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what race is that?
>Chink host
Oh well, could be worst. At least he's not a...
>W*man (aka cunt)
>Filthy fucking Muslim
...wait, he's not a gay/tranny is he?
He is clearly Asian.
>not going with John Cena
Why do people hate money?
Brues Crues
looks Hapa to me
All 4
>okay friends, can we figure out what this mystery meat is for dinner?
>blue was a girl
This is the original Steve from Blue's Clues.
Feel old yet?
looks south east asian
>X is returning and people have mixed feelings about it
You could literally write this about anything, what exactly are they trying to say? no shit people have mixed feelings about stuff? wtf?
Feel bad cause he only couldn't be Steve anymore cause he was balding.
his standup was good
The new guy looks like he's going bald too.
My middle school English teacher said he was in the final rounds of auditions to be Steve and he barely missed getting the role. Dude would bring it up all the time, just barely missing a wellpaying job and a tiny bit of Fame.
It’s for little babies who the fuck is making mixed feelings about it?
Cuz Blue looks fuckin weird.
Am i the only one who thought it was still on the air?
No Steve=No watch
Looks 100% american.
Episodes are going to be 3 parters just for the chink to spot the clue.
El Asiatico-Americano
why is he not a fellow african american brother? this show be racist as fuck and shit.
fuck white people
>3d Blue
>no steve
>no house in sight
D R O P P E D despite not even R E M O T E L Y being the target audience
Blue's been a girl since the first episode.
Yeah, and it was mentioned almost every episode. wtf was that user even watching?
he's a great singer
>bow bow, bow bow! wow bow wow.
what did she mean by this?
>google it
>almost every article focuses entire on identity politics bullshit over the quality of the show
It's all so tiresome
brues crues
>CGI blue
Nevermind, the blue animation actually looks pretty good. I take back my comment about the CGI blue
liberals are mentally still children
Also brues crues
holy shit that is so fucking racist
It really is, we can't just go back to enjoying something for what it is anymore. The internet was a mistake.
Now I have no fucking idea what race that guy is. He's got elements of fucking every pre-1950s caricature I've ever seen.
I'm not digging the new song, they're trying to make it modern forgetting to make it catchy.
I wonder if these people get a stiffy every time they see a non-white get a lead role in a show.
Looks nice and wholesome desu
hapa, the cruel joke of a malevolent god
why did he say he dated herschlag
I love how they are pretending that minorities are JUST NOW appearing on tv but like this was a huge hit in 1998
They're trying to make it Lin-Manuel Miranda-spoken word-rap shit
These people desperately wish it was the 60s, and they could be involved with some massive social revolution, but instead they're stuck in a tiny cubicle making clickbait while spending their free time ranting on Twitter.
what do you think generates clicks and ad revenue for these hack journalists and their media handlers? it won't stop until people start ignoring the clickbait outrage "articles" and let these fucks starve
These sites and journalism in general aren't doing well, though. Articles like these are just desperate flailing from people trying to scrape by and earn money, as they continuously generate less hits.
I remember a Kotaku writer recently bragging that they get 35 million hits a month. That's like, a couple Pewdiepie videos.
Tool is a good band
Better than Carlos the spic was.
They mean kids right?
Kids are the target audience for this show
Thank God. It'll die that faster. Childless, these "people" will fade into dust
looks comfy
only backwater amerilards would get triggered
Blue's Clues was too easy and boring. We used to watch Little Bear in first grade after lunch and I loved that shit, but sometimes it would show Blue's Clues and I remember always being disappointed.
Asians eat dog
blue was always a girl, even a child when magenta would come around, i would know that blue must have been a girl , for blue was not trying to hump magenta, as dog instincts would
>This nigger
>Asians are statistically 10 points higher on the IQ scale
>Asians are statistically better drivers than their white counterparts and experience less accidents
these tired stereotypes are laughably pathetic. die off grampa
fucking NIGGERS
so is he gonna eat the dog?
Took you long enough
Cats too. A scumbag friend of my uncle told me he used to sell stray cats to Chinese restaurants because they paid more than college labs
I thought the same thing when Force Awkens came out. Its like civil rights and acceptance are only NOW a thing and women just got rights. Charles Angles (movie) never happened, Static Shock wasn’t one of the best shows on WB during a line up that had Yu-Gi-O and Jackey Chan! You can argue Chan was better, but even that makes my point. These people are so god damn fake.
expectations subverted!
Fuck yeah.
Fuck. came here to post that
I mean, he was gonna opt out anyways since he was going through a existential crises.
I dont give a shit about the guy its Blue that looks like an abomination
>wearing gigantic hipsterglasses
the clue
you found it
now you must come with me
user, please have consensual intercourse with a member of the opposite or same sex.
Why does Blue look like she's animated at 5 fps. It clashes hard everything else being 22-30 fps.
it's called clickbait. you're talking about it, see?
Brue's Crues
>All these people with access to the internet
>Never seen a south east Asian before
forget pewds, that like Styxhexenhammer
Even a pinhead would think this is stupid.
Pure ytoid
>posts snide remark
>gets the race wrong too
he's not EAST asian.
looks fine for a kids show reboot, couldnt care less what race the host is.
i do feel bad for the guy though, theisrole will most likely drive him to drugs/insanity like steve
stop being racist
grow up
have sex
Okay I'll bite. What exactly is the big stupid controversy this time?
>mixed feelings
cause the original character was a construction paper cutout overlayed on the video
That Blue is NOT cute.
Proud to be Pi...*gets shot
Why do you think he's mized? Looks like the typical SEAnigger.
Bruise Cruise?
Probably Filipino then. Had a Filipino friend in high school, and he would love to tell us how he'd been mistaken for every other race possible, and looking at him I could totally see all of them.
Filipinos are the physical wildcards of humanity.
song is reeks of "hip and cultural"
other than that it looks wholesome
SEAnoys are Malay mixed with pygmie blacks mixed with chinks. They often lie that they have spanish blood.
More white erasure.
>thread on Yea Forums
>almost every post focuses of identity politics bullshit over the quality of the show
Blue's Clues went to shit when Steve left anyway.
what the hell is next to the blue dog
ITT: Real Life Zoomers
same. damnit.
Homolunclus Americanus
I don't give a fuck about his race, but they picked one very ugly fuck. He could be a mixture of black and Jew, for all I care.
little girls were in love with joe and to a lesser extent the other guy. Thats why it was successful. They are not going to watch creepy bug guy
That's right goy, act as individuals, you're much easier to control that way.
Yo that would be dope
That's the plot of the show. Blue has to figure it out using the clues.
>He doesn't rape his prey.
Beta little bitch.
Jungle Asian.
Filipino. Ok. Was wondering what the fuck this guy was.
>caring about a reboot of a show you watched as a kid as if it’s in any way relevant to you or meant for you in any way
>”little girls were in love with joe”
Nah I think it was the other way around. Joe creeped the fuck out of me.
Reminder this thing made over a billion dollars
where Blue and Magenta girlfriends?
why would I get pissed over some asian being in blues clues?
its a kids show, it isn't pushing any propaganda, these people are making shit up for their liberal agenda, anyone with a brain would not give a fuck about this
maybe you were in love with him then
Not only that but “Steve” was a different dude in plenty of other countries. He just happened to be a white guy in the US version. It’s not like this show’s breaking new ground or anything.
Nah fuck that guy. Joe is the face of zoomer Blues Clues.
Ching Chong ding dong
I’ve wanted Steve since I was a kid.
Is that the dean from community?
honestly the 3D Blue has me more upset
cute pupper sounds
to busy hosting Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader
Heminder so cope more white bois