You ever stop watching a tv show because your fave character stopped being a fucking loser like yourself and sorted...

You ever stop watching a tv show because your fave character stopped being a fucking loser like yourself and sorted themselves out?

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He's still a loser even after he gets in shape. That the joke.

>self inserting

Have sex incel

>tfw 30 pounds fatter than fat mac

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Can somebody profile Charlie Kelly for me because I relate to that character way too much, down to some very fine details.

>still has to pull out of the Minecraft movie

I actually almost have the reverse problem. Since I stopped being a dysfunctional alcoholic, I wonder if it's still healthy for me to watch Bojack Horseman

how come his cheeks still look soft

What a shame. A self-aware Lego-movie-esque minecraft film with Mac's brain behind it would have been kino

Yet he did it


Does anyone know why he dropped out?
>inb4 "wb got scared of his pozzed script"

If you classify lifting as sorting yourself out sure.

I heard he was picked up for the upcoming Roblox film

>lifting makes you lose weight and get abs

He's just a average fit poster now

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But if I'm an average-built man and not fat it should be easier for me, right?

I can't tell if this is real or an attempt at a joke


It’s not hard to not be the picture in the left

No because to achieve a body like that you need to make working out your life basically

>not eat any carbs

No you dont

Someone should write a book called "to achieve a body like that you need to make working out your life basically, and other things fat people say to justify being fat"

He already had the muscle under the fat.


also roids

Is there any point in lifting if you aren't going to take roids?
Serious question

Do you do that for a cut I presume? How do you not lose strength by not eating carbs?

Mac was always the least funny male member of the gang (Dee being the least funny). His fatness was a pretty funny gimmick, as was his closeted homosexuality and him getting buff for no reason
Season finale of him dancing for gay rights was cringe, blue-pilled, and not remotely funny.
Dennis is the GOAT

Unironically not that hard unless you're on a tight schedule like Mac. Reach your macros and lift every other day. Dedication is all it takes. No personal trainers or money aside from nutrition needed.

More girls will want to fuck you.

dude that's not like a reasonable work out body, that is a "make working out your one and only hobby" body.

by eating fat

That doesn't make sense. With supersets, you can reduce each workout session to around 45 minutes, even less if you do high weight/low rep. Unless you're going to be a bodybuilder, nutrition will never become a nightmare, and you'd be surprised by how averse to sugar you'll become once you've been off it for a month.

>reduce each workout session to around 45 minutes
Good thing about working out at home is I can watch TV shows while working out. I gone through the entirety of Justified and the Shield this year by watching an episode per workout.

Will it fix your virginity, wageslave job and lack of friends?

don’t worry, if you are an adult watching cartoons you are still a mess

No. kys loser.

I know this isn't /fit/ but do you have to maintain the body on right?

Let's say after months of working out you get the body you want. Can you start eating tasty foods again and stop exercising and still keep your body?

are you fucking stupid?

Personal enjoyment and self improvement. But if your goal is to look like fit Mac then no, no point without roids.

Obviously. Daily protein cap and workout as usual. What people who don't lift don't understand is that it becomes easier and enjoyable over time. Someone who lifts and gets to that level won't suddenly stop.

I've had no less than 7 "friends" start to avoid me once I unfucked my shit. 2bh I knew it was going to happen because I knew they were all typical envious mediocre fat boy pseuds so really it was a bonus.

Maintaining sub 12% bodyfat requires constant attention to diet and cardio. You can have a cheat day every week, but you that's about it.

>get /fit/
>notice more girls looking at me now, but none approach me

why are bitches such pussy ass bitches

Thing is, it's really not hard to maintain that diet once you get there. You won't even want unhealthy food. The moment you start consuming garbage, your body will reject it and you'll feel like shit. It really is poison.

I dont understand this either. Its fucking nonsense

>only takes half a year to become a total chad

Is this really doable?

He didn't go from left to right in 6 months. He was back to his usual fit but high bodyfat self for several seasons before he got ripped for comedy.

>says some user who looks like mac on the left

More likely story is that 7 people stopped hanging out with you because you turned into an asshole

Dude hes hollywood, hes got access to roids you will never hear of in your life, dont even look at motherfuckers like that for inspiration, just stick to some athletes and maybe gymcels in your town.

6 fucking captchas wtf