>Japanese """""""acting""""""""
Japanese """""""acting""""""""
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Okay not gonna lie, that made me laugh and it was cute. Goddammit I love Japan so much.
I used to think anime was just over-the-top for emphasis and dramatic flare, but it turns out that's just how japanese people act.
But that's exactly it, Japanese acting is based on Kabuki theatre (while western acting is based on stage plays)
does anyone know what movie this is?
*screams autistically at a bunch of soldiers*
the boy is hotter than the girl
i'm not gay right? he just is
>i'm not gay right?
he looks unironically girlier than the girl for fuck's sake
Pretty sure this movie or drama is based on a manga, so your logic doesn't add up. Characters also don't act the same in all manga/anime.
Yes, he is.
No, you are.
*blocks ur path*
is that a boy or a girl
looks kino, what do you mean
Looks like real life anime
imagine living in a culture so braindead people would actually adapt comic books to live action and take the result seriously
This is also based on a manga.
I love these webms
you need to understand that japanese people are so boring and uptight all the time that this is the only way to make any show entertaining
>imagine living in a culture so braindead people would actually adapt comic books to live action and take the result seriously
I unironically want to watch this
What manga or anime is it based on.
i have this one
You've clearly never watched any Japanese live action.
Why do they keep trying to act like anime characters in real life
they can act normally, they must be aware how fucking retarded they look when do they do shit like that webm
Are Japanese people autistic or are autists actually part Japanese
That whole blocking-a-girl-by-hitting-their-arm-against-a-wall thing is weird, why would that possibly work?
Where is the Japanese here?
I was drawing a parallel with the autistic posturing in OP's webm, ya dip
>He unironically discredits an entire medium
This is the people who always champion their own """taste""".
>take the result seriously
The animations posted itt do not in any way look serious.
This is for grown people though. It's okay to cry watching this.
> he doesn't kabe-don a wench every day
>we don't have time, let's just use the original manga panels as storyboard and pass it off as "look at this, isn't this manga adaptation over the top???" joke
It wouldn't... for a beta faggot such as yourself.
I watched a substantial amount of japanese dramas/live actions. Although some are "good" in the sense that you will get some enjoyment out of them, none of them are good. The acting is goofy and cardboard, the camera work is basically stills 90% of the time. They largely all watch like high school projects.
You clearly didn't watch enough.
This is the kind of role model that young boys need to see on television to encourage them to become respectable young men..
30% of Japanese men under the age of 40 has never seen another human other than their mother and get confused when they see actual human emotion, not live action actors emulating exaggerated caricature of human emotion portrayed in manga. Because such a huge swath of their population is like this, Japan is making media just for this group where normal human interactions, which is confusing for them, are not shown.
I'll humor you, name me one japanese live action with hollywood (or better) tier acting?
>30% of Japanese men under the age of 40 has never seen another human other than their mother and get confused when they see actual human emotion
Oh my fucking god get off Yea Forums and go outside.
Moving the goalposts.
>he didn't say take responsibility
Japan does shit it's own way.
I say good luck to them.
I'd rather they continue making television and music their own way rather than giving into the Jews and just making some Western copy knock-off *cough* South Korea *cough*
Revel in diversity, user.
If you want a shaky cam castof multiracial superheroes fighting each other, watch Western stuff. If you want Japanese autists overacting in some drama, watch Japanese stuff.
I'm waiting.
> case of the week
Yikes. But i'll give it a try.
Waiting for what?
You need to find friends and stop basing your reality on what you what read on the internet.
I want to try kabedon. Does it work irl?
>hollywood tier acting
So shit?
The jews took over SK's music industry, sure, but the dramas are nothing like hollywood. They suffer from the same cardboard acting as japanese dramas, but are generally of higher quality overall. The biggest problem is that they are almost always horribly paced, filled with filler scenes, and pander almost exclusively to women. There is also little to no variance in the subject matter (taking down rich corrupt people, shitty girl magically charms rich guy, etc.).
If you think hollywood isn't miles better than the webms posted ITT, there is something wrong with you.
This is obviously satire
Seems intentionally over the top. This is like pretending Airplane! is high drama.
Or it's a manga adaptation retard.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything, how does the manga tesch you how to overact? There's no fucking movement
I haven't seen this anime but really enjoyed Kaiji and love gambling in general. Is it any good?
You don't need movement for that.
>the chad bishe
It's a goofy but fun trainwreck with good art. It's better than kaiji (cause of aesthetics) but worse than liar game.
>Taking any form of film seriously
You know it's not real right?
Watch One Outs if you want that Kaiji/Akagi feel.
Also James Holzhauer's Jeopardy run for a real life version of this.
Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes from me.
thank you frens
What's the source? I need this with sound
>he cant bar a girls path just through force of charisma
it's assertive can work well if they don't feel genuinely threatened. same logic goes for rape fantasies while being terrified of actual rape.
I get boiner
Why do they act like they're in an anime?
Every faucet of Japanese television is garbage. Everything. Acting story camera angles video quality - everything. American shows from 70 years ago had better acting and production. Western porno has better acting and production, and that includes Hannah Hays. It's one thing to like a Japanese show or two out of guilty pleasure - I love Gaki No Tsukai's new years specials - but if you don't intrinsically recognize Japanese television as whole for the garbage it is - if you actually LIKE Japanese television - you're objectively and provably mentally deficient, a literal brainlet with an IQ under 90.
That such a rich country can only produce media like that is very telling of how soulless and inhuman Asians really are.
Jap porn had better acting than most of their film and televesion programs
do girls like it when you slam the wall like that
>when you're all autistic
I've seen more than 50 jdramas so I know you're full of shit.
>That such a rich country can only produce media like that is very telling of how soulless and inhuman Asians really are.
Asia is not a country and it's not the only media Japan produces.
Being cute and attractive certainly comes naturally to them.
Some do but you don't necessarily know which ones.
this nigga hasn't seen takeshis castle lmao what fucking cuck
Blue Waves was kino, sorry porn guy.
I think Japan has pretty cool faucets, desu. I saw one that dispenses soapy water onto your hands before it rinses them.
This one's weird, she's a depraved bitch in the manga but Minami is a qt. I don't know if I can handle this show.
it's a boy?
forgot ilustration.
based and westpilled
What school did you go to?
this made me smirk tbqh
outside of anime, Japanese TV is nothing but
>people shouting
>people gurning at the camera
>people eating and commenting on the food
>people exploring department stores and commenting on products
>young girls presented encouraged to try out an activity which they'l fail clumsily
It's incredible how the wholly artificial nature of anime allows for directors to actually create something competent looking, when the actual TV is such a fucking shambles populated by untalented people, and the film industry doubly so.
he cute
the japanese are also not funny. at all. go and look up ANY live action comedy show from japan. it is bad. it isnt funny at all. they are an unfunny people with the sense of humour of a two year old
There are scenes where she acts cute like the whole idol episode.
Alright, I guess I'll give it a go. Crossing fingers for some leg shots
>people shouting
>people gurning at the camera
So just like western shit
>people eating and commenting on the food
>people exploring department stores and commenting on products
Would watch when bored/10
>young girls presented encouraged to try out an activity which they'l fail clumsily
I want to live in Japan.
90% of their humor is boke tsukkomi bullshit, it's all so tiresome. However they are very good at parodies (of themselves).
> I want to live in Japan
Then you would be working 12 hours a day and have no time for japanese television.
2 was not enough.
I just want a cutie japanese gf who loves me back is that too much to ask for?
>japanese gf who loves me
LOL, they are incapable of loving, retard. Love literally does not exist in Japan.
Fuck off gaijin.
Or anywhere.
Hey, autist, friendly reminder that you can't know acting from a fart because you don't express yourself normally, or at all, and you don't understand non-verbal language either. You're a blind fool who thinks he can tell what's good acting and what's not.
Go fuck yourself. Your mother is the only woman who loves you and you are seething. You're not fooling anyone. Have sex.
This is Yea Forums IRL. Retarded, megalomaniac, autistic, mentally ill, seething, incelicious, and a joke to everyone else.
Asians dont like method acting
what am I looking at
a girl stabbed her boyfriend and called him afterwards while smoking next to his body
the dude wasn't dead in the picture, don't know if he died in the end
she called a person who was right next to her?
I require further elaboration
as if the picture didn't make that obvious, she was insane
Apparently he was some kind of male host. Like reversed compensated dating but without sex.
She loved him and was yandere.
The rest goes without saying.
Hell yeah.
>Japanese acting is based on Kabuki theatre (while western acting is based on stage plays)
Oh yeah. That is a good point. I always remember Japaneze acting is more cartoon / caricature, but I forgot that part.
it's what the people like, simple stuff
tfw no girl will ever be obsessed with me and try to murder me when i get away
Their tv shows have that small space where you see the guests' faces. What is that even for
They unironically give oscars for that shit in Hollywood.
alpha as fuck
>those multiple shots of him slamming the wall]
fucking lol. it's like an indian soap opera.
Good writer though
I thought it was a girl
two nukes will do that to you.