Is Kevin Smith underrated or overrated?

Is Kevin Smith underrated or overrated?

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Imagine being Kevin in this scene

He’s definitely a talented filmmaker, but his real life persona is remarkably irritating

does she suffer from gigantism? she looks like someone cut her silhouette out in photoshop and increased it by 30%


Extremely overrated. Got very lucky with his first movie which would have been nothing without that loudmouth Jay Mewes. He just carried that movie with his adlib. It was just unique for its time.

The rest is shit tier garbage.

He's extremely overweighted.

It's like Kevin Smith at some point of his life forgot how to make good movies.

Clerks - good
Mallrats - comfy
Chasing Amy - good
Dogma - pretty good
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - good
Jersey Girl - garbage
Clerks II - meh
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - utter shit
Cop Out - shit
Red State - shit
Tusk - shit
Yoga Hosers - shit

When you most popular creation is two stoner Laurel and Hardy clones and the only way you stay relevant is kissing corporate ass, yeah you're probably not underrated.

She has a severe case of nigger

Overrated. He made one good movie which spawned an amusing cartoon special. Everything else was subpar and his fans are low IQ stoners.

he's both at the same time desu
his early stuff sans-clerks is very underrated, but everything post clerks 2 (which itself is mediocre compared to the original) is garbage that gets praised by normies

it was a damn shame what the networks did to clerks: the animated series though, that shit is straight up kino

Total piece of shit who has never had a funny or interesting idea.

His movies are abominations and so is he

>Chasing Amy
What's good about Chasing Amy?
I seriously need to know why you think this because I don't understand.

It's a good compared to the other of his movies, not a good in general

good enough to be in the Criterion Collection.
> I don't understand.
obviously. go back to your DBZ/capeshit

He's your typical 105 iq boomer who thinks he's very deep and intellectual. I'm gonna guess he's all for transgenders, extra gay rights, killing unborns up until birth, and all sjw things imaginable.

The criterion collection is dog shit and so are you


>Criterion Collection
>The Criterion Collection company was founded in 1984 by Robert Stein, Aleen Stein, and Joe Medjuck
If they tell me it's good then it must be good.

and yet you hang on every word of Rotten Tomatoes


I'm no mindless stooge.
I form my own opinion about a movie not some faceless faggots being paid by advertisers and studios.

Clerks - meh
Mallrats - trash
Dogma - trash
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - trash
Jersey Girl - good
Clerks II - meh

t. underage

He is still making kino to this day. Pic related

Attached: Kevin_Smith_Cheese_Block.jpg (328x450, 41K)

I win Kevin...I win...

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As a person and a storyteller I feel he is underrated. I got to spend a few hours with him once and he left a great impression on myself and others. I've seen him do live Q&A's three times and he had the audience in constant stitches.

Even though his last several films havent been that good, I still root for him, generally speaking.

if i could snap my fingers and erase someone's past, present, and future career, rhetta would for sure be a top contender

le funny comic book man is underrated.

Jay and silent bob strike back is still my favourite movie, though at this point it's ~50% nostalgia. Liked every one of his movies I've seen except Mallrats. As a person I don't think I could stand him though.

Good Girls is kino

Yes, he's a great storyteller. I would pay for an audiobook or album of Kevin Smith telling me funny hollywood stories

overrated. he's a fucking retard. I literally can't listen to him talk for five minutes. its like going to the comic book store and kevin smith is the guy who won't stop talking to the clerk he's holding verbally hostage because they have to be polite

He used to make funny, often insightful, movies. Now he doesn't. I think he simply doesn't really have any status-quo challenging worldviews to share anymore, so he lost his touch. Unfortunate.
Still kinda hoping for a retarded but funny movie from the new Jay and Silent Bob.


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The Mary Poppins scene. It was beautiful.

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I liked Zack and Miri

He's a sell-out shill and a blubbering basedboy bitch.