everything Norm says? He got a reaction he wanted from the stuck up radio bitch, that was a bit.
>what is CPTSD
>hurr durr just exuhsize and eat clean
This is why I box. I want someone to bop me into blissful ignorance
conan is anacronic.
never get why he decide to go to some shitty cable channel to interview nobodies like the cast of always sunny.
the pandering to the nerd crowd was the worst, doing shows at the comic con.
and he has a production company that never ever got one hit show. nothing. they tried some rick and morty animation that was hard to watch the trailer, ffs.
You are retarded I stopped reading at chemical imbalance because that is not a real thing. I have heard it used so many times though, you are not alone in your stupidity
>Be rich
>Have professional success , acknowledgement
>Friends, contacts
>A loving family and wife
>Comfort, hobbies, safe place to stay, holidays
Lmfao, if you're depressed because you don't have success, friends, acknowledgement, then you're not actually depressed, you're just a huge pussy.
>mental barriers
Exactly. It's all in your head and numbing your mind with chemistry should always be the last resort. Depression is just as real as hate speech. It's both the most selfish and the most self-destructive of the imaginary illnesses. You're basically killing yourself slowly but steadily, while ruining the lives of your loved ones in the process. Are you a legit certified cripple? Is Pierce Brosnan's wife sitting on you? Are you a vampire? No? Then you're perfectly capable of getting out of bed, improving yourself and living your life. It's literally never too late, despite what you've been indoctrinated to believe. Take a shower, get some sun, lift some weights, read a book, take care of your home, go for a hike, stop eating processed junk, stop consuming MSM propaganda, stay away from social media and outrage culture, do your own research and think for yourself. You'll soon find out that once you start taking a few steps in the right direction, the universe will bend over backwards to aid you. It's gonna be fine.