Why does Hollywood refuse to hire Asians?

Why does Hollywood refuse to hire Asians?

Attached: Oroschi.png (718x470, 685K)

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Scared of the inevitable takeover. Also jealous of their looks which is why they peddle there misinfo that they’re ugly but two can definitely play at that game.

How the fuck?

They use black vs white in order to promote duality and antagonism in society. Its propaganda and crowd control through degeneracy. Asians are not important in that manner.

jew fear the samurai

Not enough Judeo-Asian hybrids yet. Don't worry Faceberg is working on it.

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Because 90% of them are ugly and look the same

Why does hollywood need to be "global"? Why can't every country have their own film industry?

jew makes the samurai radioactive

radiation eat the jew

I wonder how weird a human face could get if someone decided to breed humans like they do with dogs

Attached: 21a12f0b117c4a9dad7b079a30146f02--the-kite-runner-muslim[1].jpg (350x215, 18K)

They are intimidated by the power of Asian masculinity

we could make them look like dogs


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There never were kamikaze pilots were there? That was just typical Asian flying wasn't it?

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dude chinese are not human. Im surprised they haven't started eating each other

we need to be able to tell the characters apart

Asians have their own medium in their respective countries.
We insert blacks into hollywood movies... because blacks dont really have anything.


They have no sense of humor nor can act

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>They use black vs white in order to promote duality and antagonism in society. Its propaganda and crowd control through degeneracy. Asians are not important in that manner.
This. There are twice as many Hispanics in the US as blacks, but TV show casts are almost always 50% white, 50% black

I guess you don't know about Tyler Perry

they brutally torture an eat cats and dog

why would they stop at humans?

White women control Hollywood. They are doing everything in their power to keep the inevitable WMAF hapacalypse from hapaning. Asian women belong to white men.

Attached: waifu_stampede.webm (600x338, 993K)

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Hollywood is afraid of the best interracial paring of AMWF

Asian culture isn't based on gibs.

I thought they ate their own babies or something like that


Attached: sexy.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

Azns have no charisma. Some azn women is sexy, which is the only reason they get hired.

well I did giggle when I was watching an asian show they were making fun of one dude having 10:10 eyes

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They do but only to be on the arm of a white man. The only role they deserve.

19th century Koreans

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Do you think there could be literal furry nations in the far future?

>there misinfo
Is there a more filterable person on Yea Forums these days?

>disregarding ungandan kino

Asians can be in a movie about being cucked.

Attached: in_the_club.webm (854x480, 2.85M)


>gook has photoshop on top of make up
>Blonde has only color correction
Nicely done!

Women would do anything media will tell them to

This looks Corean

>he doesn't think the white woman is also caked in makeup

Infact she looks to be wearing more then the gook. Get your eyes fixed.

Beautiful Finnish woman.

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FACT: all WOC love BWC

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Every militant feminist ethnic slut wants a good looking white boy. Every one of them.

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>Why are there no Asian leading men?

Attached: average_japanese_adult_man.jpg (600x800, 36K)

Who makes these?

>Every militant feminist ethnic slut wants a good looking white boy.

The guy doesn't even need to be good looking.

Attached: aoc-boyfriend-knock-down-the-house.jpg (646x431, 70K)

>Sloth eyed beta, fallen for the teaching English in Japan meme.(Search ENB for why that's a mistake)

>All fake blonde roasties.

>Manlet equal in height with a native Japanese women(Average height 158cm, 5ft 2in)

Why are Asian women like this?

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Still better looking than I am, yo

Why is this important to you?

Triggered roastie. Asian qts mog you every time you fat whore

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>I hate white men
>I am a slave to white cock

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>He doesn't know

This desu they wanna pit us against each other but the jews got to be the first to go in the event of a race war

big yikes

Attached: YELLOW_BOI_CUCKED.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Based gunners trying to shoot it down

If white genetics are so great, then why do white couples produce white women: the scourge of society.

Any kino similar to pic related?

Attached: azngorls.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

>brown eyes
>dark skin
That's gonna be a YIKES from me.

I always thought this chink would be a true bro
too bad he had to be set up to look like a fool

handled it better than most would

Asians had to mix with whites just to look more like them. Whites have been going to japan for business for the past century. Even though they are still not white, many of them pretend to be. It's pathetic.

By the way, this is pure inbreeding.

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Explains why Asian girls are such BBC sluts when this is what they've been breeding with selectively for tens of thousands of years.

Go back to r/AsianMasculinity

How much pussy does Jake eat?

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White women have nothing to offer, which is why they are solely focused on spreading (provably false) propaganda about the competition. They cannot tell you why you should choose them, they can only tell you why you shouldn't choose the competition. The more they do this, the more pathetic and desperate they appear.

>Westernized asian

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You're absolutely right. Asians have been diluting themselves for a while now. Sad .

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Man it must be nice being a chad

>refuse to hire asians
Have you missed the last 25 years of blockbuster movies?

Every slope girl I've met had an underlying self hatred of herself and her race. This is why I laugh when any is afraid of the future "Asian Century". Their women will turn on them in a heart beat and ride whatever foreign cock they can get.

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They want to be bleached so bad cuz deep down they want to be white themselves.

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>tfw no slammed toadline gf

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