Is this worth watching, Yea Forums?
Is this worth watching, Yea Forums?
It's one of my favs but a lot didn't like it. I'd still recommend it a lot.
Yes it's excellent
Could you tell me why? Is it left?
i saw it with my best friends girlfriend when he was away at bootcamp.
she started crying towards the end and i didn't know what to do. i kinda just sperged out and started making fun of her. my friend got back from bootcamp and called me a fag. told me i should have held her hand.
Worth a watch, but it's very pretentious.
It's pretty good.
Wow. Now I'm gonna watch it just to spite your faggotry. Did you even give her a hug? Oh wait no, you didn't. Because you're a faggot.
Watched it the other day after putting it off for a long time (Mainly because f the runtime), but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. It's good but also a little preachy.
Reincarnation is pure bullshit.
Well yeah it dares to portray slavery as a bad thing so of course Yea Forums gets faggy about it.
Even aside from that though the movie isn't perfect, some of the race-swapping on the actors was really distracting and it can be a bit pretentious.
But I still think what it did was beautiful, it was a gorgeous movie and well-scored and the thought of a small person's life having a larger place in the grand scheme of things always gives me the feels.
Ok you persuaded me, it's just that it's almost 3 and a half hours long, but whatever. It's my lazy Wednesday anyway
There's no reincarnation in the movie though, they (rightfully imo) cut that from the book
Thanks user
What is with you people and your fucking obsession with how left something is or not? Are you so broken mentally where you need to filter all your material through ideological tests before your fat ass can watch it? Christ.
it was too cringe for me
No, I just don't like shit crammed down my throat, but I bet you don't have any problems with things crammed down yours
It's massively implied at the end of the movie. Like, so massively implied it's being smashed into your face in the least subtle way possible.
Definitely worth watching if you can:
•Throw all cynicism out the window. The W's like to write very earnestly (and arguably, cheesy dialogue), and that can justifiably turn people off. Not as preachy as Sense8, but it is a touch preachy.
• Be ok with stage makeup. Think of this as an elaborate theater play, and it'll be good. If that doesn't help, just remember that the SJWs got really upset because white actors were donning prosthetic epicanthic folds to play Asians, while ignoring the Asian actress playing a redhead.
• Appreciate the sheer scope of how they were able to juggle so many storylines, while bouncing back and forth between them, finding parallel emotional tones that resonate and keep up the tempo of the beats. You can see them playing with this kind of narrative interweaving with Speed Racer, but that just seemed like cute practice for this. It's a marvel, and it doesn't feel like three hours.
• Dig that the soundtrack was composed by one of the three directors.
Also Doona is Bae
It's unironically the best Wachowskis' film and one of the best sci-fi epics of the last decade next to Blade Runner, Interstellar and Alita.
Possibly the greatest trailer ever made if nothing else, always makes me wanna watch the movie again
It’s kino. The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish is the best part and easily would’ve been a fucking great standalone movie on its own.
( )
Most helpful post yet, here's a
I always just thought of it as a device to just call attention to the looping behaviors and folly of mankind. There are always people working for a better tomorrow; always myopic opportunists; death; hope; heartbreak. Never took it literally.
The entire Western World and Canon is liberally-minded you pissbaby retard. Go back to your Muslim country if that bothers you.
It's far better than Speed Racer and Jupiter Ascending. I don't know why people don't like it.
It's really good but the ending goes full KANGZ out of nowhere and for no reason.
The book was about reincarnation. But imo that completely detracts from the idea that any person can have an impact from after their death thanks to their actions in life.
If it's just one 'soul' bouncing from person to person doing everything important in history then I guess the rest of us are nothing after all.
no, it doesn't.
It's been years but I remember reincarnation being mentioned often in the book, but I don't remember taking it at its word—again, just thought of it at pointing out the eternal recurrence of human folly/hope, but how those positive "drops in the limitless ocean" DO count over time in some form or another.
If that's the case—re: literal reincarnation—then I agree with you, user.
I didnt get it.
See but you're wrong. I bet you're a roastie. Do you like Arby's? Do you like Arby's and niggers, roastie?
>No, I just don't like shit crammed down my throat
>Unless it's right-wing. Then it's fine and I can't have enough
Everyone is connected so be kind because it goes both way.
Not necessarily.
>The Western World isn't liberal because reasons
Being a /pol/nigger must be literal suffering to be wrong constantly and to think that the entire Canon reflects your bizarrely antiquated notion of social conservatism that was popular with the monarchists we used to hang.
It's kino, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Don't get your panties in a twist there roastie, your "ancestors" would be ashamed
>arguing on the internet with random pajeets LARPing as nazis for laughs
>muh roastie roastie roastie
Oh, you just don't have anything real to say? Got it.
But the reincarnation is more than that. Take Tom Hanks' many characters. The "first" one in the timeline is a massive tool, but in successive reincarnations, he becomes a better person.
>They are all pretending to be Naziboos
They also feel compelled to shit up every discussion about anything with their bullshit.
it's flawed, honest and kino
Yeah that's what I liked about the movie. It made even interesting parallels that differed from book by using the actors in interesting and provocative ways.
The Adam/Hae Joo & Tilda/Sonmi connection admittedly got me in the feels.
you missed the whole point of the movie, it's more about how an individuals actions can have wide reaching effects throughout the world due to the interconnectedness humans have with each other summarized with the ending monologue from the book:
>...your actions will amount to nothing more than a single drop in the limitless ocean.
>What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?
voting with the wallet is what lefties have always told the average joe to do whenever they publish objectionable content so why are mental indigents like yourself always surprised and mad when they do that?
Definitely, it’s kino af. Only bad part is the future part honestly.
Is this the only good 'video essay' channel? His vids are always pretty great.
Well none of that is demonstrated in the film. None of the characters are connected in any way, either to themselves in previous lives or their counterparts.
A film which does deal with that is A Place Beyond the Pines. Cloud Atlas though? No. Not at all.
seems to be the only one that focuses on the movie's implied messages instead of it's filmmaking techniques
I'm not surprised by anything, I just want you to stop crying about it as if I give a shit about movies you won't watch. You're a pathetic baby looking for attention.
>right-wingers never produce questionable content
The only one pissing their pants about how other people live their lives here is you. You begged the question, and I gave you your answer, and you predictably shit the bed.
I find this hilarious by the way
>Makes a retarded post
>Gets called retarded
>"Uhhhh no u ;)"
Literally every time you retards get called out. Just go to /pol/ already.
Honestly this was an alright thread until (you) came in and started shitting everywhere.
Off topic, but what do you think about Tucker?
I'm honest to shit not sure what you are trying to say.
Rick and Morty referenced it so it must be good
>comes into a thread complaining about how he can't watch something too left
>It's everyone else at fault for calling him an autistic faggot
>None of the characters are connected in any way, either to themselves in previous lives or their counterparts.
you really need to watch it again then, it can be hard to follow because they throw so much at you at once, for instance tom hanks' connection to halle berry, the asian girl with the american. They tried to show it through the actors, not so much the comet birthmark.
It also never preaches "be a good person" but shows how the choice between good and evil actions depend entirely on the individual person at that given moment.
Just answer the question and there will be an end to all the horror
>Please indulge me and like my corporate stooges who say meme word arguments and eyebrow raise! Tucker is kool
What sort of an absolute cuck watches Tucker?
Just what I thought
I hope you had as much fun as I did, roastie
Imagine being so ideologically bankrupt that you defend some idiot edutainment pundit and mouthpiece for a billion dollar super PAC group to "own the libs"?
Jay didn’t watch the Best Picture frontrunner ‘til the day of the Oscars. He’s a pseud with no passion for film
What does that have fuckall to do with anything we were talking about? You had the wrong tab open, kid.
It's a good example of something that was great in the theatre and kinda lame the second time at home.
Definitely. It makes good case study on how a film maker needs to handle multi issues by cross cutting by any means.
Nice digits
I was backing you up, RLM is a right wing YouTube channel that is built off an extremely questionable / specious knowledge of film
>RLM is right-wing
Absolute kek.
Or maybe he made the tweet the day before the Oscars because he knew it was nominated and it would be good web traffic, brainlet.
It was the day of and “Holy Hell” indicates very clearly a contemporaneous reaction to first seeing the film. Are you ESL by chance?
You have to be retarded, they run a business you dumb faggot. Three Billboards was nominated at the Oscars, of course he's capitalize on that with a tweet right before/during the show. Fucking Christ, anything else is just a headcanon theory. He could have seen it months, weeks, days ago...what does it matter? What matters is the timing of the tweet.
Kill yourself.
Almost no e-celeb is going to be as right-wing as you, if at all.
>"Holy Hell” indicates very clearly a contemporaneous reaction to first seeing the film.
Are you legitimately autistic?
This is what normies think a complex movie should be.
What happened to that ripoff of this with Brendan Fraser? Secrets of Karma I think it's called.
I voted for Aleppo
This is easily the very worst attempt at damage control that I have ever seen^
>Damage control
user, we're just trying to explain Occam's Razor. Either he made the tweet because the Oscar's were that night...or he somehow rushed to watch this movie the night of the Oscar's like a fucking nut just to make some nothingburger tweet about it that nobody cares about?
>I'm a lolbertarian
Explains you being mentally ill.
Best part of the movie is unironically the gay romance.
Yes, it’s very obviously the latter. He rushed to see the film the day of the Academy Awards so he could LARP like he’s part of real film discussions beyond cartoons and capeshit. This is undeniable just from the syntax and timing.
1pm the day of, 8 hours before the ceremony starts: “Holy Hell [shitty, vapid opinion] !” Its an exclamation. A contemporaneous reaction. Are you really going to demean yourself by pretending to believe otherwise?
Note also that there were no other tweets for the entirety of the rest of the day, nothing to “capitalize” on the Oscars or that mentioned any of the other films. Note also that he didn’t respond to any replies bc he was very obviously tweeting in the middle of the movie, having grown characteristically bored by its lack of quips
Rekt with ease
lol @ the part when the homo kills himself
the birthmark is the only sign in the book too.
I cried the first few times I saw this/showed this movie to people.
wish certain parts had followed the book more closely (particularly Corpocracy future Korea) but still it was great
what happened in the book with future korea
So true the trailer is perfect
>imagine having this autistic as shit headcanon about some minor e-celeb because you can't wrap your brain around the idea that he's just shitposting on twitter
it was just a vastly VASTLY more fleshed out world where people are highly stratified on their ability to make and spend money. It also goes into a lot more detail about the clones and how they live/ how they are treated and all sorts like that. theres a good section where she lives at a university and it shows you how vapid the richer people are and how runaway gmos crops and animals and nuclear fallout is rendering more and more of the world unusuble for living and crops and everything (which is how we end up with hillbilly tom hanks). Honestly recommend the book highly. If you liek it read all of Mitchells books because they all tie in together in the most extraordinary way
>not posting the sextet
everyone posts the sextet. Temple of sacrifice is my personal favourite though. Comes in at the moment Timothy Cavendish is remembering that lost true love of his youth and it really fucking hit me
Imagine this level of rationalization for an obviously contemporaneous tweet exposing a pseudointellectual film reviewer as a Funko-tier pleb^
>reading books
why? wikipedia exists
you only troll yourself in this way
you've fallen into the classic tribalism mental trap of "they don't conform exactly to my vision of what the 'other' is like, therefore they are part of my tribe!"
>this absolute and total irony
You’re making a lot of assumptions. I based my statement on clear evidence, not speculation
>making a wild guess that he didn't see the movie previously because of language he used in a tweet, isn't speculation
You have to be baiting.
I was impressed by this book, I almost never read fiction but devoured this one. All the stories, with very intricate characters, especially the composer chap, and the way the entire book seemed to be written for just the very last sentence; one of the best things I've ever read, highly recommended even if you don't like "modern fiction" like me.
mike is fairly conservative, that doesn't mean the entire RLM channel is conservative, also those comments are from 2003, when the american right-wing was a very different animal from what it is today. It's obvious that they actively avoid politics but mike has made it pretty clear what he thinks of trump, and in today's political theater you aren't allowed to be conservative without unconditionally supporting him.
>actually falling for these
I’m not even sure what your argument is supposed to be. You offered a week the fence that maybe he was trying to start a conversation, but he did not respond to any replies. You are pretty weak defense that maybe he was trying to promote himself during the Oscars, but he made no other post about any other film and did it eight hours before the ceremony started. You offered a week to fence that maybe he was trying to start a conversation, but he did not respond to any replies. You are pretty weak defense that maybe he was trying to promote himself during the Oscars, but he made no other post about any other film and did it eight hours before the ceremony started. It’s very - *very* - obvious to everyone reading exactly what happened: he heard buzz about a highly celebrated movie throughout the entire award season and by the day of the Academy Awards, in March, he finally figured he’d better force himself to sit through it so he could be part of the big boy conversations and have seen a single Best Picture nom aside from Black Panther. Unfortunately, he struggled to sit through the highly acclaimed film because he is used to explosions and quips every few seconds and it was difficult for him to adjust to a film not based on the Disney family blockbuster model. Therefore, he pulled out his phone, opened Twitter, and let loose a contemporaneous explanation of how bored he was with the film
I dare you to offer a more plausible explanation. There simply isn’t one
What has Mike said about Trump?
I’m willing to be convinced. Nice trips btw
The most misunderstood film of the 21st century.
yikes, you truly are autistic.
I recall watching the movie, but I don't really remember much about it save that I thought it was overrated.
Great rebuttal, fellow Capeshitter!
Any cool cosplay to share with us?
>I dare you to offer a more plausible explanation.
That he saw it was nominated so made a tweet about it you fucking dumb cunt.
He saw it was nominated... on the morning of the Academy Awards... and said, out of the blue, “Holy Hell, 3B is a tonal nightmare”?
That’s almost stupider. Impressive
RedditLMentalmidgets btfo!
granted, there are multiple ways you could interpret his remarks, but mike certainly doesn't seem pleased that he won.
This is why I think you're either a retard or baiting me, they announce the nominations weeks in advance. It's clear to anyone without an extra chromosome, that he's just shitting around before the Oscar's air.
Jesus Christ, you write paragraphs of this aspie shit. Get a hobby.
Awesome Possum! Halle berry’s sweet jugs!
Kinda seems like an ambiguous joke, but you made some good points about how long it’s been and I guess it’s something we’re not too certain of so I’m willing to retract the claim that RLM is right wing. Your case is pretty reasonable
You have seemingly no case whatsoever. Yes, the nominees are announced weeks in advance - why is he just reacting to it the morning of? Clearly because he’s in the middle of watching it. You can’t say he’s trying to start a conversation when he doesn’t engage any replies; you can’t say he’s trying to capitalize on Oscar attention when he tweets it many hours too early and then makes no other comments whatsoever for the rest of the week. The obvious, insurmountable explanation is that he was watching it the day of - hence the exclamatory form of his tweet - in a subjectively pathetic effort to have seen a Best Picture nom aside from Black Panther, which he greatly preferred
Anyone not in the throes of denial can easily ascertain this
Jesus, I'm tapping out. Enjoy this last (you) I guess...
Ty. Have a good one, user
Good music. Hugh Grant eats people. Naked Asian clone qts.
Highly recommend
incredibly unsettling to see tom hanks playing a bad guy
Thanks, user.
OP, Cloud Atlas is worth it just for the effort it too to get it made. It's also a good movie!!!FACT!!!
just 2 hours of him wandering around and grimacing as he gets into absurd confrontations with local idiots? i would watch that
That's hilarious on a board full of leftist disney shills.
>but whatabout-
Would start a religion to worship those
Watching you creatures lose your minds for the last three years has been the best part of the Trump presidency.
How many times have you copy-pasted that on off topic boards, faggot?
This, except fuck those three movies.
Hugo Weaving as the nurse is top kino.
Nurse Hugo was the best thing I’ve seen in theaters in years.
>fuck Blade Runner 2049
it truly is pleb filter.
None, but it's true.
Yeah, plebs who never read Dick and think it is acceptable to make a sequel that had no need to exist, regardless of how well it turned out.
When it gets especially lonely I get drunk and watch it.
>/pol/nigger thinks the rest of this site is his shitting grounds
Saying something "doesn't need to exist" when the director clearly had a vision for the story is the plebiest of all criticisms, it's not even a real opinion.
What are you even crying about? Everything is political. You made it this way.
Expected to go in hating it because of all the negative reviews it received, but it's the greatest movie they've made since the first Matrix. Worth a watch IMO, even if you end up not liking it you'll probably respect how ambitious it is.
Everything is political because you're hyperpolitical or underage, user. Get some sleep. You have school tomorrow.
>every user who responds to me or calls me retarded is my libruh strawman
>Black peoples are now super advanced space faring civilization
>hwhite ppl are primitive simpletons.
What movie did you watch?
That's literally not the ending at all, are you fucking dumb? You people love your race identity politics, holy shit.
They were all mixed Asiatic you autismo, even the blacks.
>Monarchist Bad
>Mob rule good
Found the idiot
No, everything is political because you literally can't keep your politics out of anything you do.
Humans would love to watch movies just to be entertained. You won't let that happen.
>it's not me
>it's everyone else around me that's wrong
okay, /pol/nigger. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Normies hate this movie because they think its too hard to follow and for the racewashing (that actually makes sense if you're paying attention)
>a slow and muted trickle of shit from a broken faucet
>a million firehoses spewing unimpeded streams of cancerous shit
>”Everything is balanced”
That doesn't even resemble what I said. You chimps really do live in a different version of reality.
stay misinformed
>monarchy is good
>everything is political, it's not just me.
>people who listen to Tucker Carlson are informed.
The primitive people in Ha Way (Hawaii) were literally all white. In the book, Meronym and all the Prescients are described as "brewy-brown'n'black" ... and in the movie, 4-5 of them were clearly black actors with one of them played by a white actor in quasi-blackface. It’s an actual plot device in both the book and the film used as an ironic twist/role reversal of races...Again, what fucking movie did you watch?
what do you want, quotas? Affirmative action for art? Fuck off.
They all literally have Asiatic features mixed in, what on earth is wrong with you? Go back to your containment, retarded child.
Didn’t say that... but people who are so sure about the superiority of their preferred system of government are the reason why Democracy is doomed to fail. You can’t prove that Monarchy is inferior to mob rule... you can only prove that a shitty monarch is inferior to a mob of very intelligent and good people.
No, I couldn’t care less, but insufferable cunts like you that are busy scrutinizing and stomping on a little ineffectual tick on the ground when giant hornets are burrowing into your empty skull cavity and laying cancerous eggs need to fuck off
>democracy is mob rule
What the fuck happened to /pol/? You people are monarchists now?
Not at all
You must be confusing the future Korea story with the black space-faring race in the post apocalyptic setting.
oh abloo abloo, life must be so hard for a right-winger now that he has to compete in the marketplace of ideas! I'm crying for you, user. Must be hard that you have no great writers, artists or musicians.
It must be the ebul liberals at fault and not that you're untalented and frozen in time.
>one individual
Kill yourself
Buddy, the far future is the apocalyptic far far future. They literally ALL have Asiatic features, are you fucking blind?
No. I would watch a movie with just black reporter lady going against the energy company in the 70s. Complete with nuclear meltdown, but that is not most of the movie.
Literally said I don’t give a shit about lack of / dearth of right leaning media/material. What grinds my gears is busybody tranny fuckers such as yourself who look at the utterly pathetic, weak and overmatched right wing media and make it out to be some kind of pervasive and existential threat to your “oh-so fragile” utopia of progressive circle jerking. Your fixation in such a limited and overmatched subset says something about your confidence in your own worldview...
I posted pictures of every Prescient character I could find from the sixth story setting... none of them show Asiatic features. Please post some and prove me wrong
>weak and overmatched right wing
HAHAHAHAHA MY SIDES ARE IN ORBIT holy absolute shit, you actually buy into this victim narrative? How old are you?
Go back you brainwashed faggot.
>this is what a mad /pol/nigger looks like
You literally can’t prove me wrong. Left wing content dominates Netflix, HBO, Disney, all major TV and Cable networks not named Fox News. Why are you so afraid of a few goofy right wing cringe artists? Why are you so ass blasted about a few pathetic morons who get muted either way?
>the utterly pathetic, weak and overmatched right wing media
You can’t use that word, user. You aren’t black.
>largest international media companies are conservative
>largest "news" organization and GOP super PAC is conservative
>largest lobbyist groups are conservative
>literally won every level of government in 2016 and multiple SC picks.
>can’t refute
>posts meme reaction image like black people and yas queenz do on twitter
To be expected
>muh moobies aren't right wing, this is unacceptable! Please, save me David Duke!
Cloudy with a chance of Atlas
>Muh Fox
Literally one and only one cuckservative media company in a sea of radically left leaning media entities
>the most watched news station in the entire North American continent is literally right-wing
>the President is a member of the GOP
>your SC picks are Republicans
It sure is tough out there, pretending to be under attack like SJWs and being a shitfless and accountable-less faggot.
>it doesn't count
It's the largest you dumb mutt, it holds political sway over the American Conservative lobbyist group and is one of the most far-reaching international media companies on the fucking planet. You're just honestly stupid.
>radically left
The US is not "radically" left you stupid retard, the US is center-left in practice and policy.
Again.... not complaining that right leaning worldviews aren’t mainstream. I’m just curious as to why you’re so assblasted. All you’ve been doing is booting and lip smacking while pointing and laughing like pic related.
You speaky the true-true.
Has it ever crossed your mind that your beliefs just aren't profitable or popular?
>the largest
Naturally when one single channel represents half of your country’s political view it’s going to have a plurality in viewership. Divide it into 4 (like CNN, CBS ABC NBC) and how big is it? Then throw in NYT, WAPO, TIME etc etc...please pull your head out of your ass
Nobody is "assblasted", I just want you to go back to your own board where someone cares.
Sure. That’s fine. I’ve repeated multiple times in this thread that the popularity isn’t important to me. What grinds my gears is you and your ilk are so assblasted by the few instances where right wing content is available...
>Fox doesn't own hundreds of sister channels and programs
ABC and NBC are owned by the same company you braindead /pol/tard. You're just clumping all these companies that are loosely left-leaning/liberal in some way as if there is a conspiracy of fucking thought when it's just where the attitudes of this era are more vested in, ideologically speaking. Social conservatism isn't that popular with middle class working people, it hasn't been for a while. But the GOP don't give a shit, all of their old money is politically invested in pushing their narrative. Every party has a narrative, that's true. But there is clearly a culture "war" winner, and you don't like that you lost that.
You people can win every election until the end of time and still bitch and moan about some imagined liberal threat because there exist flicks that don't treat blacks like chattel, or women have speaking roles. What do you even fight for? Believe in? You eat your own faster than SJWs' you have no unifying voice outside of "here is what we aren't".
You clearly are assblasted. Your only response to the endless sea of progressive worldviews pushed by film is “b-b-but right wing content is also questionable.” What right wing content?? And your only response to that is referencing the boomer edutainment channel Fox...
user, the majority of this country doesn't give a fuck about your right wing content, it's why nobody above the age of 19 watches it.
Fuck off and have sex. There’s literally no left wing agenda in film. It’s you right wingers that have the agenda.
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it's "le pushed". Why don't you go do something about it, bitch? Go run over a crowd of ANTIFA kids or something, I'm sure people will flock to making Home Improvement sequels and rewatch The Greatest Story Never Told fifty times a day.
I bet you don't even compute how obnoxiously autistic you come off. Fucking pissbaby.
* NBC, MSNBC, CNBC are all owned by the same company I meant.
>I have to constantly derail threads to tell everyone how I'm a right-winger and a victim! Pls no bully!
what's wrong with having sex with sex bots?
>oh no, I thought I was in charge!
I just want you to pick your fucking lane; are you a poor dindu minority wrongly portrayed in the media and being censored for wrongthink OR are you the majority that everyone actually agrees with and it's the ebul libs that are a minority voice out to destroy your blessed values that everyone likes?
Just be consistent, /pol/nigger.
I know you're new, but it's called crossposting and it's a banable offense.