Film student thread

enough of these box office and HBO threads. I just dropped out of my uni after four years and not even an associates degree for a few reasons
>I hated almost every one of my classmates
>could never get anyone to work on shit with me
>The people I did were between two and four people and all my projects I had to turn in were half-assed due to circumstance
>all I wanted was to make something good
>all I wanted was a steady lineup of connections
>amount of projects I helped others with vastly outweighed the ones I worked on and put time in
>all of the people who I didn't work with were fake ass kikes and were doing better off than me

I'd say the one benefit of being a student filmmaker were the stuff you learn from instructors, the pussy you can get, and nothing else. Film students are the actual worst. How fucked was your experience?

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I didnt go to film school, I went to movies

Why did she call her a bitch? She was being nice.

Are they a couple?

>all of the people who I didn't work with were fake ass kikes and were doing better off than me
sounds like someone's a little jealous

>wasting you time and money to get a degree that will likely get you nowhere
>making it further pointless by dropping out and not even getting your meme degree
At least tell me you had a back up minor since everything went to shit

>thinking Kubrick makes you deep in the know
>when he, Tarantino, Spielberg, Scorsese, Hitchcock, Coppola, Nolan, etc. are the most mainstream entry-level trash in the universe

OP sounds like a high school student who didn’t get into the college he wanted because he failed his hs classes.
Not a college kid at all.

Kubrick is one of the first directors I ever heard of since middle school. Why do art hoes think being a fan of him makes you a hardcore intellectual cinephile?

Fuck, I feel you bro. It seems like 80%+ of film students nowadays are misguided idiots who have no idea what they're getting themselves into and just studying for teh lulz. 15% of students are just pretentious fags wanting to do le artsy stuff and thinking they're smarter than everyone else including the teachers. And at best 5% of people actually want to learn about filmmaking and get some projects going. It's so fucking frustrating. And then there's all those backstabbing cunts, you break your back helping them and they never ever repay the favour.
I also made zero contacts in film school, and I know for a fact that about 75% of people I studied with are now doing something completely different.
My suggestion is try to find novice filmmakers elsewhere and get some projects going that way. Have some initiative to develop projects, and with a bit of luck you'll find like-minded people who are ready to join you.

I did get an internship. nowhere near what I was expecting or what I wanted, but I still get paid

shoulda gone STEM

Here in Europe it's become impossible to actually live off filmmaking. All those auteurs running around in Cannes or wherever are a bunch of fossils. Most filmmakers of our generation will have to keep a "day job" almost indefinitely, possibly never being able to fully live off filmmaking without a supplementary income like TV work or commercials.

Someone post the mouth or pussy one

oh it shows quentin, it shows.

I didn't go to goy school, I get manipulated by the media.

OP here, you were so close. I didn't fail any classes, and I did get into a school I wanted. However, The other schools I applied to had absurd portfolio and GPA requirements on top of being expensive as fuck. the one I went to was the cheapest but it was for profit and had a disgusting legal track record, and wasn't putting more money into a joke of an art school. I'd go into more detail, but it hardly matters at this point.

>they haven't seen the x-rated version of this couple

>he's well-known therefore he's entry-level!

You never call your girlfriends bitch?

That's what entry level is

real girls prefer tarkovsky

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any lewds of these two?

Fun bubbly big boob blonde >>>>>> pretentious artsy fartsy emo bitch


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these are great, keep it going

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been working in film for three years now. literally nothing i learned at film school helped me at my job or helped me get a job. was a waste of money. met two of my best friends there though so worth it.

Going to film school wont make you a good filmmaker

No, but everything I know how to do editing wise is in part thanks to my teachers. It's more dignified learning from them and not being a scrub who just watches tutorials on youtube. not that I don't do that, but still, it adds that edge.

Add Kurosawa and Bergman to the list too

Don't waste your time trying to make movies. Write scripts instead