Whats the first thing a poster here does or says that instantly lets you know they are from reddit?

Whats the first thing a poster here does or says that instantly lets you know they are from reddit?

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makes thread about reddit

for me? not hiding and saging the /alita/ thread


/pol/ opinions and knowing anything about vidya past 2010.

he can't stop talking about reddit 、like you

If someone likes GoT, capeshit, Star Wars (including the old ones). If his list of favourite directors includes one of these names: Nolan, Fincher, Wes Anderson and Tarantino.

>tlj is shit, they killed luke

posts things I don't like

If you bothered watching after TFA, I'm sorry to say that, but you're braindead.


>breaking bad is better than the Sopranos
>makes an actress worshipping thread
>pol bait threads or straight up OT pol threads
That's how I know reddit is here again

if someone mentions he is not a virgin or has a job


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Says kino
Got faggot

>breaking bad is better than the Sopranos
yea this is the first sign of a redditor

When they say not liking anime mean you hate Yea Forums and prefer reddit (r/anime has more users than all of Yea Forums combined).
Fuck weebs, fuck anime, and fuck trannies.

But the /alita/ thread is peak Yea Forums autism

How to make a webm

If a poster just fucking mentions reddit, most likely they are a redditor

>Dislikes the prequels
>Likes Wes Anderson
>Unironically uses the term "kino" to mean something good
>Thinks GoT wasn't shit past season 4
>Thinks Breaking Bad is even in TOP 10 greatest shows of all time
>Doesn't like Sopranos
>Doesn't like Crank: High Voltage
>Considers True Detective as a whole, a good show


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you neve clicked on a /got/ thread

I also would like to add if they enjoy Spike Lee films

So someone is a redditor if they dont have shit tastes? Interesting

redditors use words like:

Reddit spacing.

Ill be posting this thread on reddit later btw

Well yeah I'm not from Reddit

Reddit spacing was just a joke we used to weed out summerfags using it unironically.

Everybody posts like this since forever

>Doesn't like Sopranos
The Sopranos subreddit is actually quite active. One of the few good things about that shithole

I love reddit.

posting a meme from r/freefolk


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Yeah dude, we are all going to start associating POL with fucking Reddit the website that literally bans stuff 1/3rd as right wing as /pol/.

In fact complaining about politics is how I know YOU are Reddit. Nobody here has a crisis of identity when they read an opinion they don’t like.


a faggot used the term "PoC" yesterday. unironically

Reddit is cool

Someone tries to start a thread about arthouse crap thinking this place is for serious discussion.


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9gag: The Post
Shouldn’t you be in school?

Sneed Posting

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nobody even talks about reddit here except redditors trying to fit in by telling people to go back to a redditor is only sometimes obvious by exhibiting extreme groupthink and being generally clueless about most things

Captured from the Death Stranding thread that Yea Forums mods moved to Yea Forums just a couple minutes ago. Fuck Yea Forums

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10+ years on Yea Forums

I’ll admit it, I am a Redditor, but what gives it away to you?

The entirety of the letterboxd thread and its disgusting hellspawns.

Apparently I "reddit space" even though I've been posting here since 2009 and don't even post on reddit. Maybe once to twice in my entire life.

I don't even know what "reddit spacing" is because I don't go there. Fucking newfags trying to tell me how to live my life.

>Uses "umm", "hmm" "uh" or other similar social inflictions that come from spontaneous speech
You aren't quirky or cute when you use them. Reddit never learned this, though.

same guy

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lmao at ure life

when they're acting like retarded libtards

>Fucking newfags try to tell me how to live my life
Get out. Get out. Get out redditor

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reddit spacing, especially if its after a quote like so

Do you liek mudkips?

Yea Forums really is reddit

Starts sucking Mark Hamill commie pecker or says the ST is the devil incarnate

when someone says the word "sneed"


positive opinion of GoT, Capeshit, flavor of the month Netflix shows.
uses the word "kino" unironically.
makes/replies to bait twitter screencap threads.

If they defend the act of phoneposting, they're 100% reddit and don't belong here.


Mentions media that isn't capeshit

>phone bad

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What language or script uses inverted commas??

Anything, basically. Yea Forums is unironically reddit. It's an entry level muggle-filled board alongside Yea Forums and Yea Forums, newfags who are scared to post on Yea Forums usually go to one of these 3 boards.


>that kid who bought a phone specifically made for faggots and retards
>he doesn't understand the hypocrisy of of posting an anti-NPC meme when owning Apple products and posting memes is the most NPC thing possible
Grow a brain, you disgusting gay.

Except the majority do phonepost and are faggots so they're the NPC's. NPC meme doesn't work for the minority nigger

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You carry much anger.

Gaymergate and fappening were 5 years ago?

Jesus fuck

Many /pol/tards come from reddit and other normie shitholes. So when somebody acts like a /pol/tard, they're likely to be from reddit.

>if they're saying things I don't like, they must be mad
This looks like the internal monologue of an autist.

The reaction I get from you alone is worth the $500+ this new iPhone cost.

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>a reply means they must be absolutely SEETHING amirite fellow redditors?
Can't get downvoted or deleted here nignog.

>this is how impotent blacks invest
I bet you feel ghetto rich.

>Breaking Bad>Sopranos
>Enjoying capeshit
>/pol/ get out

I literally cant understand why you give a fuck if people post on a cellphones.

Posting memes after 2010 is a good indication they haven't been here long enough to grow out of having a Yea Forums folder.

Now go back to your /alita/ thread you sound like one of those passive aggressive trannies that would type all day back and forth if they need to.

How do you know about reddit spacing? You must've been spending some time on reddit.

What are you so God damn upset about user?

>I literally cant understand
I bet you have to say that a lot when confronted with societal indictments, autist. You don't understand because you've been cancer your entire stay on my site.


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Because only zoomer redditors spend any considerable time on their phones
I use mine to text people and listen to music. Anything else is a chore

>someone doesn't know that second hand knowledge exists

Why do R*dditors think this? R*ddit is overwhelmingly left wing. How could an overwhelmingly left wing site be the source of the majority of /pol/acks? The notion is revisionist history made up by people who didn’t browse the site until a few years ago and don’t realize it’s been right wing since 2008 at least.

You don’t play Hearthstone on the shitter? You’re missing out.

This so much this. /pol/ is so toxic I just can't.

What's wrong with Reddit though?

>that Yea Forums mods moved to Yea Forums
Is this true?

>effeminate phone
>has a meme filled Yea Forums folder
Yep. That's a reddit.

Dubs checked (upvoted)

I second this
Just the thought of someone having a dedicated folder for meme images and wojaks makes me cringe

It's one way to tell underage newfags from Reddit who think Yea Forums culture is funny

Fuck off fascist moron. You are beyond racist right now.

Seriously, who hurt you?

Seems I’ve struck a nerve, huh normie?.

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very subtle bait

They are implying that most people that sit on /pol/ come here from other websites like reddit only for that board and spread out from there. It's pretty much undeniable if you take into account the absolute boom that happened in 2016.
Ironically you're the one losing your shit complaining and rambling (caps and all) about things that never happened. You talk like an sjw cuck on the other end of the scale, horseshoe theory is real confirmed.

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Praises Breaking Bad

hi i came from reddit

Any right-wing influence that use to be present on reddit was consolidated here during the shilling for Trump in 2015 and 2016. Especially since Reddit made it policy to start shutting down hate speech centers, which invariably consisted of right wingers since they have poor moral compasses.

Bullshit. It’s just as likely that the newfags stay on /pol/ and the /pol/ posters on other boards are the old fags. Revisionist history and baseless conjecture.

Seething alitafag

>How could an overwhelmingly left wing site be the source of the majority of /pol/acks?
Guess where they go when they can't act like an edgy incel on Reddit
/pol/ really trying hard to pretend there wasn't a huge influx of Reddit newfags during the 2016 elections

>can't read the emotional content of any given situation
>can't figure out periods and question marks
Yep. That's a autist.

they use the subject line when making a thread
they say "kino"

Nah man. If you aren’t right wing, you’re R*ddit, simple as.

I love the mcu. The characters are so relatable

>spout blatantly wrong shit and then tries to pass themselves as oldfags
That also makes me a redditor

>nuh uh!
Why are reddit imports so bad at arguing? You have to go back, unwanted refugee.

You’ve been projecting this autism insecurity pretty hard. You’llbe alright bud. Just stop sperging out about posting on phones.

I've been on this website for a god damn decade. "Reddit spacing" is the most retarded thing ever. It's just to make things easier to read.

Anyway, to answer OP's question... if someone prefers the stuff on the right side of this image over the stuff on the left side... they are either reddit or a /pol/ newfag.

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Found one


You made a baseless claim about /pol/ that originates from newfag R*dditors, and you got called out on it. Go back.

What I don't understand is why people here are so against reddit. 4-chan could grow by leaps and bounds if they adopted some features of the site.

1. 4-Chan needs better moderation on its subboards. There needs to be a set of community guidelines and all off-topic and/or racist/hateful/alt-right rhetoric needs to be banned.

2. A lot of people here want a consistent identity, and most forums have accounts. Why don't we have accounts here?

3. People can create their own boards on 8-Chan and reddit. Why can't we do that here?

Just some friendly tips in case a moderator is reading.

>no u!
Really? You're going to use the little black kid on the playground tactic? Pitiful. No wonder you couldn't figure out how to maintain an adult computer.

Fpbp. Any poster who obsesses over reddit or mentions reddit has used reddit
Even me.

>Hiding cancerous generals means you hate the movie
My God, redditors are so fucking stupid.
By the way, your general is the very definition of reddit, and goes against what makes Yea Forums unique. Go the fuck back there or to a forum you dumb faggot.

>newfags stay on /pol/
Because newfags are known to adhere to board culture instead of spreading their newfound memespeak and epic 4channery everywhere
Those people greentexting on YouTube surely are 30yo oldfags from 2008 and not zoomer retards who just found the website and are desperate to fit in

formerly redditor

This weird attitude only reflects poorly on you. I just wanna see you grow up and stop being such a creep.

Everyone who was here before you showed up knows it's not. I don't have to prove common knowledge to some retard pretending the world is flat, outsider.