Is this the greatest blunder in television history?
Chernobyl accents
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Slavs undoubtedly are the niggers of whites.
>m-muh representations!!
How to make yourself sound African-american 101.
Obviously everyone complaining about accents is American.
Only amerisharts would think actors speaking English with some retarded foreign accent is more immersive.
>implying slavs are the ones complaining
>implying slavs go to imdb and write reviews in english to complain about "scouse and midland" accents
Slavshits on suicide watch
This, it reminds me of how everyone single review and comment about Assassin's Creed Unity was going on about how absurd it was that the characters were speaking in an English accent.
I'm French and I can't even grasp what nonsense thought process would lead you to say that. irl French people don't speak to each other in an accent, pretty sure it's the same for Russians.
>not using sieverts
This right here is why Slavs shouldn't be allowed anywhere near atoms
Are you daft? It isn't slavs complaining. As a slav I actually prefer the English accents ever since Enemy at the Gates. It's more civilized than Americanized or Russianized accents.
Are these the same americans which prefer dubbing over non-english speaking people in documentaries/interviews with a comical super-thick accent english voiceover?
>vietnamese old man is talking to the reporter/camera
>original vietnamese speaking muffled as a english voice over starts
It sounds so retarded and goofy, almost insulting. How can people prefer stuff like that, or wanting forced russian-accent english in this show?
>goes to see Hamlet
>why aren't they doing Danish accents?
>unwatchable trash
>Rolling Rs and missing articles, so immersive, feels like just like I'm in Russia
Your brain on Hollywood
Haha wait they actually do this?
The fire rises.
What the fuck does a "russian accent" in english even mean?
Also when writing "Chernobyl" on the screen they should flip the R and the N.
Like a russian speaking english
Reminder that the British accents and the English language are an objective detriment to this show. See Mel Gibson’s movies if you need proof. No amount of finger pointing to your Western enemies will change this fact. I am so so sorry, but I will continue to do what I must anglos.
Now THAT'S immersive
Have you not seen this in some clip of something like that on youtube? Ive seen it many times with german, russian, french, chinese etc accent.
Sometimes they have purposefully bad grammar too, so bizarre.
If they ruin Polish accents in Witcher I'll be livid
Well well, maybe I was wrong. Wasn't it the poles though who got assmad that the lead picked for the Witcher wasn't a polish actor?
This is cringe for anybody that knows Cyrillic
>have a problem with accents
>not that everyone is speaking english
no, that was the incelkomando here just looking for excuses to be mad at the show
Nobody wants to read subtitles.
So they should speak English, but either with a Russian accent, or with no accent at all. Russian characters going "pip pip ello guvna" is the most unimmersive shit ever.
Speak for yourself brainlet. Subtitles never bothered me and I always go for original language + subs combo over dubs.
>says no accent but means american one
>Nobody wants to read subtitles.
gorilla-tier nigger brain or american detected
Have sex nerd
stop posting please
Stay styled on anglo
Fake ass accents would be ridiculous, it was either Russian or English. You can take it or leave it.
>or with no accent at all
Oh you're American.
Shut up fag
If you can’t do the language, accents would’ve been the next best thing. “My shitty bong actors can’t do good accents” is not an excuse.
It was not about having polish actors, it was about americans inserting their racial quota in everything.
I'm so glad they didn't forced actors to speak with stupid accents, it's always end up bad. There are probably semi-pro russian dubs somewhere on russian torrents, those retards can watch them with eng subs if they really want to
t. russki
>or with no accent at all.
Stupid mutt detected
>arabian thief
>speaks like a guy from midwest
this was way worse
I kind of agree. Why are they speaking in a British accent? It's just so bizarre.
you do have a french accent when you speak english retard
People would bitch if they found out they had to read subtitles for the entire series, this is the best way even if it doesn't please everybody
I actually don't, but more to the point people in France don't talk to each other in English, and they most certainly don't talk to each other with a retarded accent.
I dont know why they complaining Im assuming the actors are british. If they got slav actors to do it there plenty of slavs that learn to speak british sounding english then Americanized. Dumb nitpicking
It's about the accents, not the language. It should either be with Russian accents or at least with no accents, English accents are some absurd lol randum shit that ruins all immersion.
>with a retarded accent.
Do they not have retarded accents in France? Like the equivalent of Alabama or anything North of the M25.
That makes just as little sense though, why would they be speaking English with Russian accents?
Lol when they dubbed the French miniseries Napoleon into English they gave everyone thick French accents.
It was completely unwatchable holy fuck
they'd rather have every actor attempting some horrible russian accent? no
Everything not American is played by Brits. Why are the Greeks in 300 a bunch of English and Scots while the Persian God-King is Hispanic?
Ive seen you posting for a few days now tripfag.
Where is it you come from?
People who can immerse themselves more when they're using Russian accents are brainlets.
Either they should go all out with a Russian cast and script, or do what they did with actors pretending to be Russians.
It makes sense if you speak a language to use the (an) accent of the native speakers. If you are indicating that the language they are speaking is their second language or something like that then you give an accent.
The thing is, they are doing accents already. Few of the actors sound like that in normal life, Barry Keoghan certainly fucking doesn't
Like this
Seems like if they all spoke like this, it’d be unwatchable.
because english and scottish are the two most relevant races on the planet
Ъ isn’t a b sound you retard
Much less than in America, but it doesn't apply here anyway. Why would two Parisians talk to each other like "wee ahv too keel zeuh keeng fohr ze revolooshonne"?
>those comments
Holy shit the IQ of imdb users must be close to 3.6
>no accents
There's no such thing as "no accent" you retard. Holy fuck
you think that's bad? Italians literally dub shows from southern italy with northern accent actors.
This, they could have found Russian actors as good as what we have here, but i imagine it would have been very difficult.
Holy fuck kill yourself you brainless retard
They should of used actual Russians speaking English.
>Comrade, someone has the error. Reactor is no more.
>is only 3.6 roentgen, problems weren't
Ouais t'as raison on va pas s'afficher en parlant des picards, normands et autres degénérés du langage lel.
t. Normand
That's not "no accent", that's just an unplaceable "American" accent
accent autism general?
You just ousted yourself as a retarded American twice
I actually can’t believe that fully grown Americans think they don’t have accents, you also see it when they ask why non-American singers ‘lose their accent’ while singing. I also used to think I didn’t have an accent and everyone else just pronounced things wrong, like how Americans say ‘bahx’ instead of ‘box’ and ‘mairn’ instead of ‘man’ and ‘whoit’ instead of ‘what’, but that was when I was 7 years old.
Also the fact that you can’t even into foreign film seals the deal that you and every other American like you should commit suicide when possible.
Lol, I don't understand the mental block these idiots have. How hard is it for these pea-brains to understand that an English actor putting on a phoney "Russian" accent is even more artificial than having them speak English naturally?
All forms of American are accents, you absolute imbecile. The only proper way to speak English is King's English also officially known as Received Pronunciation.
But in the Leftist egalitarian dystopia within which we currently live RP is deprecated because it is viewed as elitist and oppressive. In any case, even RP has evolved over time: listen to any given English scholar in recordings from the beginning of the 20th century and compare to today.
>actually using the name African-american
Also see
Biggest blunder is making a yass queen slay know it all femibullshit character. Dropped it at 2.
>I can't like omg literally ACTUAL AMERICANS believe THISS?!?!?
fucking kek
She's doesn't even get that much screen time. The show is solid. If that character ruined the show for you, you may need to rethink your life.
>You are the delusion
No, that would be Angelina Jolie's accent in Alexander.
>tried to play AC Unity in French
>the bad lip syncing was too distracting
find a video of 2 french people talking to each other in english without accents. I'll wait.
French have the worst accent of all speaking English
She's presented as the smartest character in the series and she's very condescending. The actress also sucks, you see Legasov in constant dread, the reality of the situation really hits you when you see him struggle with what to do and what to say, on the other hand she comes off as an arrogant bitch, she's on the verge of smiles at times. She could've been bearable if she wasn't such a stuck up cunt about everything
>that's what I would do
>yes, it would.
Why couldn't she have said "so would I, except...".
There's no such thing as a "french accent" in the first place
Dutch accent is worse imo.
Not him, but unless they are in class why the fuck would two French people speak to each other, in English?
have sex
try to think about what you just wrote
Zis cock-sockerr want two kiss di ess.
That's an American accent.
I will. With your mom.
reminds me when everybody was raving about narcos, but shit was unwatchable because spanish accents where all over the place
>British accents
I can tell you what marble mouthed shit I won't be watching regardless of (((IMDB))) scores. It's been proven their scores get boosted since 'I Am Legend' anyway. Enjoy that 9.7, though. Your sports team tv show won!!!!
They're not speaking english naturally, none of them are speaking in their natural accent
Same retarded shit always
Why can't americans restrain themselves to tell american stories?
Seething yank.
Stay mad.
why they dont made the entire serie in russian language with russian actors? i know this serie is made for american/british audience but with the actual globalism could work, americans and british are not the only people who see series and not english speaking people would enjoy more the series
that's not a french accent, that's a stereotype how french people speak english
sure, but you gotta dig. She is six feet underground
>durrr dey sound funny
am*Ricans are truly a putrid race of "people"
Why would I seethe? I speak normally. Sorry, I triggered you by having good dental hygiene or whatever.
than make it yourself
it's not my country's obligation to prop your shitty movie industry
>GTA IV would have been better with Niko and other Eastern Europeans speaking in English or American accents
And yes, Slavs absolutely do talk like that IRL. Every Slav I've met has had the same accent and mispronunciation of the same words, as if they all learned English from the one person or some shit, lol.
They shouldn't just have made sure the actors had Russian accents, they should have made sure the actors were actually Slavs as you can honestly tell a Slav just by looking at him half the time. None of the actors LOOK Slavic except some of the guards who actually are, and it's jarring as fuck.
Only bongs can look as monstrous as they do.
>or with no accent at all
The absolute state of American dental care!
seething Pierre?
so snails never speak to each other in english but somehow think they don't have french accents when speaking english?
do frenchfags actually believe this?
none of the actors look monstrous
"durr we wuz gonna be monarchy and shit! Pay da taxes or die! Totally stable King Georgie worgie demands it!"
A real class act of a people.
You're clearly a bong. They all look fucking deformed, lol. Your genetics are absolutely rank.
literally any french politican speaking english has a french accent. It's not hard to find a video
Get the fuck outta here with your citation from literal propaganda.
>implying I'm British
>implying your whataboutism will distract anyone from the fact that am*Ricans are barely "people"
Post hand.
I have a feeling about you Paco.
That's what happens when your "culture and history" is basically just an island of inbreeding.
>but muh 56% he says as Achmed rapes his wife
Lmao yes they are, the vast majority of the cast are British actors
Where are you from? You're obviously so proud you make a point of not mentioning it. That speaks volumes but >imply away
Imagine being an amerimutt and all the actors on your favourite shows are British, how inferior you would feel
Someone please tell me how giving them bad vaguely Slavic accents is any better
>you make a point of not mentioning it
Because it's irrelevant to the topic at hand. I could be a literal sub-saharan African and it still wouldn't change the fact that am*Ricans aren't human
If a person ever says "SEETHING", "U MAD" or some babby tier meme and nothing else it always means that person is guilty of having that emotion which they are accusing you of having. It's ok, I know you're some bitch as Asian breed or faggot Greek mutt.
So I'm Scotish and Braveheart's accents were horrendously bad with mostly English/American or Irish actors playing the roles of major Scots. Despite this the movie would have been 1000x worse if they were all just speaking in their normal accents. Outlaw King would also have been detrimented significantly if Chris Pine was simple talking in his native American accent, it would be jarring as fuck and retarded even if his accent doesn't sound quite right to people from the region.
This is fucking stupid, the accent shit and lack of actual ethnically Slav actors was a huge blunder but the show is still very kino.
English accents are annoying as fuck anyway and overly soft/effeminate. Why are we suddenly acting like French accents, Spanish accents, Russian accents etc are more annoying than bong ones?
And while we're at it ancient Greeks and Romans speaking in modern English accents is pathetic and insufferable as well. As is using English/American actors to portray Romans who probably just looked largely like modern Italians unless they were from other parts of the Empire.
But Nico is in America and actually speaking English in the story you stupid fuck
Fine by me.
It's not
This but with the Russian-English track laid directly over the original audio, only one person does all the characters' voices and in a monotonous voice
Since they don't speak English to each other they don't have accents when speaking to each other, how is that so hard to understand?
whats the difference?
Imagine your favorite shows are so low quality they have mostly British actors? I'd imagine I probably wouldn't feel a thing because I'd be a retarded mouth breather if that were the case.
It's not just Americans dude. It's everyone who's not British who's sick of this shit, lol. Literally the only people defending it passionately are bongs. Nobody really likes you that much, nobody really hates you that much, we're just sick of you self inserting in everyone else's culture and history.
But Brits putting on Russian accents sounds horrible.
Like with Child 44
>So I'm Scotish
I think you know you're even more scum than an American so you're right, it doesn't matter.
This, we all know ancient Greeks and Romans spoke with American accents.
God Americans are such a pathetic excuse of a 1st world country.
Cut dicks
Black president
Sky high murder rate
No universal healthcare unlike every other 1st world country.
Genuinely the stupidest people in the west.
God awful infrastructure.
average american earns less then average western European.
Can be denied hurricane relief if they dont swear to never boycott Israel (this is true look it up).
People are so fucking retarded. You know what I wish? I wish all the scum of the Earth had one throat and I had my hands about it.
don't bother trying to explain this to amerisharts
they're literally the only ones autistic enough to care about muh accents
>So I'm Scotish
>No universal healthcare unlike every other 1st world country.
>over 50% tax rate for subpar healthcare
>any serious problems go to America for actual treatment
Making everyone talking in accents would be a goofy gimmick. Of course it's only Americans wanting them to fake being Russian because they want the gimmick, otherwise they can't fathom the actors doing their jobs.
>docudrama set in soviet ukraine
>everyone has russian accents
Honestly, british accents are the most reasonable. It's a clear choice rather than a stupid "default," and they're extremely understandable by nearly everyone.
t. small-dicked bugman whose gf left him for some white dick
So when he actually speaks in Serbian his accent should change to English/American and he should still speak in English then, lol? What? A character can only have a Slavic accent if he's speaking English in the scenes? How does that even make sense?
Ultimately I would have preferred Slavic actors speaking Russian with subtitles, that would have been the ultimate kino. If they can't do that at least fake a fucking accent or get English speaking Russian actors.
>its this tripfag again
See, when French people learn english in school, they often retain specific rhythm and intonation they are familiar with in their native language. These can be easily recognized, but ultimately they are an error on the speakers part. This is very unlike geographical or ethnic differentiation of english language by its speakers. THERE IS NO FRENCH ACCENT BECAUSE THERE IS NO FRENCH ENGLISH.
Just read any linguistics 101 book and stop posting your opinions on things you don't understand.
Americans pay more tax then most of western Europe despite earning less you fuckwit.
300 years of inbreeding will do that to you
They actually tried doing Russian accents, but dropped it because it sounded silly and the actors had to focus on keeping up the accents so much they couldn't even do any acting.
Just imagine TF2 Heavy doing serious nuclear physics conversations and tell me how that could produce anything but a comedic effect - the exact opposite of what you want in your existential nuclear horror series
Yeah hardly invalidates my point though does it.
Actually would make more sense for Romans to speak in an American accent. It sounds better in Elder Scrolls with Imperials and Americans are kind of the Romans of the current era.
hey it's smiling!
>Americans pay more tax then most of western Europe despite earning less you fuckwit.
Now you're just being silly user. You know very well taxes in the EU are out of control.
When he speaks Serbian it should be in Serbian, exactly how it already is.
it absolutely would sound silly as fuck
it works in a comedy, but NOT a drama
Well to be frank, english is kinda a sub-french language
So you agree Chernobyl should have been in Russian then with Russian speaking actors, as they're all speaking Russian the entire time.
>they often retain specific rhythm and intonation they are familiar with in their native language
that's called an accent fucktard
they sound like the black lodge dwarf from twin peaks
it takes place in Ukraine
>the am*ricoid desperately tries to point fingers at others whenever criticised
I said
>Black president
Somehow your retarded mind thinks im anti trump.
So basically you have proven my point about Americans being retarded.
"dude this new Netflix show is amazing! You gotta watch it cause it's certified fresh and has cool British accents!"
Yeah, I'd rather not be a part of that crowd.
If you are going to make something in English when characters ought to be speaking another language then you can’t do “correct accents” because that is stupid. It is either English or Russian. No in between.
Couldn't care less
Have you ever heard Barry Keoghan talk before?
Not really, it's an English production and it's better for English speakers to have them speak English because reading subtitles through an entire series is suboptimal, especially in one where visuals are important.
It's the same fucking language/ethnicity, lol. But 'Ukrainian' then...
no it's not, just as if you pierce your toungue and huff helium you didn't just create brand new accent
I said you're more trash you fucking mong. That means I actually validated the criticism. Congrats! You're only slightly a bit more retarded than an American.
Post your hand, tyl*R
So why should Niko speak Serbian in the scenes where he's speaking Serbian lol? You're contradicting yourself.
>reading subtitles for long is suboptimal
When did I ever say anything about Trump, micro dick?
/got/ refugees killed Yea Forums
>The series is so go that you get lost
>illusion of the drama?
>none of the actors has a Russian accents
>Can't get passed that
>Should of used
TV & Film.
Yes, I'm going to post a picture of my hand for the person hiding their country of origin behind anonymity.
>phone posting
wait why are they complaining that the accents aren't russian. The issue is supposed to be that they aren't speaking Ukrainian/Byelorussian/Russian.
the metro games have russian accents, it's terrible
forcing accents just distracts actors from doing their job, this is why the cast of got is mostly british instead of americans with fake accents
Until you criticize Britbongs then they have to chimpout like the imbred island fucks they are.
So you're not even white? lel that's even worse
>thinks capitalising the letter after the asterisk indicates phoneposting
>doesn't know about the wh*Teoid meme
>being this new
>alekshey, one ping only
In a parallel universe
>Why the fuck are they speaking in a silly accent, just stick to English or do it in the original language. 4/10.
>the metro games have russian accents,
>it's terrible
Not it's not lol. It's 1000x better than stupid bong accents everywhere.
53% Tyrone
Post hand mutt.
Nigger what?
>this is why the cast of got is mostly british instead of americans with fake accents
So the cast of Chernobyl should be mostly Slavs (Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians) then, you agree? Instead of bongs with fake accents.
>So you're not even white? lel that's even worse
How retarded are you that you think this shit is actually going to get me to do what you want? This doesn't seriously work on the people where you live, right? Are you the king of potatoes where you're from?
Because the entire game is in English you stupid fucking retard
Inselaffen. The world is sick of you lol. Stay on your shitty little bland island and stop self inserting as superior people with superior history and culture.
>too afraid to post his hand
non-white confirmed. I'll post mine if you post yours ;)
Keep begging for a pic, anonymous faggot. If you agree to hold your breath until I post it then I might?
If you think that's bad watch lords of chaos
if the slavs made their own version in their own language, sure. Chernobyl is in english though, they have no obligation to hire slavs
>be amerilards
>make a TV series about the events in USSR filled with Jewish anti-soviet propaganda
>Make it in English with Western actors, people get upset because muh suspension of disbelief
>make it in Russian (Ukrainian is not a real language), amerilards will get mad because muh subtitles, plus having to hire the native speakers would be a pain in the ass
>make it in English where everyone speaks with heavy Russian accent, people vet upset because dude why not just make it in English/Russian instead
>The world is sick of you
A German saying this is fucking hilarious!.
Its good to not have russian bs since english actors are better.
Since they speak 1 language to each other you can easily imagine thats roughly how the conversations went logistically.
The problems with languages arise when you can expect the characters to not know a particular language but everyone speaks english so its completely ignored.
It's sheer laziness/incompetence on the part of the creators who didn't want to have to track down authentic Slavic talent. Should GoT just have had American actors with American accents and have been filmed in America? After all, isn't America basically propping up the British film industry by the same standards some idiotic user applied to Chernobyl earlier.
Authenticity, immersion and believability matters in media, especially media set in the real world, and the only people this shit doesn't bother are people with no knowledge/experience of Slavs/Slavic culture IRL. It's really not just a question of accent, it's mannerisms and tone and everything. They just don't seem or look Slavic whatsoever and it totally takes me out of it the entire time.
People complaining about fake Slavic accents are completely ignoring the fact that having bong actors speaking English at all is already significantly more jarring than making them fake a Ukrainian accent is.
I really hope the next American movie set in Medieval England has everyone speaking in strong, overly dramatic and emotional American/Canadian accents and is full of nigger and spic Amerilards, let's see how quickly Brit0ids chimp the fuck out over that.
GoT had no obligation to hire Britoids either, but they did because it makes it more authentic and immersive, which matters in TV/film. So if you want to cut corners, accept the valid criticisms.
It didn't work and it was extremely jarring and immersion breaking and detracted from an otherwise fantastic piece of media.
That's a good point, why do they have English accents in GoT? It's so weird
>Stay on your shitty little bland island and stop self inserting
Fuck off out of American politics and stop acting like your politics have some higher moral ground and it's a deal. I have no qualms with you, I already feel bad that the Jews basically have dabbed on you all for like 3/4s of a century.
got is produced in britain though, in a world inspired by medieval britain, so hiring british actors makes the most sense
99% of Non Brit actors cant act.
I bet you think the US Office is better than the UK version
it is
>got is produced in britain though, in a world inspired by medieval britain
Chernobyl is set literally in real world Ukraine. Hiring Slav actors makes the most sense.
And GoT is not produced in Britain at all, it's an international production from an American media conglomerate filmed in several countries around the world.
Ukrainian actors (especially older ones) usually don't speak english.
>track down authentic Slavic talent
you sound bitter like the blacks, why didn't the slavs make chernobyl themselves? The brits are not obligated to hire hire slavs based only on their race
the point of acting is to appear like someone else, if no one can act as anyone except their nationality, then you won't see stuff like chernobyl, because ukraine doesn't have the industry to make shows like that
I would never watch the UK one because Ricky Gervais is insufferable. Saying something is better than a safe, prime-time by the #s network sitcom that's half about shipping starring Steve Carrell isn't really a feat, though.
It literally is, the worst season of the US office is ironically the first one which tries to stay closer to the UK office.
Brits are annoying and weird. I think honestly the only people that like Brits and want to see more of them are other Brits, which speaks volumes.
I feel like people asking for English speaking actors with Russian accents is a joke. How is that immersive or good? It just sounds ridiculous.
I'd rather take English-speaking kino like Death of Stalin and Chernobyl over any meme movie with accents.
the production of game of thrones was headquartered in Belfast, NI, UK
the only time they went abroad was to film in different environments, which granted, was a significant part of the show, but the HQ was still in Belfast, anything they could film "inside" was all sets in Belfast
that's called a lisp and your accent won't change just because you have a higher pitch. Your native language having an effect on how you speak english is indeed called an accent you fucking retarded snail
The accents: not great, but not terrible either
Even better, they shouldn't have been speaking English anyway, but there are a TON of English speaking East Slavic actors of high quality. You're a fucking reaching moron, this is pathetic.
>the point of acting is to appear like someone else
Yeah and you don't, is my point. It's a terrible attempt at self inserting as Slavs. You don't pull it off at all.
it isn't though
I don't think slav accents would be an improvement. Using various dialects of English would make more sense (like, Estuary for Russian, Scouse for Ukranian and, I don't know, Scottish for Belarusian, something like that - Slav languages aren't 100% mutually understandable, but Scottish accent is not understandable either). But even then, it wouldn't catch all the cultural undertones.
Another way would be to use some approximation of movie English in the 80s for some kind of comparable effect. Kinda worked for War and Peace series and early XIX century.language feel.
Slav accents suck balls, the sounds we use for stuff we can't properly pronounce in English are, vise versa, difficult to replicate for an English native. Using Slav languages is out of question, the lines in John Wick ended up completely bastardized.
Interesting, I was in Vilnius a couple of months ago and these two Lithuanian men refused to speak in Russian (both knowing it fluently, but the language of the oppressor), so they struggled on in shitty English. That's commitment.
Not really relevant anyway to be honest, they didn't need to HQ in UK, they chose to because they wanted to hire British actors etc to make it more authentic, immersive and believable.
Chernobyl should have done the same.
>I don't think slav accents would be an improvement.
It would be an improvement, however actual Slav actors speaking Ukrainian would ultimately have been most preferred.
Let me try this for all you fucking retards: Accents are used as a way to define characters in movies where you want to represent people from a multitude of nationalities without necessarily having them all speaking in different languages. In a context where every character speaks the same language but you're not making it for a public that speaks that particular language it is definitely a fine, arguably better, choice to not have dumb thick accents.
You fucking idiots.
Russian and Ukrainian are not the same language
Remember that when the next Medieval England movie comes out and it's all Americans speaking in their own accents because it was filmed in America by an American company, lol.
Take it from a slav: they are doing just fine, and I'm perfectly happy with their decision to go full english.
I always assumed it was just that they got a shitty translator
Keep the flawed arguments coming. American and brits all speak the same language and the decision to change the accent then is quite a bit more questionable.
>using sieverts
it was literally introduced in the 1980s. Replace miles with kilometers today and see how long it takes you to replace all your instruments and reliance on the old unit
They wouldn't speak Ukrainian in the ussr anywhere outside of westernmost parts of Ukraine. Russian was and mostly still is the lingua franca in this area
Why are Brits so butthurt over this? Almost everyone I've spoken to has found the British accents and actors jarring as fuck in this show, they can't really get over it. It's not an attack on your people or accents, lol, they just don't fit the setting, it's jarring in a show that otherwise does wonders at pulling you into the world of 80s Soviet bureaucracy.
If you pulled this for African settings you'd be whitewashing and racist and probably even jailed in your own merry Britain for hate crimes, lol. Maybe Brits are just so insulated they truly think all whites are the same but Slavs are very different to Britishers. They look different, act different.
Sure the differences between Slav and British may be lesser than between British and African but there is still by far enough of differences between Slav and English to make it jarring and unsatisfying.
yep, "AYY ZED FIVE" is pretty cringe
It’s an American show.
It's not a flawed argument at all. There are plenty of Slavic actors that speak English. Medieval English is an entirely different language to the language of today and most modern English speakers would be utterly incapable of understanding the English spoken in the 1000s or so.
You are the one making flawed arguments and being hypocritical. You've clearly stated numerous times foreign media companies have no obligation to try and cast authentic actors from the regions they are portraying in media, why should an American company spend the time and expenses locating to Bongland and casting Bong actors when they can just use American actors? It's all the same language like you said anyway, accents aren't jarring at all.
>Take it from a slav
Where are you from?
Also, uh, language changes over the years. Medieval English is dramatically different from modern british. It's almost as big of a jump to british as it is to american.
Yeah, I replied again to mention the medieval english thing but I have stated NOTHING numerous times, I've literally just joined the fucking conversation.
Exactly, so may as well cast Americans speaking in thick, overly dramatic and emotional American accents then, right. Since accent clearly doesn't matter when the actors are speaking a different language from the people they are portraying.
You're so fucking stupid, I'm not sure how you even made it to 4channel
true, so chernobyl did it right
At least in Russia, and most likely Ukraine, dubbing stuff is common. If we want kino with our languages, we just dub.
Dumbfuck Americans don't want actual Russian accents, they want some cartoon character DAS VADANYA, COMRADES, I KILL MOOSE AND SQUEEREL WITH NUCLEAR WESSEL DA shit like in their action movies so their tiny burger-fed minds can know that they are Russians
But that only lends further credence to my point and makes it all the more acceptable, according to your own logic, for Americans speaking American accents to portray Medieval Englishers.
You literally said yourself it's only really questionable because they all speak the same language.
If they're portraying people speaking an almost entirely different language, as Medieval English was, then it's absolutely fine for an American company to go down the Chernobyl route and use American actors.
not the frenchie but you're retarded user
will chernobyl be dubbed? if so, will the butthurt slavs finally be satisfied?
>they should speak with english with eastern european accents
No that's retarded.
You either make them speak the language they're supposed to speak, Russian, or whatever is convenient English.
Doing some cringey halfway measure where they use russian accents for the sake of immersion is only immersive for idiots who think they spoke english with an accent.
Where in Russia.
>or with no accent at all.
That's not a thing.
Nizhniy Novgorod. Why?
It's a spectrum though as you've clearly pointed out, English with East Slavic accents is the midway point, English with Britisher accents is the extreme non immersion and jarring point and Russian language with English subs is maximum immersion and Soviety comfykino.
imagine having to nit pick the british cast to find something to not like about this show in order to be a contrarian shitter.
Good question. Don't know for sure, but it's big enough to be dubbed in some form.
For the butthurt crowd language doesn't matter, it's mostly about MUH КЛЮКBA
If the americans want to, then that's their prerogative
A nuclear plant exploding is a sufficiently universal problem to be still be immersive while discussed in any language
Rather formal term for you to use for it.
>I really hope the next American movie set in Medieval England has everyone speaking in strong, overly dramatic and emotional American/Canadian accents and is full of nigger and spic Amerilards, let's see how quickly Brit0ids chimp the fuck out over that.
That’s not remotely the same you mouth breather, why would you have something set in England with Americans speaking English instead of English people speaking English? A better example would be something like an anime set in England, where nobody English would give a shit that ‘English’ people were speaking Japanese because it was produced by Japanese people.
What the fuck? This isn't the argument I tought I was having. I am FOR using either the english language OR the original language, not having every single character speaking english in a european\slavic\whatever accent. As a non-native english speaker myself I couldn't give half a shit if it's british, american, texan, canadian, australian or whatever the fuck.
It IS odd that an american production chose british accents, but I honestly have no real opinion on that.
It felt really weird watching Kingdom when everyone was speaking their natural tongue with one another but it was portrayed as english in garbled asian accents
Nobody is saying they can't do it, or that HBO can't Britwash Chernobyl. I'm saying it's stupid and jarring as fuck, and you would absolutely agree if Americans done the same here.
Regardless of how good the movie was, you'd take issue with the accents, because you're a hypocritical fuck like every Britoid subhuman I've ever had the misfortune to meet.
Do you actually think that foreigners, when talking to each other in their own language, sound to each other like they're speaking in barely comprehensible retarded sounding gibberish?
>English with East Slavic accents is the midway point,
It's a retarded midway point for subhuman mongrels.
It is actually worse for immersion than just various american, english, and other accents like swedish that I could make out since you're making a deal out of it at that point, instead of making the initial handwave of that this is translated for you.
Making them do russian accents while speaking english is just jarring as fuck, because in every sentence they're shouting that they're pretending to be russians. When they're not doing a goofy accent it isn't silly, since they're speaking mostly like they're supposed to in that language, and you can handwave it and move on.
... I'm not sure I understand what you meant to say user
as he said: doing it in english with a slavic accent is cringey af
it's a low iq move that says "look, we're speaking english with an accent... that's LIIIIIIKE speaking the original language XDDDD"
Those men are delusional
seriously, it's like Dory saying she speaks whale and then just speaking in english while making whale noises
it's FUNNY because it's so incredibly stupid
It's exactly the same you fucking retard. And it would piss English viewers the fuck off and they would discard it entirely. So don't act like it's unreasonable for people to do the same with Chernobyl.
>why not english with english
Old English is an entirely different language, they're not portraying actors speaking modern English so it really doesn't matter what accents they use as modern English is modern English anyway right and accents can't be jarring and immersion breaking at all, apparently?
And while we're at it, let's make all the American actors to be of ethnically non-Anglo descent, but still white. Because white is white, right?
and if it was made by germans for a german audience would you expect the british peasants to be speaking primary school level german with heavy british accents amongst themselves?
I'm not british, I just appreciate the talent of british actors
but you really do sound like the people who get butthurt when straight actors are cast as transvestites and "whitewashing" and so on
Why not just call it Nizhny or Gorky.
Dunno, don't speak German so can't say what sounds jarring and immersion breaking in German. I do speak English though and so I know what is jarring in English and that is British accents in every fucking piece of media representing vastly different peoples and cultures at different points in history.
Imagine if they all spoke in Yorkshire accents in Beasts of No Nation.
I had assumed I wasn't speaking to another Russian, and I didn't want to complicate things if someone wanted to look it up. But yeah.
but people in the countries represented in Beasts of No Nation speak english
it makes sense to use their dialect
people in Pripyat didn't/don't speak english, so it only makes sense to have them speak in "normal" english
do you also sperg out when animu dubs aren't with heavy japanese accents?
>an airtight, planned, perfectly executed show that aims to be more than just comedy and that captures 21st century ennui and wageslavery better than anything else except maybe Peep Show, with a flawless combination of Don Quixote and the Underground Man as the main character and not one, but two perfect endings (S2E6 and Christmas Special Part 2)
>an NPC-bait bog standard sitcom that kept going past its prime for way too long, exists purely for entertainment, has a bastardised David Brent as the main character and removes the Underground Man aspects to focus on the Don Quixote aspects, which isn’t necessarily bad but just ends up as LOLRANDOM humour
Diversity Day is the best episode in the series because it’s the closest in spirit to the UK version without being a carbon copy. Seasons 2 and 3 had plenty of good episodes of what the US version was trying to be but they pale in comparison to literally any episode of the UK version. The US version has good sitcom writing, but the UK version and Peep Show have good writing. Blackadder made any other attempt at sitcoms obsolete anyway; Americans should stick to standup, which they’re fantastic at and beat Brits any day.
Season 3 of the US version is better than any season from either series. That fact alone makes the US version better. You can't judge the US version on its final 3 seasons, just like you can't judge a world-class athlete on his 40 time when he's 85 years old.
Judging both shows at their best reveals the only conclusion: the US version is better.
>but people in the countries represented in Beasts of No Nation speak english
Ahahahahha, no... no they do not. Beasts of No Nation is set in Ghana you fucking retard, and most of the people depicted in that movie would speak various regional and tribal languages. English is just the, loose, lingua franca of Ghana.
>SupaHotAss samefagging that hard
Both of you ameri*an children need to hop off and do your homework now, embarrassing, imagine LARPING as a different nationality lol
Russians watch voicovers
Is that your trigger word nigger?
If there’s any accent that’s being used to represent everybody it’s definitely not British
And by the way, they used Ghanian actors too, Idris Elba being the sole exception (although he is ethnically Ghanian). Because if they had used non-Ghanian actors for Beasts of No Nation there would have been a tremendous shitstorm.
So why is it fine for Brits to Britwash Chernobyl.
Why the fuck would speaking in an Eastern European ENGLISH accent be more believable? They are speaking in a native accent for the intended audience, as the real people were speaking in a native Ukranian accent.
Are people really this stupid?
I'm not LARPing, was just proving he is not actually Russian.
>you fucking retard
>it's an American show
Like most American shows or films, if you want it to be good you get Brits to star in it.
>yanks and slavshits seething about being cucked once again by the superior Anglo
Chin up lads
Nice selective screening there. Akan is spoken by 80% of southern Ghana, lol. Most of the child soldiers and poor people have barely any grasp of English.
Why try to argue about shit you're utterly ignorant of? What does it do for you, man?
unlike you, I'm not swept up by the identity politics meme
I'm fine with brits playing slavs just as much as I'm fine with Laurence Olivier playing a moor
please tell me which language (singular) is designated "official" on that list
He literally said that english is the "loose lingua france of Ghana". You should learn to read.
Have sex
Please explain how having Russian accents is less emerisive than them having English accents.
Do you know what a fucking lingua franca is, man? Jesus fucking Christ... Do you think all of America speaks English too or something, haha? Try going to border states sometime.
the point is, it's already bullshit because they're speaking english, so who gives a fuck about the accent. you fucking turbo brainlet fag.
They used English accents because using Russian accents in English media is almost satire at this point.
If you're not a brainlet, you'll pick up on the fact that they did use several regional English dialects for the different groups in the show.
Listen to how Soviet Ron Jeremy sounds compared to Lavaboy and Scherbina. Listen to how both of those sound compared to Sminem and the doggo removers.
I truly fucking hate Bongscum, man. When are the Rothschilds going to wipe out their abominable mutant freak creations...
Fake Russian accents are corny as fuck and distracting. Also means the actors aren't performing at their best
Nobody cares enough about England to learn its regional accents you fucking idiot nigger. Just fuck off out of media depicting other people and cultures, the world is sick of you.
how can it be "loose" if it's the only official recognized language?
>Inserting yourselves
Don't watch Chernobyl then lmao. Ukraine can always make their own TV show. Also HBO is American. Retard.
Get Russian actors then, don't want to look at ugly Brit mutants anyway, that's distracting enough on its own.
if a film takes place in America and the film audience speaks english, then yes I assume the actors will be speaking english
what kind of point do you think you're making here?
Russian actors are shit
1. I'm not a Loicensestani.
2. You've basically proven your own point.
You could replace England with Russia in your post and it would be even more true.
but any authentic russian actors would literally be mutants because of the radiation
So if its set in a Spanish speaking community/part of the US, would you expect it to use ethnically Italian actors speaking in generic American accents or Mexican actors speaking in spic accents?
I thought it was only 3.6 roentgens???
>Russian actors
You must be joking
I'd expect them to speak in their regional accent in english because that's what they speak there. No one in Ukraine speaks in a slavish accent to each other. They speak Russian in Ukrainian accents.
>english because that's what they speak there
No, they literally don't. This is what I'm saying to you, champ. There are parts of the US where people don't speak English at all anymore, Spanish is literally all they speak.
I love how the people complaining about people complaining about the accents are insecure Britistanis lol
Not a single town or city in the US is this the case.
When will their own media start accurately reflecting their own capital city as 37% white British is what I wonder.
There's honestly probably almost as much white Slavs in London than white British at this point.
You're wrong, he's right. There are large sections of border towns and cities where loads of people don't understand English. I went into a McDonald's in Albuquerque and had a girl just stare at me blankly as I tried to order in English, eventually had to get her manager as he was the only one there who spoke English, and poorly.