Onward wagie! mush!

onward wagie! mush!

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Come on dude, show some respect... we work hard so you can be a NEET...

i wish i had a job


When I was neet I would never feel proud about it. Somethings wrong with you

This. I wish neet life was more like the memes instead of being completely miserable.

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is there anything more pathetic than an ergophobe?

Neet life getting you down? Try drugs! For all new highs and surprisingly new lows.

I have a job and the only thing I really want is the neet lifestyle, or more accurately how it used to be during summer as a kid. No worries, no obligations, nowhere I need to be at 6am.

Godamn am I sick of pepe and wojack.

Trying way too hard wagie, shouldn't you be at work?

Neet posting is the ultimate cope

Why the actual fuck wouldn't someone want to be a NEET.

>"oh no, I get to sit at home and play video games and watch TV all day, how terrible :("


>t. Christians

You don't know what a NEET is.

I tried being a neet for 3 months last year. It was absolute hell
All I did was watch movies and drink. Didnt keep track of time, sometimes I'd wake up and be unsure whether the sun was rising or setting. Gained like 20 pounds and burned through most of my saving
Now I work a full time job with some very based dudes and I've almost saved up enough for a down payment on a house. Fuck the neet life.

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The brain of a failed normalfag such as myself needs to feel socially useful in order to be satisfied. Also, it's difficult for me to live healthily as a NEET.

Don’t worry wagie, your shift will be over in 7 hours! Then you can microwave your dinner and relax for a few minutes before passing out. Remember to set that alarm clock though, you don’t want Mr. Shekelstein docking you for being five minutes late.

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>b-bros why cant i get a big titties goth gf
>so horny aaaaarrrrggggg

Nobody wants to date a NEET

>tfw wagie
>tfw I like my job but I wish I wouldn't have to get up this early and I wish I could only work for like 1 or 2 afternoons and make enough money

>wagie gets a house in a year
Fake and gay.
Go put your makeup on, Mike.

Same, I need purpose, however meager.

Imagine living your life on somebody else’s schedule and doing whatever they say just because they have been at that workplace for longer than you. I’m sure the studio apartment and pantry full of soup makes up for it though, because you believe you have independence.

I for one appreciate it. Thanks, wagies

Better then living on moms schedule

Being happy is a skill- unhappy people will be unhappy anywhere they end up. Try meditating.

Buy chainlink

Yeah, bro. The vacuum cleaner going off at the wrong time once a week is so totally worse than singing songs for biobots 8 hours a day.

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Become a contractor
>work when you want
>don’t when you don’t
>your “boss” isn’t really your boss
>get rewarded for doing actual work, not just occupying a space from X AM to Y PM
>can’t be fired because not employee
>if they let you go just get another contract
>”contractor” has an allure of mystery to it, good for picking up girls at bars

Have sex

I'm not going to lie. This is incredibly based.

Blacklisting is unfortunately a thing.

mommy is at work all day earning money for pizza and tendies

what will you do when your mom dies and you have to start paying your own bills?

I work hard all day so that NEETs have time to post SNEED. It's a win-win scenario.

I have no respect for slaves

Invest inheritance money to crypto, sell my boomer moms house and car, move to alot cheaper appartment.

So you are admitting you are a nigger?

Nice way of of justifying your slave lifestyle

Dude to be blacked you literaly have to do some nasty shit, like hiding the body of a dead mexican betwen the walls or shit lile that

i've been waging as a substitute teacher all year

the school year ended and now i'm straight DEPRESSED

now i'm doing a food delivery service thing its awful too

Reminder that neets have no excuse to not be a fit chad with at least 3 different outdoor hobbies and an exscessive sex life.
Go win at life while wagie slowly dies in his cage.

The only thing I miss about being a neet was sleeping vor 10 hours at time withour no worries about walking up to do something. But that shit gets old very fast

>Work a job that's only good point is 3 months off in the fucking summer
>Instead of seeing that as a good thing, you get depressed
How fucking weak are you?

Do you work with children? If so, what ages?

If any of you guys do decide to get a job, don't work in retail under any circumstances. Its literally hell on earth, customers are rude to you, your coworkers are rude to you, the pay is terrible and I seriously want to kill myself. I sit in my car and I just cry, I've literally never been this miserable in my life.

I hate work so much. It's terrible and I wish I could just stay in my room alone. But I have to have money.

Oh and every second I'm not at work and miserable, I'm counting down the hours until I have to go back and be miserable again. I literally can't even enjoy my days off because I know eventually i'll be back there again

What, do you think I'm being paid by some shadow organization to turn neets to the dark side or something?
I got an IT job that pays well and can start looking at houses now. Get a life and stop jacking it to Chinese cartoons.

You sound depressed, see your doctor about it? If others can survive working retail, you should be able to do so too, right? I don't have experience with retail, but I've never seen anyone be rude to a retail worker before personally.

>is not inherently valuable
This is the rhetoric of someone who completely.ignored any and all POSSIBLE value. They boil it down to 'uh tecknically words are just phonetic associations with ideas and no idea is automatically another idea just because the two ideas exist' and do mental flips to say work isnt inherently anything, but it never was about 'inherent', its about REAL. Most work is REALLLY useful. You dont have to bullshit about inherit or inherently or inheritance, you can actually look at the job and see if its useful. 'Inherently', my was. You cry 'inherently' all day, but the completed task isnt 'inheritly' anything, its actually imbued and loaded with its self. The actual task. When i maintain the integrity of our building's accounts for $60k a year, its not 'inheritance' that makes it useful, its the acting job and proper accpunting that makes it useful. You know, the goal of the task?

substitutes are like contract workers

don't get paid for the summer

high school

>invest in crypto

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former neet and now a wagie. all the self-loathing and negative self-talk i used to as a neet, i now still do under my breath as an autistic wagie. i come home tired and just sit sometimes. i truly hate working. money means shit.


>an american calling anyone a nigger

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So youre going to liquidate your parents built-up assets and turn them into a leass for a small room?

You think you are smart but you are simply reversing through the words to justify your position.
Wagie: the Ideological Cope.

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Protip: work is how you gain control and power

>Sell house
>Move into apartment
God, neets really are the dumbest motherfuckers alive

I've had a lot of different jobs in my time. I would put the number at close to a hundred, although this number is distorted somewhat by years working for temp agencies where one week you're in one office and the next you're on a factory floor somewhere. But yes, in terms of different activities I have done to earn money, I think I have had at least a hundred different jobs.

Worst? I worked as a telephone banker for a while. This was like being a human battery chicken. The calls are streamed to your headset non-stop. There's literally no 'take a break' button. One customer hangs up and before you can even register or reflect what happened, you're talking to the next. I remember the soul crushing moment when I first saw The Rota. This organized our hours in some crazy happenstance pattern. I was new to the job, so I got absolute last pick of when I worked. Long story short, I was not going to see a two day weekend for about a year. What the fuck do you do with a random Tuesday off? Go skiing? I lasted seven weeks at that job before getting fired for arguing with a customer over something that they turned out to be right about. Oh well.

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some of these aren't bad

Jesus Christ, what kind of turbo passive aggressive faggot employer did this board? Absolutely haram.

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Look plenty of jobs ate shit and useless, I agree work isnt INHERENTLY good, thats what I said. But when the garbageman comes and picks up the garbage you left on your porch, its not 'inheritly' that makes his job good, its literally a useful task you need done. The value of the job is the value of the job. If you told a garbage man his job wasnt inherently useful, it wouldn't matter, because he is truthfully and practically useful every day

have you fellow neets tried starting your own business? I started my own for IT shit, and I overcharge a ton and still some idiots pay for it.

>I would gladly accept a cut in pay
holy shit

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God bless the wagie. We must endure our slave morality to the very end if we are to ever achieve the apocalypse, and so Heaven.
They are bringing the Mark of the Beast into reality with every punch of the clock.

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How to kill morale

>t. yet another amerimutt bootlicker

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You could've just said you're black.

Unchecked capitalism was a mistake.

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>listen up here scrooge mcfuck, these offices are depressing. You'd better have them renovated in 6 months or you'll wish I shoved you feet first through the document shredder. Here's a list of acceptable architectural styles and architect firms. NOTE: Neoclassicism is NOT classicism, try us and I will firebomb your daughters fancy pants private school I swear on the tomb of lenin.

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>someone brags about being a NEET
>they immediately go on to explain they are self-employed or perform tasks on contract for income
Uh, guys, you realize NEET means 'not working', right? Owning your own company or freelancing is literally a job.

yes good gubmint bootlicker

>tfw like my job
>just wish I had more energy
>dissected a beautiful rainbow trout this morning

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