/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Watch it Akimov Edition
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ah shit
ah fuck
god damnit...

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it's all so tiresome

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Gay shippers get the rope.
Legasov and Boris are okay

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This guy walks up to you naked, slaps your ass and tells you to dig naked like your fathers before you. What do?

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fucking throat that dirty irradiated cock user

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Tell him, he is a hero of the Soviet Union.

women are bad because they are racist. we need to kill all the white women and replace them with our trannies and discord trannies. we need gay analsex not racist white heterosex okay. russia is bad because it's a racistwhite illegitimate racist state where evil racist white women aren't killed. russians are bad because they're mean to trannies and gays. russia bad because racist cheeto hitler putin hacked the election for racist cheeto hitler drucKKKf. ameriKKKa is bad and racist fat idiot dumb racist bigot redneck walmart KKK ameriKKKan education racist education ameriracist nazi /pol/ bigot racist evil white women &the racism. we need trannies and gays in the military to nuke russia and racist drucKKKf and kill racist white women. only leftism trannies discord and gay analsex prostate in our marxist new gay world leftist incel order

>Olga is one of more than 18,000 Ukrainian children to have been treated over the years at the Tarara facility near the Cuban capital, Havana

>During the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Soviet authorities tried to spare human workers from the harsh conditions by experimenting with a number of bizarre and oddly innovative remote-controlled devices. These robotic machines are now on display at an open air museum near the site.

I can provide you with a qt Hickey bf, but I will need every (you) in the Soviet Union

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geez, people are really seething about /RBMK/

Someone make a new thread. WERE CLOSE!

women are bad because they are racist. we need to kill all the white women and replace them with our trannies and discord trannies. we need gay analsex not racist white heterosex okay. russia is bad because it's a racistwhite illegitimate racist state where evil racist white women aren't killed. russians are bad because they're mean to trannies and gays. russia bad because racist cheeto hitler putin hacked the election for racist cheeto hitler drucKKKf. ameriKKKa is bad and racist fat idiot dumb racist bigot redneck walmart KKK ameriKKKan education racist education ameriracist nazi /pol/ bigot racist evil white women &the racism. we need trannies and gays in the military to nuke russia and racist drucKKKf and kill racist white women. only leftism trannies discord and gay analsex prostate in our marxist new gay world leftist incel order..


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why do legasov/boris get a free pass?

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I laughed :)

>Before the show
Absolute pleb
>After 4 episodes
Nuclear physicist, expert on ARS, mildly gay for older men

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How do you go from this...

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Imagine giving a shit.

>two good threads
>one kinobyl shit thread

Did he have good gloves?


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sometimes you have to do shitty jobs to eat user

any hickey deepfake?

he had a donger to die for...

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How radioactive is the inside of the sarcophagus today? Is there any fuel or graphite that could still give you ARS or would it be only enough to increase cancer risk?


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When does the polar bear show up

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goddam the set design the decorations the equipment are fucking amazing how did they do it where did they even get so much soviet stuff in good enough condition

I hope they address the part about their tunnel ending up being pointless in the final episode.

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Why do you keep posting about Kinobyl? You're triggered that fucking hard that you need to bring your inane whining across multiple threads? Give it a rest.

go there and look

Can't wait for the show to try to make me feel bad for a fictional infallible female character not being listened to while simultaneously depicting thousands of men being conscripted against their will to enter a disaster zone that will give them a horrible death in anywhere from 1 week to 10 years.

We need to start like 10 more parallel threads, what do you fagots think?

Same with the director, really.
>Direct one arthouse movie and 5 episodes
>Create some of the finest tv on the decade

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calm down love


I don't know if I want a Hickey bf, he'd backstab me at some point

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why are you so mad?

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leave him the fuck alone

How many of the liquidators went sterile after their work? Is this even common or is this just a superstition?


fuck the stupid polar bear and his shit taste

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Was this the same for Terror, I wonder.
I missed it during release but watch it now and the vibe is somewhat similar (and extremely fucking welcome) and I'm consuming a lot of naval shit about the expedition.

>on the decade

is this real? who is that guy?

Your balls fall off after shoveling.

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don't bully

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Its this guy
I have video but people here are cunts.

25% of the liquids died after 5-7 years.

why are you so upset over the fact you make garbage chernobyl threads?

That's completely beside the point. At the time, it needed to be done just in case.

>doing hired writing work all your life
>dream about your Chernobyl miniseries for over 2 decades
>somehow finally get funding
>create peak kino

My dream is a miniseries about the Late Bronze Age collapse...

All five of them?

women are bad because they are racist. we need to kill all the white women and replace them with our trannies and discord trannies. we need gay analsex not racist white heterosex okay. russia is bad because it's a racistwhite illegitimate racist state where evil racist white women aren't killed. russians are bad because they're mean to trannies and gays. russia bad because racist cheeto hitler putin hacked the election for racist cheeto hitler drucKKKf. ameriKKKa is bad and racist fat idiot dumb racist bigot redneck walmart KKK ameriKKKan education racist education ameriracist nazi /pol/ bigot racist evil white women &the racism. we need trannies and gays in the military to nuke russia and racist drucKKKf and kill racist white women. only leftism trannies discord and gay analsex prostate in our marxist new gay world leftist incel order....

>Was this the same for Terror, I wonder.
Yes, except we all became experts on lost expeditions.

>massive abandoned town, will be uninhabitable for decades if not centuries
>still make the soldiers sleep in tents



>is this just a superstition
Radiation doesn't do your sperm count wonders, but it also seems to take a lot for you to go infertile.

>Graves, who was nearest to Slotin, suffered an estimated dose of 390 roentgens, and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. This caused severe radiation poisoning, loss of hair and a zero semen count. After two weeks of hospitalization and a several weeks of convalescence, he seemed to have recovered fully, and in a few months was back at work and skiing vigorously, with only a bald spot on the head to show for the experience. Two years later he and his wife had a healthy child, their second, a son they named Alvin Palmer.

no, your balls fall off. Your retarded son have 5 balls.

and then we have this retard

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Not really answering my question

Besides, according to wikipedia and their sources, only 10% of the liquidators died early (related) deaths.

also gayer

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What game are you playing

Is there a real life picture of the Ignatenkov baby?

Tell me of this guy's death in detail

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I don't make threads. But I'd rather someone ask me why the firefighters didn't get morphine for the 50th time than see another post bitching about the name of the thread.

kill yourself. "/RBMK-1000/" will never become a thing no matter how hard you try to force it

wtf is this shit? you useless morons

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Not a good one.

That just makes him even hotter, knowing you can't tame him

48 days of lasagna

It's some autist trying to be epic.

It's almost if anons should be posting in correct threads that aren't shit

Certainly, that's not my point.
Would just like to see it addressed it briefly.

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I don't know them. Fuck them.

>It's almost if

The core is overloading.

This good Ukrainian boy comes running up to you after going months without human contact, what do you give him?

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again like I already told you
>one good thread
>one good thread at bump limit
>one shit kinobyl thread with no previous OP
>one shit RBMK-1000 thread because autist needs attention

As Legasov states in the show. Most of the uranium would be safe after 100 years, but some bits not for 50,000 years. Inside that sarcophagus is probably still one of the most radioactive places on the planet.

>This good Ukrainian boy comes running up to you after going months without human contact, what do you give him?
an iodine pill.

Some Dyatlovs inside reactor 4, how tf can they film the core and walk around it and not die?

7.62x54 rimmed for your extractor's pleasure


>The Creator/Writer of Chernobyl also wrote/directed/produced this

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>Some Dyatlovs inside reactor 4, how tf can they film the core and walk around it and not die?
Because the core is currently covered in concrete containing the radiation.

They're still digging up crates of Mosins and AKs with the cosmoline still on them. The Russians made a lot of stuff.

oh great, look who's responsible

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some kolbasa and a bullet to the head

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16 chernobyl threads is preferrable to 16 threads telling us how some random user would have fixed GOT.


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>all those white fuzzy spots in the video

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me, I would have ended with "thot begone" but its nice either way.

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Nobody really knows, because nobody really wants to find out. It's scary as fuck to even scientists. Some people visited the elephants foot, which is PROBABLY the most radiation in the place, but even that isn't certain because nobody can go into the reactor hall and find out what's really happening there. Nor do they know if and where any of the other nuclear material is floating around in the place except for what's already been discovered. The elephants foot is still radioactive enough to give you ARS if you visit it with unprotected clothing. With it, it can still give you ARS if you spend, say, an hour there or so.

>zero semen count.

zero sperm count.

it was filmed at a similar RBMK nuclear power plant that was decommissioned. period specific gear is all cheap military surplus and the rest of the details are logically CGI, including the choppers. hell, there's probably CGI in every scene.

tripfags add a little something

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That's the only correct thing.

>that constant beep beep beep of the dosimeter maxing out

you can literally see graphite in some of the shots, I'd have to imagine that shit's still pretty radioactive

there won't be a pic for ep 5. that must hurt

Same with East German stuff for things like Deutschland83, the commies made so much stuff that unissued surplus is cheap even today.

I posted a shot from the trailer to next episode a few threads ago that looks like the yellow pump boy, the thing on the right with the red guard rail things

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based. shit was cash

They're literally wearing raincoats. What the fuck are they thinking?

>you can literally see graphite in some of the shots, I'd have to imagine that shit's still pretty radioactive
that's concrete. There'd only be graphite if the core exploded. RBMK reactors don't explode.

>They're literally wearing raincoats. What the fuck are they thinking?
Radiation is like water. It runs off of plastic.

it's just pipes leading to t. it won't count

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stay mad, big yellow pump boys WILL be shown and you'll remember how wrong you were when you see it during the episode

you will remember this post, and will remember that I said I will be laughing at you

>that melted twisted mound of corium
>he just climbs up it
Absolute rad lad.

>what is Gamma radiation

They get a pass because they are CUTE as HECK.

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how can you see graphite on the roof if it isn't there?

Is that the legendary Khodemchuk?

favorite part is the puff of cigarette smoke you can see every now and again. dude just doesn't give a fuck on any level

Fuck Khodemchuk.

could be

ARS was just a KGB coverup to hide the true power of Core-chan, where they deliberately torched their "patients" with buthane burners
what the KGB didn't want you to know is that Core-chan had the power to turn you into an anime girl, and that terrified them because the USSR survived in a system of dogmatic suppression and brutalism

the USSR could not survive in a world where everyone could be the perfect anime girl, and so they covered it all up, and buried Core-chan

we have to dig her back up bros, and we can become who we were destined to be

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The most dangerous radioactive chemicals have the shortest half-lives. The graphite is still radioactive, but substantially less so than when the liquidators were handling it.

I'll see you Tuesday, pump boy.

You hate her because you can't handle smarter women.

Some bullets and a kolbasa to the head.

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it's like having one x-ray a day.

>enough radiation to be recorded on camera
>lets just wear plastic raincoats and smoke cigarettes lol
>actually visiting the elephants foot in a raincoat
>visiting it at all

This is an even greater conspiracy than the John Targeryan shit from /got/

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>>lets just wear plastic raincoats
desu that's just to keep any debris off their clothing thus making it easier to decontaminate.

>>visiting it at all
some people jump out of perfectly safe airplanes.

b-b-b-but muh 'it's only that model of the reactor, the rest are perfect and the soviets did nothing wrong' narrative

Big Yellow Pump Boy Gang is going to come out on top Tuesday

a very small thing to praise, but the helicopters all felt like they had heft to them. big, bulky, weighty things. excellently done cgi

There won't be any pumps.

She could solve a lot of global problems, perhaps better than ebola chan could, and for that reason Im in. You have my shovel.

they will show Khodemchuk getting killed in the big yellow pump boy room

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They received enough rads to get cancer in a few years. Why do they think otherwise? There's a reason they built a second fucking sarcophagus over the reactor.

If that Liquidator lad was already done for why didn't he be a man and go back inside to manually toss some more graphite inside?

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>Comrade soldier, you’re well done

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Well Yea Forums, time to do your duty.

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I think they'll be shown. They've been used to give the viewer a sense of the geography, so we have an idea of where the tunnel is, where Hickey got /CORED/, where Slippy G was when he was shovelling.
The pumps will be shown when they show the intact reactor building before the accident

and my giant rake

>They received enough rads to get cancer in a few years.
Possibly. Possibly not.

> Why do they think otherwise?
It's not a sure thing. It depends on the radiation level and how long they were there.

>There's a reason they built a second fucking sarcophagus over the reactor.
Well it's not like they penetrated (heh) it.

I'm not saying going there is smart or safe but they obviously didn't care enough not to go.

If only they liquidated communism and the KGB with this much energy, instead of putting it in power and creating a literal 1984 kleptocratic police state.

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fuck Khodemchuk


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JFC that scene. only part of the entire series so far I fast forwarded through.

>No cats
Ok, give me my rubles

He wasn't totally done for; he'd just die somewhat prematurely and with only one leg.

they didn't show russians killing kots because russians love their kots too much

I would have no problem with that

Actually, the Chernobyl disaster was the beginning of the end of the USSR. It showed that the entire structure of the country was collapsing and incompetent.

Not to mention how much money it cost the USSR.

Really? I think they just don't know and think it's not a big deal anymore. They probably started vomiting a few hours later.

>penetrated it

They did, they are INSIDE the sarcophagus, inside the reactor hall. See that fucking noise in the footage? That's literally radiation. They might be dead by now.

Somebody posted this in another thread. Either the radiation is much lower now or these guys were suicidal

I'll do that over going on the roof.

fuck off with the brutalist trash

>dont let it suffer or ill kill you
was he based

The noise in the footage indicates very high rads. They're suicidal.

>They did, they are INSIDE the sarcophagus,
They can't get inside it. Its sealed. They're in the building which isn't sealed.

>That's literally radiation.
Not from the core though.

that can be added to fool boobs on the internet

>very high rads
If it was "very high" there would be no footage.

>They can't get inside
oh yes they can

>The noise in the footage indicates very high rads.
Depends on the range of the dosimeter.

i agree. it's technically not even hard to make good CGI today, but they did a good job. i love how you can film lifelike shit like this without renting out russian military choppers or fucking around with miniatures and matte paintings.

I tried

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FYI, "the end" was not the end at all. The power has never left the upper echelons of Communist Politburo leareship and after a brief pause (only 7 years!) was transferred to the KGB, 21 years ago.

Attached: Politburo members voting during a session of the Supreme Soviet in Moscow in June 1986.jpg (860x570, 111K)

they wanted to touch corechan boob

>In 1996, it was deemed impossible to repair the inside of the sarcophagus as radiation levels were estimated to be as high as 10000 röntgens per hour (normal background radiation in cities is usually around 20–50 microröntgens per hour, and a lethal dose is 500 röntgens over 5 hours).[4] A decision to replace the sarcophagus with the New Safe Confinement was taken, and a project to construct the enclosure has since been completed.


Just enjoy it

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>it's technically not even hard to make good CGI today,

It's the man's tomb in the actual station. They placed it as near to his grave as they dared to go. Have some respect.

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>No Fomin or Dyatlov
Try a little harder.

I mean the visual noise, the static. Not the beeping.

>thinks Yeltsin was a pause

Check out what his daughters are worth

Miner bro was chaotic good. He cared for his men and didn’t give a fuck about the authorities

>you and two other bros
>your job is to kill animals
>your food is vodka, sausage, and bread
>tfw this will never happen to you

Just give the source of the video

Does anyone know the ending song in episode 4?

any link for this show?


corechan is true neutral, dyatlov is chaotic evil

>Does anyone know the ending song in episode 4?

yup it's on HBO

>S-sempai called me kawaii?? Uguu~ >//


Has your country had any serious nuclear disasters /RBMK/? In the US we nearly blew up ourselves when a plane carrying nukes crashed in North Carolina

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>getting lasagne'd
Pretty much one of the worst deaths imaginable.

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>as they dared to go.
It was perfectly safe there, people worked there after the incident.


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not memeing, compare it to what it was like back when you needed to hire some ILM boomers to do your CGI. now it's way more widespread and accessible to the point where amateurs can do it.

Can anyone link the song that the animal killer was playing on the radio?

>behind the scenes
>directors commentary
>"It's like the core became a character in it's own right."

are you trying to tell me that polar bears look like the Spaghetti clone dog of Carl from ATHF

>10000 röntgens per hour
>After 10 years
Someone give me a list of half-lives and I can approximate the true number that maxed out the high-range dosimeter.

A more interesting question is how they managed to get past guards and personnel to make their way inside the sarcophagus in the first place.

>posting in threads made by shitposting filter evading tripfags who cry about anglos

Bribes. It's fucking Ukraine.

Honestly I have no idea if we even have anything nuclear


The picture of the 1986 Politburo session speaks for itself. There was no regime change in Russia, the archives remained secret, all the commies remained in place everywhere, the KGB untouched, ready to launch its Soviet restoration with minor ideological modifications. It was all a lie.

Holy fuck, just started watching this, on part2. This show is terrifying.

It's a sci-fi horror film, people in a city are dying off due to an invisible horrible. Deaths become more violent and more frequent. Nothing seems to help. Help doesn't seem to exist. There is no hope, no God there. Just death.

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you can browse pirate bay using Tor.


There's footage of the liquidators clearing the roof

Three Mile Island is the closest.

>science fiction
Just call it Science Horror

They should have killed them but they wanted to see the effects of radiation.

Alignment from The Terror had Tired - Stupid - Bastard. Could fit here too.

Remove this man. He is delusional.

*Yakety Sax plays*

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You're in shock.

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we've only ever had test reactors for scientific purposes and we recently shut them all down.

Share it user, those cunts are tourists and summer cunts

>call it Science Horror
Good point.

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Yeah, you Americans crashed a supersonic jet at a base in the UK where there was a nuclear weapons cache and set 3 fucking nukes on fire. It’s a miracle none exploded.

Does anyone else think that the suspense is kinda gone?

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I can give a magnet link.

it is science fiction because how can a RBMK explode?


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One of them was the Chief radiologist of Chernobyl and the other also a Chernobyl worker.

If you google their names you'l find this stuff.

>all those holes with sunlight coming through

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ow oof my absolute telomeres

Is the Ukraine really that corrupt? I knew it was an all out smash and grab when the union collapsed but is it still a den of kikery?

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>It’s a miracle
Atomic bombs aren't fireworks. You can't set them off by heating or jostling them.

don't open link

well aren't some a bombs literally just a uranium bullet firing into a big ball of uranium?

>vomits on the ground

Germany decided to exit nuclear energy as an election gag. And now we're stuck with it. That counts as a nuclear disaster, right?

Oof, right in the Thyroid gland

>tfw the man asking for her to take his daughter away was a symbolism to her soon failed pregnancy


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Very Tarkovskian filmmaking.

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>Fukushima happen
>lets shut down 29 reactors lol
>what the fuck do we replace that with ?
>coal mines of course !

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not very funny.

Something like that, but you have to make sure that bullet fires correctly, which it will under the right circumstances. The US wouldn't keep them around if those circumstances could ever occur by accident.

Google the name alexandr kupnyi and sergei koshelev you retards.

Kupnyi gave plenty of interviews.

Scherbina should be lawful good, Dyatlov lawful or neutral evil, Ulana chaotic good, and dogs as chaotic neutral.

I hope Khodemchuk is still alive.

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Hey you! Yeah, you! Got any problems with coal, big boy?

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She identifies as a women you sexist pigs.

>any thread that isn't /RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

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Fuck you, Akimov.

Now get me a new caviar sandwich!

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NEW in 1:23:45

Holy fuck what the fuck is wrong with you absolute retards? today is just nothing but a shitfest of people making threads for no reason.

actually go fuck yourself

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n..no sir



reply to this post if you know something about concrete

>it was perfectly safe
>people worked there after the incident
user... you still dont get how socialist countries work/ed

already made:

I actually do.

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>60 posts from bump limit
what game are you playing

He was bluffing. He knew nothing about concrete. Based Boris.

Too late. Delete.

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pretty comfy if you ask me famalam

If you liked the terror you should play
>The return of obra dinn

should just rename the board to Yea Forums - chernobyl

>Video shot inside the highly radioactive reactor building by Alexander Kupny, a senior technician for 21 years, shows why disposing of Chernobyl’s deadly contents will be so difficult. Until he retired in 2009 Mr Kupny, 53, was a so-called “stalker”, one of the technicians who risked trips inside the building to monitor its condition. He went inside 10 times, and his experiences have given him a poetic outlook on reactor No 4. “To me the reactor is almost like a living thing, like a beast that is sleeping,” he said.

And all of it retarded. Shove a fuel rod up your ARSe!

Look it was fine, OK, no one got hurt and they lived long and healthy lives.
Unironically, the wall between the central tower block and the reactor 4 block was probably enormous, it's possible no radiation came trough.

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fuck off SupaHot

>>your job is to kill animals
Pets. Puppies, lolcats.

Did we do something wrong?

We did everything right comrade.

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purposeful general splitting shitposters
the tripfag made RBMK-1000



This man comes up to you in the club and offers to explore your tunnel without protective equipment. What do you do?

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fuck off SupaHot

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different song mate

That's literally the model name of Chernoby's blown up reactor though.
Other RBMKs are different.

>Mazin graduated magna cum laude with a degree in psychology from Princeton University in 1992. His freshman year roommate at Princeton was Ted Cruz, now the junior U.S. Senator from Texas and a former Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election year.[2][3] He is highly critical of Cruz as well as his political views, and ridicules him frequently on Twitter.[4]


not at the bump limit yet, clown

>Look at the catalog
>got threads
>/pol/bait threads
Lads, i'm scared of Chernobyl ending
I don't want to go back to this cesspool

Attached: not like this.jpg (349x326, 61K)



This is spectacular, I actually already knew this but prior to "Chernobyl," Mazin's most high-profile screenwriter credits were the two Hangover sequels (not the original). He was nobody.

He is now more famous and renowned that Cruz.

Second this

His memorial is fucking sad. An imprint of his body on the floor.

Attached: 1412669404_hodemchuks_memorial.jpg (1111x738, 299K)

You didn't see a second general because it's NOT FUCKING THERE

>implying they found her body

Stop misgendering her! This is 2019 and we demand diversity in movies!

dipshit is spamming the thread.

max this one then head here:

Literally did nothing wrong

Attached: akimov.jpg (400x400, 16K)

based SupaHot and other retards slowly killing /RBMK/

Attached: 1545790428442.gif (250x194, 47K)

akimov and toptunov. Didnt do anything wrong.

Attached: akimov toptunov.jpg (450x233, 17K)


^did everything right

>please use my super-early thread that I've posted ten times

Dindu nuffin


stop being a child.


>posts his thread ten times
>whines about it
>you're not the child
If you see some smooth rocks sitting on the ground... pick them up.


Its fucking SupaHot
Based mods won't do anything about him

>no elephants in GOT
>no elephant's foot in Chernobyl


>bump limit
Fucking finally

New/ next /not spammed by an idiot

Attached: tiddygolem.png (300x250, 170K)


>implying everyone on Yea Forums is one person
Stop whoring your redundant thread which you created much later.

Go to bed, little Timmy, I'll breast feed you in the morning


that's not sunlight.

Why would you even make a new thread when we were at 250? Retard



imagine being so desperate to be the center of what little attention you can scrounge together for this shit that you will not even share the video

fuck off

oh my god please fuck me

> Yea Forums tards everywhere

Funny how no one knows how this chan works.

Shitposting tripfag filter evader

two idiots did

Radiation exposure has to be the most JUST way to die.

Attached: 1540803051157.jpg (217x320, 19K)


>implying you're not tired of all the redundant threads

I'm taking shit into my own hands.

This is /RBMK-1000/!


to avoid the tripfag filter evader:

You mean the 5th one?


oh fuck he's trying to get the threads banned
i've seen this happen before

Everyone just fucking report this guy, he's SupaHot

>he's SupaHot

You're not even talking to one user you retard.

The valve scene with Toptunov crying and admitting they fucked up was really sad

>thread posted with phone
>supahot even admits it's his thread


Thank me later, comrades.

Attached: MSG.png (1260x700, 518K)


This is my favourite version of that song. But yours post is more fitting to the series.

Our Goal: The Happiness of all Mankind

>Thank me
That's awful

uh oh, nobody is posting in your shit thread


Better luck next time Sup- I mean champ :^)