Why didn't the Germans just electrocute the water?

Attached: ‘Saving-Private-Ryan’-Returns-To-Cinemas-for-the-75th-anniversary-of-D-Day.jpg (1245x700, 170K)

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how should I know?
I'm not a german

Electricity wasn’t even invented yet you dumb fuck

They didn’t want to kill the fish because it would hurt the planet


Doesn't work that way. You can go swimming at the beach during a lightning storm and be fine. As long as it's not hitting you directly, you won't get shocked. The body of water is too large to not ground out the strike before it reaches you.

Didn't work. We put 220V in the water, but Americans need 110V.

Terrible bait, but you know it'll still get some people.

Ocean is too big

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An oil spill would’ve done the trick, but they didn’t have anymore oil.



Why didn't the Americans dress up as Germans and walk backwards across the beach into the bunkers?

Why didn't they just push all the sand into the ocean so there wouldn't be a beach to storm any more?

they only had enough outfits for one battalion

That's not how physics work you dumb fuck.

Could've thrown electric bombs near the landing spots though.

why don't you, a high IQ individual, explain it to me?


Wouldn't make a difference since d-day is one big hoax anyway

in simplest terms, too much water

Why didn't Americans just airdrop crates of rattlesnakes all over the Germans???

Why didnt the Germans put there army in front of there fortifications

Why didn't they just assassinate hitler?

yeah it got you you stupid faggot

That’s subhuman Iraqi thing to do

They were wearing rubber suits to prevent that event

They were already poisonous snakes, what difference would a few more make?

>the near tragedy of dunkirk happened because men were stranded on a beach
>the counterattack plan was to put a bunch of men on a beach


The American contribution to the war was minimal, it was the Soviets who did everything, including forcing Japan to surrender.

to be fair if it wasnt for the americans the russians couldnt have done it

nor the brits

>including forcing Japan to surrender
People who think this are genuinely retarded.

Had Japan attacked Russia instead of the US would the same have had happened?

Why didn't the germans just gas all jews?

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not for notin tone but why did they had movie rooms for them if theys just gonna wack them

>what is the invasion of manchuria

If Japan attacked Russia they would've had to occupy thousands of miles of literal wasteland at no benefit whatsoever. Not that they had the resources to do that anyway

they didn't

You should be a general

This scene was beyond retarded.

yes but they were prepared for that, they were importing a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat

Weren't the poisonous snakes killed with zyklon b?

why did they rabbit breeding competition in the camps if they were trying to wack them?

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they didn't you fell for memes

All joking and memes aside - why didn't they just land a bunch of black divisions on the beaches? They knew there was going to be massive casualties. Why not kill two birds with one stone and land all the country's subhumans to absorb the fire and land whites after the Germans ran out of ammunition? The Canadians could've landed the French, the British could've landed pajeets, and Americans could've landed niggers.

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Thats how Germany took over Poland so fast; they knew the tactic too well

its a glorious thing to be the first one in i'd guess
they should have done it like brazil and argentina did one time and just make up a battle after the war was over so they could kill the blacks off

because they weren't cowardly faggots and actually wanted the glory of war for themselves

did tankers rip their uniforms off from football players or vice versa

You fell for reddit

>They were the good guys all along

Read about the invasion of Manchuria. The Japs were prepared to weather the A bombs, and had the bulk of their forces in China. When the Soviets steamrolled them, that was it, and they surrendered to the Americans on more favorable terms than they would have received from the Soviets.

why didn’t the germans give every soldier an MG42 loadout? For every badass with a machine gun there were a dozen queers with SMGs or bolt action rifles. BOLT ACTION RIFLES IN 1944. That’s right Hanz, 15. rounds a minute will surely strike fear into the yankee menace.

which stage are you on?

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The Germans were the good guys all along.

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>dude jews lmao
>brb gotta go ransom off this rothschild before slaughtering a bunch of eastern european peasants
what did hitler mean by this


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>posting memes and can't refute anything besides saying "no never happened"

>Wikipedia, fucking Kikeipedia as a source
Bravo nigger

You haven't substantiated any of your claims. Auschwitz was a massive facility that housed POWs and political prisoners it wasn't just a death camp.

sources are listed right at the bottom friend. to this day the ransom is the largest in history

Not him but, you're the same gut from the other threads callin anyone who uses good Yea Forums memes or has decent taste "reddit'" and saying if you call out someone using reddit spacing you must be reddit, aren't you.

No I am not. I'm the "if dubs I fuck your ass" poster

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>vatnik bait 0/10

Check 'em. I'll be fucking your ass, good goy.

Literally no one replied but you
Control yourself


>The Canadians could've landed the French
sir you are based and rpd

>control yourself
>same guy who thinks the holocaust and muh 6 million was real
reddit is that way

the first post may have been a 1/10 bait, well this is a 3/10 bait

user, I...

shooting all those Germans was a joke? doesn't seem very funny.

Because they actually wanted to win

Because they had to finish movie night

Should have sealed off the beaches with that magical wooden door technology they created during the war

nazi germany was the first country with animal protection laws. it would make sense when they didn't want to hurt the fish

why didn't they mine the beach? they put all the useless metal shit all over

The Aryans wanted the foreigners to arrive and breed amongst their population. They just had to put up the impression that they weren't absolutely thirsty for semen as to not scare them off.

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don't disrespect ancient soviet tactics.

The Rothschilds are Jewish?

There was a war on. They didn't have time to be digging for minerals and coal and shit.


Wow, the Germans really were the good guys all along

Kek, forgot the adapter

They are just hungry for racemixing and getting insemenated by Americans and Soviets. So they attempted to invade Berlin to get Stalin's cock.

Idk but the Iraqis did when the Iranians tried to cross some swamps during the Iran-Iraq War qnd ut worked then. Probably wouldn't work as well on a beach though.

The Iraqis did this to the Iranians in the 80s.

>Iranians encroaching on Basra, important port city
>Iranians units have to assault through large swamp and marshes surrounding the city
>Iranians use small special teams of frogmen and commandos using speedboats
>They also like human wave attacks with religious zealots, that are mostly children and young men
>Give the zealots shitty weapons, maybe some frag grenades and plastic key necklaces to 'open the gates of Paradise'
>Iraqis use Hind attack helicopters to huntdown speedboat commandos zooming around in the swamps, while dumping conventional artillery and mustard gas onto the human waves
>But most hardcore of all, they hauled gigantic power generators up, threw the cables into the water and would fucking fry hundreds of the zealots in an instant when they made their attacks
>Iraqis would then take their bodies, stack them together, cover them with sand, logs and other shit to make pontoon bridges so their armoured vehicles could cross the swamp and attack the Iranian side
The Iran-Iraq War was some insane shit.

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Okay then why didn't they pump out the water you fucking genius
Actually, yes
Why didn't they pump out the water so that American ships would fall to the ground, and then, when Americans start walking towards the beach, pump eet back in, flushing the American army into the ocean?

>why didn't they mine the beach
There were no minerals there

Why didn't they dump oil into the water and light it on fire?

Why didn't they just build a pretend New York to fool the Americans into thinking they were landing in the wrong place, and forcing them to sail east and attack Leningrad?

Iran-Iraq war was ww1 with 80's tech. Its the closest to irl kino we as a species have ever come.

Burguers in denial can't deal with this truth.

> Japanese leadership doesn't even hold a meeting over atomic bombing
> Somehow led to surrender

He said Reddit is that way yet you’re still here? These redditors are like Mexicans. They come where they aren’t wanted and then shit up the place and demand free healthcare

>Posting your own post nobody responded to or read.

You did it, you defeated the new right wing!

based. why is there no war kino about that

Why didn't the Germans extend the oven rollercoaster train to the beaches to catch unsuspecting Americans?

ya seethe


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>Electricity wasn’t even invented yet you dumb fuck

Nah... You are the dummy one. The electricity was The for ppl, but there wasn’t the way to produce massive amount to electrocute whole shore of Normandy. I bet German didn’t want them to get healthier than how they were by giving the massage effect from running itchy bit of electricity in the water Y’know.

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Look at the dumb fucking white boy

>US about to invade Japan, already secured Okinawa with ease
>US adamant that the emperor has to go, unconditional surrender is the only option (Mac doesn't let him live until later)
>"b..b..but they didn't immeaditely hold a meeting over what at the time was considered just one of several bombings"
Tankies leave

This is the second time I see you on my fucking board
Kill yourself

Too many people got bit trying to put the little parachutes on them. Bats worked better.

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>Nazis preach environmentalism
>based and redpilled
>Anyone else does
>sjw soibois

>the guy trying to dab mid battle

what a dumbass, no wonder the germans won

Why didn't Americans just land on another beach?


the german's didnt win
