>56 years old
>56 years old
He has shit taste tho
have sex
He could literally be pulling more pussy than leo, why would a man who could fuck a billion supermodels instead decided to marry other celebrities, why?
Reminds me of Rob Lowe in that movie about Liberace
Possibly one of the single most overrated actors on Yea Forums.
Foreskin is magic
Aniston is literally the best-looking human being of all time
stinky vagina
His hex is an illuminati whore and their handlers used their marriage/family/life to promote their goals. Adopted sons of each colour? Your own biological DAUGHTER used to further their gender ideology?
Heh, i said his ex is illuminati and i just remembered juliette lewis is a scientologist
She looks like a fat baby.
Elizabeth Debicki > all
Courtney cox was better pleb
>greek ""human"""
She wasn't even the hottest woman on FRIENDS you asshat
prime angelina > prime aniston
prime jolie is mojave moon jolie
It's called plastic surgery moron. If he was willing to suck off some fat jew for fame, he's more than willing to go under the knife
They were both 10/10 in their prime. Too bad Aniston didn't want children and Anjelina turned out to be super crazy.
It's a curse if you're not famous or good looking.
im gonna take my horse to the old town road im gonna ride till i cant no more
Sarah Gadon>all
do you guys think he just has god-tier genetics or hair transplants? I'm pretty sure you could put a ruler to that hairline
>56 years old
Nah ... That would be “Darn ... “ !! Kek
Implants and dye. Most guys that age are gray haired, right?
how many super models, normal women, teens and milfs did he fucked in his life and we don't know?
about tree fiddy
He looks like the kinda guy to fuck twinks on the low
I was watching clips of Game of Thrones interviews on youtube earlier out of boredom.
Apparently at a sort of charity auction thing, Brad Pitt got in a bidding war to spend and evening with Emilia Clarke, she couldn't believe it. He lost.
If you look up the pictures, you can actually see him finally start to age the moment his daughter started wearing tentacle dildos in concerts.
>first kid adopted in Cambodia
>second kid adopted in Ethiopia
>gave birth to third kid (from Pitt) in Namibia
>fourth kid adopted in Vietnam
>then gave birth to twins in France
What a ride.
Eeeee ....
What you don't understand, user, is that Jolie's pussy is capable of unimaginable suction, and she is very likely able to twist it sort of like a blender, while her blowjobs are likely able to milk the very soul of this man's dick. Whenever you think a guy is settling for less, consider that perhaps the pussy game is just SO good, that more attractive women can't compare
>He lost.
More like she did.
>He could literally be pulling more pussy than leo, why would a man who could fuck a billion supermodels instead decided to marry other celebrities, why?
Normie !!!
hell nooo
>gave birth to third kid (from Pitt) in Namibia
>then gave birth to twins in France
huh, I was completely unaware she had her own bio-kids
So that's gotta be IVF, right? She had all these beautiful brown adopted children and she was still desperate enough to pay money to interfere with nature, push back the ravages of time and birth her own flesh and blood
He did it wrong.
Probably around zero, he is a giant beta.
>stinky vagina
Sounds wild
Kill yourself and your facebook tier gifs. Your the same faggot from other threads today too. Better dilate before it's too late.
> Heh, i said his ex is illuminati and i just remembered juliette lewis is a scientologist
No democrats allowed in this picture, eh ... Not even a bit of republican?
The thing about god-tier pussy is that you never know who has it, but often it's women that otherwise wouldn't be worth the trouble. The problem is, once you've had it, it's impossible to go back.
> “asshat” !?
Ah-ha ... That’s something new !!! _φ(・_・
Bar Refaeli was the hottest woman he ever dated.
And then she hit the wall.
That's the confusing thing, the person he lost to was Emilia's own friend, which is a thing people'll apparently do at these sorts of events out of politeness, like,
>you don't want to have to spend an evening with a creepy stranger who fantasizes about you and literally bought you in a slave auction, so don't worry, I got this
from the way she tells it it seems like her friend would have been sitting with her, so if a night with Brad sounds good, wouldn't she tell them to stop?
Maybe I just inferred that and they were nowhere near each other
What are you trying to say faggot?
those are some pretty empty looking eyes
He was great in LOST
He's a namefag that forgot to put on his name
Aniston was hot, but when next to an actual Stacie, she drops several points before you very eyes
Was it a white Knight dude
>so if a night with Brad sounds good, wouldn't she tell them to stop?
She looks like such a wholesome girl, she probably didn't have the courage to tell him to stop.
Idk who this guy is but the gif makes me want to skin his scalp while he screams
You're shitting up other threads too. What are the chances you have no job I wonder
lol no
your instincts are correct
hes gonna be marlon barndo'd by 60
They were once filled with life.
Right I was referring more to the thickness, anyone can dye their hair but restoring its thickness and the hairline is a more lengthy and expensive process
You no good 56'in
Thought he was carrying a Gwyneth Paltrow body pillow from the thumbnail
He definitely has hair implants.
She’s one of the cutest. Not hottest. She’s way overrated. Prime Angelina is way better.
he had multiple hair transplants