Why don't adults who watch anime/cartoons/capeshit grow up?
Why don't adults who watch anime/cartoons/capeshit grow up?
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Define "child".
they don't have to
>I post the 1st Corinthians verse in a thread about anime, literally two minutes ago
>suddenly this thread
Why do you do this, OP
A pre-pubescent. Or in today's world, an under-18
Not an adult yet. Wtf do you think it means
I was inspired by your post lol. People can't refute the Corinthians verse, they resort to posting that CS Lewis quote
what quote
Person who unironically enjoys capeshit.
It's not actually about the capeshit, it's about having something to talk about. You'd understand if you had any clue how normal people work
t. failed normie
Why are Christians such hypocrites?
>using fairytales in Bible as a guide
When you will stop being childish?
Doesn't corinthians say something about not being a sodomite? And here you are OP, being a cocksucking faggot.
>Jewish old testament
Jesus made all things new
adults make these things so it must have some appeal to exist
have sex
council of jerusalem
>Matthew 5:17
What are some adult things to enjoy then?
I' not that much into cuckoldry, substance abuse and caffeine.
Luke 16:17
Matthew 5:18-19
Matthew 5:17
If I don't like chess, I can just as easily say that chess players need to grow up.
And Quiet Flows The Don>Dostojevski
Edgy teen's favourite author
Name something you enjoy, anything. Literally anything instead of just smugly shooting everything down like the faggot you are
Adult over 20 who enjoys star wars, capeshit amd anime
None of those are made for children.
>he actually believe this
It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of fact. Something isn't made for children just because you don't like it.
>be 10 years old
>play with hotwheels lego and acion man/gi joe
>be 40 years old
>drive cars, lay bricks and wear clothes for fashion
We dont stop being children you idiots, we just decay and gain experience as we go towards death
No father figure growing up
>OMG why aren't the Christians forcing their beliefs on me and society?????
Why do you cucks ask for shit you'll whine about later?
Lose weight.
Nobody talks about capeshit at my work. We talk about stupid shit we did on the weekends and what we plan on doing the following weekend.
t. Turbo Normie
I enjoy ridiculing faggots like you.
whew lad. brainlet post right here desu senpai
The stupid thing is considering everything animated or drawn for childrens.
But I agree that a lot of things on those medium are oriented for childrens, especially capeshit.
The MCU is the most awkward thing who exist.
spoken like a child
No one cares godless heathen. Dilate.
Woe upon the Pharisees
Matthew 23
Luke 14
Yea just grow up and get a job bro
Weak coward
I know they do not need my pity but I feel bad for a person who rejects being childish all together. There is nothing wrong with being youthful, no need to scowl and frown through life and take it as some serious business.
As for childrens media well, i'm not convinced you can generalize something that large. Cartoons for adults have existed for decades.
>People can't refute the Corinthians verse,
It's not a command or argument to be refuted, it's a metaphor for a radical change in awareness that will make our current earthly knowledge appear childish and worthless in comparison.
>9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
>10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
>11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
>12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
>comparing the entire medium of anime to capeshit
Yeah, pic related is definitely for kids
I remember when I was 18-22 and I thought I was mature, and cared what people thought of my interests while pretending I didn't. what an embarrassing age.
Tell me user, where does belief in a superpowerful sky daddy who wrote a book a long long time ago fit on the spectrum of childish to adulthood?
>Now I buy funkopops to my wife's son so he can start his own collection.
the moeposter
He says a lot of shit. Nobody actually thinks of them as children's movies.
It is for mankids, lol
if God is so good, why he approved also the old testament in the holy bible?
If atheists are so intelligent, why is the world getting shittier?
Because you touch yourself
I fap thinking about Twilight Sparkle and her giant donut anus and his pink mare vulva
Thinking about those perfect round purple flanks that I want to spank and bite
Thinking about those cute maretits that will swolle when I impregnate her with Magic and cum
Dropping marejuice while she bounces on me
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
someone who hasn't hit puberty yet
Based and redpilled horsefucker.
A lot of that stuff is targeted at people of all ages, hating Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park doesn't make you mature
seething adult-baby detected lmao
Keep telling yourself that, sweetie
I'm not telling myself anything, I'm stating how things are.
Nobody’s saying hating kiddie shit makes them mature, we’re saying enjoying kiddie shit means you have the mentality of a child
>movie that exists to sell toys is actually meant for grown ups
They don't exist to sell toys, and it doesn't say anywhere that a movie can't have more than one audience.
>doesn’t exist to sell toys
>pointless characters are added to the story specifically to sell a toy
kenner revolutionised tie in merchandise for movie franchises with star wars and the early bird package, hence why super7 creates so many reaction style product off of series such as stranger things, alien, fifth element, etc
Doesn't change what I said.
I get that you hate Star Wars, but that doesn't somehow mean it's made for children. When did people stop being able to just dislike something normally? Nowadays there always has to be some bullshit excuse.
Fuck off boomer
You're saying you are more mature than your peers because you dislike these popular movies.
not an argument
get raped, christcucks
It's funny because they people who do the raping these days are championed by the atheists themselves lol
t. Ahmed Mohammad
I don’t hate Star Wars. I’m indifferent to it, much like I’m indifferent to Dora the Explorer or any other children’s media. What I dislike is the constant push toward the infantilization of culture and the normalization of obsessive autistic fandoms.
Star Wars isn't for children regardless of how much it offends you.
Your reading comprehension is very poor, I haven’t compared myself to anyone. I’m not patting myself on the back for being normal, I’m pointing out your developmental issues.
Yes it is. It's a toy driven childrens series made to sell merchandise. Kids want that Jar Jar Binks and Ewoks cups, they want Chewbacca and Princess Amidala glowing things you stick on your ceiling
>It's a toy driven childrens series made to sell merchandise.
It isn't. Why do you have to lie?
>s-stop enjoying things because muh christcuck book says so!!!!!!!
lmao kys