Fresh bread anons, eat it up.
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl/Kinobyl
Other urls found in this thread:
they really couldn't think of a better way to clean the roof?
After losing one helicopter, they'd probably get in a lot of trouble if they lost a second.
How can people be afraid of nuclear power after Chernobyl?
It took an awful design, gross incompetence, lack of failsafe AND willingly putting the reactor on the brink of disaster for it to happen.
That's how safe it is.
>pregnant lady loses her baby
christ, fuck this shit
the kid was pizza at birth
user are you capable of writing SOMETHING?
Put the Cheetos down, walk up the stairs, kiss your mother and go outside for a few.
irl pics of mental crash now
imagine you're ignatenko, it's your kid, your only legacy and it's lost after your death
Or perhaps hes wondering why you would trip up on graphite before throwing it off a roof
>They actually filmed the show in an abandoned nuclear plant
That's pretty fucking metal.
>firefighter slowly dying in agony as radiation makes his skin slough off
Fucking nightmares man.
western propaganda
Why not?
This thread is illegitimate because the other thread was created and posted earlier
Real new thread:
Chernobyl having a twin plant and Pripyat having a twin city were both pretty bloody lucky.
>created and posted earlier
who gives a phuck
why didn't they kill them?
for real, this is the incident with that japanese guy sll over again.
for what purpose would they do this?
>when she gives you the succ
I'm not a communist so I give a fuck about the truth.
We did everything right.
Who's your favourite poster on /RBMK/? For me, it's the westcuck propaganda poster.
was chernobyl worse than hiroshima?
should i start watching this show now or wait till its finished and marathon it? looks pretty neat
Give this man 10 years of hard labor!
Will the Chinese or the Russians blow up the world through incompetence/unwillingness to keep going in socialist paradise?
>Mfw this happened to me twice
>the truth
I like that guy who posts the same Apus over and over, without text.
amerimutts will do it first in the name of their capitalism
Fake subtitles poster.
Literally like 70 times worse IIRK
>RBMK is awful design
There's only one episode left to air, so
>British inbreeding and FAS is worse than Chernobyl
should have cast Hayley Atwell as the fake scientist girl tho
He forgot the capital Y in (You).
bitch myself I'm fucking hilarious
I don't understand this either. At some point, just wheel me out back and put a bullet in my head. End my suffering. Or OD me on morphine.
how about no
Based self confident user.
fuck no, we needed some eastern euro momma with a fat as and milkers.
how do you guys feel about all the pet shooting they did last episode
The incidents with Chernobyl were far shorter than Hisashi Ouchi.
They were legitimately trying to keep these men alive in the vain hope of recovery, but they all died in under a month because of DNR orders. The Ouchi disaster however was basically Unit 731 experimentation
You should write a book
>the factory is stable, herr commandant
You understand how a lever works? How much force do you think it would take for the helicopter to nose dive into the reactor?
>What do we have left once we see the cost of the lie? Radiation. A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all.
>Radiation isn't a pit. Radiation is a roof. Many who try to climb up there fail and never get to try again. The fall disintegrates them. Some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the rubles, or the state, or comrades. They see graphite. Delusional. Only the roof is real. The climb is all there is.
Haven't watched the last ep yet. But if it's the same kind of thing (kill them quickly so they don't scurry off somewhere to hide and suffer horribly) then I'm OK with it.
Réal Mi26 don’t have fins. Why did the screw this details ?
>You understand how a lever works?
>Shitposting: A Life Well Spent by user esq.
Communist propaganda to promote pacifism and weak west
Decapitating/shooting a patient wouldn't do wonders for the morale of the rest of the hospital. Legasov explained why "humane" execution wouldn't be possible in episode 3.
>Why did the screw this details ?
You just blew the reactor
she gives you this look
More extracts
>They made us sign a non-disclosure form. So I didn't say anything. RIght after the army I became a second-group invalid. I was twenty-two. I got a good dose. We lugged buckets of graphite from the reactor. That's ten thousand roentgen. We shoveled it with ordinary shovels, changing our masks up to thirty times a shift - people called them "muzzles". We poured the sarcophagus. It was a giant grave for one person, the senior operator. Valery Khodemchuk, who got caught under the ruins in the first minutes after the explosion. It's a twentieth-century pyramid. We still had three months left. Our unit got back, they didn't even give us a change of clothes. We waled around in the same pants, same boots, as we had at the reactor. Right up until they demobilized us.
And if they'd let me talk, who would I have talked to? I worked at a factory My boss says: "Stop being sick or we;ll have to cut you back". They did. I went to the director: "You have no right to do this, I'm a Chernobylite. I saved you. I protected you!" He says: "We didn't sent you there."
At night I wake up from my mother saying, "Sonny, why aren't you saying anything? You're not asleep, you're lying there with your eyes open. And your light's on". I don't say anything. No one can speak to me in a away I can answer. In my own language. No one can understand what I've come back from. And I can't tell anyone.
just leave a lot of slack and drop the cables on the ground for some trucks to pull
send her to the roof
just go, pls
Tell her to pump water into my reactor.
Please explain user
>no using "I'm a homosexual" excuses.
*They screw this detail
Fuck you
walking around abandoned buildings shooting dogs and cats all day then getting shitfaced on free state supplied vodka sounds like a pretty comfy job.
How did they clean the debris on the higher level, under the tower thing, under 90seconds?
so you'd be the power bottom?
We need someone to survey the extent of the damage and she's standing there gawking at me like some kind of retard, therefore logically, I order her dumbass to go check the roof.
*shows up in your episode*
Here to help, buddy.
pretty much not being a fat american. Being able to climb ladders and do physical labor without being winded after a few seconds.
I said no using "I'm a homosexual" excuses
The story they told about the puppy killing on the podcast was pretty rough. I'd still like to see what the shot scene looks like though.
*asks retarded question*
Yeah, I don't know why that guy had so much self pity.
I doubt an actual russian would feel bad for killing a bunch of afghans.
>Alright so, hear me out, just, just listen guys... okay so, okay I know this is pretty out there but guys just give me a chance here... okay...what if... we SHOT the reactor?
>3.7 not too bed
I know sorry user :(
*gives a partially correct answer*
>Chairman of Fuel and Energy challenges me to throw this graphite chunk over the roof.
I don't know why, but I love this aesthetic.
it's gross and people who like it are pedos
thank you
This scene felt like the writers were trying hard to get ahead of all the retarded message board solutions
>I'm not afraid of death anymore. Of death itself. But I don't know how I'm going to die. My friend died. He got huge, fat, like a barrel. And my neighbor - he was also there, he worked a crane. He got black, like coal, and shrunk, so that he was wearing kids' clothes. I don't know how I'm going to die. But I don know this: you don't last long with my diagnosis. But I'd like to feel it when it happens. Like if I got a bullet in the head. I was in Afghanistan, too. It was easier there. They just shoot you.
>I clipped an article from the newspaper. It's about the operator Leonid Toptunov, he was the one on duty that night at the station and he pressed the red accident button a few minutes before the explosion. It didn't work. They took him to the hospital in Moscow. The doctors said, "In order to fix him, we'd need a whole other body." There was one tiny little non-radioactive spot on him, on his back. They buried him at the Mytinskaya Cemetery, like they did the others. They insulated the coffin with foil. And then they poured half a meter of concrete on it, with a lead cover. His father came. He's standing there, crying. People walk by: "That was your bastard son who blew it up!"
>We're lonely. We're strangers here. They even bury us separately, not like they do other people. It's like we're aliens from outer space. I'd have been better off dying in Afghanistan. Honest, I get thoughts like that. In Afghanistan death was a normal thing. You could understand it there.
He caused it
can we vote this guy out? he posts sad, depressing content that hurts the community and spirit of the thread.
Did they not have any proper firetrucks back then to get up there with a ladder and push the debris over the edge with the hose?
Next thing I know, I'm up to my nuts in graphite.
And get contaminated water all over the side of the building? Yeah, maybe.
L.N. Akimova testifies:
“His parents and twin brothers were on duty near Sasha. One of the brothers gave him his bone marrow for transplantation. But nothing helped. While he could speak, he kept repeating to his father and mother all the time that he did everything correctly and could not understand what had happened. It tormented him to death. He also said that he has no complaints about the staff of his shift. They all did their duty.
I was with my husband the day before his death. He could no longer speak. But there was pain in the eyes. I know, he thought about that damned fateful night, lost everything in himself again and again and could not plead guilty. He received a dose of 1,500 roentgens, and perhaps more, and was doomed. He became more and more black, and on the day of his death lay black as a niger. He was all charred. He died with open eyes. He and all his subordinates were tormented by only one thought, one question: “Why?”
all it takes is one autistic faggot to really fuck up a good thing
yea never mind, I forgot water was already causing a big problem.
/RBMK/ is not a democracy user.
>as black as a nigger
I love this general so I really want him gone because of the damage he does.
>He became more and more black, and on the day of his death lay black as a niger.
holy based Akimovette
Don't listen to the whiners, keep posting.
Just get some new material.
Why do incels seethe?
It's not about that.
Still reading through, but I'm getting depressed now. The next section's about children born with birth defects and her mother's talking about having spent her entire life in the hospital, how she'll probably die soon, how their only real option is to go abroad to seek treatment and how the only way to get funding is by making her daughter a guinea pig to study the effects of radiation. Do people really want me to keep posting?
>women and men were equal in society at that time
>ok, show me a powerful woman in politics
>ok, what about all the rape?
You're totally making a great case.
You didn't answer my question.
I really enjoy his little stories. Will get the book soon.
>He became more and more black, and on the day of his death lay black as a...
Don't read that shit, bro. I'll ruin your day. Just report and move on.
Really Blyat Kremlin Machine
Incel, why do you seethe?
Those helis look sad.
How am I an incel? I'm saying women were treated as inferior to men in the URSS. I'm literally advocating for feminism, you retarded redditor.
he did plenty wrong, he literally fucked up big time by stalling the reactor
>in the URSS
Why do you seethe incel?
Based frenchie.
I'm impartial on this, but I gotta let you know, you undermine your case when you repeat these low-effort non-arguments.
have sex
That's a Mi-6
NO slut!
Portuguese actually. How do burgers spell the acronym?
He doesn't have a case. When a kid calls you a poopy-head in kindergarden, he's not presenting solid arguments in detriment of your personality, he's just calling you a poopy-head.
You don't sound impartial. You sound like you want to protect other anons. Like you feel bad about not being there for a friend in your childhood. All you wanna do is make it right.
You seethe and cope. You seethe harder. You cope hard in your discord, tranny, incel. But why?
>make lead sheet same size as reactor hole
>hang below helicopter
>fly over hole
>lower and drop sheet
>repeat with more / bigger sheets
>fully enclose with cement
There you go, zero deaths
USSR in english CCCP for subhumans
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - USSR
That's how it is for everybody who has ever spoken English
although true burgers call it communist russia
the not-military has a weird accent. That's how I noticed he's been mute since his first shot.
Samefag leftist kike detected. Go back to /pol/, you rat mutt kike.
look at this dude...
[text missing]
You seethe and cope. You seethe harder. You cope hard in your discord, tranny, incel. But why?
Shooting with a high caliber gun does seem feasible
No fuck off, it’s interesting to read real accounts
>Irish man portraying a Ukrainian teen decides to go with an American accent
yeah I didn't really understand that either
>real accounts
>even more radioactive dust
gee thanks General!
Only the middle one is mine. I'd post a screenshot, but /g/ here, altering HTML is trivial.
>pwese no more angry
God americans are so obnoxious, it's nice that the ussr fell apart, now its time for the us to go too
>are the operator responsible?
>yes, but not only them
Meh, the dudes that ruined the manual by redacting it are fully at fault.
I've seen things you comrades wouldn't believe. Reactor lids blown off like a champagne cork. I watched Cherenkov radiation glitter in the dark near Prypiat. All those moments will be lost in time, like graphite in rain.
Time to die.
been there 3 times. they're really nice
>Like you feel bad about not being there for a friend in your childhood.
Three out of four ain't bad. Actually I try to defuse conflict and advise others pathologically because I have little to no will of my own.
Why the FUCK didn't they just drop something really heavy on the roof so it would collapse inwards taking all the graphite down into the building with it?
place your bets now:
>United Socialist Republic of California
>Nation of Texas
>The Pacific Commonwealth
We're making progress, user.
i should rewatch xfiles
where from?
I posted about it first. Thank ME.
I'm at episode 2, so far I am glad to see the show isn't going for some brainlet anti-nuclear angle, so far the issues shown have been due to Soviet retardation (and so was the awful reactor design, I bet some important but not too bright guy designed it and nobody dared criticize it or they'd get sent to gulag).
It resisted the nucular boom, it might be pretty thicc
Voices from Chernobyl, 2006. Just bought the book, reading through it now.
There's a little equation you might have heard of that goes like
(1/2)m*(v^2) = m*g*z
in laymen's terms, this means that lifting heavy shit is difficult.
It was a known issue, deemed not dangerous enough to fix because how can you doubt the Ministry for Fuel and Energy? Are you perhaps a western imperialist looking to throw shade on the Soviet nuclear power?
I'm sure that he didn't shoot the puppies
Yeah, you go read it.
why was mulder such a HUNK
remember the time-accelerating ship off the coast of norway? crazy episode
Lads, do you think that I could get corechan in my breeder reactor?
Is it true that the Russians shot at the elephants foot?
the one with the smoking nazi with the incorrect uniform?
>The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill, but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle.
They're slavs, you shouldn't even need to ask this.
1 more ep, then i'm lonely
HAHAHA oh jesus christ i literally stopped watching the show at that point if that's the episode i think you mean
chris carter directed the WORST episodes on that fucking show
remember the one where the whole town is out for blood against this mutated kid and in the end everyone (INCLUDING MULDER AND SCULLY) get together to have a big fucking party and dance
what the FUCK was going through carters head man
>cute freckles
>cool shades
Hell yeah
dude, she's like 13
>You seethe and cope. You seethe harder. You cope hard in your discord, tranny, incel. But why?
Carter has had a distinguished career in television.
They specifically said the morphine wouldn't work
she's not, she is of legal age to impregnate
how was he supposed to know it wouldnt work the way it was supposed to
He doesn't care, he half watches, half on his phone.
he extingushed the credibility of xfiles as srs bznz
He and Toptunov both supposedly wanted to end the experiment early because of the instability of the reactor it was Dyatlov that made them continue.
>Comrades, this is East German scientist Dr. Milena Velba
It is not worth it.
people have nuclear missiles dumbass worrying about the power plants is pretty fucking retarded
I love you guys.
Did she have Down's or something?
W-will he be ok?
What do you think?
I'd say they weren't "equal", which is a dumb fucking meme, but rather that women weren't given the pass that they are these days. If a woman was smart and technical minded enough to be a nuclear physicist, she could get the job, but there were no pressures to force subpar (compared to the men already in the field) women into a field that the vast majority of them do not have the mind, skills or fortitude for, simply for diversity's sake. Same as the the tech industry today, the sheer logic skills needed are not a part of the average female repertoire, but instead of acknowledging nature people have convinced themselves that women should be 50% of that workforce
He's done.
A crane with specialised scoop/grabber
A large digger with long armed scoop
are slavs like dumb? they ignored every safety feature on the fucking plant.
Kek'd irl
Very likely he got cancer in the years afterward
he loses his little toe
that is correct
cause it'll turn black like a nigger, can't let that happen
>Being so btfo by everyone in history that your race name end up being the word for slave
Yeah they are pretty dumb
Not as bad as Fukushima. We just do not talk about it because it is still leaking.
So is this show like supposed to be historically accurate regarding the Chernobyl incident or is it some sort of horror type show using the incident as its set up? Thinking about watching the show.
>check out the big brain on Brad!
Ran into a real life /pol/ guy the other day warning me not to get produce from Cali. because of Fukushima, how he already considers Cali, a wasteland. Nice guy.
its a docudrama and its mostly historically accurate
the only unnecessary whore type shit they added is some Belarusian scientist mary sue
>strangers I meet in real life are /pol/
so this is the power of reddit...
Old dude, long grey hair, camo jacket and I let him rant for a good 2-3 minutes just saying "not shit" and "that's crazy". I feel confident calling him real life /pol/
succ the radiation out of her tiddys
wow you sure sound like a judgemental bigot tbqh /pol/roach
How the fuck does a docudrama become the highest rated show on IMDB?
Was the miner chief real?
I said he was a nice guy. He didn't want me to eat the radioactive veggies.
Yes but he wasn't cool irl
Because, due to the wonders of human error, anything that can go wrong will, eventually, go wrong.
It’s only a matter time until another disaster just as bad happens.
>[looks directly at core]
>geiger counter freaks the fuck out
>[looks directly at core again]
>geiger counter loses its shit and goes nuts
>[looks directly at core again]
>"oh shit nigger what are you doing" can be audibly heard by the geiger counter
He's fucked. What happened to the fireman in EP1 will happen to him. What happened to crew in the reactor will happen to him. All he had to do was listen and he didn't. After the third time the radiation was already destroying his equilibrium which is why he stumbled and fell. RIP along with pizza baby comrade moron.
he's done
If he did exist, the show character is entirely fictional
No liquidator died of ARS, but many died in the subsequent years of induced cancers
as long as we act jaded, fine
>based retards splitting general
what about going into the reactor now with a bag of thermite and an acetylene torch and setting some of that core rock on fire again. could you get it to melt down for real?
A long armed front loader could have done the job.
Hell a regular front loader with lead lined cabin would have been safer and quicker for the operator than thousands of men with shovels
nope, just ukrainian
Go to the infirmary
it was 3828
Watch it NOW and join us in the HYPE WAITING of the series finale. Do it, you won't regret it.
The good thing about highly radioactive chemicals is that they use themselves up. Half-life determines everything, so the most dangerous chemicals will decay before the more benign ones. Looking into the core would still melt your face off, but the roof as a whole would be safer.
So guys, how does it feel to watch a кинo without a single nigger?
Did they actually shoot all the animals in Chernobyl? Seems like they did a pretty terrible job seeing how it's teeming with wildlife now.
It makes me feel indignant seeing as this already happened a year ago, but everyone fucking ignored it because Fox News said watching a man not plant a flag would make you a cuck.
why not flood the roof with resin or concrete?
are animals aware of the long-term damage caused by radiation?
Great, not having token characters feels natural and keeps you engaged on the plot (when watching Haunting of Hill House on netflix, I felt that the writers felt SO guilty to have 6 main characters that are white, that they put black people wherever they could).
I, personally, don't think Ulana feels like a super empowered wimin yaass queen because she is like the voice of reason. She does what most of us would do there: investigate and find the truth, even if it gets you killed, because science and logic is the most important.
Animals aren't aware of fucking anything
>Ignoring the armenian
Armenians are cool, actually coolest nation among the animals they live near.
They're literally "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm black now!"
Just watched the new episode. Holy fucking cow.
I don't know what my favorite scene is, but Pavel, Basho and the Armenian just talking and drinking vodka before this community hall is pretty high up. As is the bio-robot scene. "You are dead comrade"
So many pictures were pure kino. It really was a feast for the eyes.
>Comrade soldier, you are done!
Not going to lie that line plus the odd pause after it made me think the instructor was actually referring to how the soldier fucked up.
Fox news being based for once. That movie was a piece of shit
it had plenty of niggers crying about gibzmedatz
Hidden Figures was more up your alley, eh?
which part of my post triggered your sjw sense
>sjw sense
More like "pleb sense". First Man was kino and there's nothing political about that.
That's just your opinion. There is nothing political about that.
wait i just now realized Chernobyl is currently #1 tv series without a single nigger in it. how come western media can tolerate such an atrocious abomination? show me those journalists clickbait titles, im sure there are a dozen of them by now
Fucking lol'd
To heavy Boris!
We're in here
>Make guy operate a temperamental reactor that dwarfs any other on the planet and is constantly trying to either snuff itself out or run away and snuff YOU out
>hurr why u fuk it up
It would be like asking someone to fly a relaxed stability plane then blaming them when it crashes.
Dyatlov and Akimov did nothing wrong fuck fomin fuck the ministry of medium machine building and most importantly FUCK THE RBMK
ah shit
ah fuck
god damnit
women are bad because they are racist. we need to kill all the white women and replace them with our trannies and discord trannies. we need gay analsex not racist white heterosex okay. russia is bad because it's a racistwhite illegitimate racist state where evil racist white women aren't killed. russians are bad because they're mean to trannies and gays. russia bad because racist cheeto hitler putin hacked the election for racist cheeto hitler drucKKKf. ameriKKKa is bad and racist fat idiot dumb racist bigot redneck walmart KKK ameriKKKan education racist education ameriracist nazi /pol/ bigot racist evil white women &the racism. we need trannies and gays in the military to nuke russia and racist drucKKKf and kill racist white women. only leftism trannies discord and gay analsex prostate in our marxist new gay world leftist incel order...
>baby isnt born deformed
couldve been kino
me on the left
Shop the flag into Yea Forums banner
>"omg if we get radiation we might get cancer in 10 years!!!"
>*smokes 10 packs of cigarettes per day*
Seems like an obvious fake, but just making sure: the last episode didn't leak already right?
I'm disappointed that you'd need to ask
Stick to the uploaders with the purple or green icons
It's been on BTN for over an hour or so.
fake as fuck, but why would anyone do such a thing? :(
They're sleeping.