Why was 2049 so garbage?

Why was 2049 so garbage?

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sauce on animu?

It wasn't garbage you have shit taste

it was made for people that play videogames and watch anime

>le frustrated goose face
Only /r9k/ feels_irl leddit kids use this meme. Prove me wrong.

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They pandered to the normie/marvel audience. Lacked everything that made the original so great as a result

>Hey how about we make the hologram giant in the end
I'm sure it went more like that and not referencing an anime known only by autists

read the filename nerd

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I bet you think the final shot being ripped off from Cowboy Bebop is a coincidence too

sumimasen, desuka

It’s like a film school cinematography grad just got his first opportunity on a big set and was trying to pull out all the stops, but failed from tryharding so much. Seriously WHOA COLORS is not automatically good cinematography fucking plebs

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It was prime tloomer culture.

Why did one of the most handsome actors in Hollywood become the face of >tfw no gf on a Laotian fingerpainting board?

please dear phoneposter, tell me how BR2049 doesn't have good cinematography

>"All my characters are me. I'm not a good enough actor to become a character. I hear about actors who become the role and I think 'I wonder what that feels like'. Because for me, they're all me. I relate to these characters because aspects of their personality are like me. And I just turn up the parts of myself that are them and turn down the parts that aren't." - Ryan Gosling

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I liked the film personally, it really did connect to me a lot especially since the movie was in theaters during my darkest times. It kind of was an eye opener along with Evangelion.

it was great

but the 2049 plebs weren't here for it saw caps of "drive posting"(a name they gave it as _posting is something bane redditors came up for memes) and wanted their own version

the movie was a worthy sequel, all of you bitching already knew you were going to hate it the second it got announced, thinking the first one was better doesn't make you kino, thats the mainstream consensus

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Too obvious.

Like the ‘iconic’ scene where he sees the huge Joi ad. Omg it’s fucking blue and purple cuz he’s dour and depressed! Literally 1st grade level filmmaking.

Omg this area is all orange cuz it represents how strange and foreign the area! Just putting a filter in post does not mean it’s good.

Some of the visuals don’t even make sense. Jared Leto’s compound has that room with the flowing water shadows all over it. The visuals suggest that the character is also someone who “goes with the flow,” is adaptable, and maybe chaotic even. The character is the exact opposite: super set in his ways, stoic, god complex. Makes no sense.

Just to name a few. Also the other 50% of the film is just gray and boring, which I guess goes along very well actually

>Just putting a filter in post
Nope, all in camera. Same with the giant Joi ad lighting.

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>Jared Leto’s compound has that room with the flowing water shadows all over it. The visuals suggest that the character is also someone who “goes with the flow,”
fucking lmao this entire post has to be bait

Sounds like you think Darth Vader living in an edgy black tower in the middle of a lava pit was good cinematography because it "matches his personality." Listen to this fucking pseud, lmao!

because it is based on animu?

And that's why it cost almost 200 million. Could have done it a lot cheaper with cgi.

They blew the cgi budget on curved glass.

yikes this post
>reddit spacing
>autistic drivel about cinematography pulled entirely out of his ass
i really really hope this is bait

Oh. Well that is commendable but my point still stands

Not bait, couldnt think of the exact word to describe it, but I think you get the point

BR2049 was kino though, we voted it MOTY right here while you were discussing capeshit flicks on reddit y'know

>Well that is commendable but my point still stands
Which point? That they used lighting in order to portray the narrative? Woah epic point my dude. If you legitimately think the only point of it all is that "K is le sad" you're beyond saving.

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Literally not a single person has refuted a single thing I pointed out

>a film school cinematography grad just got his first opportunity on a big set
roger deakins has been a cinematographer for almost 40 years and has 14 best cinematography oscar nominations you retard

the water isn't even flowing, it's not a fucking river there, your 'he goes with the flow' point is beyond retarded

>tfw to scared to get into anime

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>Denis lazily abused color filters in post to make his movie look artistic
>>here's proof that he didn't do that
>okay well I'm still right

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Your filter point is literally factually wrong. The blue and purple """point""" is not a point at all, it's like saying "omg blinds on windows with smoke filled interiors so OBVIOUS" for the first Blade Runner. And your Leto comment is literally a brainfart, the lighting there is simulating sunlight in a world without sunlight.

because he's literally me

You said it was all post production filters and we showed you material proof of being lighting effects. The fact you can't tell them apart means it's over, you got BTFO. Not by us though, we just merely pointed it out and exposed it for everyone to see, you got BTFO by your absent parents who let you play videogames and watch capeshit and make a fool of yourself in the internet while they should have taught you.

We aren't laughing at you, redditor. We hope you can recover someday

Please enlighten me, genuinely curious

I fucking swear if it's because you're afraid of someone walking in I am going to punch you from across the internet

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cmon man, why you do this?

>shits on the film because it looks like done by a film school cinematographer
>all his arguments sound like he just got out of his first film school class

End yourself, "he goes with the flow"? what a fucking joke.

REGARDLESS of how the colors were put on film, the dumb obviousness of it all still stands

great argument just stop posting you knuckledragger

>it's all way too obvious

>Some of the visuals don’t even make sense

What dumb obviousness you autist? Literally all you said was "haha this looks so DUMB because I say so" you missed the point of the film completely.

You say it's obvious while at the same time claiming the lighting in Wallace's place indicates Wallace "goes with the flow".
You have to be baiting

Fuck off Razorfist

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>Goose is a lonely sap deep down

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It would be much better if he subverted our expectations.

He doesn't want his friends to think he's a faggot


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OP is a retard

back to your star trek manchild threads

Naughty Dog and Bethesda also win a ton of awards, and their games are still shit

>still hasnt explained why he thinks the movie is dumb

that guy is way too white for the nurunner audience

>Yea Forumsideogame manchild starts talking about worthless Yea Forumsideogame manchild stuff out of nowhere when talking about films
slit your wrists

I'm sorry but am I supposed to the think the cartoon on the left is better than based Joi and K? Because I absolutely don't. BR2049 is kino as fuck and anybody who thinks otherwise is a pleb.

Pathetic, just a retarded memespouter with no original thought. The kind of simpleton who would love this movie.

At least I don't like actual cartoons past the age of 12. Have sex, you fucking nerd.

>anime makes you a faggot
Ok Jazz

it's was almost perfect.

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>zoomer shit for 2049
Of course

shove that phone up your ass weeb

Deakins shoots what Villeneuve tells him to shoot. Even if it's stupid shit.

because it was an AI produced remake based entirely on trends with bisexual lighting and pointless imagery with no content.
pseudo intellectuals like it because it has colours and pre-packaged talking points, faggots like it because it is pink and has aids.
It is criminal that it is at all linked with the original.

no, try "everyone".

everyone is too busy jerking it to capeshit movies, no one knows what a good film is anymore.

Holy shit the blade kino haters from reddit are getting destroyed today

It wasn't, it was fantastic.

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yeah, it's like what games looked like when colour lighting was a new thing. for several years everything looked like neon dogshit.

You're beyond dumb and literally spouting bullshit out of your ass at this point. Deakins and Villeneuve spent months together in preproduction storyboarding every single scene and Deakins designing all the lighting setups for every single scene. Ofcourse the director has the main word, but to imply that Deakins doesn't have any say is just dumb.
You can literally find Deakins written lighting setups and ideas for BR2049 that ended up on the film on his very site.

You're really going to compare 2049 to some shitty anime.

You are the fucking loser OP

there was a ton of viral marketting done for this steaming turd, at least a full year of relentlous posting on several boards here, plus other sites.
that's why there are so many identical forced memes including this crap, and why all of these retards think they like it.
the original versions of these meme pictures that are constantly recycled, had recognisable viral marketting filenames.
same thing was done for various other remakes and retro-bait, like mad tampax 4.


pseudo-intellectual faggot who only hangs around with psuedo-intellectuals and faggots.

Name a legitimately good 2010s movie or movies

Hollywood has been making kino out of japan shit since forever, a lot of western classics are just remakes of samurai flicks. Kubrick took some scenes frame by frame for Fullmetal Jacket from Kobayashi. If you want to stay plebe please do it in reddit where you belong

Blade Runner 2049

It's well known that Disney is the only company paying shills and this is not a Disney movie though

It's perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Yea Forumseddit poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow /pol/ opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate." He'll beg for the mods to stop /pol/ ideals from actually being fulfilled.

And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork

Obviously yes, I want to know what this guy thinks

>/r9k/ feels_irl leddit kids
You’re no better, you fucking sperg. Go make a Sneed thread

No it's a Warner movie which has gingermod in their pocket

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>on one side people making arguments and giving explanations
>on the other people saying KINO KINO KINO KINO and using it as an argument

Yeah, I guess it's pretty obvious which side is full of retards unable to form any actual argument.

please point out the argument

Oh so you hate Yea Forums board culture on top of being a pleb, what a fucking gem we got from reddit with this one jesus christ

The closest thing to an argument was that guy saying the photography used too many filters and it got OBLITERATED. Try harder kid

Something redditors who were intimated by the whole film vs movie came up with to derail actual high iq posting is considered Yea Forums culture now?
It's weird how 99% of 20149 drones all showed up in 2017 to 2018

What arguments user? No one has said why this movie is gargabe without using meme buzzwords or just straight up saying retarded shit

Nice bait I had to check if the Avengers sticky was still on right now. If it wasn't bait then I'll tell you stories about the times when The force awakens was released, the worst shill campaign this board has ever faced. Everybody that was here when it happened knows disney is the only one sending shills here


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The film is about self-esteem and how it's a requirement for any conscious being.

You can be a human, a replicant, or an AI bought from a corner store and carried on a stick in someone's pocket. If you are conscious, you will have a need to experience your consciousness as effective and valued, or in other words, self-esteem.

The hero is someone who lives until the end with dignity and self-respect. It is as far away from the cinematic universe of capeshitting do-gooders as you can get.

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>he thinks kino isn't board culture
Holy fuck how new are you kiddo? What brought you here, that avengers flick?

>threesome gone too far.

Oh you mean this one archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/61909978/#61909978
where people begged for something to contain them since they wouldn't make a board like every one asked?
or did you mean the spoilers one archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/63613491/#63613491 which was made a few months before the Warner shill one archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/67049940/#67049940

>dude KINO is a classic! KINO KINO!

I'm convinced the Alitafags are either shills or turbo autists.

>didn't acklowedge the film vs movie dichotomy that was gaining traction on Yea Forums until reddit started adding kinos, flick, etc
What's wrong? Am I right about you joining Yea Forums due to this pleb movie?

please stop posting.

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This image has been posted a bunch of times, and while the source is in the filename, I've never seen somebody explain which particular episode it is from.
I'm interested in seeing it in context but I'm not watching 26 episodes of anime to find where it is.

I was one of them but I left cuz the numbered generals trigger my autism

Pleased to meet you.

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It was great, better than the original but kept the same feel

Sup reddit

Turbo incels

He did a good job of tapping into how he felt before he hit puberty and started getting laid on demand.


Villeneuve is a fucking hack, LMAO.

The original was shit. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" would have been one of the best movies of all time if it were done well. "Blade Runner" was an excuse to assrape PKD's work.

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>it's older than my dad so it's shit!

Normies thought it was boring. At least from my experience, people were falling asleep in the movie theather.

In all fairness, BR would stand as an excellent film. That's not how it went, though. BR was supposed to be based on Androids. There was so much available material that they just ignored. BR was one of my favorite films until I read the book. Also:
>it's older than my dad
is bullshit. I remember when it was new.

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this is actually in praise of 2049, the original looks like a michael bay movie with how busy all its shots are

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I seriously need to watch the original

It's a great film, just like the sequel.




I'm aware, how are Blu-ray prices right now? or any site where I can watch it

The two greatest films of all time.

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Your average 2049 pleb everyone

Alita aint good man

>roger deakins film doesnt have good cinematography

Whatever you say guy on the internet.

The sense of area and space BR2049 creates in IMAX is nothing short of extraordinary.

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The second film lost the ascetic edge of the first film, regardless of the other aspects that were very well done from a technical perspective.

He's just like me

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I bet you don't even know who roger dekins even is.

At Best Buy the blu-ray is 8 bucks
At Amazon and Best Buy the 4K is 23 bucks
At Amazon and Best Buy there's a blu 2 pack with 2049 for 18 bucks
On Ebay you can get a used blu of the original for 5 bucks
Or you can stream it in 4K at most streaming platforms like Amazon and iTunes for 5 bucks

inb4 underage ban

Which version should I get?

>not appreciating the struggle for self-integrity in a world that wants to kill you for it

Here's your normalfag card, congratulations on your large amount of fake friends

The 4K looks best, but there's not really anything wrong with the blu-ray.

I watched the damn film and your greentext can be applied to 2049 which did it better

I was asking more about which cut should I get

It's just the plebs from "IMOGENsfavoritepage"

>bisexual lighting
>dishonest cinematography
>plageristic pacing
>dendrophilic script
>purple prose props
>synaesthetic score

>I was asking more about which cut should I get
Final Cut. No question about it

burn this motherfucker

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all fucking Yea Forumsermin must fucking hang


Gosling is not handsome dude. His eyes are too close together. He has a gay alien skull. His eyes are not hunter eyes. His jaw is not big, nor robust

THIS is what a Hollywood Chad looks like.

just go with the flow bro ha ah

>Gosling is not handsome dude
and other funny jokes you can tell yourself


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He played the role of a forever alone guy really well

>can be applied to 2049
exactly my point
>which did it better
you may be right

Do you literally live in a shed out in the woods somewhere? How can you be this isolated from normies not to have observed how much it repelled them? Your only indicator must be reading reviews here and there of people who happened to like both BR2049 and capeshit. While it may be true for several people who professionally review movies, it is most certainly not the general norm.

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>shitting on the man who's cinematography has gotten him nominated 8 or 9 times
just stop

>he goes with the flow
did you even watch this movie nigger?

Gals, what order should I watch blade runner (including 2049), I heard there a bunch of versions like the directors cut and more.

Also, post your rare blades here

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14 oscar noms (1 win)
9 bafta noms (4 wins)

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Blade Runner final cut
Blade Runner 2049

Maybe your normies are different than our normies.

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Is the us theatrical version worth it too?

i still remember the shilling at release

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lmao this has to be bait

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It changes little except for a studio mandated happy ending with a really goofy Harrison Ford voiceover. You can watch the ending on youtube, it's not worth putting 2 hours into.

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the movie was almost gold. the great flaw was the hollywood ending; it should have ended right after the scene on the walkway with the giant impersonal advertisement, left ambiguous like proper sci-fi.

also since there are a ton of brianlets so far in this thread: humans humanize things. personification. when he humanizes the other 'digital' android it should signal to all viewers he is truly human. done, quality message lovely looking movie.


>financiers rewrote and reinserted narration during post-production after test audience members indicated difficulty understanding the film
>It has been suggested that Ford intentionally performed the voice-over badly, in the hope it would not be used
>The "happy ending" aerial shots were also not filmed by Scott, but rather were unused aerial helicopter shots from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining which Kubrick allowed the use of

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The fucking BRRRRRMMMMMMMM soundtrack. Hans Zimmer struck gold ONCE with that and he's been coasting on his laurels since.

Imagine being killed by an inferior model all because you just couldn't leave his waifustick alone.

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