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What other musicians can we make movies about?
Sansas getting a call anyway
Quick quick
What other musicians can we make movies about?
Sansas getting a call anyway
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They Might Be Giants kino when?
Big budget biopic on Fred Durst, starring Fred Durst
They did that already.
Syd Barrett movie.
this trend needs to stop.
Butthole Surfers
Fuck off with these bland oscarbaiting biopics. Make actually original and compelling stories, rather than movies for boomers that don't actually watch movies regularly. These films just profit off of what we already know, and don't teach us anything new.
It won't. It's the new capeshit.
A David Bowie one could be kino since he had a batshit crazy life and was pretty mental but if they make one it’ll be just as bland as Bohemian Rhapsody
Biopics are dull I want a musical about Gene and Dean Ween on the quest to find the boognish
GG Allin
Boy George is more talented and interesting than Freddie Mercury and Elton John, so that's good.
The problem with Bowie is casting him. Same problem with Frank Zappa. Even finding a lookalike wouldn't be enough.
Why? I mean I get that (((Hollywood))) wants to make movies about gay musicians, but Boy George and Culture Club aren't nearly as iconic as Queen or Elton John. Two number one singles, wow, what a legend he was.
I hope they include that one time he ordered himself a gay prostitute and then chained and beat him up.
perfect casting choice right here
I’d be down for Tilda Swindon playing Bowie, or having different people play him for each persona he took on. The makers of these biopics are creatively bankrupt though
Marilyn Manson needs a biopic. Use his book as a jumping off point, through in his over the top concerts.
That will be the third obnoxious faggot musician to get a movie that all of you idiots will line up to see. Here's 17.50 for my fag brainwashing please. Fucking morons
You forgot the Motley Crue and NWA one.
wow I can't wait for 2021's "Zach Hill" brought to me by Paramount Pictures
I want more Elvis kino, why don't people like Elvis anymore?
Gary Glitter biopic when?
They did this with that Bob Dylan movie and yeah I can see it working really well with Bowie if they did it right.
Zappa, though, that's different.
Nick Cave too thinking about it.
Make my biopic without the influence of Jewish media or faggot directors taking their own liberties.
I only like music when I'm drunk I can't imagine caring enough to watch a movie about musicians.
Don't forget Lords of Chaos
Why don't they just call him Girl George?
not even bullshitting you, this would work since he's a fag anyways
capeshit makes money though
Ha ha, awesome. First third will be him coming to London, clubbing and starting a band. 2nd third is him doing smack in a house and not going outside for several years. Final third is having cum pumped in and out of his stomach.
How is this any different than Bomemian Rhapsody?
Why not George Michael instead?
Or another gay icon, Prince
>Freddy Mercury
>Elton John
>Boy George
I'm sensing a pattern.
So, when are they gonna make one about Bowie?
no karmic aids death for his life style
Syd Barrett.
I’m just hoping for the day we get a music biopic on the level of Goodfellas, where it’s so fucking good every single biopic after tries to copy it. It can’t be that hard with how crazy some of these guys lived. Insane how creative you can be with these stories and yet all these films follow the same three act structure. I haven’t seen that Bob Dylan movie but I’ve heard it’s actually pretty good and not as dull as the rest of these biopics are
crackass motherfuckers
The liberace movie was kino though
Unironically Rick James
Frankly, user, I'm just waiting for any movie to hit the level of Goodfellas.
This is why you need this to happen
Movies no longer exist to entertain, only social programming.
PS they have given up on you and are after your children,
A big budget Elvis movie would make gorillions, boomers would eat that shit
Goodfellas is 9-5 pleb trash
>muh beatles pistols derp
stop with your boomer shit
Those Charlie Murphy sketches already raised the bar too high I guess
Metallica / Megadeth culminating with the first "Big Four" concert
Maybe other user's are deliberately pretending to miss the point and I hate to ruin the joke but: gigantic faggots?
So what is this? Every famous faggot gets their own biopic now? Wonderful.
Little goblin from Stranger things as EVH
Kevin Spacey biopic when
Back when I lived in LA I heard a rumor about Kevin Spacey at some posh party I was waiting tables for. I was waiting a table for these two uber rich fags and as I'm coming back with their drinks I hear one ask "Have you ever been to one of Spacey's puppet shows?" and the other fag says "What the fuck are you talking about?". By now I've naturally decided to eves drop and as I do the first fag starts talking about how Spacey would get a pair of "twinks" dress them up in little costumes with assless backs to them and then he'd ram a fist up each of their asses so that he could put on a "puppet show" for his guests. The weird thing is the fag said it didn't even seem to be a sexual thing for Spacey and that he took the puppet show really seriously, that he'd write his own scripts for them and do different voices for his "puppets".
That's as much as I heard before the second fag interrupted with "Where the fuck is that waiter with my fucking Cosmo" at which point I had to stop evesdropping and do my job.
Weird, wild shit man.
When will this degenerate finally fucking die?
genuinely could work
>that scene in Glengarry Glen Ross when Pacino keeps calling Spacey homosexual slurs
Did he know
I thought he was dead, or was that George Michael? Did I get my gay 80s British popstars mixed up?
George Michael is the dead one. He’ll probably get a biopic next even though his life is pretty boring
No, the problem with Zappa is that nobody likes his music enough to make a movie viable. Also, he was an asshole and a coward. What scenes are they going to show on Oscar night? The scene where he knowingly hires a child molester to play bass? The scene where he treats a homeless schizophrenic as a dancing bear, then throws the guy out of his house when he realizes that actions have consequences? Or the scene where he maintains that an absolutely terrible sounding primitive multi-voice synthesizer is "better than musicians" and locks himself in his house with it for the rest of his life?
Or any of the times he condescended to, or attempted to humiliate someone, then told the story of having done so as if it was something cool and funny? He was a prick.
phil spector
Liberace was a fascinating subject, well handled - though it should have been a theatrical NC-17. Mercury was flubbed by various decisions. Not seen the Elton John one but I can't imagine any film Elton would be pleased with is going to be entirely truthful.
Marilyn Manson but he isn’t some AIDS ridden faggot like Freddie, so it probably wont happen.
The Bob Dylan movie is an entirely different thing to these products, yeah. Todd Haynes, who made it, earlier made Velvet Goldmine, which is an unauthorized film along similar lines inspired by David Bowie and Iggy Pop.
I want a Lou Reed film wherein he is shown explicitly fucking trannies, shooting up heroin, dunking on journalists, and generally not giving a fuck until he dies, and everybody is sad and remembers him as an inspirational and important figure. Ideally have a weird filter on the whole film, bizarre or outright stupid camera and audio work, and a general atmosphere of very few fucks given about the production.
holly johnson
Yeah, I remember hearing about VG too. Apparently both films didn’t make back their budget, no wonder these biopics are cookie cutter feel-good oscarbait when it’s the only way these movies seem to make money
Marilyn Manson's life is dull. His grandparents and parents were semi-interesting, but his accounts of them are all filtered through his puritanical shock-value attitude. Without shock value, he's nothing. In the 90s, mentioning bestiality porn in interviews was a showstopper. Now people find it spontaneously hilarious.
Supposedly he fucked some little boy who was starring in a film about trannies at one of Asia Argento's parties. But Hollywood definitely isn't letting that cat out of the bag.
Can you imagine the concert scenes though? Like a scene where he humps a security guard's face while singing Dope Show. Pure kino
Can't wait for the scene which shows him making Metal Machine Music
Lmao will it show him kidnapping and raping that male prostitute?
Who will play prime Rose McGowan in the inevitable 1999 MTV Music Awards scene though?
It's a terrible phenomenon, I agree. A big part of the problem is the sanitization that seems to be demanded. Who is it that wants a movie about Freddie Mercury where we don't see a queue of Brazilian guys pounding him in the ass while he looks almost bored?
When you say "Supposedly", do you mean "/pol/ made it up after noticing he was that movie she did"?
>humps a security guard's face
With diaper-thick underwear on. By prior arrangement with the security guard. I worry for the people who've grown up and still think Manson's schtick was real outrage. Alice Cooper's fans in the 70s knew they were getting a show, and they were all about 13.
I want a trippy animated musical based around the music of They Might Giants desu
yeah i read on newgrounds.com dat he got one off his ribs removed so he could suck his dicc. haha i told all my friends at skool and then I drew a cool S on my folder. but now my lame dad says i cant go on newgrounds cos it might give the dell a virus that will make it explode wen the millenium bug happens next year... lame-o
Coraline was almost that actually
Liberace was theatrical, everywhere but America
Musician movies are the new capeshit
But it should have been an NC-17. We have Scott telling him how disgusting he finds the porn he's watching, and we see fairly ordinary gay porn on the TV. We don't see any of the extreme stuff he was into. We should have been able to smell the jizz and poppers. Everything was too clean.
Is biopics about musicians the next capeshit?
Crossover where Queen, Elton John and Boy George fight Thanos when
No, the allegations came from a co writer of the film who thought Asia Argentto was exploiting the kid.
Basically they had this Hollywood party with shitloads of drugs and sex and Asia dragged this autistic transexual 12 year old who was the subject of the film to it. During the party Manson apparently humped the kid and gave him/her/xer/it a pseudo blowjob in the middle of the party and while it may have started off as a joke it apparently got pretty dark. The woman who made the allegations tried to take the kid home after that but she couldn't find him because someone had taken him to one of the bedrooms.
Source please.
That would be kino
Who gives a fuck if it was consensual? I just want to see it on a giant movie screen.
I think it would be underwhelming. I want to see an unclad dingus.
Are music biopics the solution to capeshit?
A historical musical cinematic universe sounds kino as fuck to be fair
I htink what pisses me off is that Bohemian Rhapsody and The Dirt both feel like inspirations for the south park episode Guitar Queero (released over ten years ago)
my godmother aunt is a huge boy george fan. I had to help her buy the new album.
Doesn't describe anything like what you claimed. Laura Albert, right at the end, is doing some nudge-nudge shit to try and have the last laugh on someone who turned against her. What you described is /pol/ masturbation fantasy, conflating the movie with the party story.
Iggy Pop
Moondog biopic WHEN?
Why do you keep talking about /pol/?
A gg allin biopic would make a great movie
George Michael died the Christmas before last.
Hollywood makes shit up in biopics all the time. They could write the scene so his dick is out
Who could be the Thanos of the music world?
Isn’t there like a parody film from 10 years ago with John C Reilly which is set up exactly the same as Bohemian Rhapsody or something
Because Pizzagate-tier shit is their department.
Where's his biopic?
>tfw they already ended Bohemian Rhapsody with Live Aid, so they can't use it as the crossover moment where they all come together to play
It would have been fucking perfect.
The guy/s who killed off MJ to buy all the music rights he owned.
Probably. The formula of both of those films is so cliched it's almost embarrassing
>small time band of friends
>hit the big times and become famous
>one guy's ego goes to his head
>he develops a drug problem and leaves the band to go solo
>crashes and burns
>begs for forgiveness
>reunion years later
No, but they can have a biopic about another band from liveaid and have footage from Bohemian Rhapsody play in the background
(and also footage teasing the next band they're gonna make a biopic of)
A film of his life would have to be a total whitewash, so there's no point.
he looks comfortably numb
If they don't interact on the night or during the planning stages it just won't be the same.
He killed himself off.
Underrated and based. I want to see some swaggering chad Thor type playing him.
Nowadays there’s a subplot about one of the members being gay and learning to accept it too
That would have a very dull ending, unless it's all up until 1974 with a postscript for the remaining thirty-two years of his life.
Yeah, sure.
Wasn't Elton John pissed that he had to follow Queen after seeing their Live Aid performance?
But they can. Bring back the cast of BR to film a scene of them planning Live Aid. And they can also tie it in with Straight Outta Compton since that's only a few years later.
A band like Aerosmith would be perfect for the "Avengers" film of the series actually
Why is it always gay bongs?
Films/musicians I'd want to see in this cinematic universe
>Rolling Stones (prequel film)
>Ozzy Osbourne
>Green Day
Who wouldn't be?
>it's going to be George Michael after this
Gay British popstar cinematic universe when?
Adding to this
>Bon Jovi
>Guns 'n Roses
>Blur vs Oasis
The drugs he had obtained, via dubious means, weren't meant to be taken over the prolonged periods he was using them for. Additionally, he was underweight, and he had been working harder than he had for a while to prepare for his last big concert extravaganza, This Is It. He was careless of his health and employed Elvis doctors. Saying he was killed would be like saying Elvis was killed. A man who banishes anyone who tells him the truth is ultimately a suicide.
All of that is extremely entertaining. Just a pure unapologetic look at a bizarre musical genius with no identifiable moral code.
But I was talking about the problem of casting him, not about his actual personality.
How long do I have to wait for the film about Jonny Depp's band that also covers his divorce with Amber Heard?
Why would he be difficult to cast? You just get a slightly-built Italian-American guy of medium height and tell him to grow the facial hair.
The guy does have a fairly distinctive personality, not to mention voice. A good casting choice would have at least some of the voice, be able to act on the personality, and preferably look the part.
You sure seem to care a lot about people not thinking MJ was killed for the billions-worth of music rights he wouldn't sell to the corporations...
Not really, I just don't see the point in coming up with elaborate conspiracy theories because he sang "kike me" once.
>The scene where he knowingly hires a child molester to play bass?
>The scene where he treats a homeless schizophrenic as a dancing bear, then throws the guy out of his house
Pretty based desu
He'd have to be able to act, yes. His voice was more distinctive singing than speaking, and singing they can just use the recordings anyway, so it just needs an actor of the right build who can talk at roughly the right pitch.
And it's hard for me to armchair cast that with an unknown.
Physical resemblance probably wouldn't bother them as much, if Rami Malek is any indication, so it just needs to be a medium-height-to-short Italian/Mediterranean guy with a deep voice.
On one hand this musician biopic meme is getting out of hand, on the other, I'm glad the slag in the norf will have some work lined up for her, something needs to finance the coke habit
That song has nothing to do with it. He had music rights that were worth ridiculous amounts of money and refused to sell them. Hell, just his rights to the Beatles catalogue was enough to kill for, especially when the company that wanted the music rights also make their own movies and know what the future holds in store for band movies. Surprise surprise, once he was dead his estate sold off the rights for a sum that wasn't anywhere near what they were actually worth.
That's a bit easier.
What's the story with that homeless guy?
All I'm getting is Zappa helping Wild Man Fisher get publicity and then firing him when he threw a bottle that nearly hit his kid.
>know what the future holds in store for band movies.
Which wasn't happening at all at the time he died.
Yeah, the idea that a man who lived recklessly and damaged his body to the point that it visibly started to collapse was somehow done in by a conspiracy is purely down to the "kike me" thing. People have a weird investment in Jackson.
It's Wild Man Fischer, yeah. He thought he was hilarious when he was basically assaulting people in the street, but when he nearly injured his kid, he suddenly took it seriously. And he didn't just help him get publicity, he signed him.
Zappa is also responsible for the existence of Alice Cooper, and thus Marilyn Manson.
Bohemian Rhapsody made 900m on a 50m budget
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot, he's a millionaire
Eh, I wouldn't call signing him particularly immoral. Misguided, sure, but it feels more like a Soloist situation than active cruelty.
Hell, a movie about Zappa and Fischer would've been better than The Soloist. Might even have actually won an oscar, too.
Prince wasn't gay though
Fags didn't care and worshiped him anyway. You don't have to be gay to be a gay icon.
The fat darkie woman out of Ghostbusters 2016