
Since Yea Forums can discuss videogames here
Let's discuss the state of the west and its soon collapse

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>muh trannies
rent free


hate it when they get associated with us regular gays

you're making the rest of the queers look bad

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Friendly reminder that trannyism is a mental illness

Attached: Trannyism is a mental illness.jpg (1536x1219, 125K)

so people who literally can’t accept the way they were born are perfectly mentally healthy?

my gf is trans so I’ve got nothing against trans people but this seems silly

Based Yea Forums chad.

>all the threads he’s bitching about are already deleted

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>cutting your dick off and promoting it to kids is not a mental illness
>being a gamer is
Truly, we live in a society


What am I looking at here

Not according to the World Health Organization.

I don't want to talk about trannies and dilation all day you faggot.

>Looks great!

Attached: 1lss3k.jpg (598x597, 31K)

I don't understand being obsessed with gays and later trannies. Why do you retards care so much?

tranny (female) made xirself a dick out of xer hand

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Any attempt to post clickbait headlines should result in a 7 day vacation

whatever dude she has a pussy now so what’s the difference

do you have a girlfriend?

Gender is a social construct just like being a basketball player or a musician is a construct. There are no objective rules on what your identity is.

FtM trannies have skin taken from their arm or leg to make their awful neopenises.

Can he make babies now?

The WHO is full of people with mental disorders.

Thanks for compiling these threads for me. Yea Forums has always had better vidya discussion than Yea Forums.

how does a disease stop becoming a disease if it's not eradicated or vaccinated away?

obviously not. neither can cis girls who have had hysterectomies, so what’s your point?

Nah, you are thinking of Yea Forums

>cis girls
real women*

>gender is a social construct
>gender dysphoria exists though

Why do you go out out of your way to look for gross shit to post? I know you're trying to make me hate them, but YOU are the one posting the gross shit here.

Literally who?

whatever your preferred term, my point still stands. plenty of cisgender women are infertile, doesn’t make them less of a woman. that’s why surrogacy and adoption exists. My gf got her sperm frozen before she transitioned and my sister offered to be a surrogate whenever we are ready :P

are you retarded or something? that pic is literally in every thread about these degenerates. inb4 skin graft benis pic



You have to go back.

0/10 bait

It's a catch 22 because a lot of trans people suffer from dysmorphia. Most people here are retarded toward the whole situation and don't bother to at least do basic research

a vagina doesn't grow shut
>do you have a girlfriend?
do you?

>are you retarded? I saved a gross pic to post later, why are you mad at ME?
You may not be as mentally ill as trannies, but you're certainly not as far off as you'd like to be, my man

Holy shit based

yep, I have a trans girlfriend. What kind of gf do you have? Imaginary?

lol don't take this board so personally ya fucking angsty incel

>my gf got her sperm frozen

Attached: 20190518_124433.jpg (867x804, 373K)

So you're a gay guy?

What about when they kill themselves?

I didnt post it you fucking tard. Are you incapable of reading or is the HRT fucking with ur head lmao.

Why do you hate science?

Then why are you defending it? Pointing out that every thread some retard decides to start obsessing about trannies out of nowhere has them posting their freakishly gross pictures doesn't justify it. It's demented.

Only according to angry Yea Forums incels

>allow me to jump in and get butthurt on behalf of this other poster
lmao @ your life