I miss him bros
I miss him bros
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought he'd died you retard showing a picture of him with death as the file name
Top entrance in Supernatural rivaled only by Castiel. Top 3-5 goes to Raphael, Eve and Famine in no order.
It's worse he got recast as some sassy reaper
His death was stupid as fuck. How do you steal the Reapers scythe and hit him with it?
No way
Some black sassy reaper became THE reaper after he died. It was disappointing like everything Supernatural after season 5.
>people unironically still watch Supernatural
Explain this to me.
I was told this show was becoming good again.
Season 4 and 5 already heavily hinted Death can die with his own scythe. Crowley and Dean were literally about to do it. I hated that it happened but it’s been the lore for years
Oh drop your pol shit, it’s been explained in the show and she isn’t even about black power and shit. She follows her predecessor in keeping the natural order and helps Sam and Dean out like old Death did. Of course the original is better but Billie as death isn’t how your misconceptions picture her to be
I said sassy not black and she is sassy
I unironically liked her reading room and the bookshelves of death notes. And with Anubis, basically we know that
>Atropos and the Fates decide the manner of dying
>Death gets the potential deaths
>Death sends reapers to pick up the soul
>Anubis decides whether the soul goes to heaven or hell
Old Death was somewhat snarky, so that’s not a bad departure
I miss my nigga Bobby like you wouldn't believe
Yeah can't wait for this season literally every thing is coming back.
I'm just imagining it's going to be a giant nostalgia trip with the boys meeting everyone from the series again.
Also I'm pretty sure they died there at the end so I'm wondering if that's going to impact anything or just be a kind of "well guess we can't die" thing with them needing to be rescued
I’m ready for all sorts of shenanigans especially with death and the entity probably on their side
what a fuckin shit show
how did they kill death again
His own death. I should make an edit of death now that i thought about it
*his own scythe
By far the best character introduction in the series
pure kino. that poor bastard that bumped into him. i wonder if everyone in the pizza place died after they brought him the deep dish
>a literal brush with death
yeah i suppose after because nobody would have served him
I miss when the show was good, season 1-5 will now be one third of the show
so just rewatch 1-5
The season with Amara wasn't bad and last season was good too
All the recycled non-death-respawns in the series and then they won't bring back this Kino Death character.
Such a shame.
So ichabod... is that a nickname or....
>Oh drop your pol shit
no. vocaroo.com
Look at the size of that schnoz!
Will you eat pizza given by Death?
They finally added a hot black girl to this show in a powerful role? How long did that take 15 years?
Amara needs to come back
Raphael was a black trans archangel in season 6 :^)
t. aussie autist
i'd forgotten the other customers were all dead. that's what they get for liking deep dish
fuck you deep dish is amazing
The world will always miss Goebels, f.
Fight fight fight
It's amazing how much worse this show has gotten since I dropped it back in season 6. And apparently God has a sister too and their mom is back? No wonder Jensen Ackles wants out.
God’s sister is such a massive oversimplification that doesn’t do season 11 justice
You think God killed Amara? He did say he could kill her with like 15 simultaneous supernovas
So maybe that's why the empty is dark?
thought this was a patriot thread :(
He can’t because then the multiverse would die
If Amara died? Gods the one that created everything
i thought this was going to be a hugh thread
So did I. I had no idea this wasn't Chris Langham.
Still don't understand how people watch this nonsensical mess of a show
>checked wiki to see how season 14 ends
>turns into shitty "God was the REAL villain all along!" anime plot
good thing i don't give a shit anymore
It was pretty good back in the day. I still think the first 5 seasons + the anime are great fun.
They are both needed to keep the balance no?
>the anime
I stopped watching that and promised myself I will resume after the live action series ends
Forgot about that but wiki agrees
I hope they reveal that Death is just chilling and he calls Dean a dumbass for thinking he can just kill like that
never watched this show, this looks like a really kino sequence
The worst part about the Amara arc is that it retconned Death to be younger than the Archangels and therefore be bullshitting Dean in this scene
He's a writer. Writers lie
he was also great as a secondary character in a film about vampires, cant remember which. only remember he was some assasin
No user, I believe, I believe more than you know
Why are all good things destroyed?
>the anime
The anime is pointless though, just a retelling of episodes you already saw in a different order.
>Hey maybe I should catch up on Supernatural
>Rowena's back
Well that's a nope for me.
So what happened to that Death? Angels and Demons go to the Big Empty. But Billie!Death was there, awake. Did he just poof and disappear?
Personal theory is that billie is only death because Death is afk and can come back but would rather stay out of it until time
Or there was an older death
The animu has original episodes based on nippon kaijus
Billie wasn’t dead. She’s there as Death to talk to Jack
I agree with that. Death was always going on about how close to just fucking off and leaving Earth to its fate he was and that final moment when Dean refused his plan to lock away the mark from hurting anyone and tried to kill him he just said "fuck it" and left.
Amara said she didn't know anyone called Death. God created Death to act as the destructive force in her absence.
Do you not know what the fuck sassy means?
BRING BACK Bella Fucking insecure fangirls couldn't deal with Dean having an attractive love interest so they protested to get her off the show. Of all the recurring cast members from seasons 3-5 (The mother/daughter pair at the bar, Ash, Bobby, black vamp hunter dude, Crowley etc...) I liked her and her chemistry with Sam/Dean best.
>is that it retconned Death to be younger than the Archangels
No it doesn't. Amara doesn't know death because she's the eldest creature. God and Death were born around the same time, and Death probably fucked off somewhere else, only meeting with God later, after Amara was locked up.
What I don't like is that S14 implied that there's apparently multiple Deaths across the multi-verse.
Rewatch the season. God and Amara existed together but she kept destroying everything he built so he created the Archangels to help him lock her away. Death didn't exist until God created the world which was after she was locked away and therefore after the creation of the archangels.
Amara may not know “this” death because there might have been an older one
Lauren Cohan’s new show was not renewed and she was envious of JDM returning to Supernatural so maybe we’ll see her again
Just because Death didn’t participate in that doesn’t mean he has not existed yet
I had high hopes for the other side of the family when they popped up but that went nowhere.
If Amara dies, then the balance of the multiverse tips. Same for if God dies. That's why he could only imprison her (himself + Michael + Lucifer + Raphael + Gabriel). The argument about killing her with a soul bomb was because at the time, God was dying as well anyway, so if she died then even with God dead as well it might still arrest the decline.
New theory: OG death was multiversal but only in prime earth was he killed so billie cant see through apocalypse world.
Amara and God existed first, as a yin-yang deal. She's "older" by some unfathomable measure of time, but that's about all there is. Death came into existence at some point around when God started making shit (because God is "being" and Amara is "not being") and Amara kept destroying it. Then God made the four Archangels and imprisoned Amara, then he created the universe, starting with Leviathans (Death was around when they were made), then moving on to angels.
Death most likely began with the first thing God made. We know he didn't come into existence at the same time as God, because Amara explicitly says that "when it was just us we only had each other" - Death believes he'll reap God because God "is" something. But Death did exist at the time when Amara was locked up, because he knows what was in the Mark and what's involved with it.
So it goes something like:
Amara --> God --> God makes stuff --> Death begins because Amara keeps destroying what God makes --> God makes Archangels --> Amara locked up by God and Archangels --> Universe created --> Leviathans created --> Leviathans locked up --> Angels created --> everything else.
And considering that time literally doesn't exist before the universe begins, there's a lot more room for weirdness.
It's a bit odd that Amara didn't know Death was around when she was destroying everything God was making, but as Lucifer points out to Sam, Amara might have the raw power of God, but she seems to lack his flair or talent for things.
that wasn't God you simple fuckstick. that was the empty impersonating God
Plus both of them are bulshitters apparently since the entity was always there sleeping. All cosmic entities seem unreliable narrators.
>God: +1
>the Darkness: -1
>Death: 0
>Entity in the Empty: i
gods i miss season 5
i could swear that at one time Death said he couldn't die, and that if anything happened to him he would be temporarily scattered throughout the universe or something. that's why i have faith that he'll be back for the final season. he did say that he would reap God
The Entity is a weird addition that doesn't really fit with pre-existing lore. Mainly because it bitches over and over about how all angels belong to it, and anything that comes to it will always belong to it, and the idea of something getting taken from it is repugnant and it will invade reality to claim it.
Except God has resurrected Castiel how many fucking times now, repeatedly taking him back from the Empty, and it didn't offer so much as a quiet meep of defiance.
That's explained. If you kill Death, the position is technically vacant, but the rest of the Reapers still exist. The next Reaper to die becomes the new Death. And since angel blades can kill Reapers, it doesn't take much to fill the spot, just an angel and a willing Reaper.
When it was first introduced it fit, but that one-off episode where it goes after Jack and whines that it wants Castiel back ruined it.
One cannot exist without the other. If God dies, Amara dies. If Amara dies, God dies.
When it was first introduced, it wasn't actually alive, it was just empty and there. Technically you could say it didn't exist before then. And even in that episode it was weird, because angels don't have souls, and it claiming God has no power over the Empty was a lie since if Jack can do it and God can resurrect angels, God blatantly would have power.
It's just odd and weird and wrong. What's so bad about angels getting complete cessation of existence and Castiel just happening to be resurrected by Jack outright?
At least a top 5 based characters in all of TV. Shame they didn't do more with the other "horsemen"
War was the disappointing one. But Death vastly outshone them all.
Famine is underrated but yes, Death is the best easily
That’s why I put it as an imaginary number. It’s really hard to grasp as a concept and even angels go mad at its true form.
He was great exactly once.
They he was not because he went from being a giga-nigga who was older than God and more dangerous than Lucifer, to just being another talking macguffin
Seemed like something that only existed whenever something else in the empty existed. When the angels were sleeping it seems like they simple didn't exist.
>Cas used to be cool
Proof that this show has gone on way too long
Compare this shit to fucking Billie's intro as "death"
Castiel may have been remade or rebuilt instantaneously before he could be taken to the empty. Remember the flashback when lucifer snapped castiel to smithereens and castiel was reformed almost immediately after?
>another talking macguffin
Death (both incarnations) have been more active forces in keeping the natural order than heaven or any other power there is in Supernatural
>this is one planet
>in a tiny solar system
>in a galaxy that's barely out of it's diapers
>I'm old, Dean
>very old
>so I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you
fuck i hate everything
I really wish the explained this as Dean (under the influence of the mark) cleared the chessboard of any power that can check Amara before she is unleashed to the world. It makes so much sense that a goddess about to birth herself into existence take out potential rivals first
holy shit my dick is maximum
Meant to quote as well
Imagine this smiting power before the fall of angels, before the massacre and civil wars. Would have been extremely stronger as a collective host. And back then they had that weird way to capture Alastair with lightning bolts from the sky
They rekt Amara twice. If Michael or Raphael had thought of this back in the day they could have stopped the apocalypse in it's tracks
I liked this battle but i wish they made more demon smoke like season 3’s “Jus in Bello” or season 6’s “The Man Who Knew Too Much”.
And my autism is still working on how Amara + 3 witches + Book of the Damned managed to at least temporarily affect Amara but the same spell of Unbound Rowena did not even faze Billie-Death
Hell back when they were fighting Lilith, Meg had a spell to kill every demon within a mile and that barely scratched how many were in the sky.
>they could have stopped the apocalypse in it’s tracks
But Michael and Raphael didn’t want to stop it. They wanted it to happen because they knew they were going to win. They have to follow scripture which means Michael vs Lucifer 1 on 1 while the armies duke it out around them
Nah that was Ruby. But looking back I’m not sure if that spell was real. Retrospectively, a lot of events in 3 and 4 may be due to Ruby and Lilith baiting the Winchesters. Like how after the gate was oppened the demons were supposed to be fighting amongst each other for power but the true heavy weights were subservient to Lilith anyway, which suggests she was putting a facade to hide her power levels and the strings she’s pulling
Don't belive the tumblrfags.
It has been shit since 5 and there is no going back. It's not only the overall story which is horrendous it's also how the scenes and dialogue is written. 90% of all scenes play in that fucking bunker and dialogue consists only of soulles one liner statements and a cut to the next scene.
>I read on the internet/ in bunker books how to kill it...
=> cut to Dean and Sam killing the monster
>I bet Rowena has a spell for that....
=> cut to Rowena doing the spell and solving the case
There was even a scene about Jack trying to throw a knife into a tree because he wanted to show off his knife skills to some (almost)random people.
He always failed and tried again the whole afternoon until it was night and those people just sat there for hours and watched him fail.
Is this how normal people are supposed to act?
There are a lot of those really weird and forced scenes. This is show is beyond redemption for years now.
>no car
>road feel completely abandoned
>no music
>a shitton of Flanders
>fucking up previous lore
Was this kino?
Knowing what you know now, do you wish this had been the last time you'd seen him?
yaaay it's time to ruin more characters from previous seasons.
Show is over. I want the entire season to be nothing but fan-service and nostalgia.
I want Dean's actual biological son to have grown up to be a hunter,
I want Ash to show up in Heaven and keep it working when the last angel dies.
I want GHOSTFACERS to actually fucking face these ghosts that God sent.
I want the final episode to be Dean sending Sam back to the first episode and saving Jess so he can stay in college and become a lawyer or doctor or whatever he was studying to be with her.
Gay af.
Kill self.
Is it a mere coincidence Supernatural and Lucifer have almost the exact same fonts?
I want every girl that Dean has banged to show up and spend an entire episode discussing how selfish he is as a lover
Fucking wasted character.
lol remember that time Castiel decided that he was God and revealed himself to people and slaughtered angels in their droves for opposing him
nah? me neither I guess
I want each of them to have their own episode but we have the same length season
Tell him how it happened.
Death gives Dean his scythe for whatever reason to kill Sam. A normal knife would have done it too and it wasn't even the scythe from S5.
Then he was standing very closely behind Dean the whole time and was stabbed by him in an attempt to subvert expectations. Then he turned to ?dirt? something. Bravo D&D.
No. And they also used a darkness entity but as God’s wife the season after Supernatural finished the darkness arc
Can we discuss how beautiful she was
Billie's was a reveal, not really an intro. It wouldn't have that same impact regardless of what they did.
Tumblr has long since stopped watching this like they used too since that lesbian got killed in a shower by a nazi-supporter. Some came back but majority fucked off for goof
Didn't Lucifer in SPN also mention moving to LA and starting a nightclub when he was in the Cage?
Yeah season 11 just before Lucifer started. And the actor of that show (Ellis) “roasted” depictions of devil/lucifer in other shows and told Supernatural’s Lucifer to get a new shtick since the glowy red eyes was already done but Supernatural aired a red-eyed Lucifer first
What the fuck happened to the antichrist kid that was supposed to be uber powerful? The one that turned Cas into a toy or whatever. That was just totally abandoned.
>that lesbian got killed
Thank god.
She was truly awful.
Move to LA and solve crimes. If im not mistaken Lucifer referenced Supernatural recently by namedropping Castiel
Watch the episode and find the answer
>And the actor of that show (Ellis) “roasted” depictions of devil/lucifer in other shows and told Supernatural’s Lucifer to get a new shtick since the glowy red eyes was already done
Where or what was this?
He did? Kek. I'm only on S3 right now so mention of it so far.
Is this a new delivery by the webmizer?
Ellis looks like he gets facial (in all sense of the word) everyday anyway
He was fueled by Luci, means he lost his power after he went back into the cage after S5.
And I'm sure that that Lucifer from the later seasons is actually just an impostor. Probably a pathetic Trickster or smth.
Eve should have been at least an entire season. I know she was used as a red herring but still. She was so interesting
how many miles does baby have on it? anyone know if there's ever been a shot of the odometer? maybe in the "baby" episode
>lol nvm just kill her off after a few episodes like Cain
No, it's a perfect description actually.
And guess what. She doesn't work anymore with the current season's lore.
Eve isn’t the mother of demons
It describes her but not the season in general and the improvement in quality.
>doesn’t work anymore with the current lore
You must be one of the many who imediately think Amara wasn’t real
Where does Lucifer go from now anyway since Nick is dead?
I know it’s banter. Still weak on his part because it’s not true
>improvement in quality.
>ust be one of the many who imediately think
I was one of the many who were immediately reminded of the fact that the writers are fucking hacks and that they can't even write a consistent story let alone a good one.
Amara CAN still exist even with season 14’s revelation. Chuck literally intervenes because his story is about to be derailed. He says “it’s my story. Not hers”. And he tied Amara’s rampage to parallel the brothers and acted accordingly to bring about the best way for his story
>Eve, portrayed by Julia Maxwell and Samantha Smith, is also known as the "Mother of All". Eve was last on Earth 10,000 years ago. She is the original propagator of the majority of supernatural beings.
Where did you grab this horrendous article? Demons are souls twisted and corrupted. Lucifer made demons and the first and eldest demons made more demons
They made it pretty clear in the show. Also Eve made those parasite things that crawled into people.
Is it true that season 15 will be the last? i'm 9 seasons late so what the fuck did i miss during these shitty seasons?
Looks like 700,000+ if I'm seeing this right and this is season 11 so probably a lot more now.
I just caught up on netflx. So God's evil now? And the final villain?
Why do fucking authors even listen to the retarded fans? Can't they just create a piece of art instead of pandering to a fucking group of overweight people with homoerotic delusions?
God fucking dammit, I hate fanservice so much. I've NEVER seen fanservice improving anything fucking EVER. It's always a fucking drop in quality for more yayyyys, wow ebins and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs so the retards can have fun too. In this cases it's a >muh homoerotic fanfic
5.09 exists for a reason
>Eve is a primordial creature born of Purgatory, and first walked the Earth some 10,000 years ago. Eve is known as the Mother of All, which refers to her creation of all supernatural beings, and resided in Purgatory along with the souls of fallen monsters.
>Eve is the mother of a bloodline, the birthing entity at the moment of genesis for all the lines of monsterdom. So the Eve of monsters.
Writers strike. She had a longer story but they needed scripts fast and the scabs didn't have many ideas so they plundered the fanfics of the time.
Yeah they're ending it.
Seems that way. Maybe they'll circle back around and Death will make good on his promise (fuck Billie) to reap him.
Demons are explicitly something different unless you want to say ghosts are her children too
That would be kino if they figure out a way to kill him and for a moment it's unclear if it actually worked, then the camera angle changes and OG Death is standing behind him
Yeah. The Khan Worm is a monster. Eve is the mother of all monsters, not demons. Eve drew power and had dominion over purgatory, demons are aligned in hell
>>Eve is the mother of a bloodline, the birthing entity at the moment of genesis for all the lines of monsterdom. So the Eve of monsters.
Show writer quote btw. She may not have created every demon ever but apparently was the originator from which they spawned.
seems weird he just snapped
With an ominous thunderclap.
OH SHIT. What if Death reaps God + Amara and it turns out Sam & Dean become the new ones?
BTS info don’t count as canon. Demons are an entirely different race/group
I sent you a link to synopses last thread when you asked the same thing. Fuck your lazy ass with an angel blade
>BTS info don’t count as canon
Lmao what. The dude WROTE the canon.
Yeah I think they're trying to play that Brightburn tier aspect of "what if all powerful/benevolent being decided to turn evil? we'd be fucked" angle. Or maybe Chuck/God just got peeved and calls it off in the first episode.
Its unrelated but can I just say how much I fucking hated the Apocalypse Michael & spear storyline that went nowhere?
Death of the writer
Demons aren't monsters. Monsters are associated with Purgatory. Gods, monsters, angels, and demons are all different things. They're not related.
no you didnt and even if you did i didn't see it because the thread was fucking dead and no one was posting on it
btw i'm not that user
yea who ever was that woman with the spear? Why and where did it come from? It's just a fucking spear, Michael should not be that afraid of it, you still have to stab him. The whole monster shit went nowhere too
It was just some weird fucking thing from a different universe. Maybe their equivalent of the Lance of Michael, something which in their universe can kill almost anything but can itself be destroyed even by the likes of Crowely. Michael was probably just being cautious after it managed to hurt him
She was an alternate version of Kaia who got killed in the regular universe. She gave the spear to Dean and was never seen again. The spear got broke and it was just abandoned. Then Apocalypse Michael randomly gets killed/absorbed by Jack and that was it.
>The whole monster shit went nowhere too
Yeah. It's like they just dropped everything midseason.
Get fucked. Thread lasted another 3 hours since your post. Same filename and everything
He's right. Either you both saved the file from the same source and this is all a huge coincidence or you're busted
For me it's Alex Jones
I don't remember Kaia or any of the other hunters. I remembered Sam was emo about them so I assumed they all died somehow
And the response was less than 10 minutes too. And if it’s a different user, why open your argument with a negative response to the accusation instead of starting with “that wasn’t me”
awesome thanks. i just looked it up and they only went to 99,999.9. so we'll never know. i bet it has +2 million on it
I enjoyed the whole mark of cain story line.
>tfw a Supernatural thread without Supernatural in title or OP easily has triple the usual posters
Speaking of emo Sam. Am I the only one that thinks they took that way way way way way too far. It varies by season but sometimes Sam is more emotional then a teenage girl and it’s hard to watch. Like I get the idea behind it, he’s the yin to deans hard attitude yang and all that, and that’s fine. But it’s sometimes hard to take Sam seriously as a hunter and in general when he’s crying about everything and wanting to talk to dean like a pouty girlfriend.
You now realize Dean killed both Cain and Lucifer.
I didn't like how they sidelined Abbie for it. It was an odd decision to spend all that time giving Crowley a redemption arc and introducing a new interesting demon character just to kill her off in favour a secretary at the last minute and then drop the Mark of Cain on us. Also, we didn't get nearly enough Deanmon
Dean has his fair share of tears. Even more than Sam arguably
he's just turned into his bare minimum traits instead of being a character anymore. Oh haha he's tall, get it? Oh haha, he eats salads and Dean eats junk food.
YES YES YES FUCK FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT. SEASON 9 A SHIT and that’s just one of THREE rehashed arcs. Angel civil war and angel proclaiming himself God were all shittier versions of season 6 arcs
i found an original 1967 impala dashboard cluster guage on egay
Deanmon lasted, what, 3 episodes before they exorcised him?
>hard to grasp as a concept
Multiplication with -1 equals a 180 degree turn of on number line.
-1 = 1 * (-1) => means you start on the number line at +1(because there's always an implicit 1 in multiplication) and through an 180 degree turn (around 0) you end up at (-1). Multiplication with a positive number is just scaling. (-1)*(-1) is two times a 180 degree turn and equals one 360 degree turn/ full turn => you end up where you started
Now to sqrt(-1): Since -1 is 180 degree, how much do I have to turn twice to turn 180°? => 180°/2 => i equals a 90° turn on the number line(now number plane).
e^ix just means repeated turning around 90° for every delta x. => you get a circle because the tangent line of a circle is always perpendicular to the radius line (magnitude of the number, remember: we turn around 0). We use e as a base because e^2pi*i equals a 360° or e^0i. You can also use 2 as base but 2^2pi*i won't give you a full turn. E is the samey bitch of math. You can turn the number plane into a 3d number space, 4d, 5d,,,nd. You just have to add more letters and do the conversions right. It's 5th grade geometry dude. Circles and multiplication.
S11 is god tier season. One of the absolute best.
Cain was my all time favorite side character. The actor that played him was perfect. that guy is a really good actor and he has one of those classic voices like james earl james or someone like that
That was unironically the best part of that season. I would have liked if it had lasted longer than two episodes.
Man abed looks like shit these days
sometimes i think that Castiel is actually God
not that user but wth does any of that shit have to do with anything
No i know what imaginary numbers are you still can’t exhibit a real life application to the layperson
loved that sad sack.
For me it’s a toss up between Cain and that demon that ran hell last season, not sure why I can’t remember his name. They both just seemed so menacing and both had charm. I liked when they were on screen. Compare that to say, what’s her face Felicia day or whatever and I wanted to turn the show off when she was on. Also best girl will always be that chick(I’m bad with names) that died with her mom and had a crush on dean. Blonde chick. She’s so damn hot and her personality gives me cummies
I miss him bros, surely they will use this song when he returns
You just need a good pre fuckup season pic
Gabriel coming back and the Loki retcon was one of the most retarded things to happen
Good to see he's recovered well from his stroke
Shame about his stroke
Cain and Asmodeus are both based
Loki was always just an assumed identity by Gabriel
Bit on the nose, user. I hope they give him something jarring, better the devil you know or something similar
He was really good too, for me his character was lessened because of his cliche white southern accent and suit. The actor himself was awesome, but why would a 5000 year old demon speak and dress like a caricature of 1850s southern plantation owner
What about Tessa (a deeply underrated qt by the way) actually being an angel this whole time?
Because he was the sperg of the litter and he was, for the first time ever, one of the most powerful entities in the universe.
no, Loki was an actual god too that Gabriel switches places with now
I missed that ep, I thought she was a reaper?
Would a tv special about the four princes of hell back in pre-history be kino? We never even got to see two on screen at the same time. Can you imagine what all four would have been like?
>not that user but wth does any of that shit have to do with anything
It has to do with everything
> to the layperson
No, I can't.
It's just in every electronic device and in computer graphics.
The more you know...
Reapers are angels no bruh. And Tessa became a suicide bomber for memetron and made Dean kill her because the voices made her sad.
>Citation needed.
fucking hell i didn't know about that. he looked like such a healthy guy, but that shit is so random. one of my cousins was totally fit and lived a clean life and died at 40 from a fatal brain tumor. he had a massive stroke too which was the first symptom.
Timothy Omundson has the most based hair. I'm so envious
oh yea, wait so there should be a ton of reapers around still, why not just upgrade them to angels?
If the rings were the source of their power, I don't see why they couldn't bullshit someone finding all four and using their powers combined.
Imagine what someone like Lucifer or Raphael wielding the powers of all four horsemen would be like. and since the bearer of one ring can make someone say Death, then I'd say all of them together the bearer would be Conquest
Yeah kept him out of the Psych movie but apparently he's doing well and acting again. Gonna be in the 2nd Psych movie.
Waiting on you to whip them out Emily.
>Emilia Clarke
>Timothy Omundson
>That girl my age I know
>I've had a headache for weeks
Is this foreshadowing lads? Have the writers decided to kill me off?
I liked the more down to earth British Men of Letters season. Good old return to hunting instead of MULTIDIMENSIONAL APOCALYPSE shit. It's why I loved the first season so much.
That was a retarded retcon and one of the biggest reasons i hate season 9. But they seem to have separated reapers and angels again especially with the succession line of Death so I can now chalk it up to Deanism/Tessa being flirted with as a figurative angel
it's just my theory. however i think everyone agrees that chuck wasn't acting like himself in that episode and then there was the scene with the empty when he did the big troll face smile at the end when jack showed up in the empty
Yes i know that. Gabriel was never Loki. He assumed Loki. He entered witness protection. There was no retcon about loki. The only retcon was Gabriel’s living or deceased status. Loki was never a problem, we never just saw him before
Honestly the idea that the Empy is ending the world because its sleep was disturbed does indeed add up, especially since Nick a few episodes prior had been straight up ripping a hole into it.
He's right though. She just wanted to help people. Closest thing to Lawful Good in the entire series
He was also "God" in Lucifer. But yeah I really felt his Cain portrayal was different. It was more dramatic and ominous than some of the other biblical figures.
Rowena is underrated as fuck. Love her character.
Cain was the only bright spot of season 9. Maybe Abaddon too but she was being dragged through the mud
People are reading way to much into that smile, the empty doesn't get existence but it's trying to communicate on their level, so the attempt at a smile, a smile means it's freindly, the thing just doesn't know how to act
This, the one and only bit of fanservice I want from 15, also Dean's biological son
nah you'll be ok user. the meta episodes are never canon
I look liked Chucks dig at that
>You want to fight, what was it? Bmol, ok sure bit weak but ok
I'm gonna do it
Watch patriot. He plays a good role in it
Eh I didn't really care for Abaddon. I don't know how to explain it but Cain just felt more "real" or serious than the others. The barn scene was memorable.
*I liked Chucks dig at them
What does Kelly C have to do with it?
What, a backflip?
The barn EP with Ramiel was better, shame it was only one episode
wow i never even heard of that.
looks great desu
Shehad two near fatal brain aneurysms while filming S2 of GoT and she just made it public and started doing charity work
Kripke looking like one of those cancer kids
no before gabriel was loki, the witness protection was the retcon
post her tight ass
He’s doing The Boys now. None of his projects past Supernatural made it past 5 seasons. Guess that was part of the demon deal for Supernatural’s ten extra years whoever did that deal.
Witness protection was literally mentioned in Hammer of the Gods
No it isn't, Gabe said he hid out on earth as Loki to hide from his brothers, the story of how he made a deal with Loki is an addition but it doesn't contradict anything Gabe previously said, and even if it did he's fucking Gabe he lies constantly
He'll need two things: A crucial plot point and a badass return entrance. Maybe a portal to the Empty will open again when they try to resurrect Jack?
>portal closes
>"What came through? I don't see anything."
>lights flicker
>figure shrouded in darkness appears behind them
>blood red eyes
>head down
>all lights begin spazzing out
>figure looks up
>"Hello boys"
>lights flash in bursts and illuminate Crowley smiling
>end episode
Cheesy but fuck you.
She has a tight ass? I don't remember seeing it anywhere.
>Ever since you were so rude Dean, I've been on vacation, thought it's about time I checked in on things
>oh and I ran into an old friend of yours thought you might want him back
>Hello boys
That's all you need
Patriot season 3 when?
it was understood that Gab WAS Loki all along. Literally nobody was asking HURR wHeRes tHe rEaL lOki?
Singer it was Singer
No because they all thought he had always been Loki, Loki and fake Loki are tricksters what a twist
Nah. Crowley needs a badass and dramatic entrance. It's in his character.
You really can’t grasp it can you? Sad
Him and real Death showing up and being bros is epic enough for me
yea as I said, retcon. Not a twist
That could actually work. You spend an episode where something is trying to break through like Lucifer did for Nick and the monster of the week is trying to kill the boys. They think it's the thing trying to break through but figure out it's the MOTW and kill it. Final scene of the episode is the when it succeeds in punching through. They're getting ready to fight it but instead all the lights go out. Dean knows it's something they killed and shout into the dark
"Whatever you are you son of a bitch, you come at me you're going to lose"
"That's the thing" comes a familiar voice
"even when I lose, I win".
Crowley steps into the light.
"Hello boys"
Cut to black
And Guest Starring Mark A. Sheppard
You don't understand what the word retcom means, making reapers angels is a retcon, having Gabe and Loki make a deal is not it's just expanding the back story, if it doesn't contradict established lore it's not a retcon
Whatever it is, it needs to be important enough for Mark to return since he left on bad terms.
>she'll never squeeze your balls like this
I like that
They just need to send Jensen and Jared to go hangout with him for the weekend, he'll get over it
>"even when I lose, I win".
Would be so sweet since that's the line Mark wanted Crowley's last line to be and he was denied.
>First line of his return is the final line they denied him on his way out
>Rowena will never cast a spell on your dick causing it to not be able to nut whatever she does to it
It hurts breh
Yes we all know, he got done dirty, that's why mark was pissed, hopefully he's gotten over it
All these talk is hyping me for the final season
I think Jensen said he'd like to bring back Mark for the last season too.
It's going to be bittersweet. I'm definitely gonna cry. And then at some point I'm going to start it all over again from the first pilot.
That was my thought, I think the falling out was because mark wanted to go back to 'guest star's status which pays more and gives him time for other projects, honestly I think that's what all the salt is about, I doubt very much he has problems with any of the cast, he probably has beef with Singer
his beef was with misha. they don't get along at all
They'd need to give him a good story though. I hope god restores Lucifer to stop the boys but Crowley shows up to save the day like he did with that hellhound back in S5 except this time the thing he's got on his leash is Michael from the cage. That'd also give us our Adam return
He said it's because of the shitty writers who turned Crowley into a useless retard and didn't know what else to do with him.
Never heard of that.
it's changing the backstory, if you have to explain the change with "it's a twist" then it's a fucking retcon. It's literally changing what was already established
You don't get it, thats ok
That's a good idea. It would give closure to an unresolved plot line too. Or a plot twist would be Lucifer turning good after Chuck goes crazy evil.
>tfw all the hell hounds are now dead
>check the recap
>Sudden "God was the REAL villain all along" anime bullshit
Glad I'm not watching this crap
you have no argument, and that's ok
Crowley needs to be the one to kill Luicfer. They've got the most beef now. Sam and Dean kill God, Castiel gets supercharged for the finale and snaps revived Raphael (again).
Endings: Jack returns to life but is mostly depowered so he can live like a human, Castiel is empowered with Jack's grace to become the new archangel, leading the restored angels in heaven. We get a scene where all their wings are restored in the same garden where Castiel killed all those angels when he was "god" thus redeeming him. Hell is in chaos but the gates are open. Crowley's final scene is him smug on his throne having promised to raise a little hell but with the implication he's actually a good guy now. Sam and Dean are escorted into heaven by the Deaths personally. The final scene is stepping out of baby into the driveway of their old home. Inside, the whole family is waiting for them so they can have dinner. Mary, John, Bobby, Rufus, Henry, the Cambells, the Harvells, even Jess. It's a happy moment. Final moment is the boys sitting down at the table. As we pan away we hear Dean ask Sam to pass the pie.
Since when?
>The final scene is stepping out of baby into the driveway of their old home. Inside, the whole family is waiting for them so they can have dinner. Mary, John, Bobby, Rufus, Henry, the Cambells, the Harvells, even Jess. It's a happy moment. Final moment is the boys sitting down at the table. As we pan away we hear Dean ask Sam to pass the pie.
I'm tearing up over here. But Jensen did say that bit about Dean selling Baby and riding off. I guess it's implied Sam died. I legit don't know how they're going to end it all after everything that's been done.
That what he thought was the perfect ending. No way does only one of them die. Either they both do or neither of them do
I think that's the way most want it too. One of them can't exist without the other. I hope they don't go with that idea.
John's other son. Duh.
What a robust thread. Just found it and reading through it now.
Dick move, Chuck.
Dean killed this incarnation of Death and the reaper Billie was chosen to replace him.
>"b-but I just wanted the opportunity to complain about (((them)))"
Oh yeah, the ghoul chow that was Michael's backup vessel. Whatever happened to that guy?
The "Who?" reply is a running joke. I always post #FreeAdam and one or two kind anons reply with "Who?". :-)
bullshit, you were always a a bad apple luci
but everyone know who adam is, i don't get it
says who? chuck? he's a proven liar. more so than lucifer at this point and it pain me to say blasphemy like this being a Christian myself
he's in the pit with michael
It's a reference to the fact that the writers seem to have forgotten him so as a joke anons pretend to forget who he is.
Who is?
Solid fuckin' thread.
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back
adam is you dumbass
As in Cain's dad?
For one last ride.
We're getting a spin-off remember. All you need is a little faith.
>spin off
Yeah, like "Bloodlines", right?
stop spoonfeeding
Here's hoping the final season gives us a good ending for the show. One last ride boys.
no fuckass why do you keep asking dumb questions? i'm going to bed, but this was a fun thread i have to say. i lover supernatural and it gives me a lot of happiness to find these threads on Yea Forums from time to time
Chuck is not worse then Luci, for all his
>I always tell the truth
bullshit, every second word out of lucifers mouth is a lie or half truth at best
No. It'll be good this time and it'll run for another 15 seasons. I know it in my bones.
What happened in the Season 14 finale?
seriously no one has any idea who you're talking about, go to bed
Is that young John Winchester? I don't remember him getting hurt
yea when Azazel killed him, don't remember it being so bright tho
Sammy shot God just to watch him die
Yeah, but Lucifer had the Mark which made him that way. Chuck/God doesn't.
A man can dream. Supernatural is just one of those shows I never wanted to end. Just keep going forever.
>So what've you been up to lately?
>I shot God.
Okay. That's how you want it to be. Story's over
He's bad now?
What would such a thing be worth to you?
lucifer hasn't had the mark for thousands of years, he's still a colossal asshole, Kain held it much longer and wasn't even an archangel, and he was much less of a dick then fucking luci
>pic unrelated
Was this a shout-out for us?
The Mark corrupted his purity which obviously lasted. Cain was definitely a dick though. Just more contained.
and Dean? it just doesn't hold up, Lucifer was a giant dick with huge daddy issues, gabe calls him out on it a bunch of times, he uses the Mark as an excuse for his shitty behavior
why would cain be his dad? and yeah i am going to bed when i feel like it den dun told me wut to du jerk
no Cain is Adams son, you need to read the lore sammeh
I love you guys.
i've always been curious so what does that make her bald headed princes - i think they are trying tp hide in for watchable stuff in the in sone way
fair enough. i those leads
idk read david ikes insane shit i'm sure they are lizards too
good thread lads
I think we're all gonna collectively cry when the final episode airs. I know it's cliche but I hope it has a happy ending.
Don't cry because it's over lad. Smile because we got fifteen seasons of it. Literally without precedent
Kino ending
I'm start all over again from the beginning, at some point after the finale.