Baby Driver

Baby Driver
>longtime passion project developed for over two decades
>shot on digital and looks like horrendous acidic vomit

How did Wright fuck up so badly?

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more like reddit driver

Show a pic where it looks bad so I even know Wtf you are on about

Did JJ Abrams guest direct some scenes?

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yea 720p will do that

>work on passion project for 20 years
>you're still a fucking hack so it sucks anyway

still better looking than digitally shot mcu movies

there's nothing inherently wrong with using digital. what's wrong is hack directors use it because it's cheaper and easier to use, instead of wanting to push the limit and take advantage of what digital can offer. for the editing style of Edgar, it's proper that he used digital.

I liked it

>over two decades

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All it did was make me remember a porn video where a girl who looks like the waitress squirts on a stone table outside.
The title was along the lines of "Anya squirt ftv" or something like that.


I lost brain cells by watching this movie.

Why do all of Edgar's American movies suck dick? Stick with Nick and Simon FFS.

>longtime passion project developed for over two decades
>lazy hacky greedy quicky Drive ripoff

Pick the latter.

Probably one of of the most annoying and obnoxious movies ever made.

have sex

>dude what if we like made drive but as an AMV bro dude lol

remux screenshot

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Attached: Lily James car.webm (900x650, 2.99M)

Anya's so cute is this movie bros. I loved the soundtrack too. It was all round good, if not a little basic.

It was a decent movie. Yea Forums used to love it until they made the connection tk their favorite Autism movie and collectively REEEEE'D

Not the same vid but same girl.

movie is dishonest and pretentious

its dreamy like the 50's or something but I think its because there dead

>its dreamy like the 50's
the 50s didn't look like that

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It was not a decent movie and Yea Forums noticed and hated it from day 1.

I'm basing it off of one flick where some chick dies in the 50's and haunts some dude in the 90's oh and I guess Are You Afraid of the Dark did the same premise

Dont care, the chick is so fucking hot; women need to wear dresses more often

You're just a salty drive autist who is mad that baby driver btfo their favourite movie

Yea Forums being contrarian, right on schedule

Nice meaty legs, but her knees are a bit ugly.

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Am aware that Baby Driver has attracted some, shall we say, mixed reviews and divided opinions. Luckily, Netflix had a three minute preview of the movie, presumably because they were alarmed by the number of people awarding it 1 star and needed a way of stopping people who were going to hate the movie wasting two hours of their life on it.

It's the three minutes or so where Baby Driver is waiting outside a bank for his fellow perps to run a heist, and starts rhythmically banging away on things. For me, this is wrong for so many reasons. Edgar Wright's style works when he has completely ordinary people in ordinary domestic situations shot like they are in a glamorous high-stakes movie. When you actually do have a very high-stakes movie situation, like a bank heist, it makes no sense that a goddamned fourteen year old getaway driver is going to be banging away on a set of imaginary cymbals like he's riding the bus to the laundromat - during the three minutes of the year where he actually needs to be paying attention to what he's doing.

I didn't watch the rest of the movie.

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>screenshots the intentionally blurry dream sequence
Ok pal

he needed pegg or someone else to co write and add a dash of edge and keep the scenes of the kid dancing like a faggot to an absolute minimum. unchecked wright is just too twee.

I didn't say the movie is bad, but it could be much better. Good Time came out the same year, was shot on 35mm on tiny budget and ended up being one of the best looking movies of the decade.


Have sex, zoomer

Digital is the new standard, film reels are too hard to work with and look worse than 4K digital

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Based Deakins

>carry literal truckloads of equipment for any shoot
>but a bunch of film reels are too much trouble
lmfao only people with absolutely no idea what a film shoot is like spout such utter bs

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I love Lily James and are big fat bum.

Attached: lily james -343.webm (1600x1600, 2.32M)

>I-I work on shitty small shots so i am a film expert!

>being this jelly of someone who works on shitty small shoots


>Yea Forums hates Baby Driver now

Proof that summer is here, I guess

>I've never been anywhere close to even a shitty small shot but i am a film expert!

how faceblind do you have to be to think lily james looks anything like her. shes hot though

He isnt 14 and he does it to distract himself from the bank robbery because he doesn't actually want to do it

most of that is lighting, which is even more necissary for film because film is garbage for low light scenes

It looks like twin peaks what's the issue?

>garbage for low light
>not digital

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I mean the hair is the same. Similar enough I suppose

He's right though. The famous spontaneous coyote shot in Collateral would be impossible to be captured by a film camera.

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Wow I can see every pore and pimple and CGI pixel in upscaled 2K! It’s so cool every frame has one only color!

nice argument

its actually 3.4K upscaled to 4K

>set in atlanta
>has some shitty indie music
imagine that with hip hop

>20 years to make

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Would have been much improved if Wright didn't have awful taste in music and if the ending was more exciting than two retards driving around in a dimly lit carpark. I know Drive made it cool for a film featuring an escape driver to not actually have much in the way of car chases, but that didn't work here
Romance is cute, first car chase is fun and Wright's editing still shines despite everything though so I don't regret having watched it in cinemas

Did Kevin Spacey had fun with Ansel Elgort's cute little butt?