>"fifth largest economy in the world"
>lowest quality of life in country
how does this happen?
>"fifth largest economy in the world"
>lowest quality of life in country
how does this happen?
dumb transplants unironically move here to be homeless thinking they'll [be an actor/get their stupid startup funded]
What's funny is they are all moving to Texas now.
Because everywhere else exists
And now they are moving to red states to ruin their quality of life as well. Fucking vermin.
OP here, please disregard I'm a faggot. Wrong board. I'll get the mods to delete ASAP.
Is there a connection? I can't quite put my finger on it...
Austin needs to be glassed
>full your state with spic subhumans ever since Reagan
>expect it to not look a south american favela
And Colorado. It's like a psyop for millennials
Anyone who has been to the southeast knows this is bullshit.
Fuck just seeing some of Michigan.
California use to be a red state too. It was fucking beautiful and 90% white in the 1980s. So many good looking white people live there too.
money has nothing to do with quality of life, box-being.
Mixing GDP with quality of life is retard Boomer logic.
Based selector of self-affirming article from a pool of millions of articles with opposing views. It’s good to be an American! MAGA bros!
It's a sneak peak into America's future: a small wealthy elite ruling over rootless mutts.
Best post. Diversity will make your town a third world shithole.
t. Los Angeles fag
Trump capped local tax deductions at $10,000 per year.
Californians’ tax bills are sky rocketing.
Also, Michigan is comfy af
really gets your jimmies rustling
Thanks Reagan for granting amnesty to millions of illegals who don't share the British Protestant philosophy of America
well they certainly stupid when you could make shitload of money in places like california by selling/growing/producing drugs since LA is a lawless shithole where low level crime goes unpunished
This is what happens when your state is run by progressive policies and empty idealism instead of practical and sensible ideas with an open door to any foreigner looking for a handout.
Shhhhh! Michigan is awful nobody else come here.
>no details
This leads me to believe it's the same kind of "study" that claimed women in the US have it worse than places like Mexico.
The people rich enough to move elsewhere are doing it in droves. All that's left are the unwashed masses who were imported to pick fruit for pennies.
Oh no no no no no this can’t be happening
>Voted against repealing gas tax because reasons
>Voted for a bunch of spending so shitheads can get housing
>Voted no on prop 10 which would make it illegal for landlords it be kikes and keep upping the rent
>Voted for a prop to make animal cages bigger so we can pay whole foods prices everywhere
Just fuck my state up, family.
How do I filter tripfags