The ultimate pleb filter

The ultimate pleb filter

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Wow you've been missing out OP.
WTF are you doing. Get watching

>Django Unchained over Reservoir dogs or Pulp Fiction
The list falls flat in some areas

This list is kind of making me sick.

All good movies. Way fewer are "must watches."

>Into the Wild
>Slumdog Millionaire
>Pineapple Express
>The Illusionist
>The fucking Martian
which 12 year old zoomer wrote this?

Where is 2001? Any film from Tarkovsky? Or from any entry level actual filmmaker? Bresson? Kurosawa? Ozu? Lang? Fellini? Absolutely any Sergio Leone western?
I mean this is horrendous even for an IMDb mental midget, atleast put goddamn Taxi Driver or Apocalypse Now there

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>Django Unchained over any of the original Djangos
But based Tarantino man said the nigger word!

Nah Saw is based. The rest I agree with you, although Into the Wild is still a must-read for people who think a physical-lifestyle change will transform their mental instability.


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>dispicable me
>Zombie land

Reddit op

>Any film from Tarkovsky?
In the trash, where they belong.

>a tree had to die for this list

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>didn't watch any of the good movies in the list
>inb4 you ask me which ones

based fortnite zoomer

>Despicable Me

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>despicable me
>the butterfly effect
>Donnie Darko
>Crash (I bet it's not the cronenberg one)
>The Martian
>Pinneaple Express
>The Help

Which pothead made this list? christ

I am yet to see anyone defend Stalker without going "lol zoomer", "pleb filtered" or a "brainlet". At best tarkovskyfags give extremely vague answers that don't mean anything.

Donnie Darko is pure trash. My emo-before-emo-existed friend tricked me to stay over his parents house one night to watch it. Even at the age of 17, being completely entertained with no critical ability, I still thought this movie was pretentious shit.

Only reason I agreed to it was for hearing the title and believing it was a superhero movie.

Here's the real 100 must watch movies:
>Big Trouble in Little China
>They Live
>Conan the Barbarian
>MST3K Episode: The Beginning of the End
>Street Fighter
>Starship Troopers
>For a Few Dollars More
>Hustler's Barely Legal 7
>Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
>A Boy and his Dog
>Repo Man
>A Colt is my Passport
>The Omega Man
>The Running Man
>Superman 2
>12 Angry Men

I got bored, I ain't typing any more out. Gonna take a nap.

Try to respond with something of more worth than "uhmmm it's trash" and you'll get a more out of the posts that respond to you.
Expecting of someone to reply with a 2000 character post to such a brainfart non comment is just dumb

I've literally seen all of them, except 197, that must be some fucking obscure pretentious garbage.

extremely reddit list

Tarkovsky films are visual poetry, they read more like verse than prose if prose is typical film making. His images are haunting and unique, his ability to convey emotions that are almost impossible to even describe is remarkable. He crafts beautiful movies that speak to people on an almost dream like level, watching one of his movies is like experiencing a new emotion.

What's the Yea Forums essential 100 to combat this reddit one?

>problem child 2
>man with a movie camera
>un homme qui dort
>bladerunner 2049
Any others?

Wake in Fright
Taxi Driver
Come and See
The Hunt
The Wages of Fear
Das Boot

I didn't see Chase but I did see Stuck. is it the same? Also Identity? really?

donnie darko was kino nigger

Are there more than one Django?
I haven't even watched the nigger version

Any list that has Nolan movies in belongs to the trash

Tarantino himself said nigger several times at the end of Pulp Fiction

Ive seen 51 of them

So? All paper is sustainable, we have completely renewable forests specifically for making things like paper. Now we just kill trees for fun.

You're reading too much into it because you want to seem like you "get it" when "it" doesn't exist.

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>Despicable Me
>The Help
Most of these films on the list are good, but these two should have never even been close to making it on the list

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