Dead edition
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl/Kinobyl
>wake me up
Why didnt they just burn the coal to boil the water?
And at the cemetery I start
going into labor. Just as I started talking to him—they called the
ambulance. It was at the same Angelina Vasilyevna Guskova's
that I gave birth. She'd said to me back then: "You need to come
here to give birth." It was two weeks before I was due.
They showed her to me—a girl. "Natashenka," I called
out. "Your father named you Natashenka." She looked healthy.
Arms, legs. But she had cirrhosis of the liver. Her liver had
twenty-eight roentgen. Congenital heart disease. Four hours
later they told me she was dead. And again: we won't give her
to you. What do you mean you won't give her to me? It's me
who won't give her to you! You want to take her for science. I
hate your science! I hate it!
[She is silent.]
I keep saying the wrong thing to you. The wrong thing. I'm
not supposed to yell after my stroke. And I'm not supposed to
cry. That's why the words are all wrong. But I'll say this. No one
knows this. When they brought me the little wooden box and
said, "She's in there," I looked. She'd been cremated. She was
ashes. And I started crying. "Put her at his feet," I requested.
There, at the cemetery, it doesn't say Natasha Ignatenko.
There's only his name. She didn't have a name yet, she didn't
have anything. Just a soul. That's what I buried there. I always
go there with two bouquets: one for him, and the other I put in
the corner for her. I crawl around the grave on my knees. Always
on my knees. [She becomes incomprehensible.] I killed her. I. She.
Saved. My little girl saved me, she took the whole radioactive
shock into herself, she was like the lightning rod for it. She was
so small. She was a little tiny thing. [She has trouble breathing.]
She saved . . . But I loved them both. Because—because you
can't kill something with love, right? With such love! Why are
these things together—love and death. Together. Who's going
to explain this to me? I crawl around the grave on my knees.
>yfw in its official decree the Politburo declared the 4th episode was the best
Before he go-goes?
Dyatlov is not guilty.
What's the big deal, comrades? Spicy rocks? I could've cleaned that roof in about 180 seconds, no problem. We don't need a cuck robot to do it.
t. roof hockey specialist
Why didn't Gandalfiev just get the eagles to fly the graphite chunks into the reactor core?
>tell engineers reactor cannot fail
>engineers do everything they possibly can to make reactor fail
>reactor does indeed fail
Who's really to blame here?
Why couldn't the eagles just fly the sand to the core?
Don't leave me hanging in Cher-nobyl
You know how when you buy ice cream in the summer and it melts a bit by the time you get home to eat it? And somehow that just makes it even more delicious?
The eagles were only rated for 2000 roetgens
I wonder if anyone suggested the idea of training birds to life the radioactive debris off the roof and dump it back into the core? Can't e that unlikely after the idea of using exploding bullets to blast the material back into the core
Fuck Khodemchuk
The Jews
I love chocolate that's just slightly melted but not severely. You know, that gooey consistency?
Dyatlov! It was Dyatlov!
Mmm. Yes I do.
I think that level of radiation is probably lethal to birds very fucking quickly
>You wanna see people die instead of doggos? Go to a fucking /got/ thread!
Why didn't they just burn the graphite to heat the water?
What about selectively breeding birds until they can withstand 12000 roentgens
>be nuclear plant
>have only 1 dosimeter
>its locked
>its not even on site
>no one has the key
>get first accurate reading 3 days after a reactor explodes
If the engineers took precautions and care while handling a fucking nuclear reactor, they would've noticed the fault with the SCRAM system of an RBMK reactor and fixed it. Instead, they played with the reactor like it's a toy and discovered the problem the hard way
It was the engineers, and most importantly Dyatlov
help him
You'd get Diyatlovbird, do you really want that?
>won't include the final stage of ARS
>filmed but won't include a true story about killing puppies
>filmed but won't include the backstory of Dyatlov
> going against Soviet reality will include fictional SJW woman for neo-Marxist "gender balance"
Why are viewers tolerating this Soviet type nonsense?
they literally werent prepped for a melt down, their meters only read to 3 roetgen because that's all there would've been at max during a working day
>On May 9, V-Day, a general came. They lined us up, congratulated us on the holiday. One of the guys got up the courage and asked: “Why aren’t they telling us the radiation levels? What kind of doses are we getting?” Just one guy. Well, after the general left, the brigadier called him in and gave him hell. “That’s a provocation! You’re an alarmist!” A few days later they handed out gas masks, but no one used them. They showed us Geiger counters a couple of times, but they never actually gave them to us.
>Before we went home we were called in to speak to a KGB guy. He was very convincing in telling us we shouldn’t talk to anyone, anywhere, about what we’d seen. When I made it back from Afghanistan, I knew that I’d live. Here it was the opposite: It’d kill you only after you got home.
They did everything right.
>it was Dyatlov
Hello Fomin, back from Gulag I see
How do I know it exploded?
>Breed super birds
>They lift radioactive debris using a sling system
>Begin dropping radioactive lumps on key population centres
>Eradicate humanity's leaders and rule as a race of radioactive bird overlords
"The equipment's locked in a safe" is code for "the equipment has been misplaced/broken/stolen".
Fomin was on Bhryukanov's list of those responsible.
>Why didnt they just burn the coal
amerimutt detected
3 roentgen? Not horrifying.
we need a new phone
>filmed but won't include the backstory of Dyatlov
Are we sure that's not in the final episode? There seem to be a bunch of flashbacks.
>train birds to lift graphite debris that weights 5+ kilos per piece, all that while resisting radiation that would kill a 90kg human being in a minute of unprotected exposure
Is this from the Flintstones ?
so just encase them in lead brainlet, duh
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
Who the fuck melted down the reactor yesterday
Fuck, post of the day.
Just read that the mad man had already blown up a nuclear submarine. Fuck.
is this legit?
they really put glasses on him?
Normal birds can already do that by dropping rocks from a big height on people
-t. Fomin
They said that they filmed that subplot, but decided not to include it. It would have been in episode three already.
That's actually pretty significant.
But they did know about the AZ-5 issue
It was a state secret to protect the glorious Soviet nuclear program
Fuck yeah new thread, get the rankings rolling
2 > 1 = 3 = 4
Which reminds me I need more angry Boris reacts
Is the way they raise their hands in this photo the way Eastern Europeans raise their hands?
t. West-European
You can't breed something that doesn't exist in nature retard
The whole purpose of breeding is multiplying the existing species
probably had photo-sensitivity
>this button stops the fuckup
>jk you're really fucked now
In Soviet Russia
>You can't breed something that doesn't exist in nature retard
Are you denying evolution?
This is why you need to keep wearing your hats on site Comrades!
>can't a British accent or some kind of garbled approximation of a Russian accent
No problems. You have no lines
That's a shame, Dyatlov's a lot more sympathetic when you realise he's been through it before and lost a son because of it.
In Soviet Russia, the button fucks you.
Bryukhanov did literally nothing wrong - after all how could he? He was asleep when it happened.
>I am the minister of Chads
Fucking brutal man. I hope she can find peace someday.
Do you feel like the minister of coal?
>South Korea
excuse me wtf?
>when you have 17 power plants active and keep making new ones , while the rest of the europeans keep closing theirs
how can the rest compete ?
>> going against Soviet reality will include fictional SJW woman for neo-Marxist "gender balance"
>t. reatard
They have giant panels with all kind of readings. But when shit blows up it's not first priority. Dyatlov said the engine room was fucked up and operators had their faces melted down by hot air from boiling water that were running through pipes.
But yeah, if only you've seen fire extinguishers in schools f.e. Building full of electric cabels, paper and wood, but it's been 20 years since that thing has been working. Classic "i don't give a fuckery" and poorness.
whoa you just outretarded me
She gave birth to a healthy boy later in life.
Aaaand saved
The best meme man.
I found a husband eventually. I told him everything—the
whole truth—that I have one love, for my whole life. I told him
everything. We'd meet, but I'd never invite him to my home,
that's where Vasya was.
I worked in a candy shop. I'd be making cake, and tears
would be rolling down my cheeks. I'm not crying, but there
are tears rolling down.
I gave birth to a boy, Andrei. Andreika. My friends tried to
stop me. "You can't have a baby." And the doctors tried to scare
me: "Your body won't be able to handle it." Then, later—later
they told me that he'd be missing an arm. His right arm. The
instrument showed it. "Well, so what?" I thought. "I'll teach
him to write with his left hand." But he came out fine. A beautiful boy. He's in school now, he gets good grades. Now I have
someone—I can live and breathe him. He's the light in my
life. He understands everything perfectly. "Mom, if I go visit
grandma for two days, will you be able to breathe?" I won't! I
fear the day I'll have to leave him. One day we're walking down
the street. And I feel that I'm falling. That's when I had my first
stroke. Right on the street. "Mom, do you need some water?"
"No, just stand here next to me. Don't go anywhere." And I
grabbed his arm. I don't remember what happened next. I came
to in the hospital. But I grabbed him so hard that the doctors
were barely able to pry my fingers open. His arm was blue for a
long time. Now we walk out of the house, he says, "Mommie,
just don't grab my arm. I won't go anywhere." He's also sick:
two weeks in school, two weeks at home with a doctor. That's
how we live.
Give that cat 800 rubles.
Wonder if they will release in some way those scenes
Was everyone recovered from the CNPP after the accident, or are there still bodies left in unreachable areas?
Fuck Khodemchuk
If it's such a huge industry in France there are probably many accesible experts, no one needs to improvise and guess beyond his capabilities
Khodemchuk is still in there. He was in a separate part of the plant to the rest of the technical crew.
damn women really are cold whores
"Look, ya wee poofter, u gonnae gie us sum fans or do I have tae show ye ma cock and baws first"
Khodemchuk was more likely incinerated in the initial explosion, there's probably nothing left to recover.
No, they didn't - it wasn't a state secret, but they just failed to see it as an actual problem the first time it occurred. The first time this malfunction occurred SCRAM was still completed successfully and the entire event was overlooked as an anomaly
If the engineers actually performed the experiment in the limits that it was supposed to be performed - the same thing would've happened - and having the same problem occur twice would prompt someone to actually look into it (since something happening multiple times is no longer an anomaly).
1. They lowered the power output of the reactor 3 times below what they were supposed to do
2. This prompted to use the SCRAM, which wasn't intended to be used in the first place
3. However, this time SCRAM fully malfunction and fucked the core
It was the engineers
She straight up told her second husband that she could never love anyone as much as Vasily. She deserved some happiness.
Khodemchuk is forever in core-chan's warm embrace.
>looks at corechan once
Dont do it comrades
Passion project.
I don't believe this shit
no jews were available
>ywn embrace corechan and turn into a bubbling mess in her arms
They call it the joker. Its a german robot.
Christcucks cutting korean dicks for their kike overlords
we're telling war stories
Name a better redemption arc
When sarcophagus build. When elephants foot.
>episode 4 only available in SD on streaming sites
Nah, he was in a separate room but the structure collapsed from the blast. There wasn't a fire there. He most likely died from ARS and dehydration and in agony, several days in the dark until he just kind of faded away partially melted. It's ok no big deal.
>True Brapkino
It's from card games.
I serve the Soviet Union.
Thank you. Now go back to your home, you will be dead in five months.
fuck off jon. silly ballocks.
Wasn't dead
dude looks totally comfy and happy
>fuck doctor ethics
Go get your fucking leadbox
[ghoul noises]
In ep 4 was dyatlov actually still in denial that it exploded or was that put in last minute as fan service?
Eduard Borisovich Korotkov
Helicopter pilot
>I was scared before I went there. But then when I got there the fear went away. It was all orders, work, tasks. I wanted to see the reactor from above, from a helicopter - to see what had really happened in there. But that was forbidden. On my medical card they wrote that I got 21 roentgen, but I'm not sure that's right. Some days there'd be 80 roentgen, some days 120. Sometimes at night I'd circle over the reactor for two hours.
>I talked to some scientists. One told me: "I could lick your helicopter with my tongue and nothing would happen to me." Another said: "You're flying without protection? You don't want to live too long? Big mistake! Cover yourselves!" We lined the helicopter seats with lead, made ourselves some lead vests, but it turns out those protect you from one set of rays, but not from another. We flew from morning to night. There was nothing spectacular in it. Just work, hard work. At night we watched television - the World Cup was on, so we talked a lot about football.
>I guess it must have been three years later. One of the guys got sick, then another. Someone died. Another went insane and killed himself. That's when we started thinking.
>I didn't tell my parents I'd been sent to Chernobyl. My brother happened to be reading Izvestia one day and saw my picture. He brought it to our mum. "Look," he said, "he's a hero!" My mother started crying.
I propose a name for this user posting this in every /RBMK/. How about Wakandanon?
Jeez woman, fucking get a grip.
IIRC they only filmed some scenes with him talking to his son, but decided it was out of place for the tone of the show (since he's basically talking to a hallucination) and scrapped it.
Plus, nobody actually knows if Dyatlov was genuinely blaming himself for his death or not; everything about his feelings when it comes to his son would have been pure speculation.
he's just covering his ass from the very start, core exploded? lol dindu nuffin
I'm sure he knew but probably wasn't thrilled at the prospect of being sent to a gulag or executed.
It didn't explode though.
Jesus user, just find a download link so you can get it in 1080p
>passionate no name
>sell out to make a decent living
>after 20 years have a life crisis
>decide to do what you've always wanted
>you have the money and connections to make it happen now
He came to a certain realization that he was screwed, but old habits are hard to break and you stick to the party line, even when the disaster is staring you in the face. Who knows? The person interviewing you might be a spook sent to check on your loyalty, making sure your story stays consistent. After all, if you're sick with ARP and your colleagues are dying around you, it wouldn't be surprising for you not to recover.
>let's start an experiment
>700 MW is the lowest power output we can safely go, sure let's do 500MW why not
>sir, the reactor is getting poisoned by xenon, it was designed to operate only above 700MW because at that rate xenon burns off quickly
>What's the power output
>30MW, 20 times lower than what is safe
>no problem, just increase it back so we get to 700MW
>sir, the reactor won't go above 200MW, something seems to be still poisoning the reactor
>disable the coolants
>sir, the safety system doesn't allow us to
>disable it goddammit
>still not rising sir
>ok, manually remove the safety rods
>but sir, the safety mechanis-
>alright, but sir the alarm for the coolant is on
>turn that shit off, I can't stand the beeping sounds
>sir, still at 200W
>alright, fuck it, we do the experiment here
What did they expect ?
based and nucleopilled
I fucking hate women
>Khodemchuk, last known photograph
Really loving this fiction series. Thank god RBMK reactors can't really explode.
He's so in denial that he's even being cured from the radiation.
ARS? You're delusional doctor.
can someone redpill me on this guys endgame??
Aleksandr Kudryagin
>We had good jokes. Here's one: an American robot is on the roof for five minutes, and then it breaks down. The Japanese robot is on the roof for five minutes, and then breaks down.
>The Russian robot is up there two hours! Then a command comes in over the loudspeaker: "Private Ivanov! In two hours, you're welcome to come down and have a cigarette break."
1 = 2 > 4 > 3
to be fair Dyatlov probably had Fomin breathing down his neck to get the fucking test done and his ass was on the line if he didn't. And your ass on the line in the Soviet Union is kind of a big deal.
But yeah he was a massive moron.
The graphite was burning
How do we know now that dyatlov saw graphite on the ground? Did he later admit?
Or no eyelids.
why are shills shilling this shitty show
This. Show's great but its premise is pure fantasy. Anyone who knows anything about science can tell the mere concept of a nuclear core exploding is preposterous. It's a nice spectacle to base your story around for sure, but wholly fictional.
The first time that thing attacked me it nearly gave me a heart attack. Thank god a new Stalker game is being made.
because it infuriates you cupcake :)
have a nice day!
1 > 4 > 2 > 3
Anybody got those pics of Mentalcrash irl?
>"Look," he said, "he's a hero!" My mother started crying.
Millions go through this because of a fucking engineering error
> I'm 12 years old and I'm an invalid. The mailman brings two pension cheques to our house - for me and my grandad.
> When the girls in my class found out that I had cancer of the blood, they were afraid to sit next to me. They didn't want to touch me.
> The doctors said that I got sick because my father worked at Chernobyl. And after that I was born. I love my father.
Vanya Kovarov
>I'm 12 years old and I'm an invalid. The mailman brings two pension cheques to our house - for me and my grandad.
>When the girls in my class found out that I had cancer of the blood, they were afraid to sit next to me. They didn't want to touch me.
>The doctors said that I got sick because my father worked at Chernobyl. And after that I was born. I love my father.
It seems he just didn't believe his version even mattered. He knew he'd be made responsible, any construction/systemic flaws would be hushed up, and it's a gulag life for him.
>Ask the bosses whatever you want. You'll get the lie and I'll get the bullet.
Daily reminder that the female mary sue character that is morally superior to everyone in the show didn't exist in real life and was solely created as leftist propaganda.
>bu bu but she was created to represent the scientific community
Shut the fuck up retard, that must be one of the lamest excuses i've ever seen.
can someone make a vigin roof sweeper vs chad puppy slayer?
It was an experiment, it doesn't have to be successful , that's why it's called an "experiment". You do it to practically see what works and what doesn't. I'm not defending Fomin, he probably deserves the same treatment as Dytlov - but he wasn't the one to disable all safety mechanism and put the core into extremely unstable position. The SCRAM malfunctioning was just the topping of the cake, it wouldn't've malfunctioned if they kept the reactor in safe limits
Why did they shoot the dogs but not the people?
I failed to understand how pressing the az-5 button fucked up the whole thing. can someone explain this to me like i'm ten years old?
i agree desu but we wouldn't have a show of this calibre if they hadn't thrown her in
no way hbo would have let a flagship show not have a stronk woman it's just the way it goes
There were pages missing from the instruction book that said do not press that button in certain circumstances
It increased the pressure in the water tank, so it blew up.
>he's thrown graphite off a roof, what have you done?
watch the show again they explain it very simply brainlet
>punished Lyudmila
>a wife denied her baby
>make an experiment to see if steamless turbines that are winding down can generate enough power to run the pumps
>actually let the pumps run on that big questionmark of power instead of just measuring the power output
>actually let the reactor run with those pumps
Irl she would have been goon handed out of there pretty fast by her fellow scientists.
>Dies in 30 seconds
Imagine letting this bother you
Rather than lower the power, it briefly raised the power prior to lowering it. That spike was large enough to make the already unstable reactor go boom.
Based commie humor.
Yeah it sucks, but that is the new reality for +95% of new things being made now. She doesn't ruin the series for me, maybe because she only gets limited screentime.
>morally superior
>the writer outright says that Shcherbina is right and she comes off as a "naive idiot" even though she's technically morally right
Keep fishing for that kneejerk outrage, comrade.
They accidentally pressed A3-5 instead of AZ-5.
First Man had a similarly all-white, male cast with a token stronk female. It worked there, but the trick was quite literally keeping her in the kitchen.
why do slavs get to have a country after having almost killed the world like 3 times?
Different user but do you really not cringe at all during every one of her scenes?
Yeah, Shcherbina is right because even if they followed the scientist's "morally right" path, it would make absolutely no difference.
t. biorobot
how does your replacement make you feel fleshboi?
they don't even sound the same
Feel free to take it from them.
That is just about the most misogynist thing I've read all day.
You must be the most retarded person i've read today, your tone implies that im wrong, but what you wrote says that im right.
Her being "FUCK THE MAN IM THE ONLY ONE WITH A MORAL COMPASS AND BALLS TO DO TI" 100% of her screen time gets really boring pretty fast.
>Control rods make reactor slow down
>Power was too low so they kept removing rods
>pulled out ALL the rods (over 200)
>Reactor starts fucking up
>They put ALL the control rods back in at once
>Control rods were tipped with graphite
>Graphite a neutron flux moderator
>That means graphite makes reactor react harder
>Massive amount of graphite goes back in reactor all at once
>Not only that, IT GETS STUCK IN THE WORST POSSIBLE POSITION because the rod channels got warped by the extreme heat of the runaway reactor
>Super power spike
>Soviet microprocessors are the biggest in the world!
Not sure if it really happened or if it was just added drama, but what would happen to the rooftop sweeper who fell and ripped his suit near Masha? Is he gonna melt like the guys in episode 3, or will he be relatively fine? And what about all the other sweepers? Did most live to grow old?
>hmm let's lower out reactor down to 200
>but sir that's dangerous the reactor can get very unstable at that level
>eh fuck it
>well you're right it's pretty shit, let's get it back up to 700
>but sir it won't
>hmmm... interesting... have you tried removing the safety rods?
>uh sir, that doesn't sound like a good idea
>just do it
>oh fuck oh fuck it's having a power surge
>oh shit press AZ-5 to put them back in
>uh but sir won't their graphite tips cause a bad reaction in such a power surge, causing the steam to go out of control, exploding the core?
>nah probably not
A man would have been punched in the face, honey.
Explain this joke?
> A Minsk fireman gets home from work and says to his wife, "They told me that tomorrow I either go to Chernobyl or hand in my Party card."
> "But you're not in the party," she replies.
> "Right, so I'm wondering how do I get a Party card by tomorrow morning?"
>Comrade soldier. You're done.
What did he mean by this?
You're a feminist, aren't you? Only feminists can be as obnoxious as you are.
His shift was done for the day.
she takes me right out of the immersion of the show.
>top nuclear scientists and workers in the ussr dont know what to do
>some bint in a school science lab immediatley comes up with the answers
>arrives at chernobyl
>instead of arresting her the guard takes her to high command
>gets appointed immediately to committee
we realize shes a mary sue fictional character but every normie and girl who watches it will be thinking "yaas queen slay!"
>Get a party card
>The guy asks you to either go to chernobyl or hand in your party card
>Dodge Chernobyl for free
Are you retarded?
No I don't think either of those things happen often except in abusive relationships and your power fantasies.
stop copying my shit faggot
Not only did the rods displace some of the water to cool the core, thus causing a higher temperature, worse, the tips of the rods were of a flawed design and made of graphite. The graphite actually caused the reaction to worsen cause graphite is a neutron moderator.
Episode 4 was easily the worst
Dyatlov feels like a pantomime villain
The female scientist feels less like an amalgam off all the scientists who helped solve the issue and more like a Mary Sue
The scenes with her alone that are obviously made up make no sense
The information she just pulls out of her ass also makes no sense
How does she know about Lyudmilla's baby? Oh she was conveniently following her and then presents a grieving mother's coping mechanism as scientific fact
She brings up the power spike in AZ-5 which Legasov says they found out about 10 years ago but was actually discovered 3 years prior to Chernobyl
A lot of the information presented in this episode was done in a very ham fisted way with characters only knowing things because the writers needed to fit this information in and it's obvious when you watch that this is happening
He was done in more ways than one.
How many girls are even watching it? Which makes her inclusion even more pointless.
Did all the firefighters die?
>male nuclear scientists get red skin on their faces from lethal doses of radiation trying to save the world.
>female nuclear scientists get red skin on their arm from getting goon-handed out of a serious discussion before making a bigger scene
This is what would have happened irl in 80's Commieville.
My mom
Are Minsk firemen notoriously stupid?
they worried about radioactivity when actually they smoked 5 packs a day kek
I just lost it when she was suddenly in a meeting with fucking gorbachev surely thats about the highest level of security clearance possible and she got it because...
I wish there was a button to virtually goon-hand you out of the thread, sweetheart.
>Made up female character.
Okay, you gotta compress to fit reality into a mini series. I'll tolerate it.
>She saves the day by seeing the real problem all by herself from hundreds of miles away.
Please limit this bullshit.
>She gives a lecture about truth and what's right.
Fuck off already.
I don't know why we got told about Lyudmila instead of seeing it. I guess they thought it was too much misery but hearing about it second hand from a character who has no reason to know is really lazy.
They watch it they just still find other things to complain about instead
I love this painting
The pain in his eyes is so clear
>How many girls are even watching it?
A lot.
Why were the rods tipped with something that accelerates the reaction if they're there to slow it down? Must have been an important reason, right?
What a selfish bitch.
The boy isn't healthy. He has lifelong health issues too
I don't know. Maybe they notoriously didn't give a shit about communism so giving away their party card wasn't a big deal for them.
How could radiation kill the robot circuits?
But he didn't have a party card
>Can I copy your homework dude?
>Sure man just change the words around a little
was it really necessary to kill the cow?
Because it only accelerated the reaction *sometimes*. More often than not, it simply slowed the neutron flux, and that was good enough for the USSR.
It was very painful
I think it means he's a fucking nobody with no real choice.
it could be carried by an african swallow
They only discovered that this happened three years prior to the Chernobyl event
Bitches love smoking middle aged bureaucrats and nude dadbods.
i think thats sort of the point user
It seemed strange they were giving the guys on the roof Geiger counters. They are getting sent up there no matter what for a time they already determined. Letting them know how much clicking was going on doesn't change that.
how do you not "get" radiation yet? they explain it in ever fricking episode
nice oc fren
but it makes good kino
Imagine not letting the slow eradication of western culture and values which built modern civilization bother you
oh hi there.I have 360 rems in my body but who gives a fook.Lets light up a cig and think about of naked young bolseviks dancing on a lit of a fucking core that WILL NOT EVER EXPLODE
>Environments with high levels of ionizing radiation create special design challenges. A single charged particle can knock thousands of electrons loose, causing electronic noise and signal spikes. In the case of digital circuits, this can cause results which are inaccurate or unintelligible. This is a particularly serious problem in the design of satellites, spacecraft, military aircraft, nuclear power stations, and nuclear weapons. In order to ensure the proper operation of such systems, manufacturers of integrated circuits and sensors intended for the military or aerospace markets employ various methods of radiation hardening. The resulting systems are said to be rad(iation)-hardened, rad-hard, or (within context) hardened.
I wish a servo would pump a graphite tipped control rod up my faghole.
That's why he needed one you little shit, are you baiting me?
Just say it instead of bein a jerk
He didn't need one because he didn't have one
If the collective group of scientists had been represented by a man, it would have basically just been the same character as legasov which would have been pointless. Cant believe people are so triggered by this and cant enjoy some absolute kino.
Power was low so they made it slower ? On purpose or simple retardation
Oh fug put em bacg in!
>Jews upset at the mention of the holodomor
Not only does it draw attention away from the holocaust, but they know they're responsible for it as well
even worse. She made a man a cuckold because she's can't care for herself, typical woman. That or she can't live without dick.
>She deserved some happiness.
I thought society didn't owe anybody love or companionship, or that just goes for males?
He's either one guy or one of a couple guys who actively try to ask the dumbest, lowest-effort questions imaginable for lulz
gays are anonymous here
how the fuck hadn't he noticed this shit
>People are actually defending Stalin
>A man who killed more than Hitler
Should have been a nignog.
After watching the series and enjoying the last month of threads, I bought the voices from Chernobyl book. It's a great read, but very sad.
>What do I remember? What stuck in my memory? I've spent all day riding through all the villages, measuring the radiation. And not one of the women offers me an apple. The men are less afraid: they'll come up to me and offer some vodka, some lard. Let's eat. It's awkward to turn them down, but then eating pure cesium doesn't sound great, either. So I drink, but I don't eat. But in one village they do sit me down at the table-grilled lamb and everything. The host gets a little drunk and admits it was a young lamb. "I had to slaughter him. I couldn't stand to look at him anymore. He was the ugliest damn thing! Almost makes me not want to eat him" Me: I just drink a whole glass of vodka real quick. After hearing that ...
t. Moscow
She was fine until this episode when her Mary Sue levels went above and beyond
The amount of information she knows "Just because" is insane
They removed them by hands ?
why is the belarussian physicist so knowledgeable about literally everything lmao, i almost thought it's just because she's a woman but honestly they made her fucking omniscient, i don't even think shes based on a real person
I don't think they had the clicking counters in real life, they had a personal device that measured the cumulative exposure so that everybody knew when they "were done". Some people threw theirs away to go for a second or third round, some traded theirs to go home earlier.
>why are ukranians talking about holodomor?
Keep the sad stuff out, ok? This is supposed to be an upbeat thread,
This is how dumb the average slav is.
Yes you can manually remove the control rods from the reactor
It's not about representing anything; it's about coming off like a dick through interactions with other characters.
1/10 bait. Here's your pity(You)
>by hands ?
Because she's been working in an institute where half the scientists are busy developing nuclear weapons. She already has top level clearance or she wouldn't be working where she did.
Leftists aren't people
by hands?
>Not filtering the air through a cigarette for safety
Now post the HIV levels Ivan
Thank you!
t. brainlet
did the miners survived
In the show, her institute looks like a backwater outhouse. Like Mulder's office in Z-files
I know you're trolling but I hope this bait is as clever as I think it is.
What information could she not have known?
Estimates have about a quarter of them dead as a result of Chernobyl, I think.
When they said they were remaking Weekend at Bernie's, I wasn't so sure, but this is encouraging
That's what a typical Soviet institute looked like.
>moscow sends us shit equipment and then this happens
No one knows.
dumb slavs
Lyudmilla's baby
The fact that "The baby absorbed the radiation" which is not scientific fact, it's just Lyudmilla's reasoning
The knowledge of AZ-5 and the power spikes
The fact that Akimov actually hit AZ-5 is not confirmed either and is just a theory with no proof
they get glassed as they dig under the core
suck party dick until he's a low level member of the central committee and eventually be sidelined or have his job given to someone new
ok my theory is simple enough to understand.
They smoke 5 packs a day while they were working in Chernobyl. So there were 2 options. Either dying from radioactivity caused by an incident like the one that happened or dying by lung cancer.But what happens when you're dying from both radioactivity and smoking??
YOU LIVE because the brain enters to a state of confussion,that cant decide which one triggers you the most.So instead of making a decision your brain freezes(hybernation) and finally you die from stupidity
What do Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians think of the show?
Has Putin banned it yet?
She has the knowledge of thousands of women nuclear scientists (that totally existed and aren't made up in any way comrade) behind her.
my wife and my mother, also my wife's sister
All would have been known by the collective scientists she represents.
>if it was a man it would be a pointless character
>yet somehow making her a woman means she's not a pointless character
It's debated whether AZ-5 was pushed before or after the reactor exploded. It may have been immediately after.
Chernobyl was literally the first of its kind. No one expected there to be a fucking core explosion and that they need to have high-range dosimeters. Even when they got the high-range dosimeters, they initially thought that dosimeters were broken because they considered the numbers so absurd.
>Because of the inaccurate low readings, the reactor crew chief Alexander Akimov assumed that the reactor was intact. The evidence of pieces of graphite and reactor fuel lying around the building was ignored, and the readings of another dosimeter brought in by 04:30 were dismissed under the assumption that the new dosimeter must have been defective.
>What do Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians think of the show?
they're not showing it in those countries
40% of women in the Soviet Union were scientists.
Learn to read. Pointless because it would be the same character as legasov.
and got 2 seivert dose which is pretty bad. and then 4 at chernobyl which usually kills people. the man was fucking imunized from radiation.
True actually. The cancerous tumors act as a biological shield by absorbing all the radiation, like in chemotherapy, protecting you from ARP and ridding you of cancer all at once.
No one knew about Lyudmilla's baby except the doctors involved
Why would random Chernobyl scientists know this?
The same with her coping mechanism which she talked about in Voices of Chernobyl
The scientists also couldn't have known about the timing of the AZ5 being pressed since no one today knows
So what, you can still watch it, plus theres one studio which apparently got itself the rights to voice hbo shows
>no nazis, just "german boys"
well they took it from west germany in the 80s, not from the fucking reich, what is her problem
But the sad stuff is the heart and soul of this whole experience. These poor people are for some reason cursed by god to suffer some new atrocity every couple of decades. I don't know why it is though, or did God leave that place long ago?
>My wife took the kid and left. That bitch! But I'm not going to hand myself, like Vanya Kotov. And I'm not going to throw myself out a seventh-floor window. That bitch! When I came back from there wit ha suitcase full of money, that was fine. We bought a car. That bitched lived with me fine. he wasn't afraid [Starts singing.]
>Even one thousand gamma rays
>Can' tkeep the Russian cock from having its days.
>Nice song. From there. Want to hear a joke? [Launches right in.] Guy comes home from the reactor. His wife asks the doctor, "What should I do with him?" "You should ash him, hug him, and put him out of commission." That bitch! She's afraid of me. She too the kid. [Suddenly serious.] The soldiers worked next to the reactor. Id drive them there for their shifts and then back. I had a total-radiation-meter around my neck, just like everyone else. After their shifts, I'd pick them up and we;d go to the First Department-that was a classified department. They'd take our readings there, write something down on our cards, but the number of roentgen we got, that was a military secret. Those fuckers! Some time goes by and suddenly they say, "Stop. You can't take any more". That's all the medical information they give you. Even when I was leaving they didn't tell me how much I got. Fuckers! Now they're fighting for power. For cabinet portfolios. They have elections. You want another joke? After Chernobyl you can eat anything you want, but you have to bury your shit in lead.
nah its a fucking chest xray, comrade.
They would have bothered to get all that information if they weren't racist sexist misogynistic shitlords.
Probably what everyone else does: it's cool, but takes some liberties in events / characters for dramatic purposes. They did capture the entire soviet "look" thing really well though.
>t. live near where the hospital was filmed
>Valery, a scientest from Uzbekistan jsut called, they had a psychic premonition telling them that Lyudmila is pregnant.
>my god...
It was to offset the effect of something else and save uranium or something
>The scientists also couldn't have known about the timing of the AZ5 being pressed since no one today knows
Was there no computer to record these things?
What was the point of the SKALA?
not at all retard since they would have cast a different actor which is your entire defense for Ulana existing
"They're different lmao"
and your wife's boyfriends daughter?
They're talking about the old lady, not the robot.
Anyway, it was unbiased. It isn't like she said evil Bolsheviks and super nice German saviors, she said Russian boys and German boys.
Civilians suffered from both armies, like when the USSR went scorched earth while retreating.
>What do Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians think of the show?
I think it's really neat, but somewhat overly dramatic and cinematographic.
I also really like how accurate it is to the period, the thing I especially adore is the soviet machinery and gadgets. Must've been difficult getting them.
The show also ignores the volunteers going to the power plant, as well as forced conscription. They acknowledge their existence, but don't have any scenes where soldiers are sent off, or where volunteers are gathered.
np user-sama
as the father of a little girl with another on the way, this actually hit my feels hard
And none of them were involved with Chernobyl. There are multiple fields of science, of just one
Nigga you think the country where undesirable people were killed if they were lucky, sent to Gulags if they weren't and all traces of their existence were wiped out would have problems with backhanding someone for talking too much?
Boris and Legasov both strike me as a little too classy to hit a woman over something like that.
One thing has nothing to do with the other, and at that point men and women had been equal in society for three generations. Someone who thought the way you do would have been considered an extreme outlier and psycho by both men and women, and the secret police would have your ass for assaulting a highly skilled professional, something the commies always lacked, for calling you out as a retard, an assessment virtually everyone would agree with in that society.
>at that point men and women had been equal in society for three generations
Not even gonna reply to the rest, this alone is enough. Show me a woman in a high political rank of the URSS, I'll wait.
Most did. One who was named Hero of the Soviet Union got so much radiation it turned his eyes from brown to blue
I never said they had political equality you retard, though they could accomplish far more than you probably think. Plenty women leading various departments or organisations, though mostly in science and education.