Fuck it

Redpill me on this show. Don't hold back.

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Imagine I shit on everyone in this thread and my ASSHOLE was spouting a shit fondue and you had to eat it all but the joke is on you because I ate week old Chinese and the river that is my ANUS will never stop flowing, you could fucking row row row your boat gently up my ASS

just watch E;R's video, it's a hundred times better than any episode of the show and covers all the bases in an entertaining way. you'll only get slices of the awful from autists here.

this actually describes it pretty well i take it back

It's gayer than the pony show this site still cries about.

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They only cry because they can’t post porn of it.

Its literal tranny propaganda aimed at children

swam seems to love it apparently

Genuinely quite nice. Ugly a lot of the time, but the backgrounds are consistently decent. Plot ranges from 3/10 complete garbage to 8/10. It reaches heights that Adventure Time never does, but also lows that are disgustingly awful. Overall: Yea Forums is gonna overreact with how bad it is because it’s a kids cartoon with lesbians.

homosexual shit

Only guys who watch it are fags and or manlets


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written by a woman, not worth watching.

>Watch some literal /pol/-tier autist rage about a dumb children's show for over an hour just to get a Yea Forums audience
Fuck off.

>Everything I don't like is propaganda ARRGGHHH!!!

I second this. robobuddies did a good vid too.

>t. Ex SU fan

t. Mad Tumblrina

>Popular children's media is not propaganda

>You are either a tumblrina or a complete spastic fuck so eternally seething that a children's cartoon that you need to make hour long videos on the subject
Sure retard

just change the 'G' in GEMS for a 'J' and the 'M' for a 'W' and it makes more sense.

Hahahah did him insult trannys make you butthurt?

It's not. You people fundamentally don't even grasp what constitutes propaganda on the first place, you've reduced it to a buzzword due to this hip no reactionary Amerilard politics.


It’s literally demonic

Nah even her vid, arguably the best SU critical vid, had stupid shit in it too

>SU is bad because it uses shot/reverse shot too much for dialogue despite the fact most shows do it too
>Motorcity, a completely unrelated show, is better because "man spreads his arms in a wide shot showcasing power" or some shit

It's an animation student making English student tier criticisms. Was funny when she told Lily Orchard to essentially fuck off though.

Someone on the staff was involved with this... let’s just say they’re not as “enlightened” as they think they are. Though I find the character a little funny.

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