>933 days until Avatar 2
933 days until Avatar 2
Based and bluepilled
who cares
>933 days
>+2,5 years
How much will you improve yourself since then ?
How many new skills do you think you will master ?
How much raise will you get on your wage ?
How many new people will you meet ?
How many more friends ?
How many girlfriends ?
Mindless consumerism means nothing to me. All that matters to me is Big Jim the Based.
You can't possibly keep this up.
Who here is actually pumped up for the new Star Wars movie coming up this December ?
>watching Nu-Wars
I !
Well, it’s not going to play well with Yea Forums hivemind of insecurity, but I am pumped af for the next installment of the Star Wars franchise
!!! I hate to admit it, but yeah, actually want to see Rise of Skywalker. They really seems to have learned from their mistakes and the crew clearly have outdone themselves for the fans
Uuuuuuuuh yes i am too. I gave TLJ a rewatch and .... it’s actually pretty good, Uwu
Well I am too, seems the Yea Forums board is wrong again by saying that Star Wars is dead, it’s definitely not.
Count me in too
Men, gotta confess with you guys : Rise of Skywalker does seem really neat
so much this
The new Star Wars movie is gonna be a blast for sure
Yep yep yep
We kinda lose touch with reality with this board when it comes to popular IP, but the next Star Wars does indeed appear to be DOPE
What did he mean by this?
blue Zoe best Zoe!
based and redpilled
I think a lot of people are just excited by this movie
super mega turbo maximum ultra hyper holy based
>the date just keeps getting further away
it's a joke really
Based aviposter
and yet, someday that number will be 0
Yup, I'm thinking it's based