Wow. Really makes you think

Wow. Really makes you think...

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based police

Why can't real life be like this?

How do you know it isn't? You haven't died yet.

Despite how desperately YouTube wants me to watch this I continue to refuse.

I don't see why you guys hate black guys. They were pretty cool with everyone in high school. The only guys who would get picked by them would be those ugly weird weebs that nobody even liked

13 yet 50

Why is it woke to point out race issues victimizing blacks but racist if it's the other way around?

Honesty it was a good video except the ending. Why didn’t they just let it be some random person, not a black cop?

Good concept but it should be another black since the "black on black" crime is the real problem.

That's right bullying freaks is cool. That's why it's cool to bully trannies.

This was unironically funny.

I'm so fucking sick of this false narrative

I hated the fact they wore dora backpacks

>Everyone who makes fun of me for being a social pariah is a tranny

That was hilarious.

they're fine at low density, after a threshold the chimping begins

he shot himself.

Who are you quoting?


I was (still am) a nerd but they were cool with me since they liked my edgy humor and I could be ghetto and relate.
Grew up with a 50% black school and I never understood this. They always wore children’s backpacks.


I'd rather it was this black cop

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Trannies are social pariahs.

>ugly weird weebs that nobody even liked
where do you fucking think you are, huh? you wanna start some shit?

Yeah black people totally just comply with the officer and get shot for no reason what so ever.
Just zero reason.

You schizos manage to make everything about anime.

We really gotta make body cameras mandatory. Black people face this racial profiling and discrimination every single day. It's practically a state sanctioned KKK.

how is strawmanning your own argument in a video helping your side?

Trannies love anime so please dialate and have sex, incel

my sociology professor mr. nosestein says all people are the same, it must be bigotry!

I did not say or imply anything to suggest that I am a tranny or an incel. This is why you are a schizo.

> 13 yet 50
Only for murder. (Sauce:

Considering that 85% of murder convictions involve black victims, the 13-50 meme doesn't apply.

Btw, whites account for 81% of public intoxication and 85% of DUIs. So while a black man is more likely to shoot another black man than a white man, whitey will just get shitfaced and run your ass over.

Also white account for over 70% of pedophiles. Really gets the noggin goin

>make body cameras mandatory
I agree.
Then everyone can see that all the shootings are 100% justified.

that's pretty funny desu

I dont hate blacks like I don't hate alligators. But I want both as far away from my living space as possible.

>When black people make actually funny videos

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i hate blackwomen they never done anything

>Considering that 85% of murder convictions involve black victims, the 13-50 meme doesn't apply.

because murdering a black person is not a crime?
I see what you're saying..

Yeah black cops totally aren't targeted, killed, and maimed by other blacks.
They down for the cause to ya heard.

7.5/10 for the unexpected. Would’ve been a perfect 10/10 if a cop went to everyone and shot them.

I don't think the video was a serious take on the issue but it is funny to see it still trigger people.

although that guy was a fucking retard there really was no reason for that cop to shoot him in the back. american cops are so trigger happy it's insane. this would never happen in europe.

That got a chuckle out of me lel

She's a woman and mistook her gun for a tazer. Shot while the other cop was in the line of fire.
They should be on the force.
Also European cops are too busy taking bribes and getting blow jobs from gypsies to shoot anyone. Do you faggots even have guns in the EU. You're always waving your proverbial dicks around about how you don't have mass shootings.
How do you keep those Ethiopians and Somalis under control? Regular beatings with batons.

they only prosecute twitter hate speech in the EU, not immigrants raping their daughters

what the hell does mass shootings got to do with police or blacks?

in my country the cops have guns, as do the rest of europe except the UK. and yes, the cops beat the shit out of people but at least we don't have to worry about being shot by police because they only use firearms in extremely rare cases.

This is the price you pay when you decide to escalate a simple traffic stop into a tantrum then decide to fight a cop.
The last thing a police officer wants to do is fire their side arm or even worse have you steal it and use it on them.
The bitch obviously was green and panicked because not only did the black guy attack her fellow officer he had his down.
She was a dumb cunt for not knowing her tazer from her gun but thems the breaks.
These blacks and other low lives decide that physical violence is the smart choice and it's not. Everyone lives in these situations go to shit because you want to be an adult brat.

i'm not arguing against the fact that the guy was acting completely retarded. he still shouldn't have been shot.

Comparing the US to other countries is apples to oranges.
In the US there is very little respect for police anymore. I'm sure in some European countries you don't think less of your police or have cultures that think they should get special treatment.
The police have to be afraid for their safety as well because there are people who want to commit crimes and no matter how petty are willing to kill and die just to get away with them.
The cop even begs the guy to just take the ticket, fight it in court, so they both can be on their way but he would rather scream and complain about "other people".
It's a fucking mess.

>Dude all those black men who get shot?
>Yeah they're all model citizens that complied with instructions and didn't try something stupid

>Call out the injustice of being treated this way
>Never question WHY it happens in the first place

Protip: it's not because of MUH RACISM. Talk to anyone working as cop, including black guys, and they will tell you minorities are usually the ones that get real dangerous real quick. It's a matter of facts, not assumptions.

Good skit though, it was really funny at times.

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>not simply changing the route
i'm not saying niggers are stupid but come on

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>he still shouldn't have been shot.
This is what can happen when a suspect scuffles with armed police officers.
It only takes a second...

>this would never happen in Europe
Eurocucks have a police force? I thought you were too busy parading in the streets

yeah never mind the stealing and gang wars going on on the streets

It's sad that white liberals truely believe this garbage.

>not able to own guns like most Americans
>hood niggas own burners with scribbled serial no
>why are US police so on edge?
Really activates my almonds

>why cant cops in your city in the middle of a gangwar between the mexican cartels and the black gangs be like a norwegian village bro


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Well maybe you should fix your fucking country.

my black neighbor was cool but he stole my videogames and ran a drug lab in the basement


>white man pointing gun at black man
More like opposite day for a black man

And in the meantime, let's disarm our police and force them to play nice with hood niggers and cholos. That's the first step towards prosperity and order and freedom.

proto-ironic meme + monkey see monkey do
all the gang bullies used children backpacks. The cheapest the coolest.
I think it also to give the idea that they don't give a fuck about school and they just wear whatever.

go watch police activity on youtube, every single bodycam shooting they are holding a gun/running over cops/shooting at cops

they did infact, du

There is literally nothing wrong with executing people like that.

I hate blacks because they commit 50% of violent crime while being just 13% of the population.

Niggers are exhausting. Always bitching and crying maybe they should commit less crime. They make you white guys out to be the devil but you are cool by me.

the female officer thought she pulled out her tazer, find the actual story for that video, but yes she's 100% at fault here.

It’s not even 13% that’s ALL blacks. Excluding geriatrics, kids, retards ect it’s prob closer to 7-8% kek niggers are so violent.

>Video illustrating black people complaints as if they were real
>it's a joke
>ends up making black tribals look like subhuman animals so incapable of reason one wonders how they get out of bed in the morning

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Except beaners are included as whites and if you separate them then beaners are the number one pedos followed by blacks THEN whites.

We ARE the ugly weird weebs.

We are anonymous.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Be afraid.

Christ why did that dumb bitch not just take out her club and knock him one across the back of the head and try to restrain him? He was not even armed and she wasn't even under attack she just when straight to deadly force. She needs to turn in her badge.

>this would never happen in europe.
>please ignore all the people the cops in France have killed and maimed in recent months

it's funny how much casual shit the cops get just cause people don't ever wanna wanna let go of the police brutality meme

>alright let me see it
>pulls out gun


yeah, that's gonna be a "have sex" from me, dawg


This and for some reason they all wore bucket/boonie hats at my college

more white people are killed by cops than black people

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Get back to me when you have a challenge that requires me to get out of bed in the morning.

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She wanted to use her tazer but must be green as goose shit or panicked.
Women don't belong in law enforcement.
They don't have the physical or mental capacity for it.
Some men don't either but I'd rather have a man backing me up or saving my ass instead of some doughy cunt.

>video isn't actually about police brutality and is a complex interwened video about the simulation theory

Let's set aside for a moment the fact that the police interact more with black people because black people as a group commit way more crime than anyone else proportionately speaking.

If nignogs were smart they would achieve their agenda with the police and every other group by making allies with white people who hate the same things they do. Do they really think white people love the police? Police officers harass and shoot white people, spics, even gooks. Sure it's to a lesser extent, but it's not like a white cop comes up to the window with a white driver and they're friendly and joking around. They're power tripping faggots no matter what. When they started the black lives matter movement, it HAD to be all about them. That's a surefire way to turn potential allies in white people into enemies of your movement and get a bunch of boomers to counter protest that "all lives matter" and shit like that.

But they aren't smart. Even the "smart" community leaders have absolutely no fucking strategy, they are undiplomatic, they're incapable of identifying their long term goal and realizing how focusing on smaller, more attainable short term success (even if they have to suck it up and ally themselves with evil whypipo) will eventually lead them to the broader more open discussions and longer term agendas they have. No, instead they whoop and holler and riot in their own part of town. The smarter ones make snarky hyperbolic videos depicting the allegedly uniquely black experience of having an irrational and violent police officer being a faggot to them. It doesn't serve their agenda, everything they've done and said politically since the 1950s has only served to further segregate and alienate themselves from people and groups who might be sympathetic and helpful to them if their messages weren't so divisive and abrasive.

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yeah, I had this issue when BLM was taking off. I was all about setting some reasonable demands of civilian review boards for shootings and other shit like that but when I brought it up they called me racist cause they're goal was, in their words, "no more black people getting shot by cops ever"

But at that point it has nothing to do with them being black and just them being able bodied and male. I'm sure white male crimes are way higher than white female crime as well.
Matter fact that's a good point. Males, without question, commit more crime than women, yet you don't see femcels shitposting that they commint x amount of crime despite being 50% of the population. It's the exact same argument. Femcels must just be retarded.

they do just go on crystal cafe
also a society cant work without males

But the white population is higher than 70% so that number is about what you would expect. Do you have a clue how statistics work?

You shouldn't really care unless you're a poorfag that lives in a shit neighborhood. They only chimp out in their own neighborhoods.

>Everyone getting a dui is running people over
Come on nobody should drink after 3 beers but many people do. Cops pull you over late at night even when you're not doing anything at all just to see if you're drunk.

that how i know you live in a place with no blacks

That's extremely short sighted of you. Niggers literally pop out babies every year because they don't want to use contraceptives and the government pays to raise the kids. They are rapidly overproducing right now. Also even middle class blacks who go to nice colleges because of their parents and affirmative actions are addicted to social media and act like street niggers anyways before getting arrested for the clout.

I love how this implies cops avoid professional and legal peril on a daily basis.

They do. I got arrested (put in a cop car and taken to the police station) for not wearing a helmet while skating and they confiscated my board and I couldn't get it back for a week. That's literally not a law where I lived (I was absolutely legally detained) so I complained to the department regularly and the moment any of them realized I'm trying to file a complaint with a cop they immediately shut me down. I contacted lawyers and what they told me was that I could win the case but nothing would happen for the cop and I wouldn't get a settlement.


they are largely protected from most lawsuits. Most people end up suing the county for civil rights abuses.

This. A lot of people in general in the US don't like police. Black people could have major allies in the libertarian side of white conservatives. The "am I being detained" crowd, even if they are suspicious of the circumstances surrounding certain black people's police interactions, will almost always side with them instead of licking police officer's boots. If their actual goal was real law enforcement reform they could be a powerful movement, and help bridge some racial divides in the process. Instead as you said it was mainly just a bunch of criminal nignogs chimping out that police officers shoot them while committing crimes, resisting arrest, or assaulting police with deadly weapons.

No it has to do with them being black. Sorry, Deontay.

>This paper explores racial differences in police use of force. On the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account. We argue that the patterns in the data are consistent with a model in which police officers are utility maximizers, a fraction of which have a preference for discrimination, who incur relatively high expected costs of officer-involved shootings.

Why are people allowed to post these videos with such blatant lies and exaggeration?

Wait didn't Jordan Peele do this in the new twilight zone kek Can't he be sued for this

Basically everyone gets pulled over and most cops are annoying, insecure, and rude.
If you have black skin you are told from a young age that cops hate you specifically, so when a black person gets pulled over like everyone else and the cop is rude to them like everyone else they assume it's because of their skin color and not just that the cop can't please his wife.

>basing your worldview on the people from high school
Either you're underaged or you haven't done anything with your life since graduation. Opinion discarded

Sadly this.

Nice digits, though. Compliments to your crew.

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That time travel movie with black kids did it too.
It's a common bold face lie that all police involved shootings are good black men and mean white cops being trigger happy.

>We argue that the patterns in the data are consistent with a model in which police officers are utility maximizers
With the best will in the world, does that really seem likely?

So the same as when a girl plays xbox live and thinks she’s the only one getting shittalked?


the black cop should've noticed something trivial and shot him over it at the end

>In the US there is very little respect for police anymore. I'm sure in some European countries you don't think less of your police

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Anyone that went to grade school with blacks know that they will do shit, blatant and obvious, then deny it while throwing a fit when they have to face punishment.
They turn into adults and do the same shit.
Just big children who want to do bad things then show their ass when they have to pay the consequences.
Any black man that acted like the one in that video is alive. But they want to paint a goofy narrative.

The problem lies with the ones who doesn't even make it to high school, when you encounter them, you will become racist too.

>its only murder
>the victim is black so it doesn't count