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>Sky Atlantic's Chernobyl is based
Yes sir it is

Are there people over the age of 18 that don't know about chernobyl?



Ive heard about it but don't know anything except it was some nuclear thing that exploded

Someone should tell the Ukrainians

>HBO's Rome is based on a terrifying true story

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That tweet is basically every Chernobyl general in a nutshell

Fucking Libtards think Nuclear bad

How do I filter tripfags

Wait real life people actually got blasted with radiation?

Reminds me of a post I read years ago about some thot who had her mind blown that Titanic was based on a real historical event

I hate first worlders so much.

You drastically overestimate how stupid people are.

>Titanic was based on a real historical event
You're delusional

Get back in steerage

Explain to me how a unsinkable ship can sink?

You can't. Cameron is a fucking hack.

They think cow farts are going to melt ice caps.

did they speak english back then before russia invaded!?

Exactly. This is D&D writing tier

> spend whole movie saying its unsinkable
> lead audience to believe its unsinkable ship
> suddenly, out of nowhere, a Deus Ex Machina character flips the script for shock value

Cameron is a fucking hack

Holy shit your comment did not display until after I posted mine and we both said exactly 'Cameron is a fucking hack'

>prime kate winslet was real
holy fucking based

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I'd say around half the American population under 25 doesn't know what Chernobyl is.

I'd say half of them under 25 don't even remember Fukushima.

Start by not feeding them (you)’s

Is that some kind of sushi?

no shit

Then, why did I see mickeys frozen in the sea?


wait, this actually happened?

If you don't know, you are as bad as they are.

it's not the only thing, remember 3 island in america? or whatever the fuck it was called. imagine if the world had nuclear power in western countries since 1960, we would be on mars 10 years ago


>imagine being a themepark for zoomers
a bit Auschwitz

Motherfuckers have military bases in your brains, living rent free.

those were humans

She was made by Irishmen sir, I assure you she can sink


americans have the same military bases in theirs

>half of them under 25 don't even remember Fukushima.

>Think "no way it wasn't that long ago"
>Look up date
>8 fucking years ago



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All I know is that 50000 people used to live there

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Have there been any kino campaigns outside of the MW trilogy? I haven't played any since then.

>semen encusted tripfag having an opinion

Go to a Chernobyl general. They will tell you ;)

and i'm supposed to believe it's a town for ghosts now?
i knew this was hollywood bullshit

why would anyone care about what happened in Chernobyl? it happened a long time ago and it wont happen again. only boomers and redditors like this show

Plot holes

Underrated quads

No way...

Yeah I can see why you’d be avoidant of semen encRusted opinions. The last time something covered in dried up semen had an opinion you got born.

Well The Titanic Disaster was based on the novel "The Wreck Of The Titan" that was written 14 years before.

Titanfall 2

that's why series like this are so important

The problem is that reactors are using a decades old design that's imperfect, and we COULD have modern state of the art systems that make it impossible to meltdown, hell even completely remove nuclear waste; but retards and faggots would rather *block your construction* and prevent any upgrades from occurring because LOL THAT BAD THING HAPPENED ONCE LIKE OMG WE CAN'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. Plus electric jews would never let it happen, because they don't like cheap as fuck electricity, so that mindset works out in their favor.

Blops 1 and 2, unironically

What's the difference between Ted Kennedy's car and Three Mile Island?
The first one has a body in it


This is why it's essential to teach the failures of communism in schools

another difference is that one changed the history of humanity. the other

The commies have already conquered education. They know how to exploit child like values.

Thorium reactors are being blocked because, as you said, it would destroy the coal and nat gas economies. Doesn't have a thing to do with the environment.

i see what you did there

Oldfag here. Gf didn't know it was a real occurrence. She's mid30s and was living in SE Asia back then


Fukushima sushi best most succulent green flesh fish.

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I never said it did, but retards who can't into thinking, do.

>i saw graphite on the roof
>which one?


Don't we all friend

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>rice cooker

Something almost as grave happened in Japan a few years ago you idiot.

Uh yeah but that happened because they were non-whites, though?

That's actually quite scary. USA truly is a third world country.

yeah it's called 3 mile island you fucking zoomers

Don't learn shit about the past, just CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME also support Israel and mutilate your newborn's dick.

Yeah most young people are stupid faggots. Partly their dipshit teachers fault teaching them about mentally ill trannies instead of historic events.

>I was in my early 20s 8 years ago


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>i saw graphite on the roof
not great not terrible

fuck off no one cares its literally meaningless

The melted radioactive core that's encased in the concrete tomb there will not be safe for 20,000 years. It's sort of a big deal, what with radiation being lethal to humans in large doses and all.

unfortunately. both my ex and current gf had no idea what it was

>da joos
fuck off pol, im jewish and if you are what whites in america are like then you should all die and the world would be a better place

>mutilate your newborn's dick
kek. americans are weird.

I remember watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel about Fukushima back in 2011. I’d just gone on a date with the girl of my dreams.

>we broke up 6 years ago

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m-me too. wtf happened?

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I hope zoomers forget so that we can invest in more nuclear power instead of freaking out about disasters at low spec, old and poorly maintained reactors with shit staff.

RBMK reactors cant explode.

>i'm jewish
>all whites should die
the irony

i hope they put a high output reactor on a fault line and it gets destroyed while running at full capacity so that i have something to shitpost about



nope only whites like him, mouthbreather

>getting this upset that your general which is ran by an actual tranny from Yea Forums is full of zoomzooms

And all it took was an earthquake followed by a tsunami hitting a 40 years old facility which owner's had done absolutely nothing to repair its multiple well known vulnerabilities.

Why do you think the show was made?

My nigga

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I was in my mid 30's. I'm off to the nearest bridge

Icebergs can't melt steel hulls.

I have a coworker who is 32 that didn't know what Chernobyl was.
This was before the show was announced btw

Imagine not actually knowing Chernobyl was real

>only half
You're optimistic, user. Most Americans can't even find America on a world map. Half of all white people have IQs lower than 100. Half of all niggers have IQs lower than 80. Do the math.

there will be 18-year-old kids on this website that were born after 9/11 THIS YEAR
legally on Yea Forums

the only negative things about nuclear power plants is that it takes 5 years to build a single one and each of them costs 9 billion usd to build
on a side note the americans are finally building gen 4 reactors, 6 of them planned for 2020-30 while the europeans are building 3 of them

it's for the best, too many people are afraid of nuclear power and are protesting the building of new plants

Chernobyl was a real place!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!? Shocking!!!!!

>ran by
It's not a fucking subreddit

but unironically

CoD World War 2 was not that bad of a campaign

>watch Downfall
>find out later that Hitler is real

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I was actually suprised BLOPS2 managed to have a good campaign. wasnt even aware of the decisions you could make when i first played


Au contraire mon frere

>watch Schindler's List

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gas yourself kike

god damn tripfag, if you are going to try so hard to be a recognizable figure at least make funny jokes.

Everyone here knows about Chernobyl even the zommiest of zoomers since it's still paraded by the anti nuclear power crowd and I live by a nuclear reactor or two.

no youre a retard.

>some eurofag pulls out stat of his ass
>everyone believes it like its a scientific journal
holy shit. I don't usually say this, but Rent Free indeed.

the story was nothing special but that level design was perfection

But what about all the graphite?

i'm american you fat nigger, and i'm not saying americans are specifically stupid. American whites are the smartest whites on earth. My point is people in general are stupid, I'm only specifying Americans because America is the only country that matters
no u

Russians were white

>but muh russians arent white

americans aren't either and they never had a meltdown like this. fuck off poltard faggot

My daughter is 25 and never heard of it

Your people did this kike. The world will unite against you and your people, the synagogue of satan. Liars, masters of semantics and long winded bullshit and playing the victim card. Greatest radical supporters of mass immigration and radical progressivism and communism to the west and many other parts of the world. Yet you switch sides for your own country like the snake you are.

most people under 18 probably only know it because of cod4

that wasn't graphite

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Yeah, a fucking insignificant magnitude 9 earthquake with a 10km inland invasive tsunami.

fortune will be shut down by 2037, unless your statement is to mean that children born after the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 (Never Forget) will be eightteen this year.

>American whites are the smartest whites on earth
Nigger you are retarded.

Based and plutonium pilled

how am I supposed to know what real and what isn't?

when did lord of the rings happen? was 9/11 actually just a movie stunt? should I be worried about godzilla? Hopefully the sun has answers to these important questions

user, was talking about people, not Americans. Americans are bio-robots that serve Israel, and capitalism.

Only in the JewSA

what the fuck is 9/11?

Wrong. Europe is a gay shithole full of beta males and cuckolds. How "intelligent!" Europe is on-par with the stupidity and misplaced smugness of American coastal elites.
American whites have an IQ of ~105.

Richest dudes that opposed the federal reserve has on the ship when it sunk....

Pure cohencidence

>he's what really happened
Why do headlines use these lame copy pasted phrases? Are they mostly just written by computer algorithms at this point? What human being talks like that?
That should be implied from the rest of the headline.
Never mind that it's dumb headline for ignorant people anyway.

comfy pepe

no way

>Vermont the "whitest state"
>average iq, 103.8
Is this the power of the American education system?

Agreed and amplified, comrade! AmeriKKKans are bad because they're racist! Impeach DrucKKKf!

The "whitest state" is still 5% non-white, so it's brought down by people whose IQ is borderline retarded. Are you stupid?

disgusting and retarded. we need plants asap.

Thanks for proving my point tho.

The absolute COPE.
Need a point in the first place to prove right chum.

Zoomers don't know who this is.

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Zoomers have no idea Titanic was based on a real event

World at War - Blops - Blops2 is THE kino trilogy of CoD. MW pales in comparison.

Do you ask every girl you date if they know about chernobyl?

Meming like a braindead moron who can't form his own thoughts. What would I be coping for? Seriously how stupid are you
You literally proved my point that American whites have an IQ of 105, making them the smartest whites on earth.

unironically yes. I always ask them about historical stuff to check how fucking retarded they are

Dont worry, it will. Russia is a complete shithole with thieves, incompetents and deteriorating infrastructure.
Also you can google translate this.


consider how many of those people are non-white

People almost forgot about the nuclear disaster from 40 years ago! Fuck!!! The alarms were going off all over the place for the zombified anti-nuke lobby. People almost were going to want nuclear to stop climate change lmao. Some HBO exec is going to get the Exxon Mobile Medal of Heroism.

Zoomers don't even know who the man who single handedly brought down the Soviet Union is.

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>one hour later he's still butthurt


When are you going to elect a president as based as Reagan again?
The Chink commies deserve a good beating.

The titanic wasn't the titanic. They switched it outfor a different ship, sank it, and collected the insurance money. The real titanic, now a different name, was active for 40 years before it was retired

Half life 1 and 2 you fucking zoomer

Chernobyl =/= Pripyat

when it comes to america, you'd be surprised

>Irish build their ships thicc as fuc

Even worse, this single event destroyed Germany's reputation and then caused the Americans to enter the war.

Hope that poor girl didn't know the whole story.

>I'm American and I know what half the population doesn't know what this is
yeah ok

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No fucking way.

What's wrong with her stomach?

>here's what really happened
Hydrogen explosion. Some feed water exposure. 3.6 roentgens max exposure.