ITT: Actors that makes you drop a film instantly

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Drop it into the basedola bin amirite bros


literally walked out of the theater when I saw him in TFA

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>he filters things he doesn’t like


>Actors that makes

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Kate McKinnon

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ffucking based

Getting tired of all this "boohoo he's just a hyoooman bean like youuu" fucking hapa abomination

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>le nice humble guy
sick of this redditors praising him

>not watching Ana's perfect ass in a skirt sexually teasing a tied up Keanu
you're dumb bro lmao

>what's porn
I don't know dude lmao

porn is literally for omega betas you faggot cuck

Genuinely a terrible actor, can’t say a single line believably

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imagine being this new

arrival was ok tho

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>he's sad like me
>omg Matrix was teh best movie evar
>Dude did you see John Wick action keeno

How has this dude had a 30 year long career, he seems like a nice guy with a good work ethic but he can’t fucking act

What I would give to watch this stinking kike die in excruciating pain irl

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When did Yea Forums started hating on Keanu? I thought he was pretty based from the start.

You expect me to believe this cuck is getting that girl next door Ellen paige puss?

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