What were the Americans thinking here?

What were the Americans thinking here?

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>oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh f-

>I guess we are not welcome in here

>How much should I tip the medic?

>Oh crap I left my toothbrush in Britain what I am going to do?

We must go to Berlin faster than the Soviets

I will gladly die for the jews

Where are the tanks?

Oh shi-

>Dying for president Rosenfelds and Eisenhauers race is great, when can I sacrifice my children to the god of childfucking Molech?

god bless international jewish bankers

What's the point of training and travelling, only to be delivered to gunfire directly, and die?
>he died a hero

>just like home

It ain't me

>If I should fail my granddaughter will never be able to fuck niggers
God bless our troops.

>I can't wait to start a 50 year long coldwar with the soviets that result in hundreds of proxy wars, so glad all that american manufactured goods went towards stopping the fall of stalinist communism.

>Germany declares war on America
>America responds
>this is somehow fighting for Jews
The average IQ of this thread is room temperature


>I'm glad this is a movie, real MG42 have a much higher rate of fire

>where da burgers at? :D:D

>running blindly into machine gunfire
Am I suppose to believe this actually happened?

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Pretty sure the guy in the back of the landing craft was there to shoot at them if they refused.

who's going left?

That scene never happened, machineguns are positioned to get infantry from the flanks.

keep sucking that circumcised jew cock

>that bombing earlier surely did those krauts in-ohfuckohjesusoshit

ya seethe

the firing positions in the bunkers were angled about 45 or so degrees so that they could catch attacking infantry in enfilade while being protected from incoming fire

>machineguns are positioned to get infantry from the flanks.
How does that work ?

Can the Germans hear our clapping over the sound of gunfire?

>"Fuck it i'll wait for the paratroopers"



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Ok. It makes more sense than indeed.

>Pretty sure the guy in the back of the landing craft was there to shoot at them if they refused.
What beach was the Soviet landing zone again?

"Shalom, I represent Jewish Interests, we've noticed you've seperated Germany from the world bank and International Jewish financial control, and shut down Jewish control of destroying your culture and society. Uhh prepare to die!"


Good goy. Thank you for your service.

>hopefully my daughter gets raped by giant nigger dick in 50 years while my VA cheques from dry and I die from ass cancer and a hispanic nurse steals my medals from the senior care centre and pawns them

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How did they travel through the Atlantic ocean from USA to Germany in these little things without beds or food?

Something like this


>ouchie, right into the burgers

they're white trash dying for ZOG
I imagine they're not thinking at all

Damn you..

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aimbots and wallhacks

>this will all be worth it when my great-grandchildren are either black or self-mutilating fruitcakes, dying in wars for Israel and endebted for life to jewish bankers.

>finna boutta takeouta mortgage in these Euroshit's heads

Why are there so many Private Ryan threads now? Did it get released on Memeflix or something?

How the fuck did Ryan make a Tiger tank explode with a damn pistol?

I know there's armor piercing rounds but it was just ridiculous. Started of as such a realistic movie too.

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>DUDE charge headfirst into enemy territory and get gunned down easily LMAO
Even ancient armies had better strategies than this

who the fuck was Earnest??

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The tank was destroyed by the P-51

politician: boy im sure glad i never have to own up to my decisions and can send somebody else to suffer repercussions instead of me

Did I thank the landing craft pilot?

M1911, the very best there is. when you absolutely positively got to destroy every tank in the room. accept no substitute.

>taking the bait

>everyone on the internet thinks you're retarded
>this makes me a winner

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not even me baiting. Notice he wrote Ryan to make it extra fucking obvious.

The sniper. Did you even watch the movie?

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45 acp you shameful zoomer

Pretty sure it was a Spitfire.


>I hope my sacrifice brings about a better world, one with more trannies and sex with brown people

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