What game or game series would you like to see adapted into a movie? I think a movie about a lone wanderer traveling through tamriel doing odd jobs and going on adventures sounds fantastic.
What game or game series would you like to see adapted into a movie...
like an TES hercules/xena?
Warcraft 3 up to Frozen Throne but fully cg and by Blizzard's cinematics division
Who would play him bros?
*a TES hercules/xena?
This is your boring movie for tonight i hope you enjoy.
Not a movie
More like a series a la kino no tabi
None, video games are entirely different experiences than movies, there is no fucking point in adapting either way and the end result of trying to mix the two mediums ranges from meh to absolute horseshit
>I think a movie about a lone wanderer traveling through tamriel
That's because you're already familiar with the world. TES would never work as a film as you need a whole film just to explain the basics. It amazes me how this is not plain obvious to everyone, and I see threads like this every now and then.
I'd rather not have a movie recreate the source material 1:1 but use the setting and expand on it. There's really not much to do with half life, it's a fun game and the story is nice but it's pretty much every alien invasion story every but with good aesthetic besides everything being brown.
>Cater to normies pls
>Not realizing people aren't inherently all stupid and it would be enjoyable being thrown into an alien fantasy world figuring things out along the way for 2 hours
>take game
>remove interactive element
I'd rather see what television shows and films could be turned into video games instead.
Explain this kino then.
>it would be enjoyable being thrown into an alien fantasy world figuring things out along the way for 2 hours
That's almost as enjoyable as going to the movies and picking the movie at random with zero previous knowledge. Surely people practice this these days?
Iv'e always wanted a good trek game that isn't the mmo or the other older games. I want something like mass effect but with less action and more space politics and alien impregnation.
>That's almost as enjoyable as going to the movies and picking the movie at random with zero previous knowledge
This is the only way to watch movies, do you really spoil yourself with trailers and research? What a boring faggot.
I think HL1 could be convincingly done as a miniseries or set of seasons but you would need to change the story significantly to incorporate everyone at the facility. Barney & the group of scientists story would need to be followed just as much as Friedman and Friedman is not a mute ubermensch but the only guy with experience with the HEV suit that manages to survive. Also the boss fights wouldn’t be shooting grenade launchers they would be traps he sets or whatever. Also the final Xen battle is him taking a mini nuke to the giant baby, learning the truth about Xen but decides to detonate the nuke anyways. Then Gman steps in with his inter dimensional meme powers and the season/series is over
I still think there must be a good Trek game already somewhere, but that I've just never had the patience and drive to search through them to find it.
Games are better than film
There are games out there and they're ok, 5-6/10 stuff. Other non-trek games have captured the feel of trek better than the actual trek games.
Crash Bandicoot.
Will a black guy play Neo Cortex?
It's Freeman
Agreed desu
Boss fights in HL are not really shooting grenade launchers except for maybe the nihilanth, one gargantua you electrify, another you call in an air strike
Idris Elba for Dagoth Ur
I meant that you wouldn't even recognise the title. You don't particularly need to research in order to get a vibe what the movie is about with today's marketing. Have fun paying 15 bux for the tickets with which you might get to see generic cashgrab #43 of the year.
You poor? You seem poor.
I don't want to give my money willingly to kikes.
Yeah, u poor.
That guy who played Xarxes
The G-Man is the main point of interest, shame we're never gonna know what his deal is.
I wonder if anyone at Valve ever had his endgame planned out or if they just wrote him saying a bunch of cryptic shit and called it a day.