I’m sold.
I’m sold
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not?
>critics didn’t like character development in a monster movie about giant monsters fighting each other
Movie reviewers have weak hearts, user.
im honestly hyped to see this
Good. Thats all godzilla is. No one cares about the human characters
>every movie has the follow the same storyline
fuck reviewers. Can't wait.
>first movie comes out
>sequel comes out
Make up your fucking mind America.
""""""critics""""""" have taken the muh charactervelopment pill and now every major character requires some sort of dialogue
They both needed to be at least 100% more owned by Disney to get good reviews user
So, when they watch an animal documentary, do they get sad and frustrated when there are no humans?
The kaiju ARE the characters you plebeian faggot reviewers.
You can have TOO much cgi creatures fighting, yes.
>ywn watch a Godzilla movie narrated by David Attenborough
>uszilla1 too much plot not enough monster
>uszilla2 too mch monster not enough plot
why do "critics" even exist. just stfu and gtfo
Not disney affiliated and lacks sufficient lgbtqawwfomghiv+ representation and quips
>movie about CGI aliens fighting
>get mad when there are CGI aliens fighting
Yeah, fuck making a good script. LOOK! ROBOTS!
why are these idiots who have never saw a Godzilla movie before giving their opinion on what Godzilla shouldn't or should be
>script being important in a visual medium
So it's capeshit? Pass
Forget other Godzilla movies, this movie in itself has been advertized as "GIANT MONSTER BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER IN HIGH DEFINITION" since the start.
That's it, nothing more and nothing less, it is rule of cool in capital letters, the movie is great at what it does and the story is serviceable with some actual good moments in it. Who expected anything else?
>why are these idiots who have never saw a Godzilla movie before giving their opinion on what Godzilla shouldn't or should be
That's what irks over most of these reviews. Their frame of reference at best is the 2014 movie or the shitheap that is 1998 and therefore they have no real understanding of the character or franchise.
The quips were Marvel tier. It's bad and it's annoying that Marvel influenced it.
Film """""critics"""" review movies like they are novels. Hence "le bad plot" is a serious film critique
That's what REALLY bugs me about these reviews. When has this movie ever pretended to be anything more than giant monsters fighting each other? All the trailers have said as much. Other than a broader metaphor about climate change, this movie has never been billed as some deep character study. What did the critics go into it expecting, exactly?
>this is problematic...
>CNN hates it
>Rolling Stone hates it
>Women hate it
it's probably the most based monster movie ever made
98 had terrible characters though and a worse godzilla, how the fuck can you compare them
According to some fuck at We Live Entertainment
>Godzilla: King of the Monsters is now the worst American Godzilla movie. Say what you will about Roland Emmerich's, but at least he showed Godzilla a lot.
I don't understand these people.
So they got rid off all the shit I hated about the last one? Epic.
because wamen want romantic subplots and also female empowerment and can't forget about minority representation as well
in fact, it would be best if we just cut the monsters all together, they're just a relic of violent toxic masculinity after all
>here's your Godzilla reviews bro
But that's the entire point of the Godzilla franchise after the original. All these negative reviews are from people who doesn't want to concept. Fine, but it seems to me that people who do like Godzilla and its concept do enjoy this movie. Who fucking cares what some casual shits say about it, I don't share their opinion before the review, why would I even have a reason to read the review then.
>you can have two hours of monsters slapping each other around like a gargantuan WWE highlights reel
But it was fine when they did it in Infinity War?
>They both needed to be at least 100% more owned by Disney to get good reviews user
Either that, or they need ham-handed political pandering.
>until blockbuster filmmaking goes entirely non-narrative some attention should be paid to the rest of it
What on earth does it mean by this?
It's the one Godzilla movie along with 2014 that critics almost certainly watched
There is a lot of Godzilla in 2019 so the critic is lying.
j/k I'm just here to get dubs.
>AV Club
>prismatic red hair
into the trash it goes
>be in entertainment industry
>can't take decent headshot
Infinity War is still pretending to be a deep character study. Despite every character being exactly the same as when they started 10 years ago.
Except for Thor I guess, who's 'development' changed him from having a distinct personality to the same quiplord personality as all the other characters.
At the current rate CNN will just be don lemon and Anderson Cooper doing a daily podcast in a garage by this time next year
Hm all these jew owned publications hate it hmmmmm
The difference is Infinity War was good.
Just include a vanity shot of a Trump business getting stomped on center screen. Instant 10 out of 10s from these people then
I really do wonder if the audience rating will be better. Even if critics don't like it, the general audience is still up in the air because Godzilla is a niche franchise.
What the fuck is going on? First it was Pokemon and now Godzilla? It's clear the boomers are out of touch with the younger audience.
The time has come for us to gas all the boomers
it shouldn't be important for a retard like yourself, i agree.
I hope you're not seriously implying that detective pikachu was a good movie
But that's exactly what I want
>Just include a vanity shot of a Trump business getting stomped on center screen.
Now we're talking Academy Awards
sounds to me like they hate being subverted
You know, I keep hearing people say
>the humans have always been shit! MONSTERS!
But why is that acceptable? Is it too much to ask for a nice balance? I’m ultimately here to see Kaiju battles, but having decently written characters would be a nice addition, as well.
>The difference is Infinity War was good.
I hope you are not seriously implying Aladdin was better
Low IQ is liking cartoon explosions
Middle IQ pseud shit is prattling on about muh plot and character development like you're watching a novel
High IQ is realising that spectacle and visuals are far more important than writing in film
Fuck that's what I've always wanted from a Godzilla movie. This is what the fucking Transformers movies should've been.
>senseless demolition is NOT entertainment
High IQ is having a strong human cast thats filled with Diversity and Progressive attitudes. Which this movie clearly lacked since the dad is the hero and not the mom.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I prefer some human drama and subplots in my Godzilla movies where the monsters are treated as sort of an ongoing disaster or cataclysm the humans have to deal with in order to advance their own story objtives. Then of course siome nice giant brawls to boot.
Sounds more like they're mad because the movie delivers exactly what it promised.
>the dad is the hero and not the mom
Day one for me
Imagine being this much of a fucking retard.
Why is it so hard to write a good script for a Godzilla movie? You can literally make anything happen. It’s not constrained to an island like Jurassic Park.
>earthquakes caused by giant turtles is proof of global warming
Still kills my sides
these critics are too "cultured" for a monster movie
Like Sakura trick has lesbian kisses every ep and it becomes boring.
Godzilla, as a franchise, is big enough for all-out monster brawls as well as great human drama. Shin Godzilla was great, but I'm looking forward to this movie too.
His hysteric defence of No Man's Sky was embarrassing to behold, and hilarious in retrospect given how shit the game turned out to be.
that was not the problem, the problem was the early death of Bryan Cranston and how he was replaced by the most boring actor ever and his even more boring family
the otrher drama was how they tasted Godzilla, you can show zilla from the distance walking arround and shit (same with the MUTOS), it's cool, but you can't cut the fights to show the stupid kid playing with toys!
>a good script
Ponderous music plays. Godzilla is smoking a cigarette and looking at the sky contemplatively.
Life... (exhales smoke slowly)... what is it?
What a relief. I thought they were going to go the Heisei route, and have the kaiju shoot energy blasts at each other the whole time instead of doing pro-wrestling moves.
the problem is that the plot in godzilla 1 was shit, who fucking cares about your typical soldier and his dumb family? was the most boring thing to do with a godzilla movie.
i would love to see the POV of some ramdom dude of the street
Bruh... look at this dude
>CNN hates it because Alex Jones character is right all along
>Rolling Stone hates it because not enough gay and/or transgender representation
>women hate it because white lady bad and cute Chinese lady good
Looks like kino's back on the menu, boys!
When will the king weigh in?
>admitting the content of the film has no effect on his review
Why aren't these people being put in camps?
The Jews fear the kaiju.
Ok now I'm hyped. What the FUCK do they think Kaiju is?
I just watched a movie called An Elephant Sitting Still. It was one of the best reviewed movies of last year. It was a tedious, meandering, piece of 4 hour shit. Turns out that the critics only praised the movie because the filmmaker killed himself after completing it. That makes it deep.
These are the gatekeepers of modern culture. Sad!
im fucking ready bros
Because soýs are sensitive
I want quipzilla
A movie about fish sex won Best Picture.
Someone has that one review from that fuck who got mad there wasn't any Stranger Things references because Millie is in the movie?
Fuck. That bitch will also be in Godzilla vs Kong.
Sounds based
Holy fuck I had to wait like 45 minutes for that to happen in the last one. Sign me up, that's all these movies are.
>mfw one of the reviews on RT says KOTM wasn't "political" enough
these are the people reviewing these movies
I hope the director tells these "critics" to fuck off
Arthouse bro here
I get not liking elephant sitting still, but it (and other movies that are part of the Chinese New Wave) is far from a 4 hour shit
That being said, you're spot on that it only caught on because the director an heroed
Ash is purest white was better and completely forgotten
Anyways I'm completely hype for Goji kino
Not enough lesbian actresses
Kaijukino here I come!
she's clearly a retard for going to see a Godzilla movie for some 13 year old brat instead of the big boy himself
Well every action oriented human character seems to be brown, female or both in this movie, while the whites are relegated to nerds or creepy Monarch operatives, so they should be happy.
and that's a good thing...
It's not that it's hard, it's that there's no point.
Why bother crafting a well written story around the monster battles, all following a tight, well paced script - when fanboys will eat it up anyway, even if it's a consensual mess.
Eat it up, then proceed to defend it and lash out at detractors, screaming that it ain't need no plot anyway. There's no point doing anything more than the bare minimum.
Who gives a shit lol
adam sandler isn't in it so he probably won't like it
>Kyle Chandler
>brown or female
these plebs can fuck off. it's been a while since we just a good ol fashion slobber knocker.
Not enough politics and female empowerment
Godzilla literally isn't even In that movie
>cannon fodder = minorities
What did they mean by this?
Yeah, I'm thinking it's KINO
>that's where you are wrong kid.jpg
Going to see this tomorrow, the leak from Yea Forums a year ago is most likely legit at this point (way too much stuff is lining up, like how he correctly guessed literally everyone's role in the film before the first trailer even landed) but for any of you who might have seen this already, the dude mentioned some post credits scene where the main eco terrorist buys a "crustacean" from a fisherman. Is he correct, and is that "crustacean" what I think it is?
>and is that "crustacean" what I think it is
not quite
>they should be happy
Oh, I was that naive once.
No, it was Ghidorah's head, back then the cgi was incomplete and he mistook it for "something" else.
>extended cut features a 15 minute segment with subtitles of Godzilla skronking that gold space niggers need to go back with mothra desperately trying to "fact check" him
Nah gidorahs head the cgi wasn't complete so he mistook it for destroyah
Have sex.
the left guy is /ourguy/ on this one
San Fancisco Chronicle criticized it on political grounds:
>"“Godzilla: King of the Monsters” isn’t presenting Godzilla as a symbol of incipient American Fascism, but rather of a very big, green monster, who is there because filmmaker Michael Dougherty thinks Godzilla is kind of cool."
This is the kind of people that go to see movies before wide release. They don't want it, they got paid to see it and write about otherwise they wouldn't. This is the level of those who make those tired unfunny laughing threads. These reviewers are their champions.
Rather disappointing, but I guess that's my fault for automatically assuming what some unfinished CGI piece of shit that I didn't even see would be.
Don't worry, frens. If the movie flops in America the rest of the world will go watch it in droves especially Chinkland.
>its real
jesus christ
yeah, running like a bitch. and in the fucking rain and dark, these dumbasses don't know shit and are liars to boot.
Critics won't stop jerking off about self insert characters. It's why they loved the soldier boy from the first one and hated Shin Godzilla.
It was a decent movie about Fish Sex
literally "godzilla isn't an allegory for drumpf so its bad"
This is unironically kino: absolute language of cinema–ABSOLUTE KINOGRAPHY–on the basis of its complete separation from the language of theatre and literature.
>In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.
>you can have two hours of monsters slapping each other around like a gargantuan WWE highlights reel
>At first, it seems that “King of the Monsters” might be playing a slick game, using a monster movie as the means of satirizing how people, in the current political era, react to a crisis
>the consensus that forms around Godzilla as a possible savior could be interpreted as the movie’s warning against investing hope in some totalitarian strongman.
>But no. “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” isn’t presenting Godzilla as a symbol of incipient American Fascism
I thought you fuckers were exaggerating about them automatically giving this movie higher scores if some unbelievably trite political message was present, I should stop giving these "people" even a modicum of credit.
Honestly the only good thing about No Man's Sky is that they are still sticking with it and trying to get a decent game out of it, maybe in 5 years it'll be worth it all, but at least they didn't run away in fear.
And Dunkin Donuts is one of the sponsors and they announced political neutrality recently.
To be fair, Godzilla DID start put as a metaphor in an allegorical film so this anal pretentiousness does have a very small hint of merit. He's still a bitch ass brainlett cunt though.
Because AV CLub is staffed by SJW chimps
because then there'd not be enough place for diversity and female empowerment, duh
The best films in the series often have good human drama which is thematicallg intertwined with the monster action. Shin is the interesting odd one out because there basically is no human drama but it still has an overall engaging plot
Same. The critical reaction reaffirmed everything I wanted from this movie.
>mfw it is the man of steel of godzilla movies
>I’m sold.
Then go buy a ticket, asshole.
>charactervelopment pill
but the critics love marey sue and captain marlel?
If I liked the 1992 Mothra vs. Godzilla, would I enjoy the original?
I settled for it because the mega pack I have saved mistakenly lists the 1992 one as the original
>That scene where Godzilla told Mothra they should team up and kill all the non white humans because they're the real monsters
>t you can't cut the fights to show the stupid kid playing with toys!
That was the worst shit. Rian-tier subversion garbage.
The drama was very human; it just happened to be about largely unrelatable politicians. I loved the human element in Shin because it showed me characters whose shoes I couldn't stuff my feet into.
These fags hated 2014 and Shin Godzilla, I'm done with paying them any mind.
>boring political satire with shitty English dialogue
I nearly fucking fell asleep
Maybe in Goji vs Kong they will turn them both into fully-voiced quiplords, then the critics will love it.
This is peak fucking contrarian.
Critics don't seem to understand what a Godzilla movie is.
It's all fun and games until Godzilla calls Kong a nigger
what are you talking about shin godzilla was an irredeemable snoozefest
You're right. They're both terrible.
>the problem was the early death of Bryan Cranston
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
But isn't there a shitload of Godzilla in King of the Monsters?
Did he watching 2014 by mistake?
Because if he did, then I agree. Godzilla 98 was way better than Godzilla 2014.
Shazam is lighthearted capeshit though, which is enough to get past that "hurdle".
>"Wah the director didn't elevate the source material of this giant lizard movie and make it about the refugee crisis or drumpf 0/10"
>holy fucking....
>I'm gonna stop you from destroying America!
>It was destroyed before I got there!
>omg 10/10
>I'm not going to say, but I'm thinking it
>fucking Bryan Beller
>Godzilla kicks Kong in the nuts
>cuts to various people around the world going OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
>Godzilla kicks Kong in the balls
>"Ugggh right in the Donkey Kongas!"
>text pops up "This scene sponsored by Nintendo"
>cuts to Miyamoto looking up from a Nintendo Switch
>"Datsu gotta hurt-aru!"
Give Godzilla and Kong internal monologues like those bad dog movies
>Right in the Cring Crong!
>Godzilla kicks Kong in the nuts
>"Oof! Right in the coconuts!"
>Monarch guys watching grab their groins and wince
>Rodan covers his eyes with his wings
>"What, no smile?" - Mothra
Jesus that's some kino.
Mothra vs Godzilla 1964 is one of the best. The biggest flaws are the rotoscoping looks really dated on the bluray version, and the monster puppets are sometimes a little awkward.
That's what they get for not having a character who is an obvious Drumpf parody getting brutally mauled by kaijus.
So Shazam got good reviews because it actually had good qualities.
Also Logan is a gritty Fox capefilm that had some really good reception.
he was the only one with a really motive to follow godzilla, the soldier (that i already forgot his name) was there because he was an expert in bombs or some shit like that and at the end of the movie he even use his knowledge in bombs at all
If he says it's shit, it's shit. If it's great, it's great
Simple as.
I can understand complaints like "where's muh drama" but this. This is satire. This is fucking satire and you can't convince me otherwise. The reviewer is probably some nobody who didn't want to write "WAAAHHHH I HATE MONSTER FIGHTS" like all the other chucklefucks who don't understand the movie and instead took it upon themselves to be emblematic of politically charged review writing.
Downloading from archive.org as we speak
Aladdin has a 57% rotten score.
That's what they consider "character development" lol
yeah but it turned into goofy shit almost immediately
No, have them wear spandex and fight Mecha King Ghidorah who shoots a laser into the sky.
I just want Kong to suplex and chokeslam the shit out of the lizard.
That isn't too much to ask.
first movie was actually critically acclaimed, it was the people who hated it
Kino, too bad we're still stuck with brain dead critics
seems like a more fair review. apparently it's a bit slow in parts?
>apparently it's a bit slow in parts
and the other reviews say it's too fast. constant contradictions
Why did she have to die bros?
It isn't fair, she was too pure...
>At first, it seems that “King of the Monsters” might be playing a slick game, using a monster movie as the means of satirizing how people, in the current political era, react to a crisis — not by practically examining the problems at hand, but by falling back on ideology, even when ideology leads them down some demented side streets. In such a satire, the consensus that forms around Godzilla as a possible savior could be interpreted as the movie’s warning against investing hope in some totalitarian strongman.
>But no. “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” isn’t presenting Godzilla as a symbol of incipient American Fascism, but rather of a very big, green monster, who is there because filmmaker Michael Dougherty thinks Godzilla is kind of cool.
These people should be shot.
Don't worry, they will meet many more times
in the sequel
I just saw the movie, what do you want to know lads?
And the suit is THE definitive showa goji suit.
What were any of you expecting?
But there is no Alex Jones character in the movie
Has anyone seen it yet? How is it kaijubros? I don't trust red haired roasties
Did you like it or are you pretty much on board with these critics?
>action focused movies immediately docked 2 stars for being focused on action
>but comic book movies are the exception their action is good no penalty
why do you trust modern movie/tv reviewers to be unbiased at all?
ITT: manchildren
reminder these are the people who call others soiboys
Is this a standalone film, or do i need to watch something before going to the theatre?
Don't tease me user
It's honestly a little stressful and disheartening to be redpilled to this kind of shit. It's just not fair lads
I don't know what the critics are saying, but I like it. It did a much better job with the Godzilla-human balance then the previous movie. Granted it still had the issue of sometime focusing a bit to much on the humans while the monsters are fighting.
That only applies to capeshit fanboys. Godzilla and Star Wars fanboys will criticize the shit out of any movie that doesn't live up to expectations.
How many OC kaiju are there?
just watch the 8 minutes of monster fights from 2014 godzilla
Someone whose seen the movie might be able to answer better but G14 and Kong: Skull Island are in the same universe
already best film of 2019
The most “Marvel” DC film
Really gets the noggin joggin
Four, two new ones, one that could be Angurus and a muto.
>I unironically agree with Brie Larson now
I don't care about some 40 year old white dude says about godzilla. I never thought that day would come.
Just came back from seeing it. I thought it was merely serviceable.
Mothra vs Godzilla does a great job of being a mostly serious story balanced well with comedic elements, the monster action is some of the best in the entire showa era, and the human characters are actually pretty likeable.
This also.
Im sold.
Okay, thank you
Where's a decent place to stream/watch the movies?
Just saw it. I wasn't expecting much and was pleasently surprised. The story don't get that much in the way of the fighting. Some scene are beautiful but not as impactful as that scene in Shin Godzilla.
The music could have been a bit better I feel. It does reuse the theme but meh
I also was expecting a bigger brawl, all star battle between 20 kaijus or something but as expected it would have been too much
>The story don't get that much in the way of the fighting.
Lads I'm fucking hyped
What's Godzilla's tax policy?
>less boring talk more exciting action
I'll definitely watch it.
Really hope he ends up liking it. In his re-review of 2014 his common complaints were that there wasn't enough Godzilla, the lighting was too dark, and the movie wasn't as entertaining, and even said the 1998 film was better on that front, to his disbelief.
Because that’s Mothra’s thing.
do they really think this isnt what people who go to a godzilla movie DONT want? no one wants a wannabe woke godzilla preaching SJW politics to street kids through the power of hip hop and dance.
Most "critics" are soap opera drama fangays who like more soap opera dialogue in movies.
I just watched this again after 20 years.
The TOHO Godzilla theme mixed with surf music was 1,000% kino. I am in awe of how good the tunes were.
>white dudes
yeah thats not who reviewed this movie brah
If AVGN says the movie isn't good, then it probably isnt good. His review will probably be the most accurate. He's recently expressed annoyance when talking about how he's tired of fights at night in the rain in these recent movies when referring to watching the trailers for the movie.
Hopefully the review is just James and Mike like the cobra kai review and not the fat bastards with them.
James is the leading western scholar on Kaiju films, I trust him absolutely
>NO diversity
>NO minority
>No Trans / Pedo / Homos
>No women
Guys I think I'm attracted to mothra, is there something wrong with me?
She dies for her king
It's almost as if there's this thing called a middle ground where it's not an extreme of either side... WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAA
>The most “Marvel” DC film
The fuck does this mean? You're just making up shit now. Shazam was a 90s-esque kids wish-fulfillment film with heart. That is why it was so beloved by critics.
The stupid thing is that the only Godzilla movies with any sort of overt political message other than the 1954 original and Shin Godzilla were GMK (loved by fans, but has 60% on RT), the first three Heisei movies, and two of the most hated Showa movies: Godzilla's Revenge and Godzilla vs Hedora. All the rest have been sci-fi action movies.
>the lighting was too dark
>even said the 1998 film was better on that front, to his disbelief
Not sure if you saw either recently, but the final fight with Godzilla against the Mutos is barely watchable because of all the smoke and lighting making it all look like shit, 1998 at the very least was more visible. It was much worse in quality in almost every other way, shape, and form, but I'll concede that 1998 had better lighting at points.
It's really impressive the amount of godzilla facts and trivia he's committed to memory.
James is based
Unironically only whites care about the petty shit like in pic
The issue is the American home video transfer. Looked fine in the theaters. Looked fine on Japanese Bluray.
I'm gonna see the new one in theaters, I just want to know where I can watch the other ones without downloading them
>thought his name was TOPLEL at first glance
holy fuck
>marvel action
Not at all
>The music could have been a bit better I feel. It does reuse the theme but meh
Pretty much every Godzilla movie does that.
out of 36 godzilla films in the franchise he has only been a political allegory in 4 of them.
the rest have been him fucking shit up against other monsters as an environmental superhero or villain depending on which film
>Not sure if you saw either recently
Actually I watched the final fight between Godzilla and the MUTOS on YouTube earlier, and I agree. The dark lighting from the movie made it really hard to see on video.
So far, most who've seen KOTM have said the fights are pretty clear and easy to see. Hopefully that stands true for AVGN's viewing experience.
>Monster Island needs economic aid!
Wonder if they're a fan of this guy's work.
Then why do you fags complain about capeshit if you just want to see monsters fighting
The trailer appears to show a lot of character interaction, which I was afraid of(it was probably the worse fault of Fatzilla 2014) so this makes me happy.
Can't believe this one is considered one of the worst Godzilla movies when it's this incredibly strange combination of beach flicks, James Bond, and Godzilla all in one.
Human characters are for giving context to the fact that Godzilla is 400 feet tall. They should never steal the show from Godzilla, but that's apparently precisely what these clowns want. This is like watching a Batman movie and complaining that he wore his mask too much
Is there MothZilla?
>Pacific Rim was bound together by the human element
What the fuck is wrong with people
Because faggot autist retards will say shit like "WHAT ABOUT THE THEMES AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" and give it a bad score, even if it's very entertaining to watch and leaves a lasting positive impression on the audience.
i meant that I expected more impactful music. For instance : the good old theme is mixed with religious chants or somehting, which is interesting but it last like 30 seconds
Fuck yeah!
They aren't boomers, they're mostly gen X
You will never conduct an orchestra making Toho kino.
Why live?
I liked the music but it was mixed in too low, there were a lot of scenes where I felt it needed to be overwhelming.
>Godzilla is a metaphor for Japanese trauma of being nuked twice
Overseas estimates higher than Aladdin, much higher than Godzilla 2014 and Skull Island. Budget was 170 million which is less than previously thought. Could be fine.
Which Ghidorah roars are we getting lads??? I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT
but how would (((THEY))) manage to push their agenda with that sort of movie.
Is this peak SJW?
I think it may actually global so US + overseas.
watching it tomorrow at 11:00AM
really hyped
Reports say yes
You know it's been kaiju fights since the second film right
>You know it's been kaiju fights since the second film right
And all the movies have been low tier garbage since the first one, don't be surprised when it happens
I laughed user
Heisei outside of suit design is seriously one of the shittiest eras ironically because the suit designs while being great looking constrained the actors too much making most fights result in beam spam.
>Voiceover the kaiju
Then they'll finally understand
That’s for solo films.
When there is more than one monster it’s finding excuses to have them fight
December 28, 1860
>From Lincoln's Speech, Sept. 18, 1858.
>"While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races -- that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making VOTERS or jurors of negroes, NOR OF QUALIFYING THEM HOLD OFFICE, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any of her man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
>shit opinion
I already bought 2 tickets, theater preview seating was empty. Im so fucking excited to watch kino with my friend
First Mothra & Godzilla film for you?
May as well wrap her in an orange parka
Want to bet, A.V. Club?
Almost every scifi movie in the 50s was a metaphor for nukes m8 that's not why the original Godzilla was good even though it helped add to it.
so it basically the Batman v Superman of kaiju movies
dare I say kino ?
Based retard
No, not even close.
Yeah it's my first.
So she always dies huh? Brutal.
But there are black males and females, a soulless chinese, Ken Watanabe, stranger things for the pedos and the trannies and plenty of women?
Just got back from it, absolute kino. I was grinning like a madman the whole film.
uh huh sure
Because even the action and visuals are dogshit? These movies look like something off of syfy
It's a faggot with some shitty retarded bait pasta. Stop responding. He's trying to make it a thing just fucking stop.
There aren't five Godzilla movies shoved down my throat a year that's why.
fresh from the cinema
was kino as fuck
had a lot scenes that could literaly be a 2x3m poster.
too much human drama shitt
not enough monster action
i repeat
>Clint Eastwood as Godzilla
>Helen Mirren as Mothra
>Johnny Knoxville as Rodan
>Simon Templeman as Ghidorah
Would watch.
Does endgame or infinity war have any frame worth shoots?
(Freeze frame; record scratch)
That's me
The the last time, 15 IS NOT PEDO you fucking burger.
I haven't seen Endgame but it's not like IW's visuals were much better than the rest.
>watching kaiju KINO with only 1 friend who you grew up playing Destroy All Monsters Melee with and watching the movies bought from the flea market
Most comfy night feel with a bro. It's going to be epic.
Don't get too hyped, just got back from it, it's no ShinGoji, I'd rank it about even with Terror of Mechagodzilla and Vs. Gigan.
>was kino as fuck
>had a lot scenes that could literaly be a 2x3m poster
>too much human drama shitt
It moved the plot forward so can't be too upset about it. I was more upset of the forced humor bits
>not enough monster action
It's to set up "MOTHRA" in Kong vs Godzilla.
>every swing is a cut
>too much monsters
>not enough monsters
which is it
I'm clearly not clued in on the lore here
It's gotta be just right.
Well I haven't seen IW, Endgame, Captain Marvel or Black Panther
Based and cute.
When is /ourguy/ going to appear?
Heh pal, guess what? I posted that to get you to post that image. You got tricked.
Basically, Mothra is like a phoenix
Mothra is like the Phantom. There is always another to take her place.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
And you fell for it making you the bigger retard.
It's good to know the Mothra will be alright.
I'm sold the fact this is last nail in the coffin on trying to make a good godzilla movie outside Japan. Also GVK will be a critically better movie because critics eat ape ass every single time. Only reason that film will be shit is if Godzilla wins and because death note guy directing it.
Got back from seeing it. The critics are being very generous.
I don't know user after getting a movie that actually had some gravitas and style and felt like a 60's Godzilla movie and getting what looks like a big-budget recreation of a 70's Godzilla movie I gotta say I feel pretty goddamn lucky to get both of them in one run.
Maybe Godzilla is a symbol of American Fascism, a positive thing that we can take comfort in when faced with alien threats.
Critics will always love Chad Apes more than Incel Lizards everyday. Especially if Incel Lizard tried to kill cute blonde lady who which is protected by Chad Ape
The filming ended in 2017 though.
mothra v rodan. backround noise
other titans... basicaly nothing
godzilla v KingG
good but too much from the perspective of the humans... literaly from theyr perspective...
not enough good shots where you see everything from a good perspective for a good amount of time with a steady cam.
Thats my only complaint