the virgin kit vs the chad niko
The virgin kit vs the chad niko
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>not posting the original
Dropped ball #862: Jon and Jaime not having a scene together in Winterfell after Jaime mocked Jon for joining the Night's Watch in S1
I'm a 5'6" manlet, is this is still my favorite meme.
DAE remember when “Manlet” used to be a guy under 6’ who lifted a lot to compensate for his insecurity about his height?
Not someone who is routinely called handsome and hot by the media and his peers.
Woah... Any more hot takes there gramps? You know back in my da- FUCK off
Nikolaj is so fucking based
No wonder the poor guy is in a clinic, you can have all the riches, success and fame in the world. But you'll still be a manlet at the end of the day.
>tfw I'm as tall as Jon Snow
>tfw I'm as tall as Robb Stark
you gotta wonder how manyt of you incels are in the closet based on your obsession with male hierarchy and looks
All men think like this, it's just that this is an anonymous imageboard so we are allowed to actually say it
Also it's just banter
no real life "Chad" has ever posted on Yea Forums or knows any of the autistic Lookism/Incel lingo and terminology.
>a-all men think like this, r-right guys?
>knows any of the autistic Lookism/Incel lingo and terminology.
Because he looks like a Chad
Get some sunlight you retarded shutin goblin.
have sex
struck a nerve, incel? you're so buttmad you're using leftist memes
the favorite word of double digit IQ mouthbreathers
manlet faggot VS KINOLAS
>not posting the original.
Is this picture real and unedited?
>chad niko
They've both had sex
(unlike you)
Where is kit?
>non shawl collars on a smoking jacket(or whatever the fuck they're called)
Cyclops is the worst Xmen
>tfw 6'2 manlet
>tfw Sophie will never bully me for being a manlet
I'd probably rather be an attractive manlet
t.big ugly nibba
Ok now this is epic
>non-black tux
Why are manlets so kino?
Imagine being shorter than 5'10.
Sophie is only 5'8 retard
Jews control the media
>tfw 5'10 masterrace
Always one of the tallest in the room but not too tall where you look awkward and lanky. Also the best height for gaining muscle.
at least you can get /fit/ easily
>Always one of the tallest in the room
Are you chinese?
(You) all can poke fun at Kit as much as you like, but at the end of the day he's a famous award-winning actor and a millionaire who swims in pussy, while you're just shitposters. Daily reminder that being a lanklet isn't an achievement. Being a talented and handsome world-renown superstar is.
Shouldn't you be trailing Ygritte to make sure she's not with Tyrone right now, Kit?
>tfw 5'2
Are you into cuckold/humiliation atleast?
I'm 5'9 and I'm pretty much always the shortest guy at the grocery store etc.
Where do you live?
All men should lift. Men are supposed to be strong, no matter the height
zoomers need a bullet
>tfw 181 cm
>just slightly below 6ft
At least I have a 21.4 cm dong, which looks even crazier because i'm not that tall.
Cringe as fuck
Damn, Kits fucking beautiful. Jesus, this pic has changed my view of him.
Post it
Why don't you move somewhere else that doesn't have the highest average height in the world?
Kit is 5'6, alfie is 5'8 and richard madden is 5'9, kit loves wearing lifts but who can blame him. Being a manlet is suffering. Imagine all the manlets who aren't famous, rich and decent looking.
someone post the rdj memes
I'm a uni student and I've lived all my life here, I don't want to be one of those meme guys who go to some shitty asian country.
>tfw look like Jon Snow and also a manlet but at least 5'8 is better than 5'6
1.83m chad represent
>autistic enough to think a peak-lapeled suit is a fucking tuxedo
Holy shit have sex
Literally been told the same and i'm 5'7-8. Too bad im an autist so no pussy slaying for me.
Norway's the best place on the planet you could possibly live, even with the retard road tolls. Moving away is a terrible idea.
>toll road
>have to pay to drive on certain roads
>getting so bad that the entire country is rioting
ayy lmao
Based. Fuck 20th century Fox for fucking over Cyclops.
Where boots instead of sneakers. They will give you an extra inch and make you look more fashionable.
>Tallest in the room
Where the fuck do you live, nigga, the Shire? Holy fuck get real, when will they EVER learn.
Kit takes good care of his body.
He's got a bad manlet hand, but he's doing what he can with it. Good for him.
learn what?
>tfw 194cm tall
>thick 20cm dick
>dick looks like a short thick pickle as it sticks out from my hefty hairy frame
Woe is me.
Also, look at the size of the poor lad. He probably gets knackered after 1 shot.
Nordic Master Race vs. The Eternal Anglo
I live in Massachusetts. The difference between a 6'1 person and 5'10 is hardly noticeable when you're standing next to them. Stop being so insecure.
At least you're not a manlet AND a dicklet like the rest of these nerds.
gods I loved Robert so much, best character
>North Western European
>curly hair
What is wrong with Anglos?
season 1 was pure bliss. Imagine if Robert survived and we got that kind of dialogue for more than just a few episodes.
>15cm pencil dick
why the fuck doesnt the dick grow in proportion to the body
Not sure but northern Euro women are god tier. Dark hair with blue eyes and pale skin in by far the best archtype in women
>the call that saved /ecg/
what should they learn?
Go to /soc/. Most people on Yea Forums are pretty good looking. There are hardly any manlets on this site also.
thank god it doesn't, or else I'd be double-fucked and there'd be yet another benefit to being tall.
I may be a manlet, but at least I have a 7.5x5.5 cock
She's calling Harambe in heaven for career advice.
She's Portuguese mate
This. Being 6’3 has done me no favors, I’m fucking repulsive.
/soc/ and the rest of Yea Forums don't cross over. /soc. is literally all reddit and tumblr fags
Based 5'6"chad
I just meant the nothern european phenotype. didnt mean her specifically
>all this cope
> no real life "Chad" has ever posted on Yea Forums
I do
>doesn't show face
>Dark hair with blue eyes and pale skin in by far the best archtype in women
Nordics are pig skin, blonde haired fags. They rarely come with dark hair.
kit is from the south of england. the further north in britain you go the more genetically similar you get to nordic people.
This is easily the weakest attempt at damage control that I’ve ever seen.
>All that radiation
you have absolutely no idea what that word means. go to /fit/ and you'll see buff incels, it doesn't mean shit if your face is fucked
literally saying men act like bitchy women. this is not the case
damm they look pretty cool
Men is plural. Do you mean he’s the worst Xman?
Why are people acting like 5’10” is some horrible thing? Unless you live in Netherlands or something you are average height. Doesn’t hurt you, doesn’t help you. Sure it would be nice to be taller, but it would also be nice to be handsome or rich, both of which help you with chicks more then being tall and one of which you can actually change. There are average height chads and even semi short ones. You guys are so weird. If you are short and ugly you are screwed ya. But even then you could get rich and still get girls. If you are going to obsess over something why not do it over money? It will help you with girls and with life in general and you can actually change it.
>??? you have absolutely no idea what that word means
Which word?
>go to /fit/ and you'll see buff incels, it doesn't mean shit if your face is fucked
Doubt it, and my face is fine. Post yours and I’ll consider following suit
Manlets truly will never learn
>the perfect height to discreetly look up their skirts
based kit
sorry not word, but "damage control". you don't understand what this means
>Post yours
you were the one claiming to be a chad lmao. you're pretty fucking retarded
you're also very defensive, why would a chad bother with this nonsense if he truly was one?
>you grow nothing, jon snuh
Am I a manlet if I'm 180? I don't know my way around the burger units.
It's a vicious cycle of people memeing and other people taking memes seriously.
Not him but what are you talking about? Being buff does not automatically get you chicks. You need at least one other thing going for you, really 2 things. Anyone that does well with girls will usually have at least 3 of the following:
Socially adept/charming/funny etc
Has money
Popular/high social status
Well dressed(this one really only counts for half unless it’s with black chicks
Point being there are buff incels. Girls want it all, they will settle for several things that tickle their vaginas but having 1 thing going for you does jack squat. A tall poor ugly fat socially inept autist is not going to do well with women for instance. Make him handsome and fit though and he will slay. Take lesson boys. If you have 1 or 2 of those things pick another 1 or 2 you can work on(money or fitness or confidence for instance) and you will start getting pussy. It’s the formula. If you have all those things you are super mega chad and will beat girls off you with a stick. Such a man is extremely rare.
>damage control
Trying to pretend an obvious Chad isn’t a Chad after getting btfo for saying there are no Chads on 4chaddel is obvious damage control, champ
>i won’t post my face!!!
Cool, great exchange. Thanks for posting
>no true chadsman
Lmfao. Every time
you are. 182 is 6'0
>Yea Forums
cope, incel
Feel like I’m doing alright, bro
I’m like half of those traits you listed
Don’t listen to this guy, manlet is several inches shorter then the average height where you live. If you are at or near average no one notices you height at all. Hence the word, “average”. Anyone who goes around thinking”manlet” at everyone under 6 ft tall(which is the vast majority of people worldwide) is literally insane. Realistically anything under 5’6” is a manlet because at that point people will actually think you are short. If you called someone 5’11” short irl people would think you are retarded or making a joke. This place is so stupid
I'm 6'5 never ever, so you niggers have nothing to complain
>Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus was a famous politician and general of the Roman Republic. He had an outstanding career, being consul three times in 347, 344, and 340 BC, and dictator three times 353, 349, and 320 BC. He was one of the early heroes of the Republic, alongside Cincinnatus, Cornelius Cossus, Furius Camillus, or Valerius Corvus. As a young military tribune, he defeated a giant Gaul in single combat in one of the most famous duels of the Republic, which earned him the cognomen Torquatus after the torque he took from the Gaul's body.
power of manletism
Gods Madden was great, easily the best Stark actor kids only, not counting Bean for obvious reasons
no, "manlet" is a fucking meme term made up on the internet to make fun of people. how detached from reality are you?
The statement holds w/o the caveat
calm down incel
God damn zoomers are fucking dumb
I fucked on Monday and Saturday (dif girls) but whatever helps abate your obvious insecurity
Nice man. Just make sure you keep up 3 at least I’m telling you. I went from 4 of those things to 2 for a while and the difference was insane. I’m handsome and very social. Used to be fit and confident but booze stole my fitness and some of my confidence. Was staggering the difference with women. I’m starting to make good money now and women are starting to be interested again. Telling you it’s like the rule of 3. Start paying attention to guys that do really well with girls. Always at least 3
>t. manlet
based incel smasher
>Yea Forums are pretty good looking
go back you fucking retard tourist
only two times a week? based zaddy daddy bangs every day, incel
I have a date tonight but idk if I’m gonna score, it’s harder on weeknights. Friday I def will though, this other girl’s about to leave town for two weeks and wants to meet up before she flies out. So should be 3-4 girls this week, not on Zaddy level but few are. Excuse the blogposting, just contradicting that kiddo saying nobody attractive uses terms like Chad and Virgin, that’s just flat out cope and there are a lot of other 4chads slaying more than I am
Can someone please shop Bobby Bs face onto this?
Lol you can only see your likes with tinder gold.
>Purchases tinder gold and spends 100s a month to get likes from bots and that's who live 3000 miles away to boost their Instagram engagement.
Why are fake Chad's so delusional in thinking giving to der Jews money for fake attention makes them desirable?
>coming to an anonymous online anime image board to tell people you fuck
i only hope that if jon comes back and jaime lives they will meet again, their stories parallel each other, even in the show.
If winds ever comes out.
too much text, can't read all that sorry
>you will never give richard madden head :(
is 5'11'' considered manlet size?
>Doesn't use tongue to kiss Kit
>One man is tall the other is short, One guy is good-looking, the other is not.
>I won't ask which one is tall. *laughs*
lower than 6' is manlet size
peaked lapel user
so an inch is the difference between a chad, and manlet? LOL you fucking incels.
>tfw 5'11 & 3/4th and feel like a midge
it must be truly suffering for you 5'10 and below fags, I pity thee
femanon with a 5'11 boyfriend
>imagining living in a fucking castle and becoming an alcoholic loser
Sometimes I'm glad I was born poor, so I'm more easily satisfied.
Lmao I’m not poor, bro. I can spare $8 a month for sloots on tap. I set my range to 15 miles but make them all come to my side of town anyway. There’s a bar 3 minutes away that I like bc it’s really easy to get them to come over after
Doesn’t seem like you’re getting a lot out of the app, but if you need some tips I’m happy to touch up your profile. You have Snapchat?
post tits or gtfo slut
On Yea Forums anything under 6ft is considered a manlet
What made you settle?
Tell me more how to make monis.
Thought that was Jonah on the left lmao
Pls have sex immediately, manlet
>tfw 5'11
You must be smoking crack, next you're going to tell me cuck means a man openly giving consent for his gf to fuck other men and not everyone who watches star wars.
I hate tinder and similar apps so fucking much. It used to be so much easier to hit above your weight class so to speak. If you had the confidence to approach women you might be the only guy that asked her out that month or even year. Now girls all have all the options they could ever want, especially the attractive ones. It is more convenient sure, but the trade off wasn’t worth it for someone like me who had no problems approaching women. They all got a big ago boost with those stupid dating apps, an ego boost they really didn’t need.
>the 5'11.5"
Just let me die in my sleep already
I went to law school, it took awhile to start making good money though. If you don’t get a scholarship, I wouldn’t really recommend it. You can actually make a pretty solid income learning a skilled trade or even driving a truck - the latter might be ideal if you’re anti-social
It’s actually both
>tfw 5’9.5”, the god emperor of manlets
All my tall friends make fun of me, but I’m buffer than all of those lanky/fat faggots. And I get more pussy than them.
>The difference between a 6'1 person and 5'10 is hardly noticeable
I have this irrational hatred of guys who let dudes come fuck their gf/wife and get off to it. I really don’t know why but I want to bash their brains in. Every instinct in their brain should be telling them not to let that happen. They are broken and I hate them for it for some reason. Someone explain
There is no reason you can’t just say you’re 6 foot tall.
Zoomers need many bullets with which they will kill old farts
FUCKING SAME. It's disgusting. How the FUCK does that happen to someone's brain?
I'd trust a furry who shits on lawns to watch my dog over a cuck!
/soc/ is one of those boards that your regular Yea Forums poster doesn't ever visit
it's full of demi-normies
You certainly can notice 3 inches, but 1 or 2 inches not so much. And according to this place an inch is the difference between being chad and killing yourself.
>There is no reason you can’t just say you’re 6 foot tall.
Le subversion faec
Is this true?
You've correctly identified them as weak, and not the weakness of e.g. a child that can grow into a man, but the weakness of a broken, diseased malignancy upon society. Your primal brain is telling you to eliminate them like the disease they are.
Luckily, they seem to be doing a decent job of eliminating themselves, vis-a-vis the cucking. All we can really do besides that in contemporary society, where casual murder even for intrinsic moral failings is looked down upon, is shame and mock them as much as possible. Although... that might just turn them on.
They also don’t seem to realize that girls lose all respect for you when you do something like that. I should feel sorry for them for being so stupid but I just hate them. I really don’t know how a trait like that survived evolution
I have two girlfriends already.
I use tinder some for side chicks, but I find Bumble a lot easier to score with.
Pretty sure gold is like 30 bucks a month recurring. Sure, it's not expensive and anybody CAN afford it.. but anybody can afford a hooker too. Doesn't mean it's game.
Collecting female pokemon on tinder that you never meet means nothing. Also that girl you posted isn't even a real person. And you'll never sleep with her lol
>be 6'1" average looking guy and get decent play
>have brother who is 5'6" manlet, married, kind of slovenly, yet many MANY women want to fuck him
I honestly don't get it. My brother isn't ugly but he's not quite handsome either. He's got a dorky, edgy personality and constantly makes obscure references to movies and tv shows from 20-30 years ago. And still, women will openly hit on him in front of his wife. Like waitresses, neighbors, clerks, etc will just start hitting on him with his wife right next to him. Especially younger women. If he weren't married he would be rolling in 18-22 year old puss.
Nice, yea Bumble works too but it dies out in my area after a few weeks and then I reset to get matches again. It’s pretty frontloaded for some reason
My Gold subscription was $52 for 6 months, so it’s really not very expensive. Less than $9 per month. Hookers are dope too, never looked into it domestically but every time I travel I try to get a threesome going. Had one in Thailand last month; had a 4some in Cuba for $60 a few years back, that was pretty awesome. They were just university students too, not even pros
I meet a lot of girls from Tinder irl. I have a date with one tonight. The girl I posted is real, she lives pretty close by. She gave me her # and added me on Snapchat but idk if I’ll ever swing it, she’s a lil out of my league honestly
How are you juggling the two gfs? Do they know about each other? I had 3 girls I was regularly seeing simultaneously in the previous city I lived in and it could be difficult to keep it all discreet
it's the confidence
Youre good
absolutely, /soc/ posters never use boards like Yea Forums, /pol/, /r9k/ or anything similar
however they love garbage shitholes such as /int/ and Yea Forums which aren't really part of the Yea Forums culture
He's not particularly confident. He slouches his shoulders and shit. And he frequently tells me how jealous he is of how little I give a fuck about what people think of me.
Hey chad user, I'm feeling like I'm getting no chest activation while I bench, and my numbers have been stalled for a while. My diet is complete shit though and I know I'm not eating enough, could that be the reason I'm not seeing much gains? My pecs are definitely large than they were when I started lifting in jan, but the progress feels so slow. I tried a wider grip on the advice of my friend today when I went to lift, and that seems to have been a bit better. Should I drop my weight a bit and focus on some high rep wide grip to build some size? 26yo and havent really been active since highschool when I ran cross country. 5'8 manlet at 155lbs currently, benched 115 for 4x6 today