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There is nothing wrong with this scene faggots. There are diners in the city in real life. And star wars in a galaxy far far away in it's own timeline. Stop trying to mix our world and wars with star wars. This isnt based on WW2 or the 50s l, so shut the fuck about that.
If you mouth breathing back woods faggots actually get out to the city you would know this is accurate. And Coruscant is a big as city planet with a street level where people walk. You retards.
Four brown hands typed this
I always laugh at the dumbest shit
American inbreds cant Cope.
But user, I like Dex's Diner
Real Life
That's why I was defending it.
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>has people build this shit
>makes it look like bad CGI anyway
Fucking hell, early 2000s Lucas was even worse than I thought.
>it's a dexter jettster standalone game
It's the digital cameras that did that.
They are 1080 p.
Actually it's all very much based on real world history, it's all very meta. Star Wars had incredibly sophisticated art direction. (disney garbage will never be able to compete)
>Doug Chiang: The good thing is, that during the whole process, I realized that part of why Star Wars design is so timeless is because George anchors it in a real historical timeline. And when I realized what he was doing with that, we established the timeline for all designs with our design history in the US. It made complete sense then, so that we were going to design the prequels from 1920s and ‘30s aesthetics, where it’s more handcrafted. And then as you segue more toward the original trilogy, design would become more like the manufactured era of the 1970s.
Ever notice how after America saved the world twice from everyone else the world has never been more peaceful?
Really makes one think.
That's just making him look worse. How do you fuck up this badly this thoroughly?
Dex's feed and seed
>That's just making him look worse
It doesn't, Lucas is a pioneer.
Lucas and his work will go down in history as one of the all time essential greats. Nobody will remember Bladerunner 2049. Nobody will remember Avengers: End Game.
'least it was
>Star Wars had incredibly sophisticated art direction
user, if the Mayflower sank, nobody would know what it was called.
Lucas is the pioneer who sank.
His hate for America is a form of escapism. You'd search for an outlet too if you were being invaded by Africans and Muslims.
>Lucas is the pioneer who sank.
Yes, maybe in your subreddit youtube comment multiverse but fortunately not in real life.
it has to look cgi otherwise the ayy lmaos will stand out
>not in real life
Daily reminder that George sold the franchise and is therefore ultimately responsible for the sequel trilogy as well as the godawful prequels.
can you imagine that? Disney releasing a public apology and blaming George Lucas for selling the franchise to them and allowing them to fuck it up
God the prequels look like garbage
>"Hey, user! I didn't see you back there. How are you holding up?"
The thing is, he did sell the franchise to them, knowing full well that they'd fuck it up. He's had a well known hatred of the company.
He knew exactly what was going to happen and did it anyway. Oh, it's Disney's fault for making it as bad as it is, but they wouldn't have if Lucas sold it to somebody else, or kept it.
He is just as responsible as fucking Kathleen.
>He's had a well known hatred of the company.
reall, source? I thought he was just a naive boomer that didn't get the memo that nu-disney is poison
He literally called Disney a pack of white slavers.
Oh wait that was right after he sold it. I thought it was before he sold it.
Still, he did say it.
Dex's Tex Mex
Holy shit he progressive
Prequel rlm hater seeth Lord spotted.
>He is just as responsible as fucking Kathleen.
not really. He did give them his story treatments and shit (this is what Mark Hamill and co. assumed they were going to be doing) but Kathleen got JJ Abrams on board and JJ wanted to do a nostalgia retro thing instead and asked kathleen permission for that, then the whole thing collapsed. George took the hint and understood that they didn't want him micromanaging anything, so he walked away and let them burn it all.
Go to bed Dexter
yeah that's what I thought, this was after it. He was a fan of classic redpilled pre-jewish disney though.
>so he walked away and let them burn it all.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. If he wanted them to use his treatment he should've specified that in the agreement. He fucked up.
>Lucas and his work will go down in history as one of the all time essential greats.
He absolutely will, but for the OT, not the PT.
So, since 2009, six years before he sold it?
Lucas sold Star Wars for brazillions of dollars so he could do more charity work, like the Giving Pledge and building museums
I can't be mad at him for this, he realized that real life is more important than the preservation of his film legacy
This diner is locatet on a planet that is entirely covered in buidings, going deep down into a lightless sub-city. It has only one storey and has direct sunlight shining on it. That piece of real estate, by earth rules, would be one of the most expensive in the entire galaxy.
It also was a good friend.
What is the building on the right?
Sleazebaggano's Saloon
space 1950s post office
what the fuck star wars wiki
why is he human
Thread theme
formerly chuck's
That's Richard Riehle
>It doesn't, Lucas is a pioneer.
Using digital cameras long before the technology is decent = pioneer? Lmao, you Lucas cocksuckers are hilariously delusional.
>Lucas and his work will go down in history as one of the all time essential greats.
Lucas isn't even one of the top 20 best American directors of all time. Legitimate pioneers like Kubrick, Lynch, Altman, and Scorsese will be more fondly remembered than the manchild who helped ruin cinema by ushering in the modern blockbuster.
Wtf Lucas
greedo's seedo and feedo
>Lynch & Scorsese
>not knowing what a pioneer is
Big yikes
W-what's Jawa Juice made of?
>No Gungans Allowed.
Dig that Jizz sound
>implying Lynch isn't a pioneer
Twin Peaks changed television forever. Stick to Star Wars and capeshit, manchild.
rofl, fucking pseud. Don't reply to me.
me? i like all of them
What an exotic looking coffeepot
Yes, we've all seen Twin Peaks. Stick to television, kiddo.
There's nothing pseud about recognizing the hackery of George Lucas. Star Wars is a children's fantasy series that has spawned generations of manchildren. Also, the prequels fucking suck. If you think George Lucas is one of the greatest artists of all time then you need to grow the fuck up.
If you have anything bad to say about Lucas (anything at all), maybe you should grow the fuck up. No offense. Do you even like moving pictures?
And Coruscant is a big ass city planet with a street level where people walk. You retard.
>If you have anything positive to say about George Lucas you are retarded
>If you have anything negative to say about George Lucas you are retarded
ffs you guys
Lynch is a pioneer, and only an ignorant retard would argue he isn't; Eraserhead and Twin Peaks are groundbreaking works of art. Scorsese may not be as unique or groundbreaking as Lynch, but he has made some very iconic films (e.g., Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas) that have had a huge influence on cinema.
P.S. Both are infinitely better directors than George Lucas.
This but unironically
>saved the world
>twin peaks, goodfellas, full metal jacket, 2001, fight club, magnolia, pulp fiction.. the list goes ON...
>people tell me i'm very mature for my age
>revenge of the sith..? yuck! I don't watch kiddie films. Let me tell you know star wars was actually saved in the ed-
Are those ham sandwiches with orange cups for sides?
Followup question: What do you call french fries in the Star Wars galaxy?
>David Lynch? Martin Scorsese? Ehh, those guys are so fedora!
>I prefer the films of George Lucas.
>no, Star Wars is not for kids! It's a very mature series!
Dex's Fex and Sex
Freedom fries.
>Are those ham sandwiches with orange cups for sides?
>Followup question: What do you call french fries in the Star Wars galaxy?
Food sticks
They were going to kill him if he didn't sell, he had no choice
It wasnt personal George, ease up yeah?
Oh my god thank you for posting this. This finally makes sense. I had no idea what the fuck they were going for with that diner shit and now it makes sense. It's a braindead idea but at least now I get WHY they had that stupid diner in there.
What do you do when some offers you d*eath sticks ? Me , once someone tried to offer them to me , but i said "no" and ran the h*ck away
This shit exemplifies how much of a hack Lucas is. He tried to rip off Blade Runner without understanding it. Yeah, sure ok, it was fine during the hovercar chase, but this scene is the absolute worst.
So like Deckard goes to a shady restaurant owner and asks about a clue that leads to the bad guys. Lucas does the same. Except of having it be a shady back alley type thing, it's in a shiny Disneyland style "themed restaurant". The type of place you go where the waiters wear period costumes and talk with accents.
Why would that guy know about a secret assassin's weapon?
The scene would be so much better if the place was a greasy dump.
>I agree, Star Wars has always been for 12 year olds and I feel bad for all the undeserved hate Lucas received in 1999. These people were 10 when they saw Star Wars in 1977 and they were 30 by the time they were watching The Phantom Menace. No wonder they felt embarassed. I mean it's nothing new, people shat on the C-3PO and Ewoks back then too, but somehow online criticsm is a different thing and can be very loud and it's weird how the media decided to pick up on the angry blogger/message board narrative and just ran with it. It was really hard to shake off that negative image and I think it must have been tough for Lucas and the crew. I'm glad to see the dust has now settled after 20 years--we've all finally gotten over it. George Lucas is a futurist. The guy can see 20, 30, 50 years into the future. As an artist and as a creator and as an innovator, he’s done things that no one else has done, no one else has even thought of. The fan backlash of 20 years ago was loud, but that’s really all it was. It was just loud. And now we have to be louder in our pride for this thing, because we have an army behind us of people who love those movies. All the 10 year olds have now grown up and are spreading love and positivity for the prequels and making older manchildren reconsider their judgement. It feels righteous to see history correcting itself and seeing Lucas and his work finally get the respect they deserve from the people who were kids when the prequels came out. It's great to see people finally accept the saga for what it is, the full six chapters instead of just three. It feels good to be on the correct side of history.
AOTC is one of the best SW movies.
>kino opening
>hot af natalie
>Anakin the anti-hero
>Detective Obi Wan
>Jango claiming throne of best fett
>memes galore
>classic adventure tale
>sheev schemes
>awesome action
>jedi saving obi and anakin
>clones saving the jedi
>beginning of clone wars
fuck anyone who repeats the meme opinion that it was the worst of the sequels
>Why would that guy know about a secret assassin's weapon?
why wouldn't he? are scumbags or badasses not capable of retiring?
Set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away but still has a futuristic looking US style diner.
Man, I hated most of the stuff in the prequels, but I actually really liked the diner. Why did people hate it so much?
i forgot the scene in blade runner where deckard visited a 50s themed cafe
Who are you quoting? By the way, lmao at the "correct side of history" bullshit. It doesn't matter that some zoomer manchildren refuse to admit that the prequels were shit. If zoomers validate George Lucas, then I guess the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the peak of art since there are millions of zoomers who love those flicks.
The state of american autism. Next you will say Earth is flat and the ocean is blue like blood.
because nobody wants to be seen as “uncool” so they repeat the opinions of those who they deem “cool”
You are writing a story. Your detective is following up a bizarre murder weapon so he goes to a contact he knows that might have some experience with it.
Where does this contact work? Do you write that he owns a bar in the bad type of town? Or that he works in a kitschy themed restaurant?
Lemme guess... You'd prefer the kitsch because it "subverts expectations", right?
>’least it was b’fo’ I fucked everything up
Liking bad things in order to appear unique does not in fact make you seem cooler than the "sheep"
>millions of zoomers who love those flicks
uhh yeah sure sweetie, all those 38 year old balding zoomers that definitely aren't the same people seething over george lucas and definitely don't have goodfellas in their top 10
i don’t give a fuck, nerd
that doesn't really answer anything. like I said, I hated most of the prequels as well, but this scene was nice and comfy.
Because it's bizarre that there is a slice of kitschy Americana somewhere in a galaxy far far away. This is
scene that would fit perfectly in MIB, but not star wars.
Is that the fucking Atari logo in the background?
there’s a lot of silly shit in star wars, sweetie.
so it was more of a "it's too on the nose" deal?
Fucking finally someone gets it
You mean Lawrence Kasdan
Those guys hate the prequels
Zoomers love them
Silly me, I forgot that all prequel apologists are sophisticated intellectuals like this gentleman. Prequel apologists aren't manchildren at all.
Not that guy, but it was a case of "Too on the nose" with it being too clean and plasticky looking. It clashes hard with the point of the scene which is to find the origins of a weapon. Is it suppose to be ironic? Like "Haha, I bet you didn't think THIS guy wold know about weapons!"
The scene would have worked fine if it didn't look like cheap plastic crap. Dirty it up and make it look like an actual lived in place.
baffling post
Oh you mean the guy who is solely responsible for Solo a Star Wars Story? who wrote The Force Awakens? Who wanted to kill off Vader and have Luke put on his mask and say “now i am the master”? who wanted to kill Solo from the very beginning? Kasden has always been a shitty writer.
You come across like a woman. Petty in every way.
>Star Wars has always been for 12 year olds
So you're admitting that you're a manchild?
Why does Razorfist have such gay sultry eyes?
Also check'd.
are you supposedly quoting yourself?
he’s quoting gigachad
>I've run out of arguments, so I'm just gonna call you a woman!
yikes, spoiler that shit
this is a blueboard
>Star Wars
>5 minutes of actual war in the stars in 8 movies
>tfw you will never skype with chad and talk about the prequels
Except the plotting doesn't make sense.
Ok, so Jango Fett is hired to kill Padme because the Trade Federation is butthurt about Episode 1. Gotcha.
So he hires ANOTHER assassin to do the job for him... Who gets a robot to insert bugs into her room. Which is weird but let's go with it. But when she's caught, he reveals himself as being there the entire time. So why not kill Padme himself? Was he worried about being identified? Then why use a unique poison dart that would lead right back to him? Why not just shoot her with a laser?
The story grinds to a halt because of a stupid choice like that.
There's more. Like how Anakin gets involved on Geonosis. Why? Because he went to Tatooine because of a dream and Tatooine is right next to Geonosis (because they're both desert planets). Again, the entire plot revolves around something arbitrary. If Anakin didn't go to Tatooine, then Obi Wan dies there alone.
Why did the Jedi use the Clones when they knew the Clones were copies of Jango who was in league with Dooku, the great enemy of the Republic?
Furthermore, the movie never explains who Sifo Dyas is. Like, the whole culmination of Obi Wan's story are the Clones, and their origin is just "Yeah it was this dude" and that's it.
And let's not forget Anakin and Padme falling in love right after Anakin describing how he killed a bunch of kids. That's not a plot problem, it's just fucking stupid.
at least it used to bed
least it was before you fucked up the quote
>Anakin describing how he killed a bunch of kids
Sandniggers aren't people. Padme knows this too. It's basically an essential cornerstone of the moral education that Lucas passes on to kids and the audience.
Prequelfags always hide behind jokes when they get hit with the cold hard facts
That wasn't me btw, but he really nailed it. You should probably transition lol. You already have the starterpack taste and argumenting style of a screeching FTM letterboxd movie buff / future suicide victim. Get some hobbies or something. (No, movies are NOT your life.)
Jawa cum
He truly was. Everything in this picture, save for the window, is real. I have no idea how the fuck he did it
It took you 30 minutes to respond and all you could come up with is "you're a woman. Btw, I'm not that user"? Lmao.
I still haven't updated 4chanX so (You's) are broken for me. All my replies to other people are out of order as well :(
I even get banned regularily for spam/flooding since apparently it autoupdates the threads too fast or something, especially when I have multiple tabs open
>Nobody will remember Bladerunner 2049.