John Cleese is cancelled!
John Cleese is cancelled!
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Chuck is sneeded!
John Cleese more like John Cheese haha
Idris Elba
more like london is cancelled amirite
His pussy is cancelled, and that's the tea.
He's a Big Guy
>Celt person: Londonium is no longer Celtic!
Shit changes, grow up
Will the BBC ever make a documentary on this?
this MAN seems to be MADE of CHEESE haha
All the stories have been told
Of kings and days of old
But there's no England now
All the wars that were won and lost
Somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore
All the lies we were told
All the lies of the people running round
Their castles have burned
Now I see change
But inside we're the same as we ever
we live in an age where you can't state facts without being deemed unfit for society by an extremely vocal group that has overrun social media
Really like his Oliver Cromwell song
>despite only being 13% of the popu-
Why would he be cancelled? Don't those people like that it's not English anymore?
a black born in london is not english
just as a dog born in a stable is not a horse
What about the fact that nationality and race is just a social construct
>Asian gangs
Not unless it's a documentary on how kebabs are made
pic related
Except that's not how human law works and racists delusions don't actually apply in reality
those cats were fast as lightning
shut up, bigot.
They might be british, but they aren't English you dumb fucking cocksucker.
He's right though and hell it's not even a secret or anything. I live about 6 hours away from London and anyone I've ever talked to dosn't even consider it a capital city let alone fucking English these days. Thankfully it still fools casuals into living/working there so plenty of England is fine.
So complaining about the English identity changing is just retarded because there never was an objective identity that wasn't human defined.
That was a bad thing too.
It is, though. A white man born in China isn't Chinese, either.
legally they're a citizen of the united kingdom
ever met someone who described their ethnicity as united kingdomiam?
John Cheese
Sounds like he just spoke the truth
Based Cleese.
>If I make believe it be this way then it be that way
Facts don't care about your feelings
>black/brown person says london isn't english
>white person says london isnt english
>dude nothing can be defined because it can change lmao
man who lived all 80 years of his life in an ethnostate based around traditional values showed be listed to in 2019
How did white people ever become so weak?
Will they ever stand up for themselves again?
English =/= British retard
Everything is human defined you moron. That's how language works.
Stating the obvious doesn't make magically make centuries of national identity non-existent.
Who are you quoting?
lol retard
Oh no now no one will sub to his youtube, boomer jurno
Cancer is a social construct to, doesn't make it any less real
He saying the obvious. London is a world city. When he was young it was a truly English city.
>At the 2011 census, London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe.
he's literally stating fact
All first responses are top tier autism. This place is fucking dead.
Here's edgiboi.
Here's Paul.
Here's a fucking moron with shit humor. Fuck you haha.
Probably some song. Possibly the first worthy post.
More Paul.
Autist Paul.
how many generations back do your parents have to have been born within the sound of Bow Bells for them to be considered English? 1066? 32 BC?
There is no reason to try to uphold some archaic identity if that's not what the people want. Culture isn't static, it changes over time. Even Japanese culture which isn't as multicultural radically changes over the decades
He's 80, living in a mansion on a Caribbean island , fucking an ex-model half his age and isn't appearing in anything but the news when he feels like shitposting. How the fuck do you 'cancel' him?
>change is an inevitability, so you can't ever complain about anything ever
The other races found their weakness: susceptibility to guilt. Now they can shame them while pointing to Nazi Germany, and the whites will just hang their heads while the noose is tied.
>figures that were super progressive 15 years ago are now seen as fascist conservatives, even though they didn't change at all
>just as a dog born in a stable is not a horse
Problem: a human is human anywhere he is. A human can learn any language as his first language. A human can learn any culture he's born to as well. You seem to ignore these facts and think nobody will notice.
You, sir, are a fucking moron.
>bro 2+2 doesn't equal 4 because humans made numbers
It's easy to say that when you live in a country and time period where everyone has pride and your culture is strong.
When you experience what it's like when most members of your country actively despite it and your ethnic group wants to voluntarily disappear forever, then you see that his quote is the opinion of a lazy teenager.
Why'd you britfags have to go and sail to Africa to rescue niggers and ruin everything
i never accept black or brown brits as true english, there just strangers born there. when things get bad enough they will be sent back to their homelands, willing or not
Fucking chinks and their rape prophet Muhammed
What is so offensive about saying that?
Its a tourist trap and currently has one of the highest murder rates in europe as black/paki gangs openly kill each other on the street
thats absolutely non english. british gangs used to be run by paramilitary types but they are all retired/dead now.
>(((human law)))
It's biology. Dogs aren't horses and blacks aren't english.
I'm pretty sure Cleese doesn't give any fucks.
But when the people want brexit it's bad? When the majority is against open borders or only believes in two genders, it's bad?
language and culture are just parts of identity. brainlet. a bantu born in london is still a bantu.
>be white person born in US
>call myself a native citizen
>”hurrr you’re not a native user, your people immigrated here! You don’t actually deserve to live on stolen land!” -liberals
>be tan person born in the UK
>call myself a native citizen
>”That’s right, user. This land is for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with calling yourself a native” -also liberals
Paki cunt.
>A human can learn any culture he's born to as well.
>please ignore the fact that blacks are the most violent no matter what culture they're in
which victoria 2 mod is this
>lived in a culturally homogeneous society
>surrounded by similar and like-minded cultures
>surrounded by the same race of people
Wow, how deep.
Didn't he or his father change his surname from Cheese to avoid teasing
>a poodle raised by a pitbull is a pitbull itself because they're all just dogs anyway.
An ethnicity isn't something you learn you're born as it
If Cleese was so inclined, I'd be pleased to bash in the writer's head with a clown hammer.
He’s right though. Kalergi plan at work.
being of europid descent.
fucking brainlet. paki i reckon?
John is old let him say some stupid stuff every so often. I think if you're over 70 you should get two free "niggers" a year but not directed at any individual person.
>preston 70%
having a giggle m8, more like 60%
Needs Rule Britannia playing in the background.
your opinions yours and that's fine, but if you live down south (not cornwall) you're probably descended from a recent invader, would you go back to France/Denmark/Germany?
what a delusional and sheltered view of the world. human history laughs at you.
So the Boers are African then?
>His family's surname was originally Cheese, but his father had thought it was embarrassing and changed it when he enlisted in the Army during the First World War.
Except that's France you retard.
oh drop it m8, you know the point being raised. wanker
I don't know, he was at least right about the Jews.
Singing to Polonaise is already amusing, but making Cleese sing just makes it gold
>”user, they’re coming here for a better life!”
>live the exact same way they do in their 3rd world country
I’m sure it’s because the native white population refuses to integrate though, right? In b4 “it’s better than political persecution!”, because most of the time their former government was just taking drastic action against degenerates that do nothing but sit in their shanty, do drugs, and rape.
A dome should be built around the M25 to keep London in.
Prove me wrong.
That needs to stop.
Whites need to reclaim their place as the true kings of the world.
If it also keeps you norveners out I'll be fine with that.
>A human can learn any culture he's born to as well.
>go to mosques, eat kebabs and rape little girls while chanting allah akbar.
So we settle that immigrants are not English then...
>cars on the left
I don't think so, brainlet.
>Will the BBC ever make a documentary on this?
they did and it was called '3 girls' but of course they focused on the victims this time rather than the perpetrators
Reminder that they'll literally never view themselves as English, preferring instead the (geographic, but meaningless) term "British"-[African/Asian] instead
sure doesn't feel like 90-100% where i live anymore
500, 800 and 1066 are recent? Fucking retard.
its wierd to see coons calling themselves french or english lol
its like those books of animals dressed up as people haha
>The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “These comments make John Cleese sound like he’s in character as Basil Fawlty. Londoners know that our diversity is our greatest strength. We are proudly the English capital, a European city and a global hub.”
>Tanja Bueltmann, a professor of history at Northumbria University and an EU citizens’ rights campaigner, said Cleese’s comments were designed to stir up emotions around the debate on Brexit, but argued that they pointed to a much larger issue of the way British people talked about immigration.
>“I find it hypocritical that someone who is actually living abroad feels the need to make a point like this,” she said. “Why do some British people not see themselves as immigrants if they’ve moved elsewhere? We see cases of British people referring to themselves as expats, detaching themselves from the term immigrant.”
>Kuba Jabłonowski, a social science researcher in Bristol, said he was shocked when he saw the tweet. “He claims to care deeply about Britain and its cities, but seems to know very little about them,” he said.
>The British comedian Dom Joly, 51, also criticised Cleese’s tweet. He said: “John Cleese is one of my comedy heroes … Suddenly this thing came out of nowhere and it’s so depressing on so many levels.
>“He’s clearly a really smart, funny man, but it is basically a very racist tweet. Secondly, it’s a racist tweet by a man who lives on a Caribbean island – the irony of that is insane. Even the language is insane. Who uses the word ‘opine’?”
Why are the British in constant denial?
Wat, bout a Brit born in America mate?
>1000 years ago
yeah because it's really us northerners who are ruining London, right?
Non-white londoner here
Hes right. Only time i see actual english people are banker wankers who commute from the home counties.
I live in Shepherds Bush, everyone is black or arab or south asian. Only whites are gentrifiers from the shires who look down when they walk past black people.
ah, a norman, stay out of Yorkshire x
They don't have common sense. He wasn't attacking minorities, he's just saying Britain isn't the Britain from over fifty years ago. WHO WOULDA THUNK IT. Times change. Apparently these people think Britain was a multicultural meca back then as well. It wasn't.
never seen blacks call themselves english
t. soft southern twat
None of those people are english
Humans literally ate Neanderthals into extinction, and somehow we think we have the right to complain about peaceful immigrants.
Why are these people saying these things. I guess they feel insecure about something
In 1066 William The Immigrant arrived in England to enrich the population of pale stale Anglo-Saxons
Immigrants dont even bother to learn the fucking culture and language.
Maybe if libcucks stopped being so beta they would bother to integrate.
All immigrants before were force to integrate otherwise they would get their asses beated.
As of now they are just foreign.
>All the adverts are in French, the prices are in euros, the plates are French and the cars are parked on both sides of what is clearly a divided highway MUST BE LONDON
Just kill yourself.
Here in the UK we take census every 10 years, this map is almost certainly using data from the last one, in 2011.
It's almost certainly got worse since then.
I dread to think what the 2021 census will show.
But London isnt English. Pubs are shutting down at a record rate because theres no English customer base. Muslims dont frequent pubs typically, neither do blacks.
>The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
>Sadiq Khan
I'm holding on to hope only because I'm half Ukraenian ;_; but alas it won't, only Russia\Poland, based Polish immigration policies
how are whites gentrifers? its their own damn city lol
do you have a "bug out" plan if things get too dicey there?
London is not representative of the south. How are Manchester, Bradford and Rotherham these days Ahmed?
time is long little bud
there are lots of different kinds of English, but yeah, not wanting to be English but live here is weird
Obviously not, someone else already planted the seed to get the rights.
Lol none of them are really English. Way to illustrate that point.
who else here lives in a non fucked county?
>that glorious northerner feel when you can go all day in public and not see a single foreigner
Gentrification can happen regardless of whether you're a native.
Its not good for anyone except landlord. Theyre the reason why it costs 50% of your paycheck for a one bedroom shithole in London.
And its the reason why you see fucking pret a manger and wasabi everywhere. It destroys the area and makes them carbon copies of each other.
Safe spaces for white people.
he looks practically white i this pic
It was bound to happen
>Londoners know that our diversity is our greatest strength.
And that terrorism is just a part and parcel of living in a big city.