It's a good movie and you can actually see monsters fighting, but it loses a lot from not bringing the MUTO back.
Just watched Godzilla 2: Zilla's back
Faggot, go get fucked in the ass.
We know from Anons who actually did watch the movie that MUTO's back, the girl, at least.
>The monster who got beheaded is back
Get a load of this retard
Get ready for a surprise then, faggot.
There's a female MUTO among the four kaiju that reach Boston and bow to Godzilla at the end.
A muto is back, we don't know if it's the muto.
Whoever designed MUTO should get shot.
there's a muto but it doesn't fight
the movie was pretty good nonetheless
Why? It looks kino
Because it looks like shit and doesnt remind anything like the other monsters. It looks too alien.
>the movie was pretty good nonetheless
Really? How does it compare to the first one?
to 2014 ? way better. You can actually see monsters punching, grabbing, bitting etc. There's some story and quips and what not but it doesnt stop the movie from going from one fight scene to a destruction scene
Why? It looks more imaginative than half of TOHO's roster which are just huge-ass anthroporphized animals, or literally giant animals.
I really dig the bioluminescent, angular stealth bomber aesthetic, fite me fag.
>You can actually see monsters punching, grabbing, bitting etc.
Thank god, that was probably what I hated most about the last one.
Other than the main character being boring as fuck I guess. Bryan Cranston's character was way more interesting.
The movie is complete shit. There's barely 10 minutes of kaiju action and the rest is godawful human drama
Do yourselves a favour and just wait for the scenes to be uploaded to youtube
The MUTO was literally in the fucking film, as a cameo and it bows to Godzilla at the end
Nigga what?
>TOHO's roster which are just huge-ass anthroporphized animals, or literally giant animals.
Thats the point. It doesn't fit among them. Its just another concept art alien instead a monster that resembles an animal. When you look Tohos creatures you know what they are based upon. But MUTO? Doesn't look like anything from animal kingdom or myth.
That's not actually the movie's fault. Just some poor intern who for some reason fucked around with the gamma and/or luminance levels. I remember it being perfectly visible in cinemas.
It's still very much watchable in a dark room if your TV was more or less properly calibrated and has a panel with a decent native contrast, but no matter what you do, the highlights never punch, and there's a ton of black crush, compared to the making of featurette.
Almost as if someone, instead of converting the Master's 0-255 luminance scale, to the home video standard of 16-235 - just cut off the top and bottom of the luminance scale.
I didn't mean visually but rather the fact that the kept cutting away from the action until the very end
it looks great
I can guarantee that this is a bold faced lie, and this user is a faggot.
It's clearly a placoderm tho. And then there're the Skullcrawlers, now THOSE fuckers were alien, more so than Ghidorah's very tetrapodal reptilian-looking ass.
"The" MUTO is dead
Unless you're a paid shill, you cannot possibly refute what I have just said
Anything that wasn't Kaiju fights was boring as fuck, and there were barely any fights in those 2 hours
Fuck off retard
Its obviously not the one from the first film
You ever been to deep sea threads?
Go watch Endgame again, and think to yourself it will break all time record ya fucking rat shill.
Holy shit that that ending when They all bow down to Godzilla
One of the most kino things I’ve seen in ages
What the fuck is a MUTO? You bunch of nerds
The giant bug-like fish Titan from the 2014 Godzilla film.
God damn that human part was some stupid shit, worse than in the first one. Those three leads were the worst.
Massive unidentified terrestrial organism
Did you really watch the movie? The Female Muto is seen kneeling down in front of Godzilla.
>You just received a complementary Disney Fast Pass
As all females should.
the lead actress is strikingly unattractive and every other line of dialogue was 'oh my god'
Fake news, but still go use your wage money for Endgame instead of watching King of the Incels, k thx
Sorry I didn't get the memo from my supervisor. Please don't report me to HR.
Is this nigga in the movie? If not, I'm not seeing it.
>you can actually see the monsters fighting.
I hope you get raped you shill cunt. The action would be great if they actually fucking focused on it. During the arctic fight its centered on dickheads running away in the snow or the crew of the crashed osprey. Rhodan v military is focused on trying to land an osprey in the carrier whose bay doors are stuck. You get 8 seconds of godzilla v ghidorah before an oxygen destroyer bomb lands on them. The finale is focused on digging millie out from a bathtub in her destroyed home.
And the cherry on the fucking cake is supercharged godzilla just farts out 2 discoball waves of energy that fry ghidorah, then treads on him lightly with one foot which kills him.
I'm still fucking livid a couple of hours after watching it.
How many kaijus do we clearly see?
Ill report you for not watching Endgame 5 times as told. Because of you we have to continued bombing errr I mean critiquing on why Godzilla was a bad movie.
> instead a monster that resembles an animal
I dunno about that user, some animals look freaky as fuck. There might not be a direct animal to point it to but it's not too alien looking I'd say.
Mothra was the true MVP
I've heard he was.
every scene had like 10... thousand filters layered on top of it, you could barely see what's happening, think long night levels of retarded cinematography
I still enjoyed my boy Godzilla
The MUTOs sucked though.
I'm with this faggot. The film was horrible, I was legit mad of the bullshit they made. Not even the fights, that weren't even that cool, could savage this drag of a movie.
Gee, almost as if there can be multiple members of a single species!
Oh know how am I supposed to pay my bills now. It's end of the month. They'll delay my paycheck.
He's not one of the main four monsters. Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra and Gidorah are the only ones that get any action scenes. The rest you just get quick scenes.
Fuck you, fagalam. Are you that much of a brainlet that you don’t know how to use spoiler text?
Is it implied that they have monster sex after?
This so much. There wasn't any real focus on the fights.
Instead of proper OG Kaijus, they instead use Mammoths and leftovers from Cameron's King Kong
This film was shit, absolute shit. It was barely about the kaiju at all
Rhodan, big ghid and mothra. All the others have less than 10 seconds of screentime each. They quickly show news \ recon footage of them rampaging in a montage in the middle of the film. They only show about 5 other kaiju, not the full 14 established earlier.
Literally this
Mothra helps bring Godzilla back after the military kill him with a McGuffin. She then sacrifices herself in the last fight, and gives Godzilla more power to kill Gidorah.
There's a soldier that says "So Godzilla and Mothra have like a thing, huh?" but it's played for laughs
Honestly I liked it a lot. Now I'm already a getting pumped waiting for KONG v GOJIRA
Ps. In Skull Island they said that Kong will probably still grow
MUTO Prime probably.
So looks like the script could use some polish but the monster stuff and mythology is great. Same for the music and the visuals. It's expected to overtake Aladdin globally (can't fully trust these estimates before they happen though). Those 17 kaiju are mostly MIA so there's a chance that Legendary buys monsters from Toho. I'm super comfy now.
Stop lying faggot
But he isn't lying
> This guy says not enough monsters
> Critics say too much monsters
The fuck is going on
>The script could use some polish.
That's and understatement. Every character is an exposition machine talking about their motivations in the most horrible andway blatant way possible.
Idk, but desu the monster action is underwhelming as fuck the few times it does happen
Just like almost all human characters in almost all Godzilla movies? neat
It would be OK if 90% of the screen time was dedicated to the human characters
Insect is what I gathered. Cacooning and all.
Mouse shills at it again
Yeah, except this film doesn't have any cheese factor at all. Everything is meant to be serious as fuck.
Fuck, you worked it out, everyone who talks shit about this movie is only doing it because they're a huge DISNEY FANDBOY. Are you fucking retarded?
Based Rodan poster, enjoy it
And I'm gonna sit there until June. The only good news is by then there will be more positive reviews so it's gonna be easier to convince my normie friends.
Endgame isn't even in cinemas anymore you schizo tards
Are you fucking serious? How many times before have Disney shills been caught on this site against any films that's not from Disney. Perfecting timing to shill as Aladdin is out the same weekend. Is this your first time on the site?
So was it the credits song?
>Most reviews, both good and bad, claim the monster action is a spectacle and fight scenes are clear and visible throughout the film
>Other reviews claim the action is hard to see and does the same cutaway shit as 2014
Well, which is it? What the fuck is going on with this movie, reviews and impressions are all over the place
I don't like it either. It looks too manufactured. Like all the angles were thought out.
Destroyah, biolante, hedorah
The main problem is they knew back in the day to pull the camera back and let the audience enjoy people in rubber suits going at it.
The action WAS NOT shown in the background while the camera focused on some vapid prick trying to pull collapsed debris off a nobody whilst spouting exposition about kaiju being like wolves he photographed for a hobby, a call back to another vapid exposition exchange earlier.
Shit characters get in the way of what should be beautiful moneyshots of kaiju mayhem.
by watching Endgame not only 5 times, but another 5 times as a start
I think the "muh drama" reviewers are the ones okay with the fights, while people who actually care about the kaiju fights are the ones disappointed with the action. Case of differing expectations.
It does a little bit of 2014 where dumb human drama is focused on while monsters are fighting in the background . I do agree with Jeremy Jahns though about how some fights were framed too close to the monsters that it made them look smaller.
A lie, take it out
So basically everyone's pissed off
Most people who give a damn like it. Some love it, disappointments are rare. The only self-described fan who hated it as far as I know is Stuckman.
Yeah, sounds like they tried to please both camps and ended up alienating both.
>Chris “waaah Rich Evans made fun of me” Stuckman
even if he does, how could he beat GOJIRA?
He seemed like a fan. Maybe he grew up with it.
RLM will dislike it even as schlok I'm afraid.
At least it's not clearly embarrassed of the source material like 2014 (and 1998) were. Gareth Edwards even justified all the dumb teasers and cutaways by saying he based the movie off Jaws (instead of, you know, Godzilla).
Still gonna wait on what this guy has to say about the movie to see if it's truly shit or not. He likely won't have a problem with how the characters or plot is handled, so it all boils down to whether he'll like the action or not.
RLM were already never too big on Kaiju films
Going to say this movie is no better than 2014 and will still prefer the 98 film as a better monster movie.
Didn't they like Pacific Rim?
You are so fucking disconnected from reality, go hotglue your Mothron figure you fucking autist.
No shit its not the first ones, they both got murdered. Its nice that we get another one though, they had a nice dynamic with the sexual dimorphism. Its only at the very end with the other monsters though.
>Everything is meant to be serious as fuck.
Mike acts like it was total shit nowadays, I think he's kinda just gone senile about it. Jay is the one who still thinks it was decent.
Pacific rim was about humans fighting monsters. Not monsters fighting monsters.
i was 11 seeing godzilla 1998 in the theater and was still disappointed, zero respect for anyone that defends it, GODZILLA CHASED A FUCKING TAXI FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES, HE GOT BEAT BY A BRIDGE, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK AM I WATCHING
He seriously recommended Godzilla vs King Ghidorah as a movie people who are new to the Godzilla series should watch. I actually like that movie, but most normies would think it's super corny (which it is).
I remember that being the first movie I didn't like as a child. I left the theater annoyed that it wasted so much time on that stupid raptor bullshit just to ripoff Jurassic Park.
The fight in Antarctica was so fucking metal
I loved this movie, worth a watch guys
HR says I need to buy 5 tickets out of my own pocket before they can release my paycheck.
Definitely. It's difficult to recommend anything from heisei because it's one continuity. Maybe Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla because it's the turning point of the series (and good). So instead of the Kiryu saga (also pretty good) just pick GMK. I don't worship this movie but it's clearly the only logical replacement. So if I remember he picked Godzilla and Mothra vs. Godzilla. The only correct choice. For the fifth movie pick Shin Godzilla.
I died in the scene where guidorah talks
Based Rodan poster, you will love, and I mean LOVE Rodan in this film.
Just got back from watching it and Holy Fucking Shit, was it amazing.
>Ghidorah talks
> “Impeach Trump”
>humans question is he’s really the bad guy
For fucks sake, Dougherty
It was pretty wild when he used different heads to use a different racial slurs.
>tfw seeing it this friday with friends in imax
Its gonna be hype
>the dumb head uses ebonics
was a little uncomfortable
The plot is completely stupid though but as a giant monster spectacle it nails it
Is there any way to properly fix or at least mitigate the damage on your own? Could Someone take say the lossless BluRay video file(or 3D BluRay, I've heard that one is better but still not perfect) and convert it to the proper luminance and fix the gamma/contrast?
I know next to nothing about video encoding so correct me if I'm wrong
Holy shit, that sounds fucking stupid. I knew it was gonna be shit. But holy shit that is fucking SHIT.
Does anyone give a shit about the family drama thing? I wish it was more scientists talking about the monsters instead.
This. Looks like the cloverfield monster
>All three posts have positive impressions on the action and fight scenes
>Other Yea Forumsfags claim the action was just as badly handled, if not worse than 2014's despite the significant increase in screentime
This is a fucking roller coaster for my emotions I'm not even kidding. Stupid characters and plot I can handle. Terribly done action and fight scenes though? Tell me it isn't so.
All the scientists except Serizawa and the qt Chinese girl sucked dick in this movie though.
Does Godzilla's radioactivity play any part in the movie? Does anyone still remember this at all?
I'll be sad for you if you don't like it. you deserve better
also, I cant watch it in imax... still worth it in regular screen?
Its legit. If you want better action and let alone a better plot, just go pay and watch Endgame instead.
>kept cutting away from the action until the very end
Man I fucking hated that
Luckily the ending of this movie isn't Ghidorah chasing a humvee that results in his death...
Yeah but I would rather have that than the utter cringefest that is the family.
If a MUTO looks like clover because it has six limbs, then I guess that every other Kaiju looks like a dog, because they have four.
Yet Rolfe boy prefers 98 over 2014 as a film. Hes going to fucking hate this movie unless WB or Fat fuck Justin gets to him.
Mutos I thought were Clover cross with a Xenomorph from the newer alien movies.
It would be neat if this guy appeared at the end as an easter egg.
It’s a major plot point that becomes key in several moments
Surprisingly yes, a couple of times. It's even mentioned that kaiju radiation helps restore nature \ environment as a plot point.
Yes. Burning Godzilla is so radioactive his mere presence melts buildings into lava.
>Major plot point
What are you talking about. Yeah, is something that comes out a few times in the film, but a major plot point? hell no
What did you anons think of the action?
Zhang Ziyi is 40 years old. Based Asian Youth Genes.
According to the art book for that movie the general train of thought was: "hey what if we make an unholy lovechild of a B2 Spirit and an insect that talks through a lightshow?"
The Skullcrawler is the monster from the pit that attacked that dude during the tree log scene in the 1933 original. They also appeared in the Peter Jackson game for 360
Its true, endgame is everything capeshit Godzilla is, but way better. Don't waste your time or money on King of the Monsters.
Yeah, but people are less likely to care about corniness anymore, look how many fan something like Supernatural, Buffy/Angle, Firefly, X-file, Transformers gen one, ect.
We're not boomers, and not the stupid Yea Forums meme boomers, real boomers are becoming irrelevant in media. Fuck them, they should be glad we're going to let them die in homes rotting and not eating them alive.
I've seen Endgame, and have no desire to see it again.
There are issues with the action: in 2014 they skipped showing action or hid it. New film has some nice action but far too often it is in the background and focuses on what the characters are doing instead.
Temper your expectations and forget the lying cunts that said there was 50% action and godzilla battling a wide range of kaiju.
Don't give this """""man""""" any (you)s, you hear?
He's the problem.
King Kong vs Godzilla is going to end with them teaming up to fight Charles Dance piloting Mecha King Ghidorah.
Screencap this.
Another Disney shills. Fuck off
Please, disney no loner needs shills. The dude was trolling, you sniveling simp.
Kan King Kong Kill King Ghidorah? Godzilla did...
A lot of forced perspective (ground shots, looking through cockpits etc) but lots of good old widescreen monster fighting too
On a side note thought mothras buildup throughout the film was really smart and the special effects are fantastic
Also Rodan is a slimy cunt
If you seen endgame, you seen king of the monsters basically
Seethe more as KOTM is shit and will bomb
Maybe I am, or maybe I just don't like capeshit style Kaiju movies like this one is.
>I just don't like capeshit style Kaiju movies like this one is.
I don't give a shit what you like or don't, I was telling you calling a troll a shill was stupid and it highlights how you should be ignored or ridiculed till you shut up.
If I had the time to list the amount of animals I have known that would outsmart you I would be late for work till next week.
Get fucked, mouse.
So in the end, how does the action and monster screentime compare to what these other anons here are saying? Do you agree with them or are they lying/exaggerating?
Now describe the new kaijus please.
Most of us know about the giant mammoth-ape, giant crab and giant lizard-thing, so any other monster shows up?
I wouldn't recommend anything from the Heisei series to a newbie, since those movies have some of the weakest storytelling. They're not terrible, but the Showa and Millennium series are better. If someone wanted to watch five movies to get ready for KOTM, I would recommend Godzilla 1954, Rodan 1956, Mothra 1961, Mothra vs Godzilla, and Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster. Those are all Showa movies, but they all share a continuity, and they're all going to be referenced in the new movie. Anyone who can't stand old special effects should just watch the Millennium series. The Heisei series is skippable, since it was basically a nostalgia cash-in anyway.
So like every Toho Godzilla ever?
It looks like a droideka from Star Wars. Terrible design for a monster. Good monsters have color, and their designs should be recognizable enough where a kid could draw them from memory.
Id say also the 80s Godzilla that was a soft reboot that just retold his origin story, honestly forget when that was released.
Implying I was
Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster has a more coherent story than Godzilla vs King Ghidorah though.
Its maybe like 7 to 9 mins longer than the final muto fight?
It'll be like Rey Mysterio vs Big Show, he'll do high spots from skyscrapers and use his superior monkey brain tactics.
From what I've gathered, only true Godzilla fans will enjoy it and normies will bitch about either the human stories or the monster action.
Return of Godzilla AKA Godzilla 1984. That's probably the best Heisei movie, but Godzilla is the most boring part of that movie IMO.
Major cringe disneymom
Stuckmann has only watched Gojira, Godzilla 1998, Godzilla 2014, and Shin Godzilla. He is not a huge fan.
Kong: Skull Island > Godzilla: King of Monsters > Godzilla (1998) > Godzilla (2014)
This ape vigilante's like a one-monkey reign of terror.
Godzilla vs Biollante is pretty awesome dude
The monsters are on screen for ages, even when not fighting each other. I don’t really want to spoil it by mentioning specific moments so just go have a watch. Having said that..
Monsters are Godzilla, Mothra (several forms of), Rodan and Ghidorah
There’s some ape mammoth thing like you said, the crab and a muto, maybe another bursting from the mountain.
Kong is also seen briefly on skull island
Thats pretty much it, they are shown for about 2 minutes combined the whole film, theres a spider one with a tentacled face but that might be the crab one you mentioned. I think they also showed the face of the classic 4 legged kaiju with a spiny shell on his back but I've forgotten his name. Annoyingly of all of them the muto has most screentime.
The end credits are over newspaper articles that elude to other kaiju now unleashed.
They extensively mention a "Scylla" monster but I don't think we see it
fuck muto and fuck muto fantards
Godzilla 1998> Kong:Skull Island> Godzilla 2014> Godzilla: King of the Monsters
fixed that for you
>wow I guess you can say he’s Godzilla: King of the monsters.
Literally walked out right then and there.
Nah goji will beat kong.
Is obvious.
The human side has distractingly stupid motivations
It’s literally I woke up the giant monsters to wipe out majority of the polluting humans and bring back balance but I made a mistake as the three headed one is from space and will instead destroy everything
sounds like a zilla flick desu famalam
Fuck that new Godzilla bullshit. It's retarded garbage.
I dunno, sounds like some usual Showa stuff. I mean, literally no worse than a 60s Godzilla flick.
I'm a bit disappointed already; what's the fucking point on creating +10 new kaiju and giving them badass names if you're not going to show them?
Preach it in the face of these fools in denial.
>post yfw gvsK makes enough money to warrant more movies
>Post yfw G4 is Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
>Post yfw Bear redoes theme related
That's almost the same motivation as the villains in Godzilla vs Gigan.
>post yfw this plays during the battle
There's so, so, so many nods and references to the Toho movies in this that it's almost guaranteed James will love it. It's like an American-made Toho Godzilla movie for better or worse. I think true fans in general will love it.
but it was from the divorced mother scientist character that was initially painted as a good person who just wanted to befriend the monsters. The shift in narrative to being a actually broken woman who allied with eco terrorists who literally killed her staff would cause head scratching. Not to mention the idea of “befriending monsters is beneficial but except for this specific three-headed one”
I'd like to see Bear also remake this for either GvsK or GvsMG
Please tell me Jet Jaguar is in the post-credits teaser.
The post credits teaser is Charles Dance building Mecha Ghidorah
I can see this can be a problem. That's when that 3 hour cut would've been beneficial. But again, there's seen similar shit in Showa films. Characters rapidly falling in love, characters knowing important information out of nowhere, etc.
There were some other leaks claiming he made Destroyah by splicing the DNA from the head with DNA from an isopod
If any other Ifukube themes get remade, it should be the Mothra twins' other songs, or these:
He is “a huge fan” and “grew up” with everything I’ve ever seen him review or discuss. He’s fake as shit. As has been said by others, I guarantee his version of “growing up” with Godzilla is watching the most normie-tier entries (‘54, ‘84, ‘14, Shin), and then concluding that the entire series must be super cereal reflections on nuclear anxiety.
It's hard to have a better proof than leaked scene on youtube. But it's probably deleted by now.
I don't have proof but Godzilla bites one of Ghidorah's heads off in a fight scene. Post credits, Charles Dance, a terrorist, buys the head from some looters who have stole it away from the wreckage.
The "It was leaked but then quickly deleted" sounds like an excuse because you don't want to admit you're lying
I've heard so many permutations of that scene, I don't even know anymore.
No but the teaser shows the bad guy buying one of Ghidorah's head implying he'll either resurrect it or just make mecha ghidorah or something to that effect
This is the correct one
I already know that, and there's now Godzilla vs Kong leaks that basically say he does this with the head Destroyah also being Shockirus sounds kind of neat, actually
>it's almost guaranteed James will love it
I hope so, because I'm gonna admit all these negative reviews and impressions have me paranoid at the thought of him pointing out something he won't like about this film to the point where he writes it off as a dissspointment like the other critics.
Too many people have a one track mind
It would make sense if Godzilla's in Meltdown mode and the oxygen destroyer is in KotM. Suppose the bad guy recreates micro oxygen and gives it to the bug
>Stop lying faggot
its true u gaylord
sorry meant to reply to
he sucked
she sucked too but not as much
I didn't post it just watched it. And many people have as well I'm sure. It had dedications to Banno and Nakajima and showed famous photo of Nakajima.
>King Kong vs Godzilla is going to end with them teaming up to fight Charles Dance piloting Mecha King Ghidorah.
>Screencap this.
nah mecha king ghidorah will show up at the very end of G vs KK in a post credit scene/very last scene.
Banno's not involved with this anymore
Of course he's not, he's dead. Hence the memorial
He was executive producer on G2014 and for a little bit on KoTM (it was filming when he died)
Yes so is Nakajima hence the dedication.
Im a Godzilla fan, and it pays more tribute to capeshit movies than it does to toho films aside the Godzilla theme. Id say this film is around the same category of Godzilla's Revenge/Godzilla vs the Sea Monster in terms of quality.
It's out Final Wars. Disliked then a classic. Although Toho Kingdom already announced it a classic and most fans love it so kaiju renaissance is still alive.
I think being a true fan of any movie these days means preferring older content which can admittedly be hit or miss, to the newer sellout crap made with no love, infact i feel like these people hate the audience. Why support them?
Watch it in a Dolby Theater, it is probably the best option. If not then yeah, the loudest Cinema you can find.
Sorry, but this is a blatant lie. Maybe you got into an Endgame screening by mistake and thought it was Godzilla.
To be fair Ghidorah's face clearly remembers me the Gryphon's design.
Also there's a scene where Godzilla appears behind Ghidorah and you see his reflection on the building. I could fucking swear I saw a similar scene in the cancelled script.
It wouldn't be suprising since one of the guys that worked on the G1994's script is currently working on Godzilla vs Kong.
>no true scotsman
Who is Charles Dances Character? Is it Tom Hiddelstons Character from Kong?
Any references to Kong at all?
How is Rodan killed?
opinion discarded
Would've been better if Ghidorah came to Earth in an asteroid like in the Showa movies.
Also the use of Orca was retarded, would've made more sense if the terrorists wanted to use to destroy specific cities/countries. Not to reshape the world.
But overrall it's a pretty neat movie, for me it's as good as the first Pacific Rim in terms of Kaiju movies
dude just watch the movie lol
nerds suck
Former colonel that became an eco-terrorist, not relation to Kong : SI yet. He's known for collecting Titan's DNA. He isn't developped that much, he's more a secondary antagonist, but the post-credits scene clearly setting him up as the main villain.
He's name-dropped a few times during the movie, there's archives of him during meetings and the credits have a painting of him fighting Godzilla and multiple references to Skull Island
Rodan doesn't die, he get wrecked by Ghidorah and becomes his bitch. In the end he bows to Godzilla
Well, I did like Pacific Rim, so that’s good
Kong is referenced a bunch of times throughout the movie in throwaway dialogue and you can briefly see his back in a monster montage scene.
Rodan isn't killed but is severely injured and temporarily incapacitated by Mothra's stinger. (did she ever have a stinger in Toho movies?)
Honestly even if Mothra has like 5 minutes of screentime I think it's easily my favorite incarnation so far, shit was cash
so, whats the post-credits scene?
Do Rodan and Mothra have sex?
Charles Dance acquires the severed head of King Ghidorah.
I agree, it really looked like a majestic divine beast, they called her a goddess in the movie and I think they're on point.
*cock blocks*
yfw this plays
>Godzilla: KOTM is all flash but no substance. The endless fight scenes between the monsters make this feel like a Saturday morning cartoon rather than a mature Hollywood movie which this production sorely needed to make it anything more than something for the kids to mindlessly watch. It sorely lacks the emotional weight and connection of other humans in this world as it barely has much needed human drama. Save your time and money for a better movie as we hope that Hollywood moves away from this mindless trash to more thought provoking cinema.
Will this hold?
>Save your time and money for a better movie as we hope that Hollywood moves away from this mindless trash to more thought provoking cinema.
>Watches capeshit
>theres not enough monster fighting!
>there's too much monster fighting!
why would I want more human drama, the worst part of any Kaiju movie
It's like they expect every movie to be like Avengers
MCU has like 22 movies to develop their characters and giving the last 2 movies with almost no background reminder at all. And even with that some of the earlier entries doesn't really hold up that great today, like the Incredible Hulk or the first Captain America
So I don't see how giant monsters beating the shit out of each other is somehow more ridiculous than capeshit or Transformers for example
Oh btw, something I caught in the end credits:
As expected, Mothra laid an egg before dying at the ends of Ghidorah
You can tell the screenwriter and director of this movie are big fans of the original Godzilla movies, they got a lot of neat details like this right.
critics hate it because it's too focused on the monsters and not humans, but yet you're claiming it's the other way around?
Does having sex with Ghidorah count as a foursome?
This guy sounds like a fag.
>Any references to Kong at all?
Actually, there's an older version of Brook, the black guy from Skull Island.
Still, they have reputations to uphold and the plot is , so I might forgive them
Unless they defended the SW sequel trilogy, Captain Marvel and Ant Man 2, then it’s just being hypocritical
There's many cuts during the fight scenes but nowhere as infuriating as it was in G2014.
You get a lots of wide shots and close up of the fights, people running from the monsters to get to safety or stuff like that gives you a sense of scale and a dynamic to the fights. So I wasn't really bothered at all.
Bad guys motivation made no sense as expected. Litterally the same as Thanos.
I watched the trailers and went in expecting at least half of the movie to be cool Kaiju fights.
Instead there's only 3 or 4 scenes, most being less than 2 minutes long.
The movie is focused on the monsters, but it's just the most boring people talking about them.
It's a severe disappointment, but I'm probably going to be called a Disney shill for some unknown reason.
I think they don't like each other and if Rodan has a change of heart she won't be around to see it until probably some last minute reveal of her reincarnation.
Ant Man 2 is way more important to Endgame's plot than Captain Marvel was, but for some reason Marvel didn't marketed it that way at all.
But yes, I don't really care about critics that defended Star Wars 8, praised Black Panther and Captain Marvel.
Disney shill
Disney shill
>No Brie Larson? No Trump analogue? No social commentary on incipient American fascism? 0/10
Literally how can any woman compete?
>kino entrance
>saves Godzilla
>fucks up Rodan
Captain Marvel is to get money for the feminist audience. Ant Man 2 was simply too small scale for my liking despite having important plot points for Endgame
>at least he showed Godzilla a lot
what the fuck, there's so many Godzilla moments in KOTM, he fought Ghidorah like 3 fucking times
>He showed Godzilla a lot
What the fuck, even if it was true, the action in G98 is nowhere the same as KOTM
>zero white fur
still ugly. they fucked up her design and retains nothing of the original
shit design
Rodan tried to sexually harass her, get stabbed for his shit
Looks like an accidental post
Yes but Rodan is the one that got penetrated.
user.... I don't think you can walk off getting disentegrated from the neck down
>zillas back
you got me fucking hype levels off the chart, then i realized you just shortened his name. Zilla is an actual different kaiju bruv
well they mentioned there's 17 kaijus found so far, maybe our friend from 1998 is somewhere there
Yeah I feel like it's kinda weak looking especially with it coming off the firs Pacific Rim with had great monster designs
MUTO was designed to kill goji species, he's a functional kaiju
Has this faggot even watched an actual Godzilla movie? He never shows up for more than like, 25% of the movie at best. Fucking idiot.
in relation to that user talking about Zilla, i wish Patrick Tatopoulos designed the MUTOs
he does good, distinct work, and has designed a lot of monsters, some already similar to the direction they went with the mutos, but just better. also, its not like design was where 1998 godzilla failed
Plot - okay
Characters/Dialogue - pretty dumb
Action/Monsters - AWESOME, 10/10 no question
Music - 10/10 also
BULLSHIT, They didn't!
At least the show was kino
>When you look Tohos creatures you know what they are based upon.
Please tell me which animals on earth have a buzzsaw on their chest like Gigan, I'll wait.
Is that expression in the sense of “they didn’t use it” or in “THATS IN THE MOVIE?”?
>he doesnt know about the austrailian sawduck
No way it's in the movie
the worse part was, before tatopoulous showed up, it was apparently starting off worse
he apparently designed the monsters for that also
What's that supposed to be?
Yes they did, first song in the credits, followed by (a remake of) Mothra's original song
ALSO LADS - Stay for the credits- there's a post-credit scene at the VERY end of the credits so don't be fooled into leaving after the first bit of the credits
>He doesn't know
Get out, fag, only TRUE Godzilla fans are allowed here
The story for 1994 was that it was very reminiscent of an actual godzilla film. They had the right chords and strings to perform, but the project had to restart, due to overbudget that Tri Star wasn’t too happy about
It shows...also I love this shows Mechagodzilla being a Frankensteined up monster
does Mothra look like a Goddess?
played during the end credits, along with news headlines showing what happened post battle
mostly it's that in the wake of the kaiju, life is making a recovery in the wilderness and that Goji is preventing kaiju attacks in cities
Yes, it treats her like the sun or something in some scenes.
It's a male.
Males have wings
kind of
There's a kaiju in Germany named Methuselah that's said to be an ancient gigantic reptile with a clubbed tail that protects humans and is friends with Godzilla.
oh shit my bad
You sound more like the shill than anything else. It’s objectively a 6-6.5/10.
iirc some asian guy sketched them after seeing the movie early. it was on /m/ i think, methuselah was my favorite of the 3 they did. despite them looking vaguely similar to some existing kaiju, they're OC donut steels that dont do a lot
He's in.
Here's the weird part. In the novel, it was a male, but in the movie, it's a female.
>They seize the Godzilla skeleton in the Philippines, and douse it with a regenerative compound made from Godzilla's blood.
>It turns into a monstrosity like this, and the Kong and Godzilla have to fight it.
Speaking of the novel, did anyone else read the leaked pages on Google Books?
The goddamn Loch Ness Monster is actually in the movie
>loch ness monster is a kaiju
this is the future i chose, even if you're bullshitting me
There is a location tagged on the map as a titan location Loch Ness - THE Loch Ness Monster is not in the film
This is a fair assessment. Wouldn’t you give this objectively a 6.5/10?