>Police Academy
>Naked Gun
>Ace Ventura
>Blazzing Saddles
All not funny
>Police Academy
>Naked Gun
>Ace Ventura
>Blazzing Saddles
All not funny
Other urls found in this thread:
No comedy movies are funny if you're over 25. It's all geared for teens and college kids. And somehow in the last decade they have stopped showing tits in movies and now they show dicks in every comedy. Cool generation, fag. Enjoy your dicks.
Mean Girls is still funny to me at 33
Put your hyper sensitive politics aside and you will laugh.
Shit opinion
Because you're a faggot
it's pretty fetch
I'm married and have 2 kids.
i agree that police academy is utter garbage, but the other 3 are kino (havent seen blazzing sadles yet, but assuming by mel brookino's filmography i'd say it must be good)
I agree with Police Academy. Blazing Saddles and Naked Gun have plenty of good moments, but are highly overrated. Police Squad! In COLOR, the show Naked Gun was based on, is legit hilarious, though. Young Frankenstein is pretty great, too, if we're talking Mel Brooks shit. Airplane is pretty fucking gold. I rewatch it every few years expecting to no longer find it funny, but it always catches me by surprise.
>Ace Ventura
>boomer comedy
I'll never get the hype for Mean Girls. I'm 99% sure people just say it's a good movie so they don't feel guilty for watching it to jerk off to teenage girls.
Name one good comedy film from the last 5 years
>Blazing Saddles
This is a false opinion.
How does your boyfriend feel about that
>Police Academy
Most people agree (even at the time) those movies suck
>Naked gun
It's Leslie Nielsen's best work faggot. Go back to flossing zoomer
>Ace Ventura
Haven't seen it but it's more recent, I wouldn't call it a "boomer" comedy
>Blazing saddles
It's not the movies fault you're a Brainlet
I like it, but I feel like all the good moments are early in the movie. I always loose interest after about an hour.
age 35 and I wasn't even born when police academy came out so I'm confused on this clown age, dont belong anywhere
Ace Ventura kinda FEELS boomer ish, though. I can't really explain it.
Pic related
Don't have a boyfriend, zoomy.
>Shows the most classic of pleb traits, jealousy
>has the taste of a child
Ace Ventura is kinda funny but the other 3 are absolutely hilarious.
I bet you're getting held back again.
absolutely based
You don't smile very much, do you?
Blazing Saddles
>It's Leslie Nielsen's best work
you just have shit taste
it's not going to happen
>no comedy
are you saying that comedy is only for children and fags? eat more dicks you ancient fuck, the day is almost through
Detective Pikachu is pretty meh but it was really funny.
second is Forbidden planet
>Police academy
Wtf cops aren't funny they're opressive and authoritarian
>Naked gun
OMG who is this creepy old dude and why does he harass young innocent women
>Ace Ventura
Animal exploitation and transphobia is no laughing matter
>Blazing saddles
Very funny guys, make fun of race relations and persecution. I'm sure you're klansmen yourselves.
t. Actual faggot
What's the matter you zoomer faggot, not enough overweight neckbeards making funny faces with their mouths open?
Spies like Us
Trading Places
Beverly hills Cop
>Dude weed
>Lmao benis
>Someone eats poop
>Written and produces by Seth Rogen
It's legit his best movie, and one of the best comedies ever made.
No. Fuck off.
Find me a comedy that is geared towards adults and not college kids and teenagers.
Avengers Endgame
Imagine calling someone gay because they made fun of your teenage high school girl coming of age movie
Spies like Us has moments, but meh overall. Beverly Hills Cop is solid. Trading Places is fucking timeless genius.
I don't know a single person who hates this movie. It's brilliant, although I never considered it purely a comedy.
This. I never even saw it but I couldn't stop laughing at it.
Trains plains and automobiles
Made in the last decade. Guess I should have specified.
>Police Academy
Not funny at all, predictable punchlines and tit jokes are terrible
>Naked Gun
Still funny, a bit
>Ace Ventura
The cringiest shit ever, Carrey looks like a legit loud retard
>Blazzing Saddles
Nerver seen it, do you recommend it?
>american comedies are not funny
Ah yes. Please share your favorite polish comedies, Erwin.
what are some comedies from your country
>today the brown man came into town but he didn't make us go boom?
comedy movies aren't supposed to be funny like how horror movies aren't supposed to be scary
>*looks at camera*
zoomer comedy ladies and gentleman
Is this some advanced kind of irony or just stupidity?
Surely you're kidding
Thor Ragnarok
>hairy fatass Does nothing for three minutes straight
>Camera cuts to something else
based and eddie pilled
Who hurt you?
Can someone edit this so Martin is a force ghost?
you shouldn't be scared when you watch horror
life of brian always makes me laugh
>wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!
Yeah, Police Academy is terrible as a whole, but the blue oyster running gag gets me every time.
Naked Gun is fantastic, and we need more slapstick humor. Original, not just parodies.
Ace Ventura is an interesting concept and probably one of the most original plots for a comedy. That being said, it relied too much on Jim's shenanigans.
There's nothing wrong with Blazzing Saddles unless you dislike Mel Brooks humor.
patrician taste
polish comedies are european kino, especially "Miś", but I'm not sure not-euros or even people who didn't see communist/post-communist central Europe will get it.. It's kino anyway
The Japanese garden gets me every time.
Ghostbusters isn't funny
It's half Bill Murray chasing poon while the rest of the cast does fuck all
Back to the Future is vastly superior
Well of course not, if you're over twelve and not a retard. But the intention of a horror movie still is to scare or disturb the audience. And comedies are supposed to be funny, dumbass.
>That guy who was just kidding
>the producers
>12 chairs
>Young Frankenstein
>Blazing saddles
>High anxiety
All hold up. So do some of his later films as well, Spaceballs and men in tights in particular
hail, caesar
would argue the nice guys considering the cast
>It's a first 45 minutes is funny but the second half of the movie is all serious and doesn't have any comedy episode
Why do they do this?
Was quite funny
It was a below average comedy for everyone over 13, but I think it got as popular as it did because of millennial/gen x nostalgia from faggots who grew up consuming all the cash-cow merchandising
Threads like this make me regret being a zoomer.
I was born in le wrong generation!
Filth. It's a dark comedy and it's a good movie. I hesitate to call it all that funny though
Every comedy made by the SNL cast that wasn't Blues Brothers is massively overrated. Caddyshack is my pick for the most overrated movie of all time, it doesn't even deserve a cult status. Pure New York media hype.
I just realized he's choking the pig just like he choked that ugly bitch
If you can't appreciate or understand the humor in Naked Gun or Blazing Saddles.
You haven't lived yet.
Retard alert!
I agree OP. All these comedies are problematic. Bridesmaids and Tina Fey comedies are vastly superior
They are not as funny as youtube humor to be honest.
This is a purely Boomer movie. Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase and other rich Forty year olds playing golf while hijinks insue. Your penniless post-cold war brain isnt supposed to get it.
The only unfunny thing in Airplane is fucking Johnny.
>Nerver seen it, do you recommend it?
Refer to this
Yeah, your comment is making me cringe pretty hard right now.
If you can't watch Silent Movie and laugh you're too young or a humorless slab of flesh.
Either a troll or fucking 85 years old
I love Rodney's act and every other Chevy Chase film (also like the dude's attitude in general), but the movie is just so pointless. It's not bad enough to have infamy and it certainly isn't good.
>implying this site didn't reach maturity constantly posting macros from blazzing saddles
patrician taste, tho
I watched Rejs and I didn't understand where I was supposed to laugh
Have sex
Naked Gun is good.
>including blazing saddles in that list
Kill self asap
kill yourself
The real unfunny boomer comedy coming through
Hail Caesar
I don't know, maybe it's a cultural barrier thing, but I found it more sad than funny. It's like they tried to make it a dark comedy, but couldn't think of any jokes, so just shot the movie straight, expecting the cruelty of those times to be so grotesque as to be funny on its own.
that's not Top Secret
First Police Academy movie was good. The rest get progressively worse. Also fuck you, Naked Gun movies are great and Leslie Nielsen was great even before doing comedy.
>Young Frankenstein
Excellent taste.
Thank you, based false flag /pol/ poster
Top Secret is cinematic genius.
Id use my real flag of Argentina but I always get called a negro
What a disappointment. Had none stop recommendations for this film and it was just OK. I had a couple chucks but I don't see whats so special about it
I like M*A*S*H
>I want you to kill every gopher on the course
>Check me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers they're going to lock me up and throw away the key.
Only comedies I have from this decade are Vacation and Crazy, Stupid Love.
Its entertaining by eye candy especially the jingle rock part but it isn't funny at all
It's weird. I remembered it as this great underrated comedy, but I rewatched it recently and it really isn't all that funny.
You might not find Top Secret funny, but at least it has structure.
Caddyshack has nothing redeeming, yet you see it celebrated like it was some sort of achievement. Hell, the story behind it isn't even that interesting.
Neither of those are intended to be primarily comedies
It was a weird setting for cheeky British jokes. It might have worked better if it wasn't such a jarring setting
They are not funny because you know that those actors are very old or dead now and you are not young too.
don't worry, you'll find one soon
A la recherche de l'Ultra-Sex
not even memeing
shit was hilarious
22 Jump Street
The Internship
Hardcore Henry
Bad Grandpa
Le tout nouveau testament
Unfinished Business
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
Libre et assoupi
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Airplane's kind of funny
I love the number of bins that get knocked over in each episode is the same amount as the episode number.
Ive never had the feeling of a clever or intelligently written joke slowly unwravel before me in any comedy made in the last decade. Theyre all fucking retarded or cheap. These movies are written with careful time and sometimes take more than two seconds to understand.
It doesnt matter if you perceive the jokes as simplistic or not, if you cant understand it while multitasking on your phone, taking a shit, and doing homework its not funny. Thats our standards today.
Scary movie 1-3
Americna pie 1-4, Reunion
Clerks 1,2
Zack and miri make a porno
Jay and silent bob strike back
40 year old virgin
Pineapple express
t. 27 year old chad
Ace Ventura is not a boomer comedy, it's clearly an early Gen-X one.
I must be an old spirit because I'm 36 and I love much of boomer comedies (Naked Gun, Ghostbusters,Monthy Python, Top Secret...).
Nonetheless, I don't find Gen-X comedies funny. Even supposed classics like Zoolander usually leaves me cold.
I'm 30 and step brothers makes me laugh like no other.
>Zack and miri make a porno
>Pineapple express
those are awful
I'm the same age as you and literally everyone our age likes those comedies. You're not special.
It’s because it was supposed to be about the teenagers and then halfway through they decided to make it about dangerfield and the gopher guy so you have all these side plots with the caddies that go nowhere and bog the whole film down
All the creativity and soul got sucked out by the large collagen crusted lips of capitalism and the left leaning parasites that worship it in their actions while vehemently saying they are against it and for “the people”
ace ventura is kino, you fucking tranny, keep coping with those LACES OUT
Naked Gun is kino
Half of /pol/ is niggers, don't be afraid
Are there even fart jokes in this? Sorry my brain must be a little more developed than yours so I don't really glom on to the first toilet humor I hear as if that's the whole movie
>blazing saddles
>naked gun
youd have a point if you said airplane but fuck you
your wife has 2 kids
Disaster movie, Megamind, Death of Stalin and Deadpool 1.
And this is coming from someones whos extremly picky with his movies
comedy gold
Holmes and Watson
Naked Gun is hilarious
Pic related made me have a few good laughs. I always thought it would be unfunny due to the cover art and the boomer following but I watched it and it has aged well. Traveling with the family is timeless
Yeah it's great. I also like
>Revenge of the Nerds
>Animal House
>The Jerk
>Better off Dead
>Beverly Hills Cop
>A Fish Called Wanda
>This is Spinal Tap
among others...
>implying zoomers even know what words mean
>thinks airplane is bad
Too contrarian for me
Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls is one of the most gorgeous creatures ever put on film. Such a shame what happened to her.
You're right except for Ace Ventura, the sequel is even more kino.
I pity Americans for not knowing the wonders of Bud and Terence kino.
I thought Revenge of the Nerds II was pretty good too. It might even be better than the first one.
my god you have horrifically bad taste
Where is the comedy equivalent of this kino chart?
I honestly want to know which horror movies whoever made that chart thinks are good.
Probably a big fan of The Descent. I can tell.
I don't even know what to say to someone who says Naked Gun isn't funny for cheap internet attention. This is just sad.
Spider Man Homocumming
Congrats on having the worst taste in movies.
Not everything shit is considered shit because of politics, boomer.
>Police Squad!
We have a gentleman of refined taste in this thread.
Pretty sure you meant Rachel McAdams
The state of these posts.
Your generation was a mistake.
Yeah well you suck too webcomic artist
I believe comedies got worse gradually since the mid 90s, probably because black humor and satire started to get incredibly overrated. There was cynicism and black comedies before too but at least they had usually more humanity.
The Simpsons it's a great example to see that change in sense of humor since the 90s. From the early episodes of great writting and satire but lots of humanity and real emoltional moments, to the crazyness, brutality and empty characters of the later episodes (even though nowadays they have softened a bit)
OP thinks Stephen Colbert and John Oliver is high brow comedy.
Literally this
Yeah its official zoomers are all faggots
That's because they were brainwashed by Gen Xers
>Tonight's Episode "The Broken Promise"
>This is Spinal Tap
Bareja's comedies are the best
Get rekt zoomlet.
Autists have difficulty understand humor and appreciating fiction.
It's a mystery why all you autists keep pretending you enjoy cinema at all. That's why you prefer shitposting here than watching anything. That's why you only watch movies so that you can repeat patterns here, like soulless autistic pieces of shit.
You are the cancer that has killed Yea Forums.
Mean Girls is patrician as fuck. Only plebs don't see that, though it is obvious.
>Disaster movie
I think Police Academy gave me my facesitting fetish.
The dance is wrong.
>Blazing Saddles
>not funny
OP confirmed for Reddit Tourist
>zoomer comedies
Big Yikes
Please stop spreading shit bait. There are morons out there who will take it seriously.
We really need to start another chan, where autism won't be allowed. Y'all fuckers tire me.
Lot of terrible movies here.
Ace Ventura is the only one from that list I don't find that funny anymore. Most of Adam Sandler's old stuff is funny to me.
>Ace Ventura
>not funny
Reminder that monty python will always reign supreme over comedy
>comic goes full progressive retardation
>art style emulates Rebecca Sugar
how unexpected
That's what a Redditor would think!
>Blazing Saddles
>not funny as shit
I had a black friend say to me that it was "too smart" for him.
Plum is that you?
Reminder that zoomers are eternally seething that nothing funny has come out since they’ve been born.
Police Academy 1 is good
2 and 3 are fine
The rest doesnt exist.
desu posts here make me genuinely laugh way more often than "comedy" tv/films
>Have you made up your mind about anal sex?
Ace Ventura is gen x
Those movies are kino of the century, every one with taste knows it.
>All make fun of trannies or niggers
How very woke of you, zoomer. Dilate 40%er.
Silent generation and boomers made the best comedies. I believe there's talent nowadays but for some reason the ingredients don't end up mixing well.
Absolutely true. Comedy is a mirror genre of horror. They both only work when you're young enough to not understand the tropes they use. Once you become genre savvy they lose all appeal.
Except they objectively are, much, much funnier than the garbage today. And I say this as a turbo zoomer. Kys.
>Mean Girls is still funny to me at 33
Nobody has ever enjoyed mean girls for the comedy, but teen girls. It was and is, only fap material for guys.
>I don't like thing so IT'S SO LE SÖY LOL LMAO XD
Some dude took a stupid children argument and wasted his time to put it in a picture, thinking he was doing something great
wow, never change Yea Forums please
What retard watchs comedies movies outside of theaters or in the house with friends? If you dont watch movies for plot you need to kill yourself.
Wrong. He's smiling very much now, grinning with glee at all the (You)'s and replies he's harvested today. Good job faggots.
Battle of the sexes I can see. It's been going on forever. But, what is the deal with old and young males duking it out recently? I attribute it to today's kids being raised by bitter, fat single moms. Naturally they pick up her shitty attitude and redirect it towards our generation, who left them for greener pastures.
Hey zoomers! It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault, It isn't your fault.. etc.
>The Descent
That image is garbage but there's no reason to shit on The Descent. It's legit horror kino.
Good size, shape, and nips. 8/10
13% of the population but 50% of /pol/ posts?
Fucking gaywad zoomers
I was taking a class to keep my certification going at a community college when there was a mass shooting and a black kid in the back of the class was quoting Yea Forums when we discussed it.
>blond in the movie quit acting for years because the director blackmailed her into appearing topless against her will in the movie.
i don't find that movie funny anymore after finding that out.
>a couple chucks
Wholly reddit!!!!!
Caddyshack is the funniest movie ever made and you're a fucking faggot. Re-watch it when your balls drop
Kind of of it’s time
I never watched that show
You're probably just depressed
Came out when you were under 25 so that's the anons point
You are missing out
It's because the people with money won't let artists make their art without interfering and fucking everything up
What old lady is that?
still no respect
>a zoomer
>an edgelord
>and a based user walk into a thread
Kek it got this guy good
I'm guilty of not seeing about a million movies but how have you not seen ace ventura before?
the other guys
this guy gets it. No other genres demand you feel an exaggerated response. Dramas/romances don't have to make you cry or feel sad, Mysteries don't have to make you feel confused, Sports movies don't have to make you feel like you are a part of the team, heist movies don't have to make you feel like you're getting away with something etc. Unless they aim to be art lol, the only purpose of movies is to entertain.
>How many zoomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
>None. They just complain until mom does it.
I don’t like sitcoms
ace ventura 2 was unironically better
Up yours, nigger!
It's supposed to represent the duality of man, the Jungian thing
I saw it like ten years ago and don't remember much. So I can't really tell if the humour itself is boomer-esque but I know it's more recent than the other examples
Why do so many millenials like this type of British """""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""?
Pineapple Express was legit hilarious
I don't get Chris Farley. How was he that big? He's just a fat guy yelling, none of his dialogue was even remotely funny. Beverly hills ninja was just him yelling and being retarded for two hours
Rachel McAdams wasn't THAT hot in Mean Girls and then got hotter with age, or rather aged gracefully, making her relatively hotter than other women her age. She took all the good aging energy from Lindsey and Lindsey morphed into a goblin.
>How was he that big?
Coke and cheeseburgers
It definitely leans toward the zoomer in of the scale with funny voices, overblown acting, and silly faces
He died before people could realize that his van down by the river gag was the only thing funny he will ever do
Big as in famous. I mean I get it was the 80s but holy shit
ever funny
>police academy
Yea ok you’re right
>naked gun
You’re a plebeian
>ace ventura
If you were around in the early 90’s you understand Ace for what it was
>blazing saddles
Yea you’re just a retard
Are they implying they make iPhones in Africa?
Look at SNL, that skit was one of very few skits that had any energy to it, probably felt like air to a drowning man 40 minutes into that awful show, so they got tricked into liking it, almost like a reverse warmup comedian
I've only seen some of the older movies in these pictures but the threatened contempt it inspires whenever it's posted tells me it's absolutely accurate.
It's the raw material for it, look on his skin. Your question is like asking if they make coffee cups in South America because of the coffee bean spic
I agree with Ace Ventura, disagree with everything else
Shrek was going to push him over the edge. Tommy Boy was an above average buddy/road trip comedy. He and Spade had chemistry in... spades....
Jesus christ think for yourself and don't regurgitate who Yea Forums says isn't funny right now.
>Shrek was going to push him over the edge
It's real. Would it have been kino?
>All not funny
Hold hands
Game night you pleb
Still the best
what kind of porn does she watch
Actually bad boomer comedy coming through
me and a friend really loved Step Brothers so much that we had to see this together and we both hated it, so much of it was unfunny tryhard shit. might've chuckled twice throughout. he stopped watching at the musical section. i powered through and honestly it was underwhelming as fuck.
butch cassidy & the sundance kid is funny
Hilarious movie. Shit taste, user.
>Ace Venture
What? Are you underage?
>Police Academy
Yeah it's the Adam Sandler of its day.
>Naked Gun
>Blazing Saddles
You're a faggot.
Richard Pryor Co-wrote Blazing Saddles and would have been the sheriff if not for white Hollywood.