Where to watch movies? What website?
Where to watch movies? What website?
you can buy dvds and blu rays from walmart.com or you can stream movies from vudu.com
This is how links get shut down, fuck off shill.
you can find movies on the inter nette
thanks i could help bro
Thanks a lot, but really not into physical copies.
Anything else apart from that vudu website?
If you don't want to post a link, you could simply name the resource.
you could try youtube and browse through the free movies supported by ads section
>1.5GB 2h 1080p video
>a: 10
>v: 10
thank u yiffy
I just want to know where you people usually find the things you watch. You do have some kind of a single source where all the movies are conveniently stored right?
Yeah but there are like 30 movies tops on YouTube at whole...
Excuse you?
hmm maybe rent from redbox?
have sex. Size doesnt matter. It's the personality of the movie
Just go to google and search for "watch "film name" online"
have you tried renting from itunes web site i rented gorwns ups 2 there and it was really funy pls respond
But you personally and others on this board don't do it like that cause it's not efficient enough and doesn't offer quality content right? That's why I'm curious as to how you guys do it
Do people actually find you funny?
you had a good post going but then you ruined with "pls respond". welcome to my ignore list, goodbye!
Those are physical as well correct?
What happened?
I was trying to help.
Netflix lmao
Where do you guys watch movies anyway?
In my living room tbf (to be frank). I'd go to the kino but the local one has a "No singles" policy.
Yeah well last time I checked netflix didn't have filth or clockwork Orange or edge of tomorrow or fight club or pulp fiction or gone girl
It lacks a major part of well known movies
type 'watch movies' on google and try the links until one works. You will most likely get spyware but at least you can find a good website.
Is that why you had to add that pls respond part at the end? I'm being nice just a bit curious pls
You what
Yah okay sure but how do you do it? You don't type like that do you, cause you've already found some websites for yourself?
That's for download though
That's exacty what i do and after going through a few dud sites I found two that have very decent streams, Not 1080p but good enough for casual viewing or sitting far away, You could buy an android box and load streaming apps or the best why for high quality is still torrents
Okay I apologise please help me
Oh okay... What have you found so far?
stop being a pussy
google exists
use it
>do it
>find a site hosting links to the movie
>that site will likely be dedicated to hosting movie and tv links
>dont be a retard, use common sense and adblock
>you have now partially used your fucking brain for once and found yourself a streaming site instead of asking Yea Forums to spoonfeed your dumb ass
rarbg is usually good I guess
Heya buddy why so harsh I've done it thousands of times but I wonder how pros do it
Yeah yeah yeah sure pal that works but wanna see how you fellas do it
OP you collosal faggot in all this time youve spent begging to be spoonfed over and over you could have used your god damn head and found a site yourself. Take the fucking hint, nobody is gojng to hold your little hand and walk you through this. Weve given you more than enough info to go on.
Thats how we do it you fucking retard. Thats how we find our streaming sites. Do it once and you have a site you can use all year.
Why so serious
What have you found then