Death Stranding

Is Yea Forums ready for Kinojima?

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Fucking NICOLAS WINDING REFN, I've never seen something more based than this.

Thank you mr. Kojima.

More than ready

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Video games have finally surpassed film. Yea Forums irrevocably BTFO.

They're apparently friends.

What if we get a goose cameo?

Yea Forums needs to give up on their dumb dead hobby for normies and join Yea Forums's and Yea Forums's kinematic experiences

You have a problem and should kill yourself

Just what the PS4 needs, more walking simulators...

check em

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Just what the Yea Forums needs, more buzzwords

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guys Goose is all but confirmed at this point for some sort of Kojima project

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>Nicolas Refn
right as I saw that pop up, I knew we'd have threads on Yea Forums. Based.

its all but confirmed coming to Xbox and Switch my dude I give it a month

His trailers are so fucking kino, way better than his games

Name a more ambitious kino coming out this year
You can't Yea Forums, you lose this one

You'll never have an extremely high quality full body scan of Qualley on your hard drive like Kojima does, ever

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Holy shit I might actually buy a PS4 just for this. FUCKING HYPE

>Walking simulators become popular
>Kojima decides to make the ultimate walking simulator with a ridiculous budget


this looks better than she does in real life

Based Léa

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Nothing but whites, ugh

Both hobbies are normie.

What is Guillermo del Taco?

White. He doesn't look like he has any n*tive blood in him.

>Enemies in the game are called Homo Demons

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Spaniards are honorary black bulls

based refn is in, so is kojima in refns new series

>woman president
>world is collapsing
based kojimbo


>United States collapses under a female president
yep, looks like Kino is back on the menu boys


what the hell


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Cameos aside this looks pretty dumb.

Kojima is friends with everyone

Laughing out loud at this

Only because they aren't tying it all together for you in the trailers, watch one of the decent hour long trailer breakdowns and the basic plot, which makes a lot of sense, is all there


Movie of the year

really considering buying a ps4 just for this bros..

MGS can look pretty dumb too, but we'll see.

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you aren't far off

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thanks hideous

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is that official art? because it looks like the mgsv one.

Bloodborne is the reason to buy PS4.

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Can't watch it, something about I have to confirm my age

Bless us with blood


Meh, nice little tits though.

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Is that Refn? Kojima is really based

Kojima always comes up with contrived high concept pretentious bullshit though, nothing like Breaking Bad

No, fuck off.

>Orange Man president
>world is collapsing irl


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What the fuck are these names

My 6'4 Chad son will be named that

Hideo Kojima

MGS5 had great trailers and was a unfinished mess, hope this isn’t the same

>Sam Bridges
>because he conects people like a bridge
Really smart hackjima

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I couldnt stop myself from laughing while watching this. Im fine with the extreme pretentiousness because that's a trademark of Kojima, where the story gets so cringey and convoluted that it becomes entertaining. But the game is literally a walking and press X to use ladder simulator. Lmao this nigga is truly the epitome of the word hack

Fatman was obviously named after the bomb you retard

>Reedus just talk like Snake
>Baker let's just use the Ocelot dialogue that ended on the MGSV cutting floor
>Margaret just do your best Quiet impression
>Mads... Just do you, you're Based as it is
Such a """visionary""" that Kojima guy

pffffft hahahahahah

clickbait articles in 3.... 2.... 1....

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you sound upset and nervous, as if you were on the verge of sobbing
are you okay user?

Why is everyone perpetually crying in this movie?

Margaret is way more of a Naomi/Emma/Para-Medic substitute. Kojima loves hot geeks.

Its fucking hillarious how the villians are called HOMO demons, obviously from homosapiens, but faggots will make it about them WHAT A SURPRISE SCREENSHOT THIS

so you try to avoid gay demons in this game??

what's wrong with it?

>enemies called homo demons
>US gone to shit under female president
>Lea getting licked (under today's PC climate literally raped) by the antagonist
Yeah this week blue badge bloggers will have a field day



who is this semen demon

It's not very good for a latin name, should've been something like Homo Dæmonium, or Homo Diabolus

Homo Demens, which ties into the evolution theme. In Latin, homo demons basically means crazy man. Their philosophy us literally that clowns are the future.
Absolutely based desu

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Yes but homo demon sounds funnier and is therefore better

Lmao that's the final boss name
Homo Diabulus

Retarded clickbait journalists aren't gonna check what "homo demens" means.

It's not referring to demons. Demens, as the official subtitles spell it, literally means out of one's mind. Homo demens means crazy people.

Kojima working Xbots, Nintoddlers and PCucks into a shoot. Also journos.

Are you serious? Have you not seen how blue checkmarks intentionally misunderstand things, or the intentions behind them, in order to stir up controversy? "Death of the author" and its increasing acceptance is their greatest weapon.

I actually wonder if this one is so obvious, they might hold off on it, but then again, clickbait outrage is like an armsrace, so even if they can see how badly it'll represent them, they're still forced to pump out the articles before others do.

Well, now I have to buy a PS4.

So Homo Dementius then

she's like a not-stacked version of prime Jennifer Connelly

>2 hours for off-topic shit
time to treat Yea Forums and the alita general like Yea Forums!

Sure why not.
I honestly like Homo Demens because it looks a bit better next to Ludens and Sapiens.

and it sounds absolutely awful out of anyone's mouth

based faceblind user

Why the fuck is everyone crying in this game... 1/10 will not play

That's subjective. I could argue that scientific names aren't meant to sound stylish. Homo Erectus sounds awful and it's a real term.


If I remember correctly it’s some sort of allergic reaction to those shadow people.


Allergies to the ghosts. It's how some people can sense them. Most porters probably have this to do what they do.

>they're literally contacting an alternate America that isn't fucked
>it happens to be the orange man America
Wonder what Kojima meant by this.

He's German

>these are the graphics playstation's capable of
jesus fucking christ

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it's looked worse with each trailer, I remember the same happening with MGS5

>single player game
>bigass empty ""open world"" landscape
>consolefriends already gushing over it

woo-hoo-hoo oh no no no no wait til you see th-

Kojima should just direct a movie at this point

I just watched the trailer and...what?

What the actual fuck is going on in this game?

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>this is the best they can do
The absolute state of flopfags

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This, what the actual fuck, I came to discuss this on Yea Forums right away because this shit aint for Yea Forumsirgins no more.


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he's been drowning in pussy since he was 10

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The US and likely the world got fucked by an event known as the Death Stranding. Americans are torn between Amelie, a former US president trying to unite the world, Sam Bridges, representing people who feel unified nations don't work, and the Homo Demens, who likely consider madness the next step in evolution.
These people use the effects of Death Stranding to tap into other timelines and/or dimensions in order to see and manipulate the extradimensional creatures destroying everything.
Sam's mission is to deliver some shit to help Amelie unite the world, or possibly choose not to.

But for real it's just a chuuni take on how separated the world is and how that'll be the death of us unless with BRIDGE that gap

she loves that asian schlong

that's why probably kojima picked her up, fucked her hard too probably.

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>and the Homo Demens, who likely consider madness the next step in evolution.
>These people use the effects of Death Stranding to tap into other timelines and/or dimensions in order to see and manipulate the extradimensional creatures destroying everything.
Sounds fucking gay and retarded

>I really want to work with that Kojima guy, I bet doing a videogame is interesting. I'll have my agent get in touch with him

>so my agent called me up yesterday, said some Japanese guy was interested in having me in a videogame or something. I asked "why me in particular" and my agent just said "uhhhh, he's... a fan of your movies, real big fan"

seriously, every actress involved in this must know he's fapped to them, right?

here you go guys

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You sound fucking gay and retarded.

Yeah and they already got double teamed by Hideo and Kojima

bit rude tb h

sad mate. i feel for you

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Ohohohoho. You should've kept him on board, Konami.


I really wanna play this game, but I actually dogshit at games, especially with a controller, so I never got into any of the souls games

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